(1) The purpose of these Procedures is to provide a clear position so that when a UOW staff member or a member of staff from an overseas university; becomes aware of a critical incident/situation involving a student participating in an outbound student mobility program while overseas, they can alert the relevant person(s). (2) This will minimise the risk of independent action and assist in ensuring that each case is managed effectively and compassionately. It will also protect the institution from conflict or ill will with those involved, including the family of the student, and emergency services. (3) This Procedure is for outgoing students and should be referred to, alongside the Student Critical Incident Procedure. (4) These Procedures apply to all participants of the outgoing University of Wollongong International Exchange Program attending partner universities for semester programs or Short Courses coordinated by the Office of Global Student Mobility. (5) If an overseas emergency or critical incident occurs involving a University of Wollongong student or group of students participating in an outgoing mobility program, the University of Wollongong needs to be informed as quickly as possible, as it has a duty of care to the students participating in such a program. (6) It is likely that if there is a critical incident involving a University of Wollongong student(s) participating in a mobility program, the University of Wollongong will be informed by the overseas university partners, parents or Consulate Officials. (7) Emergencies can include a/an: (8) Given the range of time zones for UOW’s Mobility partners, it is quite realistic that an emergency, as described above, may occur outside normal Australian office hours. To cover this situation, students participating in a Mobility Program are provided with both the Office of Global Student Mobility office hours contact numbers and the after hours emergency number for the University of Wollongong Security Office. Overseas partner universities have the contact details for the Office of Global Student Mobility and the after hours emergency contact number for the UOW Security office +61 2 4221 4555. (9) Whilst each emergency situation will require unique action, the following broad guidelines should be adopted. (10) In any situation that occurs after hours, the UOW Security will be the first point of contact. Security Services have the after hours contact details for key staff at UOW. In this instance as the student(s) involved are participants in an outgoing Mobility Program and Security Services have been advised by the host university or Consulate Official, Security Services will alert in the first instance, Student Administration Services Division who will then alert other relevant stakeholders in accordance with the UOW Student Critical Incident Procedure and Procedures (Section 5) including the Manager, Student Mobility. (11) The responsible staff member who is the first to learn of the situation should take the following actions: (12) In the event of a student death, please refer to UOW Student Critical Incident Procedure and Procedures (Section 9). (13) The University of Wollongong will follow advice from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in relation to the safety of Australian citizens in the event of terrorism, extreme political disturbance or outbreak of infectious disease. In addition, advice will be sought from in-country Resident Directors or host universities and country specialists on the University of Wollongong campus. (14) If the University of Wollongong determines that the students must leave the study site/location, the Manager, Student Mobility in conjunction with SASD and in line with the University of Wollongong’s Business Travel Insurance Policy, would work with the staff at the host university and the Australian Diplomatic staff in-country to contact the student/s, coordinate the student/s to move to a safe haven and either transport them home or to an alternate program site. (15) From time to time, parents or other family members of a student participating in the Mobility program may contact the Office of Global Student Mobility to report that the student has not been in contact. These enquiries should be forwarded to the Manager, Student Mobility. (16) The Manager, Student Mobility will verify the student particulars and confirm if student has submitted a Confirmation of Enrolment to the Office of Global Student Mobility upon arrival at the host university. (17) Depending on the advice provided by the family, Manager, Student Mobility should contact the host university to ascertain whether it has had any contact with the student and/or has a current contact address for the student, to which a message can be passed. The Manager, Student Mobility may also request the host university to confirm if the student has enrolled at their institution. (18) If a current address at the host university is either on the SOLS system or available from the Confirmation of Enrolment Form, the Manager, Student Mobility may offer to send correspondence on behalf of family to the email address/mailing address or, if necessary, contact the student by telephone, using the last known contact numbers on the student’s record. (19) If the student has made no contact is made with family within a reasonable amount of time after these actions, family should contact Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Emergency Helpline for further assistance: (20) Students participating in a Mobility Program are required to attend a pre-departure session which includes discussion on travel and safety issues and the student obligations as a representative/student of the University of Wollongong. Students are advised about the general safety precautions to be observed whilst travelling. They are provided with DFAT website travel information and advised to check DFAT travel warnings and other general information issued by the DFAT. Students are advised to register their travel with DFAT. (21) Students participating in a Mobility Program are required to read and complete a series of quizzes on the UOW student mobility Moodle site. This site provides comprehensive information regarding health and safety and the travel insurance coverage they are provided with. (22) Students also receive the 24 hour contact number for University of Wollongong Security staff, as well as the 24 hour ACE Assistance (Insurance) reverse charge phone number. (23) All students are covered by the UOW Business Travel Insurance for the first 180 days and if they will be undertaking a program over 180 days, they are required to take out additional insurance at their own expense (to include travel/medical insurance, repatriation, medical evacuation and personal liability insurance). (24) Prior to departure from Australia all students participating in a Mobility Program are required to submit a Travel Plan document and travel itinerary. The purpose of collecting this information is to ascertain departure dates from Australia, as well as any proposed travel worldwide. (25) Upon arrival at the host university, semester exchange students are required to advise the Office of Global Student Mobility of their contact address, phone number and email at the host university. The students are required to submit a Confirmation of Enrolment Form signed by the host university to confirm that the student is enrolled overseas. This information is kept by the Office of Global Student Mobility. Students are also advised to update their session address details at their host university on the UOW SOLS system. (26) All students are required to include emergency contact information in their application for the Mobility Program and on the Insurance Acknowledgment form. Students are advised to ensure that their emergency contact information is updated on the UOW SOLS system. (27) The University Security Service plays a pivotal role and may be the first point of contact. (28) SASD and where applicable the Manager, Student Mobility will take responsibility when an incident occurs that involves a student participating in the international exchange program. They are responsible for disseminating information to the appropriate people within the University of Wollongong and responding to any special needs or requests that may emerge.Outbound Student Mobility Critical Incident Procedure
Section 1 - Introduction / Background
Section 2 - Scope / Purpose
Section 3 - Instructions
Critical Incident Involving an Individual Student Participating in an Outbound Mobility Program, Coordinated by the Office of Global Student Mobility
Section 4 - Emergency Evacuation of Students by the University of Wollongong
Section 5 - Procedures for Missing Persons
Top of PageSection 6 - Student Role & Responsibilities for Participating in the International Mobility Program
Section 7 - Roles and Responsibilities
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