(1) These Guidelines outline the rules and processes for HDR students enrolling at UOW using distance learning. (2) Distance learning HDR candidates are not required to be physically present at a UOW campus. They will undertake their HDR studies in their preferred location, in Australia or Overseas, and maintain communications with their supervisors by electronic means. (3) Enrolment is open to both domestic and international candidates for full-time or part-time study. (4) Many HDR candidates have personal responsibilities or financial restrictions which prevent them from moving to a UOW campus. The purpose of these Guidelines is to provide HDR students with flexible options for pursuing their studies. For example, international candidates can undertake part-time HDR studies in their home countries whilst working. It also provides HPS and potential supervisors with guidelines regarding the appropriate circumstances for enrolling distance learning HDR students. (5) HDR distance learning is available via the Wollongong Campus only and is not suitable for research projects requiring physical access to facilities, such as laboratories, located at a UOW campus. Projects involving field studies or data collection may be possible via distance learning HDR study, depending on the specific circumstances of the project. In all cases the supervisor and HPS will decide on the suitability of the project for distance learning study. (6) Only HDR degrees without coursework requirements are eligible for distance learning. Hence only applications for PhD and the MPhil (with advanced standing for the coursework component) will be considered. (7) Both full-time and part-time study options are available for international distance learning HDR candidates, as they are not residing in Australia and therefore are not required to meeting Australian visa conditions. (8) Existing on-campus students can apply to transfer to distance learning mode, on approval from their supervisor, HPS and the Graduate Research School. On approval they must give up access to any desk or laboratory space they occupy at a UOW campus. (9) Domestic distance learning HDR students, comprising Australian citizens, permanent residents and New Zealand citizens will be offered an RTS place and therefore are not required to pay tuition fees (unless overtime, see 5.16 in the Fees Policy). International distance learning HDR candidates pay the appropriate tuition fee. All HDR completions attract Federal government research block grant funding. (10) The HDR Supervision and Resources Procedures will apply to distance learning HDR candidates except for the clauses that relate to minimum infrastructure and resources. The sections of the HDR Supervision and Resources Procedures relate to physical resources delivered at a UOW Campus, to which distance learning HDR students are not entitled. (11) Distance learning HDR students are eligible for research infrastructure support that can be delivered remotely. This includes email access , access to library services, online research training offered by the Graduate Research School and support from the HDR Peer to Peer Mentors. They are also entitled to receive support from counselling services that can delivered remotely. Distance learning HDR students are encouraged to undertake the online research training modules offered by the Graduate Research School. (12) Distance learning HDR students and their supervisors will maintain regular contact by electronic means such as phone, email, Skype and video conferencing. Candidate visits to Wollongong Campus are welcomed but not compulsory. (13) It is recommended that all distance learning HDRs attend their Research Proposal Review (RPR) in person, at the Wollongong campus. However video conferencing may be an acceptable alternative to physical attendance at the RPR. (14) As for on-campus HDR students, distance learning HDR students, based in Australia or Overseas, undertaking research involving animals or humans, must obtain ethics approval from the appropriate UOW Ethics committee. (15) Specific roles and responsibilities are as detailed in the Guidelines.Higher Degree Research (HDR) Study By Distance Learning Guidelines
Section 1 - Introduction / Background
Section 2 - Scope / Purpose
Section 3 - Criteria for approving Distance Learning HDRs
Section 4 - Fees and Funding
Section 5 - Supervision and Resources
Section 6 - Ethics Clearance
Section 7 - Roles and Responsibilities
Section 8 - Definitions
Definition (with examples if required)
Graduate Research
Graduate Research School
Higher Degree Research
Head of Postgraduate Studies
Research Training Scheme
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