(1) The University appoints Visiting and Honorary Academics and Visiting Research Associates to promote collaboration with individuals, other institutions and organisations in research, scholarship, and teaching & learning and to facilitate the exchange and sharing of knowledge, experience and expertise in pursuit of its mission. This Policy and its supporting documentation sets out the process for the appointment, as well as the conditions of appointment and mutual obligations of Visiting and Honorary appointees at the University of Wollongong. (2) This Policy applies to any person appointed as a visiting or honorary academic or visiting research associate as defined above. (3) This Policy does not apply to Fellows of the University or Emeritus Professors appointed by University Council on the recommendation of the Honorary Awards Committee. (4) The University will assess candidates for visiting and honorary appointments on the extent to which they will contribute to the achievement of the University’s strategic goals and in accordance with the criteria set out in this Policy. (5) Visiting and honorary appointees are not employees of the University and as such they are unpaid. Visiting and honorary appointees perform work and provide services on a voluntary basis. The arrangement under which work is performed or services provided is not contractual in nature. (6) All visiting and honorary appointments are at the discretion of the University and may be terminated at any time by written notice from the University. (7) Visiting and honorary appointees must observe the rules, codes of conduct and policies of the University as set out in section 6 of this Policy as well as any special conditions specified at the time of appointment. (8) All appointments of visiting and honorary academics and visiting research associates must be approved in accordance with the Delegations of Authority Policy on the basis of the criteria set out in this Policy and the Honorary and Visiting Appointments Procedure or for honorary clinical academics, the Appointment of Honorary Clinical Academics Procedure. In the case of appointments of overseas academics, due consideration should be given to the risk of Foreign Interference, in accordance with the Risk Management Policy. (9) All appointments of visiting and honorary academics and visiting research associates will normally have a maximum term of up to 3 years. Any exceptions require approval of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Sustainable Futures) . The term of the appointment will match the program of work and/or services provided. Visiting and honorary academics and visiting research associates may be appointed to subsequent terms subject to the approval process set out in clause 8. (10) Letters of invitation offering appointments as visiting and honorary academics and visiting research associates can only be issued by an authorised officer in People and Culture Business Partnering and Recruitment. (11) The conditions of appointment, rights and obligations of visiting and honorary appointees are set out in this Policy. These conditions can only be varied by written advice from the People and Culture Business Partnering and Recruitment. (12) Confirmation of an appointment is conditional upon the person returning a signed copy of the letter of invitation which includes signed undertakings in respect of assignment of intellectual property, confidentiality of information and observance of University policy, codes of practice, rules and regulations as set out in section 8 of this Policy. (13) Students are normally excluded from holding visiting or honorary appointments with the University, with the exception of visiting research associates. A visiting research associate as defined by this Policy is provided with an institutional affiliation, library access, the opportunity to participate in research and to make contributions to the University’s research culture. (14) In special circumstances a visiting or honorary appointee may be employed by the University for short periods of casual part-time teaching or on a fractional fixed-term contract of less than 50% and 1 year duration from time to time in conjunction with an honorary appointment. Any such engagement is however entirely separate to this appointment and subject to the normal approvals and eligibility requirements under the relevant University policies. (15) A visiting academic appointment is normally offered to a person who is a paid academic staff member from another higher education institution or an employee of a research or professional services organisation from within Australia or overseas who has been invited to spend a period of time at the University of Wollongong to share and exchange knowledge and collaborate in the areas of teaching and learning, research, research related commercialisation and other scholarly related activities. Normally, such persons will be on paid professional development or some other form of paid leave from their employing institutions/organisations and the duration of their visiting appointment will normally be commensurate with the period of such leave. (16) An honorary academic appointment is offered to a person with a distinguished career whose academic and/or professional qualifications, experience and expertise will complement the teaching and learning, research, research related commercialisation and entrepreneurship and other scholarly related activities of the University through contributions, mutually beneficial association and collaboration. (17) In addition to the requirements of clause 15, an Honorary Clinical Academic will also be a medical or paramedical professional currently practising in a clinical setting. (18) Visiting and honorary academics must have appropriate tertiary qualifications (usually a higher degree) and/or significant experience and expertise in a profession, industry, government or the arts. (19) Visiting and honorary academics will also normally have experience as a teacher and/or researcher and/or a track record of considerable achievement in a profession, industry, government or the arts. (20) The level of appointment of visiting and honorary academics is dependent on the qualifications, scholarly record and experience and expertise of the person and will generally be consistent with Section 8- Criteria for Assessing the Level of Visiting and Honorary Academic Appointments. A person who has previously held a paid academic appointment or who holds an academic position at another institution would not normally be appointed to a level above their previous or substantive level of academic appointment. (21) Visiting and honorary appointees who are not Australian citizens or permanent residents and intend to provide their contribution to the University physically within Australia (rather than remotely) must meet Australia’s visa requirements, and hold the appropriate visa to undertake the specific tasks and duties they will be performing at the University. Visa applications are the responsibility of the visiting appointee. It is also the responsibility of the visiting or honorary appointee to abide by their visa conditions during their time in Australia. The University will not take responsibility for expenses associated with an Australian visa. It is the visiting or honorary appointee’s responsibility to make arrangements for their own medical and hospital coverage during their time in Australia. (22) Visiting and honorary appointments are in an unpaid capacity. (23) Visiting or honorary academics may be given some assistance towards travel to the region, accommodation and living expenses depending on the availability of funds in the relevant faculty/research institute in circumstances where they are not receiving funding of this type from their employing institution or organisation. Any such assistance is however discretionary and must be approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Sustainable Futures). It is important that financial assistance does not exceed reasonable limits as it may be construed as payment for services. A maximum amount is therefore determined periodically by the University and is specified on the Request to Invite a Visiting or Honorary Academic Form. (24) Visiting and honorary appointees may be given some assistance towards travel and related costs to attend conferences or approved University activities such as research depending on the availability of funds. Any such assistance is however discretionary and must be approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Sustainable Futures). (25) Visiting and honorary appointees will normally be provided with access to a workstation by the host faculty/research institute pending availability. A workstation would normally be located in a shared space. Access to research facilities such as laboratories must be negotiated on a case by case basis with the host academic unit. (26) Visiting and honorary appointees will be provided with a University email and internet account and library user access. (27) Visiting and honorary appointees are only entitled to use the full title, inclusive of the term “Visiting” or “Honorary” as specified in their letter of invitation for the term of their appointment. (28) Visiting and Honorary appointees are only entitled to use the University’s name in their publications once written permission is obtained from the Executive Dean of the Faculty (or Executive Director (Research Institute)) to which they are appointed. (29) Honorary academics and visiting research associates are eligible to apply for external research grants in collaboration with academic staff members at the University. (30) Visiting research associates are eligible to apply for internal research grants in collaboration with academic staff members at the University. (31) In special circumstances honorary academics may be allowed to hold a research/consulting account with the approval of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Sustainable Futures). The expenditure and management of these funds must be in line with the relevant financial policies and procedures of the University, and approved in accordance with the Delegations of Authority Policy. (32) Visiting and honorary appointees will be accountable to the Executive Dean of the Faculty (or Executive Director (Research Institute)) to which they are appointed, through the respective Head of School or Research Institute Director. They are also subject to the directions of the Executive Dean, Executive Director, Head of School or Research Institute Director. Any failure in respect of following the direction of the Executive Dean, Executive Director, Head or Director may result in the immediate termination of the appointment. (33) Visiting or honorary appointees may be required to sign an agreement in relation to the ownership and assignment of intellectual property developed while a visiting or honorary academic at the University. Details in relation to this requirement can be found under the IP Intellectual Property Policy (located on the University Policy Directory) and must comply with UOW’s policies relating to developing and managing partnerships with UOW partners. (34) By signing the Acceptance of Invitation all visiting or honorary appointees acknowledge their obligations to comply with the provisions of the University’s Code of Conduct and other policies in relation to, but not limited to, workplace health and safety, teaching and supervision, use of University systems, facilities and services, diversity and inclusion, conflict of interest, travel, use of the University name in public statements, research, and intellectual property, as amended from time to time. University policies can be found on the University’s web pages. (35) People and Culture Business Partnering and Recruitment is responsible for maintaining this Policy and administering the Honorary and Visiting Appointments Procedure. (36) Executive Deans or Executive Directors of Research Institutes are responsible for approving requests for appointment of visiting and honorary academics and visiting research associates in the first instance in accordance with the Delegations of Authority Policy. Recommendations to appoint a visiting or honorary academic or visiting research associate are to be forwarded to People and Culture Business Partnering and Recruitment. In the case of visiting research associates that meet the visiting research associate definition of (a) or (b) as set out in this Policy, approved requests will be actioned accordingly by People and Culture Business Partnering and Recruitment. All other requests will be forwarded for consideration by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Sustainable Futures) in accordance with the Honorary and Visiting Appointments Procedure. (37) The Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health is responsible for administering the Honorary Clinical Academic appointments within the Graduate School of Medicine in accordance with this Policy and the Appointment of Honorary Clinical Academics Procedure. (38) The Graduate School of Medicine Clinical Academic Appointments Committee (CAAC) is responsible for considering requests to appoint Honorary Clinical Academics in accordance with this Policy and the Appointment of Honorary Clinical Academics Procedure. (39) A candidate for a Visiting Research Associate appointment is required to demonstrate achievement in Research and Innovation. (40) A candidate for a Visiting or Honorary Fellow, Visiting or Honorary Lecturer, Visiting or Honorary Senior Fellow, Visiting or Honorary Associate Professor and Visiting or Honorary Professor is required to demonstrate achievement in at least two (2) of the categories below with evidence of a distinguished career appropriate to the level sought: (41) PART A sets out the expected contributions of Visiting and Honorary Academics during their appointments in one or more of the areas of: (42) PART B sets out the expected contributions of Honorary Clinical Academics during their appointments. (43) PART C sets out the expected contributions that Honorary Clinical Academics are to evidence when their renewal of appointment falls due, should they wish to have their Honorary Clinical Academic Appointment reinstated for a further 3 year term. (44) It is expected that Honorary Clinical Academic staff provide evidence of contributions when their renewal falls due, should they wish to have their Honorary Clinical Academic Appointment reinstated for a further 3 year term. (45) Activities from the below categories are accepted as follows*. (46) *The University also reserves the right to make discretionary or strategic appointments. (47) An Honorary Clinical Academic is a person appointed to one of the following honorary academic titles in the Graduate School of Medicine - Faculty of SMAH pursuant to this policy (see clause 16)Appointment of Visiting and Honorary Academics Policy
Section 1 - Purpose of Policy
Section 2 - Application & Scope
Section 3 - Policy Principles
Section 4 - Appointment of Visiting and Honorary Academics and Visiting Research Associates
Section 5 - Criteria for Appointment
Section 6 - Benefits, Rights and Obligations of Visiting and Honorary Appointees
Section 7 - Roles & Responsibilities
Section 8 - Appendix 1 - Criteria for Assessing the Level of Visiting and Honorary Academic Appointments
Top of PageSection 9 - PART A – Criteria for Visiting and Honorary Academics
Top of Page
Teaching Experience
Research and Innovation
Service and Engagement
Visiting Research Associates
UOW PhD recently submitted, not yet awarded; or
UOW PhD, Professional Doctorate and Masters by Research graduates within the five years prior to application; or
Minimum undergraduate degree (for DVC(R&I) approved programs only in accordance with the Visiting Research Associate definition)No experience required
Demonstrated ongoing research activity (publications, awards, grants etc.)
None required
Visiting or Honorary Fellow
Four years tertiary study in relevant discipline and/or equivalent qualifications and/or professional experience. In some cases an honours degree or higher
qualification will be required.No experience required
Affiliated with a Faculty recognised group or organisation involved in research or collaboration/HDR supervision with Faculty research priority areas.
None required
Visiting or Honorary
LecturerPhD and/or recognised experience in the relevant discipline area.
some undergraduate teaching experience. some experience in organisation of subject/course material for undergraduate program.
Engaged in higher research degree and/or author or co‐author on at least one research publication or scholarly work. Limited involvement in academic
curriculum or school committees.Limited professional or community engagement.
Visiting or Honorary Senior Fellow
PhD and/or recognised significant experience in the relevant discipline area.
Established track record in undergraduate, postgraduate teaching or continuing education.
Active member of a research team and established publication track record.
Evidence of organisational leadership in research or educational activities within a University environment.
Significant professional or community engagement.
Visiting or Honorary Associate Professor
PhD and/or recognised significant experience in the relevant discipline area.
Significant experience of undergraduate, postgraduate or continuing education teaching.
Have been research project leader and/or obtained competitive research funding and/or have been a regular reviewer of journal manuscripts or research grant applications. Have a recently established publication record.
Demonstrated recognition as a leader or successful academic or administrator in a University and/or have held membership of a professional society.
Have made regular presentations to learned societies and/or been an active member of a professional society in recent years.
Visiting or Honorary Professor
PhD or equivalent qualifications/experience and recognised as a leading authority in the relevant discipline area.
Significant experience of undergraduate, postgraduate or continuing education teaching.
Significant experience as research project leader and/or obtained competitive research funding from nationally and/or internationally recognised bodies and/or have been a regular reviewer of journal manuscripts or research grant applications. Have a recently established publication record.
Demonstrated substantial external recognition as a leader or successful academic or administrator in a University and/or have held Council/Executive membership of a professional society.
Have made regular presentations to learned societies at professional or specialist educational level and/or have been a highly regarded member of a professional society or body in recent years.
Honorary Professor of Practice
Academic qualification of at least undergraduate level in the relevant discipline area.
Normally not required. Where teaching is part of the position, some experience of undergraduate, postgraduate and/or continuing education teaching is preferable. Faculties are expected to provide appropriate teaching support especially where there is no or limited prior teaching experience.
Normally not required.
Demonstrated significant and outstanding professional leadership at local, national or international level of a public or private organisation. Significant contribution to academic, professional or business development.
Section 10 - PART B – Criteria for Honorary Clinical Academics to the Graduate School of Medicine
Top of Page
General Standard
Honorary Clinical Tutor
Persons wishing to have an affiliation with the Graduate School of Medicine.
Students of Graduate Medicine may be appointed to Clinical Tutors following their graduation.
The title of Clinical Tutor acknowledges the contribution of medical and allied health professionals who will teach GSM students in their own clinical setting, who are generally of the level of registrar or junior doctor, and who may not remain located within the geographical area of GSM students.
Clinical Tutors will generally not be expected to participate in curriculum development, or to be involved in research with the GSM. However they may be involved in the delivery of teaching within their own clinical setting, such as during hospital rounds.
Honorary Clinical Lecturer
An Honorary Clinical Lecturer is expected to make contributions to the teaching effort of the GSM and to carry out activities to maintain and develop his/her scholarly, research and/or professional activities relevant to the profession or discipline.
The Honorary Clinical Lecturer shall have qualifications and/or experience recognised by the GSM as appropriate for the relevant discipline area. In determining experience relative to qualifications, regard shall be had to nature and duration of clinical experience, teaching experience, experience in research and/or scholarly activity, and/or professional contributions.
Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer
An Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer is expected to make significant contributions to the teaching, scholarship, research and/or professional activities of the Graduate School of Medicine.
They will normally have advanced qualifications or equivalent accreditation and standing, and a record of demonstrable scholarly and/or professional achievement in the relevant discipline area. In determining the degree of weight placed on experience relative to qualifications, regard shall be had to nature and duration of clinical experience, teaching experience, experience in research and/or scholarly activity, and/or professional contributions.
Honorary Clinical Associate Professor
An Honorary Clinical Associate Professor is expected to make a significant contribution to the activities of the Graduate School of Medicine and play a significant role within their profession or discipline.
Academics at this level may be appointed in recognition of their academic excellence, as demonstrated by distinction in their disciplinary area, and their outstanding contribution to one or more of the following areas: clinical practice; research/scholarly activity; teaching; professional activities.
Honorary Clinical Professor
An Honorary Clinical Professor is expected to exercise a special responsibility in providing leadership and in fostering excellence in one or more of the following areas: clinical practice; research; teaching; professional activities and for policy development in the academic discipline within the Graduate School of Medicine.
The Honorary Clinical Professor will be recognised as a leading authority in their discipline.Section 11 - Appendix 2 - Contributions of Visiting and Honorary Appointments
Section 12 - PART A – Contributions of Visiting and Honorary Appointments
Top of Page
Research and Innovation
Service and Engagement
Visiting Research Associates
No contribution required.
Ongoing research activities to finalise publications, awards and grants etc., associated with their higher degree of research.
As agreed to with the Executive Dean of Faculty or Executive Director (Research Institute).
Visiting or Honorary Fellow
Provide undergraduate teaching support as agreed to with the Executive Dean of Faculty or Executive Director (Research Institute).
Provide support to an active researcher or research group and or assist in the preparation of lecture and/or course material as agreed to with the Executive Dean of Faculty or Executive Director (Research Institute).
As agreed to with the Executive Dean of Faculty or Executive Director (Research Institute).
Visiting or Honorary
LecturerProvide undergraduate and/or postgraduate teaching and/or assist with the coordination and management of one course (subject) each year as agreed to with the Executive Dean of Faculty or Executive Director (Research Institute).
Be actively involved in or collaborate in research and/or author or co‐author scholarly publications and/or review discipline content input to lectures and/or courses (subjects) as agreed to with the Executive Dean of Faculty or Executive Director (Research Institute).
As agreed to with the Executive Dean of Faculty or Executive Director (Research Institute).
Visiting or Honorary Senior Fellow
Provide undergraduate and/or postgraduate teaching and/or assist with the coordination and management of one course each year as agreed to with the Executive Dean of Faculty or Executive Director (Research Institute).
Serve as Principal or Co‐investigator of research project and/or actively seek competitive external (to the University) research funding as Chief or Co‐Investigator and/or author or co‐author original research paper(s) and/or submit a competitive research grant application and/or review discipline content input to lectures and/or courses (subjects) as agreed to with the Executive Dean of Faculty or Executive Director (Research Institute).
As agreed to with the Executive Dean of Faculty or Executive Director (Research Institute).
Visiting or Honorary Associate Professor
Provide undergraduate and/or postgraduate teaching and/or assist with the development, coordination and/or management of an academic or scholarly activity within the Faculty as agreed to with Executive Dean of Faculty or Executive Director (Research Institute).
Serve as Principal or co‐investigator of research project and/or actively seek or hold competitive research funding as Chief or Co‐Investigator and/or author or co‐author original research paper(s) in an internationally recognised publication and/or review discipline content and input to lectures, courses (subjects) or degree programs as agreed to with the Head of the School or Unit and/or provide review and/or input of assessment used in courses or degree programs offered by the Faculty.
Undertake projects and activities as agreed to with the Executive Dean of Faculty or Executive Director (Research Institute).
Visiting or Honorary Professor
Provide undergraduate and/or postgraduate teaching and/or assist with the leadership, development, coordination and/or management of an academic or scholarly activity within the Faculty as agreed to with Executive Dean of Faculty or Executive Director (Research Institute).
Serve as Principal or co‐investigator of research project and/or actively seek or hold competitive research funding as Chief Investigator and/or author or co‐author original research papers in an internationally recognised publication and or assist with the leadership and/or development, of courses (subjects) and/or Degree Programs as agreed to with Pro‐Vice Chancellor and or provide academic leadership by way of review and/or input concerning aspects of the teaching and research activities of the Faculty as agreed to with the Executive Dean of Faculty or Executive Director (Research Institute).
Undertake projects and activities as agreed to with the Executive Dean of Faculty or Executive Director (Research Institute).
Honorary Professor of Practice
Provide undergraduate and/or postgraduate teaching as appropriate to assist with School/Faculty activities and as agreed to with the Executive Dean of Faculty or Executive Director (Research Institute).
As appropriate to assist with School/Faculty research activities and as agreed to with the Executive Dean of Faculty or Executive Director (Research Institute).
Undertake projects and activities as agreed to with the Executive Dean of Faculty or Executive Director (Research Institute).
Section 13 - PART B – Contributions of Honorary Clinical Academics of the Graduate School of Medicine
Top of Page
General Contributions
Honorary Clinical Tutor
An Honorary Clinical Tutor may be expected to participate in curriculum development, in the delivery of teaching at the medical school, or to be involved in research with the Graduate School of Medicine (GSM) or UOW.
Honorary Clinical Lecturer
An Honorary Clinical Lecturer is expected to make contributions to the teaching effort of the GSM and to carry out activities to maintain and develop his/her scholarly, research and/or professional activities relevant to the profession or discipline.
Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer
An Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer is expected to make significant contributions to the teaching, scholarship, research and/or professional activities of the GSM.
Honorary Clinical Associate Professor
An Honorary Clinical Associate Professor is expected to make significant contributions to the teaching, scholarship, research and/or professional activities of the GSM, as well as play a significant role within their profession or discipline.
Honorary Clinical Professor
An Honorary Clinical Professor is expected to exercise a special responsibility in providing leadership and in fostering excellence in one or more of the following areas: clinical practice; research; teaching; professional activities and for policy development in the academic discipline within the GSM.
Section 14 - PART C – Renewals of Honorary Clinical Academics of the Graduate School of Medicine - Contributions
Category 1
(one per annum)Category 2
(any two or more per annum)Category 3
(any three or more per annum)
- GP Preceptor
- Hospital Preceptor
- Prize/Scholarship ContributionExample:
- Admissions Interviews
- OSCEs Examiners
- Assessment marking
- Contribution of Exam QuestionsExample:
- Research manuscript/presentation with UOW attribution
- Research grant submission with a UOW academic
- Research collaboration with a UOW academic
- Lecture and/or Tutorial
- Casual CBL /Clinical Skills TutoringSection 15 - Definitions
Definition (with examples if required)
Visiting Academic
Visiting Principal Fellow
Visiting Professorial Fellow
Visiting Associate Professor
Visiting Professor
Honorary Academic
An Honorary Academic is a person appointed to one of the following honorary academic titles pursuant to this policy (see clause 15).
Honorary Fellow
Honorary Senior Fellow
Honorary Principal Fellow
Honorary Professorial Fellow
Honorary Associate Lecturer
Honorary Lecturer
Honorary Senior Lecturer
Honorary Associate Professor
Honorary Professor
Honorary Clinical Academic
Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer
Honorary Clinical Associate Professor
Honorary Clinical Professor
Visiting Research Associate
Visiting and Honorary Appointees
All references to ‘visiting and honorary appointees’ within this policy and its supporting documentation mean persons appointed as a Visiting Academic, Honorary Academic, Visiting Research Associate or Honorary Clinical Academic.
All references to ‘University’ mean the University of Wollongong unless otherwise specified.
All references to ‘Distinguished’ refers to a person who has achieved excellence and eminence in their academic field, industry or profession. This person has an excellent reputation and has extensive experience and knowledge in their field.
Foreign Interference
As described in the Guidelines to Counter Foreign Interference in the Australian University Sector, foreign interference occurs when activities are carried out by, or on behalf of a foreign actor, which are coercive, covert, deceptive or corrupting and are contrary to Australia's sovereignty, values and national interests.
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A Visiting Academic is a person appointed to one of the following visiting academic titles pursuant to this Policy (see clause 14).
Visiting Lecturer
Visiting Senior Lecturer
Visiting Associate Lecturer
Visiting Fellow
Visiting Senior Fellow
Visiting Associate Fellow
Honorary Associate Fellow
Honorary Clinical Tutor
Honorary Clinical Lecturer
A type of appointment for a person that:
a) has recently graduated from the University of Wollongong with a Higher Degree by Research (HDR);
b) has recently submitted their HDR thesis at the University of Wollongong and as a result is no longer enrolled but is awaiting examiner reports or conferral of the degree; or
c) has been granted an external fellowship of which the University of Wollongong is a host institution (but not the administering institution) as approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Sustainable Futures) e.g. the United Nations – Nippon Foundation Fellowship.
(see clause 19).