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Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Purpose 

(1) This Policy sets out the principles that support the University of Wollongong’s (the University) commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion in the study, work environment and all university related activities.

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Section 2 - Application and Scope

(2) This Policy applies to: 

  1. staff of the University;
  2. persons who hold honorary appointments and academic visitors to the University; 
  3. students at the University unless otherwise stated;
  4. affiliates including third parties, contractors, and consultants; and 
  5. all aspects of the employment life cycle including: 
    1. recruitment and employment; 
    2. staff training and development; 
    3. studying including enrollment; and 
    4. the teaching and learning environment. 

(3) This Policy does not apply to: 

  1. other entities controlled by the University; and 
  2. staff employed at campuses of the University outside of Australia. 

(4) Acknowledging intersectionality, this Policy applies to the following:

  1. gender equity;
  2. persons who are:
    1. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander;
    2. cultural and racially marginalised (CARM); 
    3. have a lived experience with a disability;
    4. parents and carers; 
    5. sex, sexuality, and gender diverse (LGBTIQ+); and
    6. other marginalised communities. 

(5) This Policy should be read alongside the University’s current enterprise agreements, individual employment contract or the Higher Education Industry - General Staff Award 2020 (the Award) which state objectives and standards for the University’s employment relationship with its staff. 

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Section 3 - Policy

(6) This Policy is supported by the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Strategy and Action Plans which outline the University’s equity, diversity, and inclusion commitments and is supported by our Flexible Work Arrangements Procedure.

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Section 4 - General Principles

(7) This Policy and its supporting procedures and guidelines state the principles and actions required to ensure that the University; 

  1. creates a culture that both values and benefits from equity, diversity and inclusion, where all members of the University community are treated with dignity and respect; 
  2. facilitates equitable outcomes in employment and education so that all staff, affiliates, and students can fully participate in, and contribute to, university life; 
  3. provides a safe environment for all its community members regardless of culture, ethnicity, language, race, age, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy, socio-economic status, refugee or asylum seeker status, spirituality, or religion;
  4. prevents and effectively responds to all forms of unlawful discrimination, harassment, sexual harm, racism, violence, vilification, or victimisation; 
  5. provides clear and accountable policies and practices that support the values of the University; 
  6. advocates for and acknowledges the complexity of intersectionality and addresses barriers within diversity groups; 
  7. promotes flexible work arrangements relevant to the needs of the individual in line with the University’s Flexible Work Arrangements Procedure
  8. establishes inclusive teaching, learning and research activities where diversity and diverse learning experiences are valued and celebrated;
  9. considers the principles of diversity and inclusion when reviewing the content of subjects, courses, academic papers and written and spoken communications; and 
  10. provides relevant reports and data to external bodies as needed to maintain accreditation and/or as required by legislation. 

(8) This Policy and its supporting procedures and guidelines are also intended to ensure that the University complies with the following legislation: 

  1. Age Discrimination Act 2004
  2. Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 
  3. Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986
  4. Disability Discrimination Act 1992
  5. Disability Services Act 1993 
  6. Fair Work Act 2009
  7. Racial Discrimination Act 1975
  8. Sex Discrimination Act 1984
  9. Work Health and Safety Act 2011
  10. Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012
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Section 5 - Promoting Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

(9) The University’s priorities for promoting equity for students and staff are to:

  1. provide equitable and inclusive recruitment practices and provide employment opportunities for people who are under-represented in the workforce; 
  2. foster equitable opportunities for students to access and succeed in higher education and research;
  3. develop, implement, monitor, and report on diversity strategies and plans to increase recruitment applications, acceptance, entry, and access and to promote participation and success in employment and study for under-represented diversity groups; 
  4. ensure that staff and students feel that diversity of opinions and views is valued, and that they can bring their authentic selves to work and study; and 
  5. ensure targets, measures and reporting are in place to monitor the impact of diversity, equity, and inclusion interventions to meet legislated external reporting requirements, and the University’s aspirations to have a workforce that represents our communities. 
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Section 6 - Disability in the Study and Workplace

(10) For staff with a disability: 

  1. The University supports the rights of people with a disability to work in an environment which is free from discrimination and where they are treated with respect and dignity. 
  2. The University is committed to a program of continuous improvement that will ensure universal design in its physical and digital environments, including all buildings and facilities across the University’s campuses, are accessible to the University community. 
  3. The University will provide staff and affiliates with training and resources to reasonably adjust their workplace to suit their accessibility needs and requirements. Refer to the Reasonable Adjustments in the Workplace Procedure

(11) For students with a disability, this policy should be read alongside the Disability Policy - Students

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Section 7 - Gender Equity in the Workplace and Study Environment

(12) The University is committed to improving and promoting gender equity and diversity through:

  1. developing a gender equity action plan that outlines activities and programs designed to enhance and promote gender equity including monitoring and reporting on key indicators such as the gender pay gap;
  2. strengthening staff employment provisions to consider gender equity at all stages of the employment life cycle including recruitment, selection, retention, and promotion; 
  3. establishing a performance management process that supports equal outcomes for all genders, with consideration given to the impact of caring responsibilities and provision of flexible work; and 
  4. embedding programs and supports that address gender bias in practices and structures. 
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Section 8 - Breach of Policy

(13) The University treats any breach of policies and procedures seriously and encourages reporting of non-compliance via the Complaints Management Policy.

(14) The University will not tolerate or condone unlawful sexual harassment, victimisation, or vilification. It will provide avenues for resolving complaints of unlawful discrimination, sexual harassment, victimisation and vilification by informal resolution or formal investigation. Refer to Sexual Harm Response Policy.

(15) The University will not tolerate or condone racial discrimination, harassment or vilification in any form. It will provide avenues for resolving complaints and is committed to its elimination by providing a supporting environment. Refer to Anti-Racism and Cultural Safety Policy or the Bullying Prevention Policy.

(16) A failure to comply with this policy and its supporting procedures may result in action by the University including, but not limited to, penalties for students and disciplinary or other action for staff. 

(17) Leaders or supervisors who fail to respond appropriately to actions or behaviour that are contrary to this policy may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the misconduct or serious provisions of the applicable Staff Enterprise Agreements

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Section 9 - Roles and responsibilities

(18) All members of the University community will:

  1. ensure that their own behaviour is appropriate and in accordance with the University's values and relevant policies; 
  2. ensure the confidentiality of equity and diversity personal information; and 
  3. promote the awareness of our equity, diversity and inclusion principles and incorporate them into their everyday behaviour, language and decision making. 

(19) All staff are required to complete the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) training as part of their onboarding and probation. Refresher training is required every two years. 

(20) All staff are encouraged to complete the CORE Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander online training modules.

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Section 10 - Definitions

(21) Not Available.