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Conferral and Issuance Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose of Policy

(1) The University of Wollongong (UOW) issues several types of official documents that constitute the academic records of individual students. The purpose of this Policy is to:

  1. provide instructions on the qualification, conferral and issuance standards for UOW; and
  2. ensure that the production and issue of official documentation is compliant with both UOW and Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) requirements.
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Section 2 - Application and Scope

(2) This Policy operates in conjunction with the Coursework Rules.

(3) This Policy applies to: 

  1. all UOW approved courses and amendments to existing courses;
  2. all UOW-owned programs being delivered by UOWC, for which a UOW award is issued; and 
  3. all UOWD graduates seeking to exchange (trade) their UOWD testamur for a UOW testamur.

(4) This Policy does not apply to:

  1. regulation of official documents issued by UOWD on the completion of UOWD award courses that are not tradable for a UOW Australia degree or documentation or documentation issued by UOWD on completion of UOWD non-award courses;
  2. UOW College courses and qualifications;
  3. UOW Short Courses, which are governed by the UOW Short Course Learning Management Policy, or
  4. honorary awards.

(5) The provisions in this Policy relating to jointly badged courses do not apply to:

  1. twinning, articulation or credit transfer agreements between UOW and overseas partner institutions, that are regulated by the Credit for Prior Learning Policy; or
  2. joint doctoral degrees undertaken under a Cotutelle Agreement, that are regulated by the Joint PhD Procedure.
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Section 3 - Policy Principles

Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)

(6) UOW issues qualifications in compliance with the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 and with the AQF and the AQF Qualifications Issuance Policy, all of which set out the standards for formal academic records issued by higher education providers.

Security and Authenticity

(7) UOW is committed to ensuring the accuracy and authenticity of all UOW official documents that record details of students’ academic information, in the interests of UOW, its students and graduates. This objective is reinforced by the AQF Qualifications Issuance Policy, which states that official documents issued by a university will be:

  1. distinguishable,
  2. traceable,
  3. authenticable, and
  4. designed to prevent unauthorised and/or fraudulent reproduction.

(8) Falsification of the UOW official documents, including but not limited to the testamur, academic transcript and AHEG Statement damages the reputation of UOW, and its students and graduates at national and international levels. Students alleged to have falsified Official Documents will be dealt with under the Student Conduct Rules. Persons who falsify documents covered by this policy may be prosecuted under the Crimes Act 1900.


(9) Courses approved as tradable are listed on the Offshore Course Equivalency and Tradability Course Handbook page.

(10) The Coursework Rules set out provisions relating to the approval of variations to course requirements.

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Section 4 - Conferral of UOW Qualifications for Award Courses

(11) A UOW award may be conferred upon a student who meets the following requirements:

  1. the student has met the requirements for the course within the stipulated timeframes, including any approved variation to course requirements referred to in clause 9;
  2. the student is not indebted to UOW;
  3. the student has provided their correct USI to UOW, unless they are eligible for a USI exemption as per the USI rules;
  4. the student has completed all compulsory non-credit requirements;
  5. the student has applied for conferral in the method specified by UOW, or has been approved to be conferred in the absence of an application by the relevant delegated authority;
  6. the application for conferral or approval for conferral without an application is received within ten (10) years of completing course requirements;
  7. the student is not enrolled in the same course for future sessions;
  8. the student does not have outstanding grades for any subjects in their course, regardless of whether the subject is part of the course requirements; and
  9. any student conduct matters relating to the student have been resolved in accordance with the Student Conduct Rules.

(12) The conferral of the award will take place at the next scheduled conferral period for that student, unless endorsed for an exceptional conferral by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic and Student Life).

(13) It is the responsibility of the student to reapply for conferral in a later conferral period if an application is unsuccessful.

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Section 5 - Posthumous and Aegrotat Awards

(14) In the event of the death of a student or of a student becoming permanently incapacitated, the Vice-Chancellor and President may confer a posthumous or aegrotat award on the student where:

  1. the student has completed the requirements of their course as specified in clause 9, and meets the requirements outlined in clause 5.1, but has not yet had the award conferred or;
  2. they are a coursework student and have completed at least 66% of the credit points for their course, and there was no professional component to the degree which they had yet to complete and would have likely successfully completed had death or permanent incapacity not occurred or;
  3. they are a research candidate, and the Dean of Graduate Research endorses that they have successfully progressed to a point representing 66% completion of their degree, and would have likely successfully completed had death or permanent incapacity not occurred.

(15) SASD will liaise with the Division of Student Life and the relevant Faculty Executive Dean to determine which category the student falls into and will request endorsement from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic and Student Life) before providing a recommendation to the Vice-Chancellor and President.

(16) Recommendations for posthumous and aegrotat awards would normally be made within two years of the student’s last enrolment and must be supported by relevant documentation demonstrating death or permanent incapacitation.

(17) In the cases of posthumous and aegrotat awards, the University may, on request, provide the next of kin with a transcript of academic record, including access to the digital version, and a testamur. In rare and exceptional circumstances, the University may award an additional form of recognition, for example a certificate of achievement.

(18) Following the conferral of an award on a student with a permanent incapacity who has not completed all course requirements, where the student recovers their capacity to undertake the course the award may be relinquished or revoked and the student required to complete the remainder of the course.

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Section 6 - Revocation of UOW Qualifications for Award Courses

(19) The Council may revoke a qualification in accordance with the University of Wollongong By-law 2005.

(20) A testamur will be recommended for revocation by the Council in circumstances where the testamur was incorrectly conferred:

  1. as a result of fraud or dishonesty;
  2. due to student misconduct, following an investigation conducted pursuant to the Student Conduct Rules; or
  3. because of an error made by UOW which has resulted in the student receiving an award for which they are not eligible, and which cannot be resolved with an amendment.

(21) From the date of notice of the revocation, the student is no longer entitled to represent they are the recipient of that award.

(22) Within five (5) working days of receiving the notice of revocation:

  1. the student must surrender, in person or by registered mail to UOW all hardcopy Official Documents issued to them by UOW and destroy or return any certified copies, use of post-nominals, or other form of representation related to their revoked qualification; and
  2. UOW will digitally revoke any digitally issued Official Documents.

(23) In accordance with its policies relating to disclosure and use of student personal information, this section provides notice that UOW may:

  1. notify parties with a legitimate interest that the award has been revoked; and
  2. impose a positive requirement that the student must take steps to notify any current employers, educational institutions, professional registration bodies or associations or others as applicable, that the award has been revoked.

(24) An administrative error made by UOW during the conferral process which does not change the course name but changes another characteristic of the award displayed on the testamur will not result in recommendation for revocation of the award. Instead, the student’s records will be amended, in accordance with the Delegations of Authority Policy, to reflect the correct characteristics of the award. In these instances:

  1. originally issued hardcopy official documents which display incorrect conferral information must be surrendered, either by registered post or in person, by the student within five (5) working days of receiving notice of the correction;
  2. digitally issued official documents which display incorrect conferral information will be revoked by UOW within five (5) working days of the student receiving notification of the correction; and
  3. corrected hardcopy and digital documents will be issued within three (3) weeks.
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Section 7 - Official Documents

(25) Official documents consist of:

  1. an academic transcript, which must record the:
    1. official course name;
    2. major study;
    3. minor study; 
    4. awards with Distinction, merit and/or with Honours; and
    5. UOW approved prizes as relevant to a student’s enrolment record;
  2. a testamur, which must record the:
    1. official course name,
    2. major study, and
    3. awards with Distinction and/or Honours as relevant to a student’s conferred course; and
  3. an Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS) containing information pursuant with the Guidelines for the Presentation of Australian Higher Education Graduation Statements.

(26) Official Documents may be issued in digital or in hardcopy format at the discretion of UOW.

(27) The award name will be recorded on all official documents relating to courses and course requirements using the award name format as listed in the Course Design Procedures and the UOW Schedule of Qualifications as listed in the Coursework Rules.

(28) Abbreviations of course names and fields of study are recorded in COSMOS, the Course Handbook UOW and the course database and are used by graduates as the post-nominal representation of their course qualification.

(29) Copies of official documents, or the online enrolment record, do not constitute Official Documents, and should not be presented or accepted as such.

(30) All hardcopy documents will contain the following minimum security features in the paper stock:

  1. Academic Transcript: 
    1. a UOW watermark;
    2. two lines of microprint;
    3. a UOW hologram; and
    4. a security serial number unique to each document issued.
  2. Testamur:
    1. an official UOW seal.
  3. AHEG Statement:
    1. a watermark;
    2. two lines of microprint; and
    3. a security serial number unique to each document issued.

(31) All digital documents will contain the following minimum security features in the digital stock:

  1. Academic Transcript:    
    1. a watermark of the UOW crest; and
    2. a modified security statement
  2. Testamur:
    1. A digitally produced official UOW seal; and
    2. a modified security statement
  3. AHEG Statement:
    1. a watermark of the UOW crest; and
    2. a modified security statement.

Supply of Documents

(32) Official documents, which have been conferred upon a student, in accordance with the Delegations of Authority Policy, are produced and issued under the authority of the Director, Student Administration Services Division.

(33) Testamurs will only be issued for awards that align with a qualification that is AQF compliant.

(34) Official documents or related information may be provided to external organisations (for example professional accreditation bodies) in accordance with UOW’s Privacy Policy, the Student Privacy and Disclosure Statement and/or where the student has provided written consent for the University to do so.

(35) Official documents or related information may be provided under specific legislation or to other law enforcement agencies under subpoena, police search warrant or other official request. 

(36) Students whose qualifications have been conferred are entitled to receive a testamur, transcript and an AHEG Statement. Students who have attempted one or more subjects that may or may not lead to the award of a qualification are entitled to receive an academic transcript.

(37) One testamur, one academic transcript and one AHEG Statement will be provided free of charge to students upon conferral of an award. The format of these documents will be at the discretion of the University.

(38) The Student Administration Services Division will issue academic transcripts to students, previous students and graduates on a fee for service basis at any other time, upon receipt of an application.

(39) Only one hardcopy testamur and one digital testamur per graduate will exist for a UOW qualification held by a UOW graduate. Graduates are not permitted to hold more than one testamur of each format for any UOW award.

(40) Documents will list the name of the student as officially recorded on the UOW Enrolment System. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure all aspects of their recorded name are correct by the date specified before conferral. For the purposes of document issuance, the term ‘name’ includes spelling, the names provided, the order of appearance of the names provided, the case in which names are typed, special characters required and any other details relating to the student name. 

(41) Any request to change the student name that appears on official documents should be dealt with as set out in the relevant UOW change of name process. Requests to reissue documents with any changes to the student name will be managed in accordance with section 7 of this Policy relating to replacement documents.

Content and Format

(42) Official Documents will be generated using approved UOW formatting, design and stationery, appropriate to the document type.

(43) Official Documents are to be generated using only the English (Roman) character set with Standard English punctuation marks.

(44) Approval of the content and/or fields of official documents is not delegated and is governed by University Council.

(45) In accordance with the Delegations of Authority Policy, the Vice-Chancellor and President has authority to approve the format, layout and stationery of Official Documents.

(46) All requests for changes to official documentation must be directed to the Director, Student Administration Services Division. The Director, Student Administration Services Division is responsible for assuring changes to official documents are approved by University Council or by the specified delegated authority.


(47) Award courses will be displayed on the testamur in the following format):

  1. Course Name (including descriptors such as Advanced or Dean’s Scholar);
  2. Award characteristics (e.g. “with Distinction” or “Honours”); and
  3. Major Study (if applicable).

(48) Students who complete a double degree course will receive one testamur for each degree component. Each testamur will detail any awards received for that component, such as with Distinction or Honours.

Testamur for Joint and Dual Awards

(49) The result of a Joint or Dual Award program (as defined in the Joint and Dual Awards Policy) is the award of a single degree, jointly conferred by the partner institutions or seperate degrees awarded by each institution as part of a dual award agreement. The certification documentation may take the form of a single testamur or two (or more) separate testamurs each recognising that the degree was undertaken through a joint or dual program. 

(50) The degree title that each institution confers will be specified in the joint award agreement. UOW's preference is for the same title to be used by all partner institutions.

(51) Approval of the format of the Joint Award testamur is not delegated and must be approved by University Council.

(52) In the case of joint or dual awards the testamur and academic transcript (if applicable at the other institution) of each institution will contain a notation as specified in the agreement. An example of the notation is “This degree was undertaken jointly with the (name of institution(s))” or “This degree was undertaken as part of a dual award program with the (name of institution(s))”. Where permissible, the University of Wollongong testamur will include the logo of the partner institution(s) and vice versa.

(53) Students undertaking a jointly conferred course will have their award conferred by both institutions. The testamur will only be issued by the ‘home’ or ‘host’ institution once conferral has been actioned by both institutions, and with the notations and logos as specified above.

(54) Use of the University's name and brand marks will be approved in accordance with the Brand and Reputation Policy and will be placed equally with the partner institution's name and brand (coat of arms, emblem, logo, etc.) on the testamur.

(55) Faculties are responsible for ensuring that testamur issues are resolved with the partner institution in conjunction with finalisation of the joint award agreement.

Awards of Honours, Distinction, Examiners’ Commendation and Medals

(56) It is permissible to include a merit descriptor on a student’s testamur (for example, with Distinction, Class Honours II Division 1 etc.) to reflect the level of achievement of the student in the course.

(57) Where Honours has been awarded, the word “Honours” will appear at the end of the Course Name with parentheses and the class of Honours will be displayed beneath the Course Name, and above any Major(s), with the exception of the Bachelor of Research degrees.

(58) Where a course is awarded with distinction, the words “with Distinction” will appear on the testamur, beneath the Course Name, and above any Majors. “With Distinction” will not appear in the official Course Name itself.

(59) Where a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) course is awarded with Examiners’ Commendation for Outstanding Thesis, the words “Examiners’ Commendation for Outstanding Thesis” will appear on the testamur beneath the Course Name.

(60) Where a University Medal has been awarded, the words “University Medallist in the Faculty of [Faculty]” will appear on the testamur beneath the Course Name, and above any Major(s).

Major Studies

(61) Where a Major Study has been completed, the name of any Major(s) will appear beneath the Course Name in the approved font in a smaller font size. Where there is more than one Major, they will be joined by commas and the word “and” prior to the final Major. The Major(s) will not be included in the Course Name itself.

Minor Studies

(62) Minor studies will not appear on the testamur.

Extended and Advanced Course Programs

(63) For Extended and Advanced courses, the word “Extended” or “Advanced” will appear after the Course Name, and before the award of Honours (if applicable), without parentheses or other punctuation and must display as “Bachelor of [Field of Study] Advanced” or “Master of [Field of Study] Extended”. For example “Bachelor of Science Advanced Honours”, “Master of Computer Science Extended”.

Academic Transcript

(64) Award courses, majors and minors will be displayed on the official academic transcript in the following format:


Course - Bachelor of Arts
Major - French
Major - English Language and Linguistics
Minor - Media and Cultural Studies
Minor - International Studies

(65) Where a UOW approved prize or multiple prizes are awarded, the name of the prize(s) will be featured at the end of the transcript and AHEGS.

(66) Where Honours is awarded, the Honours Award and Class will be featured at the end of the transcript, after any prizes, with the exception of the Bachelor of Research degrees. The Course Abbreviation will also be appended with (Hons) (if applicable).


RACI (Royal Australian Chemical Institute) Student Prize
Faculty of Science Dean's Merit List

(67) Where a course has been awarded with Distinction, the words “Awarded with Distinction” will be listed at the end of the transcript, after any prizes (if applicable).

(68) Where a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) course has received a Thesis Award of Examiners’ Commendation for Outstanding Thesis, the words “Awarded with Examiners’ Commendation for Outstanding Thesis” will be featured at the end of the transcript, after any prizes.

(69) The academic transcript for a student who has received a jointly badged degree will also contain notations as specified in the agreement between the University of Wollongong and the partner institution/s. Example: “this degree was undertaken jointly with the (name of institution(s))”

(70) Where an approved Study Abroad or Exchange has been completed, it will be noted on the academic transcript in order of the year and session in which it was undertaken, as follows:


* Approved Exchange Studies –
Uppsala University, SWEDEN
* End Approved Exchange Studies

(71) The subjects that were undertaken during Study Abroad or Exchange are listed as Specified Credit or Unspecified Credit at the end of the transcript for the course, but before any prizes or awards.

Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement

(72) The Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement will be prepared in accordance with guidelines issued by the Australian Government for that purpose.

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Section 8 - Replacement of Official Documents

(73) Replacement documents will be issued in accordance with this Policy and will be compliant with the AQF Qualifications Issuance Policy at the time of reissue. The content, formatting, appearance, stationery and other aspects of reissued Official Documents will be consistent with current approved formatting protocols and as such may differ from the originally issued Official Documents.

(74) Replacement testamurs, whether in hardcopy or digital format, will be issued either:

  1. upon surrender of the originally issued hardcopy testamur; and/or
  2. upon revocation by UOW of the digital testamur, or
  3. upon receipt of a statutory declaration stating that the original testamur has been lost or destroyed, or if the applicant is in another country, a sworn statement pursuant to the equivalent local law of that country.

(75) A replacement testamur will contain both the initial date of conferral of the course, and the date the testamur was reissued. The initial date of conferral will be noted as the date that the seal was affixed.

(76) Replacement hardcopy documents will have a different security serial number to the serial number of the official document that was originally issued.

(77) All official replacement documents will include the name of the graduate at the time of conferral, with the exception of circumstances where the graduate has subsequently submitted documentation to UOW, to notify of a change to their name (such as original or certified copies of original birth, marriage, divorce or change of name certificates). In such cases all the requirements and provisions for official replacement documents will apply but the official replacement documents will list the new name.

(78) Official replacement documents will be issued by the University on a fee for service basis.

(79) No charge will apply for an official replacement document in circumstances where:

  1. the hardcopy official document is damaged prior to being received by the student; 
  2. content on the official document is incorrect, and the incorrect content is the responsibility of the University to maintain; or
  3. the Associate Director, Student Operations determines that extenuating circumstances warrant a fee waiver.
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Section 9 - Documents for Completion for Non-Award Courses

(80) Official documents issued by UOW on completion of a Non-Award Course will be determined in accordance with the following considerations:

  1. where the course has no assessment(s), only a letter of completion or a Certificate of Participation should be issued;
  2. if a course has formal assessment(s) to determine whether a stated minimum standard or level of achievement is met, then on successful completion a Certificate of Achievement or Statement of Attainment should be issued; and
  3. certificates and statements should:
    1. contain the University’s logo and the heading “The University of Wollongong”;
    2. include the name of the Unit of the University offering the course,
    3. be signed by the delegated authority as set out in the Delegations of Authority Policy and be countersigned by the head of the Unit offering the course,
    4. not contain the seal of the University,
    5. be issued by the non-award course owner,
    6. otherwise be in a form and include content approved by the delegated authority.
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Section 10 - Documents Issued in Conjunction with Official Documents

(81) Other documentation (such as UOWx Awards, UOWx Records) may be issued in conjunction with Official Documents subject to approval by the relevant Senior Executive as set out in the Delegations of Authority Policy.

(82) Documents issued in conjunction with Official Documents must follow the same content and format principles outlined in this Policy, and be approved by the Director, Student Administration Services Division. 

(83) Approved documentation will be issued by the owning Unit, subject to the student’s eligibility and following approval by the relevant Senior Executive portfolio owner.

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Section 11 - Roles and Responsibilities

Student Administration Services Division (SASD)

(84) The Student Administration Services Division is responsible for the administration of the Conferral and Issuance Policy, issuance of awards and official documents, and administering student systems in accordance with this Policy.

(85) The Director, Student Administration Services Division is responsible for upholding the style, format and security of Official Documents.

(86) The Associate Director, Student Service and the Associate Director, Student Operations are jointly responsible for monitoring the implementation of this Policy.

Future Education Division (Future Ed)

(87) The Future Education Division (Future Ed) is responsible for maintaining, in a manner reasonably accessible by the Student Administration Services Division, a list of course names and associated abbreviations.


(88) Owning Faculties and Units are responsible for documentation and issuance relating to non-award courses.

Global Strategies Division (GSD)

(89) For joint awards, the Faculty is responsible for ensuring that testamur issues are resolved with the partner institution in conjunction with the finalisation of the joint award agreement. 


(90) Students are responsible for applying for conferral using the methods approved by the University, and for re-applying for conferral where an application is unsuccessful and their eligibility has changed.

(91) Students are responsible for surrendering and returning to the University by registered mail all hardcopy Official Documents pertaining to a revoked award in line with the requirements outlined in this policy

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Section 12 - Definitions

Word/Term Definition (with examples if required)
Aegrotat Award An award conferred where a student’s permanent incapacity has prevented them from completing their course of study.
Award a course recognised by AQF and approved by the delegated authority as an award or degree offered at the University of Wollongong.
Course A program of study offered by the University leading to an AQF qualification, or a non-award course.
Conferral the act of officially granting an award.
Dual Award A Dual Award offered by UOW and another entity results in two separate qualifications being conferred by each of the two institutions. A dual award may involve one AQF level, or two sequential AQF levels – for example, two Masters degrees or a Bachelor and Diploma award. Dual awards may provide students with the opportunity to complete two awards in a shorter timeframe than if completed separately. (TEQSA 2017)
Joint Award (may also be referred to as a Jointly Conferred Award) A Joint Award is the award of a single qualification, which is jointly conferred by UOW, and one or more other higher education providers. Joint Awards, as defined by TEQSA, require close cooperation in curriculum development, design, organisation, course delivery, and assessment of learning outcomes as well as requirements necessary for awarding the qualification.
Non-award a course or unit of study that is not recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).
Official Documents the testamur, academic transcript, and Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS), as issued by UOW, in digital or hardcopy format.
Posthumous Award An award conferred after a student’s death.
Permanent Incapacity
A student will meet the grounds of permanent incapacity if they have a permanent medical condition (physical or mental) that is supported with documentary evidence from at least 2 medical practitioners, and is to the effect that the medical condition:
  1. will or is likely to prevent them from ever completing the requirements of the course in which they are enrolled, and;
  2. will or is likely to prevent them from securing employment in any position for which completion of their course would reasonably make them qualified.
USI Unique Student Identifier.