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Quality Assurance and Enhancement Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose of Policy

(1) This Policy sets out the framework by which quality at the University of Wollongong (the University) is assured and a continuous improvement cycle is supported.  

(2) As a self-accrediting University registered under the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011, the University has an obligation to ensure that it continues to demonstrate high standards in learning and teaching, research and research training and in the provision of associated services.

(3) This Policy aims to provide a robust and efficient system to support ongoing academic quality and continuous improvement of academic processes and outcomes at the University. It sets out, in the context of the University’s functional operations, responsibilities for key quality assurance processes.

(4) In addition, this Policy outlines the University's approach to compliance with the requirements stipulated in the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021, the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act) and the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (National Code 2018).

(5) This Policy should be read in conjunction with the Quality and Standards Monitoring and Reporting Procedure.

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Section 2 - Application and Scope

(6) This Policy applies to:

  1. staff of the University, including those employed through a controlled entity in exercising designated responsibilities to embed a culture of quality assurance and continuous improvement across the institution as a whole; and
  2. governance and operational committees of the University.

(7) This Policy encompasses all areas of University activity and enterprise and is relevant to all students, staff, partners and other stakeholders of the University.

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Section 3 - Quality Principles

(8) Oversight of quality and compliance with external and internal standards resides at the highest levels of University governance.

(9) Key external reference points and higher education sector benchmarks inform the development, monitoring and review of plans, systems, policies, processes, units and courses. External reference points include, for example, legislation, sector-wide frameworks, codes of practice, guidelines and external accreditation requirements.

(10) Clear and transparent plans, policies and processes relating to higher education and related services are in place, accessible and implemented.

(11) Processes are in place and implemented for the monitoring and evaluation of the reporting of higher education and related service provision outcomes, including benchmarking and performance measurement against key performance targets and external standards.

(12) Opportunity is provided for appropriate internal and external involvement in the monitoring, review and improvement of quality and standards, including through feedback from students, graduates, staff, partners, employers and other stakeholders.

(13) Students and staff are supported in the pursuit of quality and the upholding of standards.

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Section 4 - Quality Assurance Cycle

(14) The University has adopted a four-staged quality cycle: Plan, Act, Review, Improve (the PARI cycle).

  1. Plan: the development of strategic and operational plans, policies, processes and responsibilities intended to achieve quality outcomes, including performance standards, measures, indicators, targets and methods and frequency for monitoring and reporting;
  2. Act: the implementation of the planned arrangements, including regular monitoring and reporting on progress, effectiveness and outcomes;
  3. Review: ongoing and periodic review, based on evidence, of the extent to which planned arrangements are having or have had the desired effect in bringing about intended outcomes; and
  4. Improve: ongoing evidence-based identification of improvements and changes to be incorporated in new or reformulated plans, policy and processes in order to contribute to enhanced or improved outcomes.
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Section 5 - Accountabilities and Responsibilities 

(15) The University Council is responsible for providing oversight of quality assurance and compliance with internal and external standards by the University.

(16) The Vice-Chancellor and President is responsible and accountable to the University Council for University management and quality assurance and compliance with internal and external standards across all of the University’s activities and enterprises.

Monitoring against plans and goals

(17) Monitoring against institutional-level strategic plans and goals is undertaken by the Strategy Division on an annual basis in accordance with a Planning and Reporting Framework.

(18) Responsibility for monitoring rests with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic and Student Life) reporting to the University Executive and ultimately with the University Council.

(19) Faculty, School and Unit reviews are critical to the achievement of the University’s goals and objectives The process for the conduct of these reviews is set out in the Faculty and Academic Unit Review Procedures.

Risk and compliance management

(20) The University’s strategic and operational decision-making is supported by strategic and operational risk assessments. Monitoring and review of risk management is undertaken by the Risk and Assurance Division in accordance with a Enterprise Risk Management Policy and Risk Management Framework and Guidelines.

(21) Monitoring of compliance with relevant legislation is undertaken by the Risk and Assurance Division in conjunction with the Office of General Counsel and with relevant Divisions with specific and defined responsibility for legislative compliance in areas including, without limitation, higher education regulation, the conduct of research, workplace safety, public finance and taxation, information management and planning and development.

(22) Responsibility for monitoring of risk management and compliance rests with the Risk, Audit and Compliance Committee of Council and ultimately with the University Council.

HESF Compliance Responsibilities

(23) Responsibility for undertaking a risk-based assessment and reporting of compliance with the Higher Education Standards Framework (HESF) rests with the Academic Quality and Standards Division Division, reporting up toAcademic Senate. Further details are provided in the Quality and Standards Monitoring and Reporting Procedure.

(24) AQS is also responsible for responding to requests for information from the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency, reporting material changes to TEQSA in accordance with TEQSA’s Material Change Notification Policy, supporting the re-registration process and ensuring all applicable fees and charges are paid.

ESOS Compliance Responsibilities

(25) The ESOS Act and its associated National Code set out the legal framework governing delivery of education to international students studying in Australia on a student visa.

(26) ESOS compliance is a University-wide responsibility; all staff members and all divisions have a responsibility to comply with the requirements of the ESOS National Code when dealing with international students studying onshore.

(27) The Principal Executive Officer (PEO) has ultimate responsibility for ensuring the University’s compliance with the ESOS legislative framework. 

(28) The ESOS Responsible Officer is the PEO's delegate for assessing, monitoring and reporting day-to-day ESOS compliance activities. The ESOS Responsible Officer is also referred to as the Institutional Compliance Officer by TEQSA.

(29) The ESOS  Responsible Officer  works with the Academic Quality and Standards Division to implement the  ESOS related components of the Quality and Standards Monitoring and Reporting Procedure.

(30) The ESOS Responsible Officer supports the International Student Compliance Group, which, in turn:

  1. facilitates the sharing of relevant information on and awareness of ESOS compliance matters;
  2. oversee actions to ensure ESOS compliance issues are resolved or escalated appropriately; and
  3. receives, considers and acts on periodic reporting and data (including on non-genuine international students and education agents) to manage compliance risks, with reporting to relevant governance committees.

(31) The Student Administration Services Division is responsible for:

  1. providing  information to the Commonwealth Department of Education about international students accepted for study;
  2. monitoring and reporting on international student compliance, including sending notifications to students, as required by the National Code;
  3. maintaining appropriate student records and reporting in the Provider Registration and International Student Management System (PRISMS), as required by the National Code.

Governance Reviews

(32) The quality of the University’s governance processes is assured through a regular cycle of self-evaluation and annual reporting of achievements against each committee’s terms of reference.

(33) An annual assessment against the HESF Governance and Accountability Standards is reported up to the Academic Senate and University Council to provide assurance that the main governing bodies are meeting their obligations under HESF.

(34) The University undergoes an external review of the effectiveness of its academic and corporate governance processes every seven years in fulfillment of HESF requirements.

Quality Assurance of Learning and Teaching

(35) To support quality enhancement, the University has developed a Standard and Quality Framework for Learning and Teaching and Research Training which is embedded in academic staff induction and professional development programs.

(36) The process for design, approval and review of courses is determined in accordance with the Course Policy Framework. The Course Monitoring and Review Procedures provide for the review and re-approval of existing courses on a periodic basis against a set of evaluation criteria, including external reference points, designed to maintain and enhance course quality.

(37) The Teaching and Assessment Policy Suite (TAPS) supports teaching and assessment quality measures. In particular, the Assessment and Feedback Policy sets out the quality assurance mechanisms for the design, delivery, mark declaration and review phases of assessment.

(38) TAPS includes provisions for external peer review of assessment standards within selected units of study, which is aimed at ensuring effective assessment design towards appropriate achievement standards and the attainment of course learning outcomes.

(39) The University systematically collects and reports on student performance data across all teaching locations in

(40) accordance with the Procedure for Interim Monitoring of Courses and Comparative Student Outcomes. In addition, the University monitors and reports on student progression, attrition and completion rates, across student cohorts and delivery locations and against external reference points.

(41) Academic quality is also maintained and enhanced for collaborative delivery arrangements through the Collaborative Delivery of a UOW Course Policy and associated procedures and the Joint and Dual Awards Policy.

(42) Collecting and responding to student feedback and evaluation is an important means of enhancing the quality of learning and teaching and the student experience. The Student Evaluation of Learning and Teaching Policy and Procedures set out the process for administering and reviewing subject and teacher evaluations for the purposes of receiving, considering and acting on student feedback for quality enhancement.  

(43) Responsibility for quality assurance processes as they relate to Learning and Teaching lies with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic and Student Life) in conjunction with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic and Student Life) reporting up to Academic Senate.

(44) At a faculty level, responsibility for quality assurance processes as they relate to Learning and Teaching is shared between the Faculty leadership team made up of the Executive Dean, Associate Deans and Heads of School reporting up to Academic Senate.

(45) At a course level, Academic Program Directors work under the guidance of the Associate Dean (Education) and in conjunction with Subject Coordinators on course governance responsibilities (including annual monitoring of quality and internal and external accreditation) and take guidance from the Head of School for responsibilities relating to course and subject delivery.

Quality Assurance of Research and Research Training

(46) The Code of Practice - Responsible Conduct of Research provides an overarching framework for research quality and integrity at the University. The Higher Degree Research Award Rules, the HDR Supervision and Resources Procedures and the HDR Thesis Preparation, Submission and Examination Procedures, ensure the quality of HDR candidature.

(47) Responsibility for quality assurance processes as they relate to research and research training lies with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Sustainable Futures) in conjunction with and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic and Student Life) reporting up to Academic Senate. The Dean of Researcher Development and the Dean of Research Integrity Development and Ethics are responsible for promoting a culture of responsible and ethical research. The Dean of Graduate Research is responsible for overseeing the quality of Higher Degree Research (HDR) degrees.  

(48) The Associate Dean, Research of each Faculty is responsible and accountable to their respective Executive Dean for quality assurance of research activity including research funding, facilities, ethics and integrity within their Faculty, reporting up to Academic Senate.

(49) The Associate Dean, Higher Degree Research of each Faculty is responsible and accountable to their respective Executive Dean for quality assurance of HDR research supervision within their Faculty, reporting up to Academic Senate.

General Responsibilities

(50) Directors or Managers who report directly or indirectly to a member of the Executive are responsible and accountable to the relevant member for implementation of the University’s Quality Assurance Cycle including improvement actions and compliance with relevant external internal standards within the area that they lead.

(51) All staff of the University, including staff employed by a controlled entity, are responsible and accountable to their supervisor, for implementing the University’s Quality Assurance Cycle, including improvement actions and compliance with external and internal standards as they pertain to each employee’s work and area of operation.

(52) Students are important contributors to the University’s Quality Assurance Cycle through their membership of key governance committees, participation in the review of courses and their feedback via subject and teacher evaluations and national student feedback surveys.

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Section 6 - Definitions

Word/Term Definition (with examples if required)
As defined in the Coursework Rules
Course learning outcomes
Statements of the knowledge, understandings, and skills students are expected to achieve as a result of engaging with the content of the subject.
Quality Assurance Cycle
Refers to the Plan, Act, Review, Improve (PARI) continuous improvement cycle
As defined in the Coursework Rules
Employees of the University, and/or the UOW College Australia and in respect of offshore programs, includes personnel involved in the delivery of UOW programs offshore.
A person enrolled to study or registered for a course
Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency - the higher education regulator in Australia
University of Wollongong