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Course Progress Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose of Policy

(1) This Policy establishes:

  1. the requirements, definitions and procedures to be used in determining the standards of acceptable course progress;
  2. definitions of the roles and responsibilities of UOW staff and students with regard to course progress and, the processes whereby the University will identify, notify and assist students at risk of not meeting course progress requirements based on evidence from the student’s performance and/or engagement that the student is as risk of not meeting those requirements; and
  3. descriptions of the resources and choices available to assist students at risk of not achieving or who have not achieved University course progress standards.

(2) The Course Progress Policy sets out the process by which the University meets several of its obligations to international students under the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018.

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Section 2 - Application and Scope - Exclusions or Special Conditions

(3) This Policy applies to all coursework students, including Higher Degree Research Students enrolled in coursework subjects, whether studying on campus, by mixed mode, flexible, distance or online delivery modes. Progress by Higher Degrees Research (HDR) students is regulated under the HDR Award Rules.

(4) Excluded from the scope of this Policy are:

  1. students enrolled at UOW Dubai;
  2. study Abroad and exchange students whose home institution is not the University of Wollongong;
  3. non- award students; and
  4. cross-institutional enrollments.

(5) This Policy does not apply to monitoring progress against minimum performance requirements within the particular course rules of a course, such as a requirement to maintain a minimum weighted average mark (WAM) to meet course requirements (for example in a Scholar or Dean’s Scholar course) which are monitored by the Faculty.

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Section 3 - Policy Principles

(6) The principles guiding this Policy are:

  1. all students shall be treated fairly and openly;
  2. all students are responsible for their own course progress;
  3. appropriate learning and other assistance should be offered to students identified as at risk of not achieving satisfactory course progress; and
  4. appropriate information regarding course status should be made available to students identified as at risk of not achieving satisfactory course progress.

(7) Underlying the requirements, definitions, and procedures of this Policy are the principles of equity, consistency, transparency and natural justice.

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Section 4 - Monitoring Progress

(8) All students will have their performance monitored and will be provided with advice and assistance as necessary where there is evidence they are at risk of failure as outlined in the Support for Students Policy. The University’s formal course progress requirements as outlined in clauses 16 and 17 are performance based having regard to final results for subjects and assessed within a given time period between two and three times each year.

(9) For students enrolled in courses delivered using a two session model:

  1. the first course progress study period includes all subjects with results released between 1st February and 31st July of that year; and
  2. the second course progress study period includes all subjects with results released between 1st August and the following 31st January.

(10) For students enrolled in courses delivered using a trimester session model:

  1. the first course progress study period includes all subjects with results released between 1st February and 31st May of that year;
  2. the second course progress study period includes all subjects with results released between 1st June and 31st August of that year; and
  3. the third course progress study period includes all subjects with results released between 1st September and the following 31st January.

(11) UOW Summer session final results shall not be assessed for the purpose of monitoring progress against the University’s course progress requirements.

(12) For students enrolled in subjects delivered using a structure other than the two session or trimester model, the course progress study period shall be no longer than six months.

(13) For students enrolled in a course jointly delivered by the University of Wollongong and another institution, the student will have their progress in both elements of the course assessed.

(14) For students enrolled concurrently in two or more courses of study at the University of Wollongong, course progress will be separately assessed for each course. However, where a student is excluded from one course of study, that exclusion shall be extended to all other courses of study.

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Section 5 - Passing and Failing Grades

(15) For the purpose of assessing course progress:

  1. the grades of Pass Supplementary, Pass, Credit, Distinction and High Distinction are considered to be passing grades;
  2. the grades of Fail and Technical Fail are considered failing grades;
  3. in subjects where performance is determined as satisfactory or unsatisfactory, the grades Satisfactory or Excellent are passing grades and the grade Unsatisfactory is a failing grade;
  4. a grade of Unsatisfactory applied to a student enrolled in a multi-session subject and who is not permitted to continue their enrolment in the subject under the Coursework Rules is considered a failing grade in the session of enrolment in which it is applied; and
  5. a fail grade awarded in any subject undertaken by a student whose home institution is the University of Wollongong and who is studying cross-institutionally, or studying in an overseas institution on Study Abroad or student exchange, is considered a failing grade in the study period immediately preceding the session in which the student resumes study at the University.
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Section 6 - Course Progress Requirements and Course Statuses

(16) A student who has passed more than 50% of credit points attempted in a study period specified in section 4 shall be regarded as having met course progress requirements.

(17) A student who has failed 50% or more of credit points attempted in a study period specified in section 4 shall be regarded as having not met course progress requirements.

(18) Under certain circumstances, a Course Progress Advisor may deem it appropriate to waive course progress requirements. These circumstances include, but are not limited to:

  1. circumstances where a student has been erroneously enrolled in a subject;
  2. instances where a part time student has attempted two subjects and failed one, provided that the student has not previously been on a status of referral or restricted;
  3. the student can demonstrate the existence of compassionate or compelling circumstances that have affected their ability to study.

(19) A student (other than a student on a Leave of Absence) who, for whatever reason, does not satisfactorily complete 6 credit points worth of study in a calendar year will be regarded as not having met satisfactory course progress. Changes to student’s course statuses will occur as follows:

  1. Students on a course status of active who do not complete a minimum of 6 credit points during a calendar year will be placed on a course status of referral.
  2. Students on a course status of referral who do not complete a minimum of 6 credit points during a calendar year will be placed on a course status of restricted.
  3. Students on a course status of restricted who do not complete a minimum of 6 credit points during a calendar year will be placed on a course status of excluded.

(20) A student will move no more than one step through the course progress process in any given session. A student whose failure to satisfactorily complete 50% or more of credit points attempted in a session coincides with a failure to complete 6 credit points of study in a calendar year will not have their status changed for each failure individually.

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Section 7 - Course Progress Pathways

Course Status Pathways for Students

(21) A student who is deemed to have incomplete results for a study period shall be placed on a pending course status and shall have their course status reassessed when final grades are declared.

(22) A student who has not met course progress requirements according to the provisions of clause 17 after declaration of grades or after reassessment of their course status according to the provisions of clause 19:

  1. shall be placed on a course status of referral if their course status in the preceding study period was active;
  2. shall be placed on a course status of restricted if their course status in the preceding study period was referral; and
  3. shall be placed on a course status of exclusion if their course status in the preceding study period was restricted, and shall be excluded from the University for a period of one year.

(23) A student who is on a course status of active and who has met course progress requirements according to the provisions of clause 16 after declaration of grades, or after reassessment of their course status according to the provisions of clause 18 shall remain on a course status of active.

(24) A student who is on a course status of referral and who has met course progress requirements according to the provisions of section clause 14 in the following or subsequent course progress study period shall be returned to a course status of active.

(25) A student who is on a course status of restricted and who has met course progress requirements according to the provisions of section clause 14 in the following or subsequent course progress monitoring period shall be returned to a course status of referral.

(26) A student on a course status of restricted who is deemed to have incomplete results in the following or in a subsequent study period shall be permitted to enrol in that study period on a course status of pending until such time as their grades are declared and their status can be reassessed. Should the student fail to meet course progress requirements, the student will be excluded from the course with immediate effect.  In the case of an international student, the student’s Confirmation of Enrolment will not be updated until such time as any internal or external appeals have been exhausted.

Intervention Strategies

(27) The University applies intervention strategies to students at risk of failing to make satisfactory course progress. They include measures to identify, notify and assist students to progress through their University studies as detailed in the Support for Students Policy, including early identification of students at risk of failing a subject.

(28) When a student is placed on a course status of referral, the student will be informed of their unsatisfactory course progress, and be advised to seek academic advice. This may lead to the activation of additional elements of an intervention strategy that the student is advised utilise to assist in meeting course progress requirements.

(29) On being placed on a course status of restricted, a student must arrange to meet with a Course Progress Advisor. Where a student is unable to attend the campus for the meeting, including where the student is studying offshore or online, the meeting may be held using electronic means (such as telephone, videoconferencing or teleconferencing, etc.). At that meeting, as part of the activation of additional elements of an intervention strategy, the Course Progress Advisor may:

  1. request that the student explain the factors contributing to not meeting course progress requirements;
  2. give academic advice regarding language and learning support, leave of absence, and/or learning strategies effective in the relevant discipline or area of study;
  3. request a written plan describing the means by which that student will attempt to meet course progress requirements in the future; and/or
  4. recommend programs of study to aid students in making adequate course progress. This may include restricting the number of subjects that a student may undertake.

(30) Upon meeting the student or at any time thereafter, as part of engaging with additional elements of the intervention strategy, the Course Progress Advisor may also refer the student to services appropriate to that student’s needs. These may include:

  1. Learning Development Unit;
  2. Student Mental Health and Wellbeing;
  3. Student Accessibility and Inclusion Team (who can provide liaison, information, support and referral services on non-academic matters); and/or
  4. other services as deemed appropriate by the Course Progress Advisor.

(31) Students placed on a course status of restricted may also be prevented from enrolling in some subjects, and may have restrictions placed on the number of subjects that they are able to attempt while on a restricted course status, at the discretion of the Course Progress Advisor and as part of the intervention strategy.

(32) Under the Coursework Rules, unless academic approval is obtained, a student on a course status of referral or restricted who transfers to an alternative program of study will remain on the course status of referral or restricted.

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Section 8 - MD Course Progress

Course Status Pathways for MD Students

(33) A student enrolled in the MD program who is deemed to have incomplete results for a study period shall be placed on a pending course status and shall have their course status reassessed when final grades are declared.

(34) A student enrolled in the MD program who has not met course progress requirements according to the provisions of clause 16 after declaration of grades or after reassessment of their course status according to the provisions of clause 19:

  1. shall be placed on a course status of restricted if their course status in the preceding study period was active; and
  2. shall be placed on a course status of excluded if their course status in the preceding study period was restricted and shall be excluded from the University for a period of one year.

(35) A student enrolled in the MD program who has met course progress requirements according to the provisions of clause 16 after declaration of grades or after reassessment of their course status according to the provisions of clause 18, shall be placed on a course status of active.

(36) A student enrolled in the MD program on a course status of restricted will remain on course status of restricted until the student completes the program, withdraws from the program or is excluded from the program.

(37) A student enrolled in the MD program on a course status of restricted who is deemed to have incomplete results in the following or in a subsequent study period shall be permitted to enrol in the subsequent study period on a course status of pending until such time as their grades are declared and their status can be reassessed.

(38) A student enrolled in the MD program on a restricted course status may be required to undertake additional monitoring of clinical skills and the acquisition of clinical competencies at the direction of the Dean of Medicine or nominee. This monitoring will be taken into account in determining the student’s progress in the subject and is in addition to any elements of the intervention strategy outlined below.

Intervention Strategy

(39) When a student enrolled in the MD program is placed on a course status of restricted, as part of the activation of additional elements of an intervention strategy that the student must utilise to assist in meeting course progress requirements, the student shall arrange to meet with a Course Progress Advisor. Where a student is unable to attend the campus for the meeting, the meeting may be held using electronic means (such as telephone, videoconferencing or teleconferencing etc.). At that meeting, as part of the activation of additional elements of an intervention strategy, the Course Progress Advisor may:

  1. request that the student explain the factors contributing to not meeting course progress requirements;
  2. give academic advice regarding language and learning support, leave of absence, and/or learning strategies effective in the relevant discipline or area of study;
  3. request a written plan describing the means by which that student will attempt to meet course progress requirements in the future; and/or
  4. recommend programs of study to aid students in making adequate course progress.
Note: under the Coursework Rules, unless academic approval is obtained, a student on restricted who transfers to an alternative program of study will remain on a course status of restricted.

(40) Upon meeting the student or at any time thereafter, as part of the activation of additional elements of an intervention strategy, the Course Progress Advisor may also refer the student to services appropriate to that student’s needs. These may include:

  1. Learning Development Unit;
  2. Student Mental Health and Wellbeing;
  3. the PASS Program (if available);
  4. Student Accessibility and Inclusion Team;
  5. a Student Support Advisor (who can provide liaison, information, support and referral services on non-academic matters); and/or
  6. other services as deemed appropriate by the Course Progress Advisor.
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Section 9 - Communication

(41) Any student placed on a course status of referral, restricted, or pending shall be officially notified and advised of their rights and responsibilities.

(42) Students will be advised of their Course Progress Advisor and the services available to them to assist in making adequate course progress

(43) Whenever a student meets with a Course Progress Advisor, whether in person or by electronic means, to discuss the activation of additional elements of an intervention strategy the Course Progress Advisor shall record the date and the details of those elements of the University’s intervention strategy activated or modified as a result.

(44) Records of the activation of the intervention strategy for students on a course status of referral or restricted shall be noted on student files by the Student Administration Services Division.

(45) Where a student has not met course progress requirements and according to the provisions of clause 22(c) 34(b), that student is excluded there shall be written notice of exclusion, written notification of the appeals process and how to access support services to assist with an exclusion appeal.

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Section 10 - Appealing Exclusion

(46) A student who is excluded from the University may appeal that decision in writing to the Faculty Exclusion Appeals Committee.

(47) A student (the appellant) who appeals exclusion must:

  1. lodge that appeal in writing with the Student Administration Services Division within 20 working days of notification of exclusion;
  2. state fully the reasons for the appeal, including a statement detailing the factors that contributed to not meeting course progress requirements and their impact;
  3. address how those contributing factors will be managed in the future to meet course progress requirements;
  4. state what action the student has taken in relation to the intervention strategy activated for the student; and
  5. provide any relevant documentary evidence to support the appeal. This may include medical certificates, statutory declarations, counselling reports, references, statements by academic teaching staff, and relevant correspondence.

(48) A student who has lodged an appeal to the Faculty Exclusion Appeals Committee shall be entitled to enrol temporarily (pending an outcome of their appeal) at the University. However, where a professional experience is a component of the student’s enrolment, the Faculty may prevent the student from commencing or remaining enrolled in the professional experience.

(49) Appeals received by the Student Administration Services Division more than 20 working days after notification of exclusion will be considered by the Faculty Exclusion Appeals Committee only if the Chair of the Faculty Exclusion Appeals Committee determines that the delay in appealing constitutes exceptional circumstances beyond the appellant’s control.

(50) The Faculty Exclusion Appeals Committee shall determine the appeal as follows:

  1. appeal denied; or
  2. appeal upheld with a recommendation to revoke the exclusion and to:
    1. suspend the student for a specified period, or
    2. reinstate the student’s enrolment with a course status of referral or restricted and to activate additional elements of the intervention strategy, which may include:
      1. a prescribed program,
      2. language and learning support,
      3. academic advice,
      4. existing faculty-based learning support,
      5. referral to a Student Support Adviser,
      6. appropriate support services (such as those listed in clause 30), or
    3. reinstate the student’s enrolment without any enrolment restrictions.

(51) The Student Administration Services Division will officially notify the student of the outcome of their appeal. In the case of an international student, if the appeal is denied, the student’s Confirmation of Enrolment will not be updated until such time as any other internal or external appeals have been exhausted.

(52) Where an appeal to the Faculty Exclusion Appeals Committee is denied, the student may request to appear before the Coursework Exclusion Appeals Committee to appeal the decision of the Faculty Exclusion Appeals Committee.

(53) Where a student requests to appear before the Coursework Exclusion Appeals Committee they must submit their reasons for appeal in writing to the Chair of the Coursework Exclusion Appeals Committee via the Office of the Student Ombudsman, along with any supporting material, within five (5) working days of receiving the notification that their appeal to the Faculty Exclusion Appeals Committee was unsuccessful.

(54) Any appeal submission in accordance with clause 53 above must:

  1. Demonstrate that there was lack of procedural fairness during the appeal to the Faculty Exclusion Appeals Committee; and/or
  2. Provide relevant new information that was not available at the time that the appeal to the Faculty Exclusion Appeals Committee was considered.

(55) The Chair of the Coursework Exclusion Appeals Committee (Student Ombudsman) will review the student’s appeal to verify that the requirements of clause 54 have been met.

(56) If the Chair of the Coursework Exclusion Appeals Committee determines that the appeal submission meets the requirements of clause 54 , they will convene a meeting of the Coursework Exclusion Appeals Committee to interview the student. The student may appear at such a meeting either in person or by electronic means.

(57) If the Chair of the Coursework Exclusion Appeals Committee determines that the appeal does not meet the requirements of clause 54 above, they will notify the student that the request to appear before the Coursework Exclusion Appeals Committee is denied and provide the rationale for the determination. In those circumstances, the decision of the Faculty Exclusion Appeals Committee will stand.

(58) After convening to consider the appeal, the Coursework Exclusion Appeals Committee shall determine the appeal in accordance with the outcomes listed at clauses 57 or 59.

(59) Where the Coursework Exclusion Appeals Committee cannot finalise an exclusion appeal prior to the census date for the subsequent session of study, the Committee can determine a modified outcome having regard to the student’s progress in subjects in which the student is enrolled in that subsequent session. This can include:

  1. Reinstatement following a period of approved leave of absence in the current session of study; or
  2. Suspension or exclusion to take affect at the conclusion of the current session only if the student fails to achieve satisfactory progress in all subjects in which the student has temporarily enrolled (on restricted basis) in the current session; or
  3. Recommending to the Delegated Authority that the student be permitted to withdraw from their subject/s without academic or financial penalty.

(60) Where an appeal to the Coursework Exclusion Appeals Committee is upheld, a recommendation to revoke the exclusion requires approval by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic and Student Life) as per the Delegations of Authority Policy.

(61) The Student Administration Services Division will officially notify appellants of the outcome of their appeal to the Coursework Exclusion Appeals Committee. In the case of an international student, if the appeal is denied, the student’s Confirmation of Enrolment will not be updated until such time as any external appeal right, as per clauses 63-64, has been exhausted. 

(62) Any decision of the Coursework Exclusion Appeals Committee is final and there is no further right of appeal within the University.

(63) A student may lodge a complaint with the NSW Ombudsman where the student can demonstrate that there is evidence of maladministration or misconduct by the University or partner institution. Complaints to the NSW Ombudsman must be submitted within 10 working days of receiving notification of the decision from the Coursework Exclusion Appeals Committee. The student must notify the University that a complaint has been lodged within 5 working days of lodgement. 

(64) When a decision is made by NSW Ombudsman, the student must notify the University of the decision within 10 working days of receiving notification of the decision from the NSW Ombudsman.

(65) The student will be excluded with immediate effect if: 

  1. all internal and external complaints processes have been completed and the decision to exclude the student has been upheld;
  2. where the student is an international student: 
    1. the student has chosen not to access the exclusion appeal process within the 10 working day period;
    2. the student choses not to access the external complaints process; or
    3. the student withdraws from the internal or external appeals process, by notifying the University in writing.

(66) For an international student, this will also lead to the cancellation of the student’s Confirmation of Enrolment and reporting the student for unsatisfactory course progress in the PRISMS system.  These actions may result in the cancellation of the student’s visa.

(67) The terms of reference of the Faculty Exclusion Appeals Committeeand Coursework Exclusion Appeals Committee outlining the purpose, membership and procedures governing the operations of the Coursework Exclusion Appeals Committee are set out in the Appendices to this Policy.

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Section 11 - Applying for Re-admission

(68) After a period of exclusion for one year, an excluded student may apply directly to the University for re-admission. Re-admission is not automatic and may be refused.

(69) Students applying for re-admission are advised to speak with the relevant Faculty Head of Students or Associate Dean prior to making their application.

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Section 12 - Roles and Responsibilities

(70) It is the responsibility of the Course Progress Advisor to:

  1. identify and recommend appropriate intervention strategies made up of one or a combination of components listed in sections 7 or 8 of this Policy;
  2. keep records of those elements of the intervention strategy activated for individual students adequate for the purposes of meeting records management requirements and in keeping with the UOW Records Management Policy; and
  3. convey records in relation to each activated element of an intervention strategy to the Student Administration Services Division for noting on the student’s files.

(71) It is the responsibility of the student to:

  1. ensure they achieve satisfactory course progress;
  2. take action as outlined in any direction or process related to any element of the intervention strategy activated for the student in order to return to a course status of active; and
  3. advise the University of the matters referred to in clause 64 (where applicable).

(72) It is the responsibility of the Faculty Exclusion Appeals Committee and the Coursework Exclusion Appeals Committee to:

  1. provide a transparent and consistent process for making adjudications regarding appeals of exclusion; and
  2. adhere to principles of natural justice.

(73) It is the responsibility of each Faculty to:

  1. designate, train and support Course Progress Advisors for the faculty;
  2. ensure that the Course Progress Advisor has not taught the student during the course progress study period in question, or where a potential conflict of interest has been identified; and
  3. take steps to ensure that students are aware of the Course Progress Advisors for the faculty, and how they may be contacted.
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Section 13 - Appendix 1 – Faculty Exclusion Appeals Committee Terms of Reference


(74) The Faculty Exclusion Appeals Committee will support the University aims of providing a fair, equitable and productive learning environment for all students and will provide a transparent and consistent process for making adjudications regarding appeals of exclusion. The Committee will be responsible for the first stage of the exclusion appeal consideration process, as set out in clause 50.


(75) The Faculty Exclusion Appeals Committee shall consist of:

  1. The Faculty Assessment Committee Chair (or where he/she is unable to act, a nominee); and
  2. At least one Head of Students or Associate Dean of the Faculty in which the student is enrolled.

(76) More than one gender should be represented on the Committee where possible.

(77) A quorum for a meeting of the Faculty Exclusion Appeals Committee shall be two members.

Terms of Reference

(78) The Faculty Exclusion Appeals Committee shall hear appeals regarding the exclusion of students from the University in accordance with section 10.

Committee Procedures

(79) All appeals against exclusion submitted by students must comply with the requirements set out in clause 47.

(80) Upon considering the appeal, the Faculty Exclusion Appeals Committee may apply the outcomes set out in clause 50.

(81) The student shall be notified of the outcome in line with the provisions set out in the Policy.

Further Appeal

(82) Where the student is dissatisfied with the outcome of the appeal, a further appeal may be made to the Coursework Exclusion Appeals Committee, as set out in clauses 52-60.

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Section 14 - Appendix 2 – Coursework Exclusion Appeals Committee Terms of Reference


(83) The Coursework Exclusion Appeals Committee will support the University aims of providing a fair, equitable and productive learning environment for all students and will provide a transparent and consistent process for making adjudications regarding appeals of exclusion. The Committee will be responsible for the second stage of the exclusion appeal consideration process, as set out in clauses 52-60.


(84) The Coursework Exclusion Appeals Committee shall consist of:

  1. the Student Ombudsman (or where he/she is unable to act, a nominee) as Chair;
  2. the Head of Students or Associate Dean of the Faculty in which the student is enrolled; and
  3. a Head of Students or Associate Dean from a Faculty other than the Faculty in which the student is enrolled.

(85) More than one gender should be represented on the Committee. Where this is not possible, the Chair will nominate a Head of Students from a Faculty, other than the Faculty in which the student is enrolled, of another gender.

(86) A quorum for a meeting of the Coursework Exclusion Appeals Committee shall be three members, including the Chair.

Terms of Reference

(87) The Coursework Exclusion Appeals Committee shall hear appeals regarding the exclusion of students from the University in accordance with section 10.

Committee Procedures

(88) All appeals against exclusion submitted by students must comply with the requirements set out in clause 54.

(89) Where an appellant appears before the Committee, the Committee shall:

  1. provide the appellant with the opportunity to briefly highlight key issues affecting the appellant’s studies and their impact;
  2. provide the appellant with the opportunity to answer the questions of the Committee;
  3. permit the appellant to be accompanied by a person for the purpose of support but who shall not be permitted to address the Committee except with the Chair’s express permission;
  4. ensure its proceedings are confidential and keep a record of the proceedings adequate for the purposes of meeting records management requirements; and
  5. advise the Student Administration Services Divisionof the Committee’s determination in writing.
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Section 15 - Committee Determination

(90) Upon considering the appeal, the Coursework Exclusion Appeals Committee shall determine the appeal in accordance with the outcomes listed at clauses 50 and 59 The student shall be notified of the outcome in line with the provisions set out in the Policy.

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Section 16 - Appendix 3 – Satisfactory Academic Progress for Students Receiving US Financial Aid


(91) The University complies with US Federal Law (34CFR 668.16 and 34 CFR.668.34) requiring it to define and enforce standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for students receiving US Financial Aid. In order to remain eligible to receive US Financial Aid, any eligible students must meet the US Financial Aid (SAP) requirements.

(92) This should be read in conjunction with the University of Wollongong’s Coursework Rules, to which all students must adhere as part of their enrolment conditions.

Standards for Receipt of US Financial Aid

(93) The requirements for course progress set out in this appendix are to apply to students receiving US Financial Aid in addition to the requirements of the University of Wollongong’s Course Progress Policy, the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000, National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018, and the Migration Regulations 1994.

(94) Where there is difference between requirements across legislation, the stricter requirement will take priority.

(95) In order to receive US Federal funds, students must meet minimum standards for both components of Satisfactory Academic Progress, as detailed below.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements

Undergraduate and Postgraduate Coursework Students

(96) In order to remain eligible for funding, students must maintain a Pass level in each teaching session, throughout their degree program. Grades included in the level calculation are:

Range of Marks
High Dist. (HD)
Distinction (D)
Credit (C)
Pass (P)
Pass. Supp. (PS)
Fail (F)
Not Complete
Technical Fail
In Progress

(97) An Example of a teaching schedule is list below:

Types of Programs
Academic Year/Session dates
SAP measured
Disbursement Dates/month
Autumn Session
Spring Session
01/02 – 31/05
01/08 – 31/01
01/02 - 30/04
01/07 – 30/09
Autumn Session
Spring Session
01/02 – 31/05
01/08 – 31/01
01/02 - 30/04
01/07 – 30/09
Postgraduate Business
Trimester 1
Trimester 2
Trimester 3
01/02 – 31/05
01/06 – 31/08
01/09 – 31/01
01/01 – 31/03
01-05 – 31/07
01/08 – 30/10

(98) For further information regarding the application of these grades, and for information pertaining to the UOW historic legend of grades, please refer to UOW Results.

(99) Incomplete grades (WH, WD, WS) will be included in the calculation of the maximum timeframe. However, they will not be included in the calculation of the academic standing until such time as a grade is awarded.

(100) Any withheld results must be declared within 10 weeks after the release of the results date.

Postgraduate Research Students

(101) The University’s Financial Aid Administrator (FAA) will liaise with the University’s Graduate Research School to monitor a research student’s Progress Report, to ensure that they are on track to complete with the 150% of the standard program duration.

(102) If the Progress Report is up to date no further action will be taken.

(103) If the Progress Report is not completed the FAA will contact the RSC to determine whether the student is progressing satisfactorily.

Completion Timeframes

(104) Students must complete their program within 150% of the published course duration. In order to achieve this, students must pass no less than two-thirds of the standard full-time load for each session for which they are enrolled at the University.

(105) In relation to completion timeframes, the following calculations will apply:

  1. A standard full-time load is 24 credit points in each teaching period. Students must therefore satisfactorily complete a minimum average of 18 credit points for each study period, over the course of the course duration.
  2. A standard 3 year undergraduate degree consists of 144 credit points. Students may therefore take no longer than 4.5 years or 216 credit points to complete a three year undergraduate degree.

(106) The calculation in 103(b)shall be calculated on a pro-rata basis for courses other than standard undergraduate programs, depending upon the standard duration and number of credit points required for satisfactory completion.

(107) All studies, including withdrawals, late withdrawals and incomplete grades, will be included in this calculation.

(108) Periods of enrolment during which a student does not receive US Financial Aid are counted towards the maximum timeframe for completion.

(109) Pursuit of an additional degree will reset the maximum timeframe for completion to the length of the new degree, taking into account any credit as detailed below.

(110) Where a student has been awarded credit that will shorten the duration of their studies, US Federal law (34 CFR668.34) requires that they must complete the program within 150% of the revised duration. This is considered to be the revised maximum timeframe for completion.

(111) Withdrawal from a subject or degree program will affect a student’s eligibility for US Financial Aid if it means that they are not able to complete their program within the maximum timeframe for completion.

(112) Withdrawal from the subject or degree program will affect a student’s eligibility for US Financial Aid if it means that they are not enrolled in at least 50% of an Equivalent Full Time Study Load for that teaching period.

(113) Students who have received approval to reduce their study load in one or more semesters are required to complete their program requirements within 150% of the duration of their program to remain eligible to receive US Financial Aid.

(114) Where a student repeats a subject, the repeated subject will be counted in the maximum timeframe calculations.

Financial Warning and Suspension for Unsatisfactory Progress

(115) Students who are identified as at risk of not meeting SAP will be notified in writing that they will be placed on Financial Aid Warning and their Financial Aid for the following payment period (next session of enrolment).

(116) During the Financial Aid Warning period, students will continue to be eligible for US Financial Aid.

(117) Where a student is subject to a Financial Aid Warning period:

  1. if satisfactory academic progress is maintained, students will remain eligible for aid and the Financial Aid Warning will be removed at the end of the Financial Aid Warning period.
  2. if satisfactory academic progress is not maintained, students will be informed in writing that their next scheduled disbursement will be suspended and that they are not eligible for US Financial Aid until such time that the required progress is achieved.
  3. remedial course offers are not available at UOW for Financial Aid.

Appealing Suspension of Financial Aid Payments

(118) Students who are deemed ineligible for US Financial Aid may appeal the decision.

(119) US Financial Aid Regulation (34 CFR 668.34) stipulates that appeals are only permitted on the following grounds:

  1. death of a relative;
  2. illness or injury to the student; and/or
  3. other compassionate or compelling circumstances.

(120) All appeals must be submitted in written form and, as per the US Federal Regulations (34 CFR 668.34) must contain a statement from the student with the following:

  1. The reason for the student’s failure to meet the SAP requirements.
  2. Information regarding a change in circumstances that will allow the student to meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements at the next evaluation.
  3. The appeal must contain supporting documentary evidence of any claims made in the statement.

(121) Appeals must be submitted to:

US Financial Aid Manager
Fees and Scholarships
Student Administration Services Division
University of Wollongong
Wollongong NSW 2522 Australia

(122) The decision of the US Financial Aid Manager is final.

US Financial Aid Probation

(123) If a student successfully appeals the SAP outcome, they will be placed on US Financial Aid Probation for one payment period (one session).

(124) In line with the University’s Course Progress Policy, the University may activate for a Probation student elements of an intervention strategy which will involve a number of measures to assist the student in receiving and accessing support to enable them to successfully complete their degree. An academic plan may include but not be limited to the following:

  1. Meeting with the Learning Development Unit.
  2. Meeting with a Course Progress Advisor.
  3. Reduction of study load for one session.

(125) At the end of the probation period, to maintain eligibility for US Financial Aid, a student must meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements.

(126) If the student has not met Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements (SAP), they will become ineligible for US Financial Aid.

Re-establishing eligibility for US Financial Aid after an unsuccessful appeal.

(127) Students who are deemed ineligible for US Financial Aid due to failing to meet SAP are able to re-establish eligibility for US Financial Aid. This will be established by:

  1. successfully completing one year 100% equivalent full time study load with a pass in each subject; and

(128) being on track for completion of the program within the maximum time frame of 150% of the standard duration of the program, as set out in clause 104.

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Section 17 - Definitions

Definition (with examples if required)
Academic teaching staff
Any person who carries out teaching responsibilities under the authority of the Head of an Academic Unit.
Course status on which a student commences their studies, and the course status applied where a student on a course status of referral has achieved satisfactory course progress.
Confirmation of Enrolment; the document providing evidence of a student’s enrolment with the University; it contains information about the University, the course and duration of study the student is enrolled in, and is required before international students can be issued a student visa.
Commonwealth Supported Place
A place in a course of study for which the tuition fees are subsidised by the Australian Government, so that students only pay Student Contribution amounts for their units of study.
Commonwealth Supported Student
An eligible Domestic Student whose tuition fees in a course of study are subsidised by the Australian government.
Completion Rate
Applies to domestic students commencing on or after 1 January 2022. A rate of progress that is used as a criterion for determining a student’s eligibility for ongoing Commonwealth funding for the course they are enrolled in.
Conflict of Interest
Where there is a divergence between the individual interests of a staff member or affiliates and their professional obligation to the University, such that an independent observer might reasonably question whether the professional actions or decisions of that staff member are influenced by their own interests or are for their own benefit.
A program of study consisting of a combination of subjects and other requirements, whether leading to a specific higher education award or not.
Course progress
Assessed advancement within a course toward the completion of that course.
Course progress advisor
Any academic staff member, usually the Associate Dean Education or Head of Students, who is designated by the Faculty to assist students with regard to enrolment, academic performance, and referral to student support services. The Dean of Programs will be the Course Progress Advisor for INTI Malaysia. The Associate Dean International of the relevant Faculty shall appoint course progress advisors for other offshore locations.
Course status
Category of enrolment determined by assessed course progress.
Work completed as part of a subject that may not contain original research.
Coursework Exclusion Appeals Committee (CEAC)
Committee to consider and adjudicate upon Stage 2 appeals against exclusion.
Credit point
The value attached to a subject that indicates study load.
Delegated authority
A person given authority to perform a function or task under the Delegations of Authority Policy.
Faculty Exclusion Appeals Committee (FEAC)
Committee to consider and adjudicate upon written Stage 1 appeals against exclusion.
A decision whereby a student’s registration is terminated for a defined period. The student must apply directly to UOW for re-admission at the conclusion of the period of exclusion, should re-admission be sought.
Equivalent Full Time Study Load.
Incomplete results
A student will be deemed to have incomplete results for a study period where the student has withheld grades totalling 50% or more of credit points attempted or has a combination of failing grades and withheld grades totalling 50% or more of credit points attempted (provided the student is not otherwise regarded as having not met course progress requirements).
Intervention Strategy
A systematic plan of action, adapted to assist a student, including those students on a course status of referral or restricted, in meeting course progress requirements. An intervention strategy may include:
- support and assistance for a student as outlined in the Support for Students Policy,
– providing academic advice to a student on matters including language and learning support, leave of absence, and/or learning strategies effective in the relevant discipline or area of study,
– requesting that the student explain the factors contributing to not meeting course progress requirements,
– requesting a written plan describing the means by which a student will attempt to meet course progress requirements in the future,
– recommending programs of study to aid a student in making adequate course progress. This may include restricting the number of subjects that a student may undertake,
– directing a student on course status of referral to make use of support services, and/or
– restricting the enrolment of a student on a course status of restricted.
It may also include other measures deemed appropriate by the Course Progress Advisor.
International Student
A student who is not an Australian or New Zealand citizen or the holder of a permanent resident status, and is required to hold a visa to study in Australia and is liable for international student fees.
Leave of absence
Period of approved leave from the University.
Doctor of Medicine.
Natural justice
Principles that ensure that decision-making is fair and reasonable. These involve decision-makers informing people of the case against them or their interests, giving them a right to be heard, not having a personal interest in the outcome, and acting only on the basis of logically probative evidence.
Official notification
Written information delivered in hard copy or electronically to the address(es) provided by the student.
Course status where a student has either been deemed to have incomplete results for a study period, or is awaiting the outcome of an exclusion appeal.
Postgraduate coursework students
Candidates for Graduate Certificates, Graduate Diplomas, and Masters by Coursework degrees.
Course status where a student on a course status of active in the previous monitoring period has not achieved satisfactory course progress, or where a student on a course status of restricted has achieved satisfactory course progress.
Course status where a student on a course status of referral has not achieved satisfactory course progress in the previous monitoring period. For students enrolled in the MD, the course status of restricted applies to students who have had one session of unsatisfactory course progress at any time during their enrolment.
A person enrolled to study or registered for a course of study in a coursework degree, or in coursework elements of a research degree.
Study period
Period of not more than six months within a course in which a student must be enrolled unless the student has been granted a deferral or a leave of absence.
A self-contained unit of study identified by a unique code.
A decision whereby a student’s registration is suspended, as a result of which the student is prevented from enrolling in any subject for a defined period. The student will be re-admitted at the conclusion of the period of suspension.
Working day
A working day according to the ordinary hours of business (AEST) of the University of Wollongong.