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Finalisation of Student Results Policy

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Section 1 - Introduction

(1) The Finalisation of Student Results Policy set out the principles underpinning and the minimum standards required for the finalisation of subject results, which includes the determination, declaration, release and variation of results. Compliance with this Policy, together with quality assessment practices, should ensure that students’ subject results are a true reflection of their learning and performance.

(2) This Policy is part of the University's quality assessment framework for the finalisation of results for undergraduate and postgraduate coursework subjects, which also includes:

  1. the terms of reference for the Faculty Assessment Committee;
  2. the Coursework Rules; and
  3. the Assessment and Feedback Policy, including the grade finalisation component of the Assessment Quality Cycle.

(3) As far as possible, results will be declared and released to all students at the end of every session.

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Section 2 - Application and Scope

(4) This Policy applies to the finalisation of students’ results in all undergraduate and postgraduate coursework subjects offered by the University of Wollongong, whether studying at the University, or at an offshore partner institution delivering a UOW course, and whether studying on campus, by flexible delivery or in online delivery mode. This is with the exception of subjects within the Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) and/or the Doctor of Medicine (MD) offered by the Graduate School of Medicine.

(5) The process for the finalisation of results for subjects within the Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) and the Doctor of Medicine (MD) offered by the Graduate School of Medicine is undertaken by Graduate Medicine Board of Examiners in accordance with the Graduate Medicine Board of Examiners Terms of Reference.

(6) The process for the finalisation of results for Higher Degree Research (HDR) students is set out in the HDR Award Rules.

(7) The process for the finalisation of results for subjects offered at offshore locations models the quality assurance processes documented within this Policy. The Faculty Assessment Committee meeting may be held at the offshore location, or onshore with input from the offshore location via videoconference or other means. Where required, the Faculty Assessment Committee may perform the functions of both the Academic Unit Assessment Committee and the Faculty Assessment Committee. The Collaborative Delivery - Subject Quality Assurance Procedures provides further information regarding the offshore process.

(8) The process for the finalisation of results for UOW Dubai students is set out in the UOWD Finalisation of Student Results Policy and the UOWD Assessment Committee Standards.

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Section 3 - Principles Guiding the Finalisation of Results

(9) Collegiality: ensuring appropriate consultation is undertaken regarding decisions and representation in meetings so that authority and responsibility are vested appropriately among colleagues.

(10) Transparency: keeping written records of all decisions, including any adjustments or variations to students’ results.

(11) Equity: applying assessment processes consistently and equitably.

(12) Sound Academic Judgement: using sound academic judgement, taking into account relevant learning outcomes and academic considerations, when making decisions about assessment matters.

(13) Timeliness: ensuring results are released to students in line with the key dates for the relevant session.

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Section 4 - Responsibility for Managing Student Results

(14) Staff who have access to student results are responsible for ensuring those results are treated with appropriate confidentiality at all times.

Determination of Results

(15) The Subject Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that individual assessment marks are recorded and maintained in accordance with the provisions in the Assessment and Feedback Policy in preparation for the determination of subject results.

(16) The Honours Supervisor, Honours Coordinator, and Academic Unit are responsible for following the process set out within the Assessment and Feedback Policy and relevant Honours Guide, in relation to the assessment and determination of marks for Honours Projects.

(17) The Academic Unit is responsible for having in place a process, underpinned by the Principles Guiding the Finalisation of Results and in accordance with the responsibilities set out within the Assessment and Feedback Policy, for reviewing the results of students enrolled in each subject delivered by that Academic Unit or administered by that Academic Unit on behalf of a Faculty, as set out in the Actions table at Section 5 of this Policy.

Determination and Declaration of Results

(18) The Faculty Assessment Committee is responsible for determining and declaring the results of all students enrolled in a course offered by the Faculty in accordance with the Faculty Assessment Committee Terms of Reference, the Principles Guiding the Finalisation of Results and the Actions table at Section 5 of this Policy.

(19) The Associate Dean Education is responsible for enacting the responsibilities of the Faculty Assessment Committee after the committee has convened for a session, and during non-standard sessions in which a Faculty Assessment Committee has not convened, in accordance with the Principles Guiding the Finalisation of Results and the Actions table at Section 5 of this Policy.

(20) A Faculty Assessment Committee may adjust the subject results of a student or a group of students after considering information provided by relevant staff of the Academic Unit that delivered the subject. To avoid delaying the determination of results, relevant staff of these Academic Units must be available in person or by electronic means, or provide adequate written information, should a query arise at the Faculty Assessment Committee, in order to enable the Committee to determine the results. The Faculty Assessment Committee will make a decision at the meeting based on the information available to it.

(21) Where there is an issue regarding the results of a group or cohort of students and the matter is not resolved to the agreement of both the Faculty and Academic Unit involved, the matter may be referred to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic and Student Life) or their nominee for determination.

(22) Where the Faculty Assessment Committee adjusts a result in a subject owned by another Faculty, the Faculty Assessment Committee Chair must advise the Head of the subject-owning Academic Unit of the adjustment and the reason for the adjustment.

(23) Full and accurate records must be kept of each adjustment to results as part of the determination of results, including details of the adjustment and reasons for it.

Release of Results

(24) The Student Administration Services Division (SASD) is responsible for releasing declared and varied results to students in accordance with the Principles Guiding the Finalisation of Results and the Actions table at Section 5 of this Policy.

Late Declaration of Results

(25) Following the release of results for a session, the late declaration of a result must be endorsed by the Head of the Academic Unit (or nominee) that delivered the subject and approved by the Associate Dean Education of the owning Faculty of the course in which the student is enrolled.

(26) Full and accurate records must be kept of each late declaration of a result, and include:

  1. details of the late declaration and reasons for it; and
  2. details of the Delegated Authority responsible for the approval of those late declarations.

Variation of Results

(27) Following the release of results for a session, the variation of a result must be endorsed by the Head of the Academic Unit (or nominee) that delivered the subject and approved by the Associate Dean Education of the owning Faculty of the course in which the student is enrolled.

(28) Full and accurate records must be kept of each variation of a result, and include:

  1. details of the variation and reasons for it; and
  2. details of the Delegated Authority responsible for the approval of those variations.
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Section 5 - Steps Leading to the Finalisation of Student Results

(29) The following table sets out the steps leading to the finalisation of results. Timing is based on the University's standard sessions.

(30) For subjects offered during non-standard sessions including sessions at offshore locations, Faculties and SASD are responsible for scheduling all necessary equivalent administrative and quality assurance activities and meetings to finalise student results. The Associate Dean Education must declare results for non-standard sessions.

Action Responsibility Timing
1 Set Faculty Assessment Committee meeting dates and times and advise Faculties accordingly SASD At the start of each standard session
2 Send reminder notice to Faculties of all Faculty Assessment Committee meeting dates and times, FAC responsibilities and attendance requirements SASD 2 weeks before scheduled FAC meetings
3 Ensure all marks for completed assessments are entered into SMP for each student enrolled in the subject Subject Coordinator As required by Assessment and Feedback Policy
4 Calculate provisional composite marks and enter a provisional grade into SMP. Consult the UOW Legend of Grades for an explanation of available grades. Subject Coordinator As required prior to Academic Unit Assessment Committee meeting
5 Consider all undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students with composite marks of 48%-49% for supplementary assessment and:
  1. consult the Supplementary Assessment Procedure for the criteria against which these students should be considered for a supplementary assessment;
  2. allocate WS to each student recommended for a supplementary assessment; and
  3. provide reasons for not recommending students with composite marks of 48%/49% for supplementary assessment to the Academic Unit Assessment Committee and allocate original mark and grade.
Subject Coordinator As required prior to Academic Unit Assessment Committee meeting
6 Allocate a WS to any other student who received a TF or a composite mark of 47 or below and who is considered to merit an offer of a supplementary assessment, taking into account the criteria in the Supplementary Assessment Procedure, and provide reasons why the student merits an offer. Subject Coordinator As required prior to Academic Unit Assessment Committee meeting
7 Determine outcomes for all eligible  applications for academic consideration and:
  1. for successful applications: recommend a WD or
  2. adjust the student's original mark and/or grade; or
  3. for unsuccessful applications: recommend the student's original mark and grade.
Subject Coordinator, in consultation with the Academic Unit as necessary As required prior to Academic Unit Assessment Committee meeting
8 Submit to the Academic Unit Assessment Committee meeting:
  1. provisional results for each student;
  2. a list of students whose results have been adjusted and the reasons for those adjustments;
  3. a list of students recommended to be offered a deferred assessment;
  4. a list of students recommended to be offered a supplementary assessment, including reasons for this decision for students who received a TF or a composite mark of 47 or below; and
  5. a list of students with composite marks of 48%/49% who are not recommended for an offer of a supplementary assessment and the reasons for this.
Subject Coordinator or appropriate substitute nominated by the Chair of the Academic Unit Assessment Committee meeting As required prior to Academic Unit Assessment Committee meeting
9 Review, as required by the Assessment and Feedback Policy, the performance of students in subjects delivered by the Academic Unit, including:
  1. reviewing the distribution of marks in each subject, as available in the Assessment Committee Report;
  2. comparing distributions with historical data and across locations, as available in the Assessment Committee Report;
  3. identifying and reviewing subject anomalies to ensure marks and grades are being determined appropriately, consistently and fairly;
  4. reviewing all provisional results in subjects delivered by the Academic Unit that are:
    1. ND (not declared)
    2. WH (withheld)
    3. WS (withheld supplementary)
    4. WD (withheld deferred)
    5. IPC (in progress coursework)
    6. F (fail)
    7. TF (technical fail)
  5. reviewing all provisional results for potential graduands; and
  6. reviewing results at grade cusps.
Academic Unit At Academic Unit Assessment Committee meeting
10 If appropriate, apply scaling having regard to the Scaling Guidelines (see Schedule 1 of this Policy) Academic Unit At Academic Unit Assessment Committee meeting
11 Endorse or give reasons for not endorsing recommendations of Subject Coordinators in relation to offers of supplementary assessment and/or deferred assessment Academic Unit At Academic Unit Assessment Committee meeting
12 Calculate grades of Honours and WAMs and recommend to the Faculty Assessment Committee Academic Unit At Academic Unit Assessment Committee meeting
13 Record, in a confidential attachment to the meeting minutes, reasons for:
  1. any adjustments made to results at the meeting, including adjustments to Honours grades and WAMs; and
  2. not endorsing offers of supplementary assessment to students with a composite mark of 48%-49%.
Academic Unit At Academic Unit Assessment Committee meeting
14 Submit provisional results to SASD Academic Unit 2 working days before Faculty Assessment Committee meeting
15 Create consolidated results reports for each Faculty SASD 2 working days before Faculty Assessment Committee meeting
16 Review consolidated results of individual students and consult with Chairs of Academic Unit Assessment Committee meetings as necessary FAC Chair 2 working days before Faculty Assessment Committee meeting
For adjustments to results in subjects delivered by other Faculties, consult with 
representatives from the Academic Unit delivering the subject, either in person or by technical device, or against written advice, prior to determining these results
FAC Chair 2 working days before Faculty Assessment Committee meeting
18 Review and approve (as appropriate) Academic Unit endorsements of offers of supplementary assessment to students and record decisions and reasons for NOT approving offers Faculty Assessment Committee At Faculty Assessment Committee meeting
19 Make final decisions on all other provisional results Faculty Assessment Committee At Faculty Assessment Committee meeting
20 Declare subject results Faculty Assessment Committee At Faculty Assessment Committee meeting
21 Submit grades of Honours and WAMs in hard-copy or soft-copy memo to SASD for entry into SMP Publisher Faculty Assessment Committee At Faculty Assessment Committee meeting
22 Enter grades of Honours from Faculty Assessment Committee memos into SMP SASD Before the date notified on the University website for release of session results
23 Release declared results to students SASD By the date notified on the University website for release of session results
24 Assess eligibility of graduating students to receive their awards ‘with Distinction’ SASD Following the date that session results are released
25 Nominate to the University Medals Nomination Panel students to receive University Medals Executive Deans As stipulated in the Student Prizes and Scholarships Policy
26 Recommend composite marks and/or grades for subjects with withheld results (WH, WS, WD, IPC, ND) Academic Unit As stipulated in the Coursework Rules and Assessment and Feedback Policy
27 Approve late declarations of results Associate Dean Education As stipulated in the Coursework Rules
28 Release late declarations of results to students SASD As stipulated in the Coursework Rules
29 Apply a mark of 0 and grade of Fail, or a grade of Unsatisfactory as required, to remaining withheld results SASD As stipulated in the Coursework Rules
30 Recommend variations to individual students’ subject results, as required Academic Unit As stipulated in the Coursework Rules
31 Approve variations to individual students’ subject results, as required Associate Dean Education As stipulated in the Coursework Rules
32 Release variations to individual students’ subject results, as required SASD As stipulated in the Coursework Rules
33 Advise Faculty Assessment Committees of any late declarations of results and variations to results since previous FAC meeting SASD At next Faculty Assessment Committee meeting
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Section 6 - Record Keeping

(31) The University's legal and administrative requirements for record keeping are set out in the Records Management Policy.

(32) To comply with those requirements:

  1. Academic Units must keep full and accurate records of actions and decisions taken by Academic Units in the finalisation of student results; and
  2. a representative from Student Administration Services Division must keep minutes of Faculty Assessment Committee meetings that record decisions made, reasons for decisions (as required), actions taken by the Committee and attendance at the meeting.

(33) Faculties and Academic Units may from time to time be required to produce records of decisions and reasons for decisions for internal or external audit or review.

(34) Records of Academic Unit Assessment Committee meetings and Faculty Assessment Committee meetings should be kept for a minimum of five years from the date of the meeting.

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Section 7 - Schedule 1: Scaling Guidelines    


(35) These Guidelines are designed to assist academic staff in deciding whether it is appropriate to scale marks and, if so, what method of scaling should be used.

(36) Any decision to scale or otherwise adjust marks must be justifiable in terms of the Principles for the Finalisation of Results.


(37) The University reserves the right to scale marks in any undergraduate and postgraduate coursework subjects taught by the University of Wollongong onshore and offshore. 

(38) The Scaling Guidelines should be read in conjunction with the Finalisation of Student Results Policy, with particular reference to the Principles for the Principles for the Finalisation of Results.

Using Scaling

What is scaling?

(39) For the purposes of these guidelines, ‘scaling’ is used to mean the adjustment of a group of marks of an entire class or a subset of that class, for example, a tutorial group. The term is not used to cover the adjustment of marks for individuals or the variation of marking schemes, although these are discussed briefly below.

(40) Scaling may involve all of the marks for the subject or just the marks for a particular component of the assessment, for example, the final exam.

(41) Scaling cannot be used to adjust the marks of individual students.

When may scaling be used?

  1. Scaling may be used when the marks of a group are affected (positively or adversely) by the assessment regime of the subject in an unplanned way. However, scaling should always be used with caution.
  2. Some examples of aberrations or unexpected outcomes, which may point to an underlying problem justifying scaling, are:
  3. the average mark for the cohort is considerably higher or lower than the performance demonstrated by the cohort in other assessments for that subject (or other subjects) or compared to cohorts in previous years;
  4. external forces unrelated to student performance have caused inappropriate variations between cohorts undertaking the same assessment (e.g. students from different campuses of the University or from different tutorial groups);
  5. marks are highly concentrated in a narrow band around the median;
  6. the shape of the distribution of marks is unusual (e.g. highly skewed or bimodal);
  7. a single assessment or examination question proves to be problematic.

(42) Although it is sometimes assumed that a desirable outcome in any subject is for a uni-modal, bell-shaped distribution of marks, there is no universally correct shape. The nature and/or mixture of students undertaking a subject may validly result in a bi-modal or moderately (or even highly) skewed distribution.

(43) As part of their ultimate quality audit role, Faculty Education Committees are responsible for comparing distributions of grades and investigating any apparent problem areas.

When should scaling not be used?

(44) Scaling is not an appropriate method to compensate for serious breakdowns in the learning and teaching process. Other strategies need to be used to address such situations.

(45) Judgement must be exercised about the cause of any aberration or unexpected outcome before adopting scaling to correct a perceived problem. For example, where variations between the performances of cohorts may be caused by differences in effectiveness of teaching and/or the quality of students. In such cases non-standard results should be accepted.

(46) Some universities require a proportion of specific grades to lie within defined bands (e.g. High Distinctions to be within a band of 5-12% of the cohort), except for small enrolment groups. Such quotas are not part of UOW practice, although academics marking assessments may use such reference points to inform their decision-making.

(47) Scaling to a normal distribution (or other preconceived model) is also not a preferred UOW practice.

Can marks for assessments be scaled after they are provided to students?

(48) Once marks for individual assessments have been approved by the Subject Coordinator and provided to students they cannot be scaled down, unless the subject outline explicitly states that this may occur (see Assessment and Feedback Policy).

Who can make the decision to scale marks?

(49) The Academic Unit and/or the Faculty Assessment Committee can review the distribution of grades for any given subject and make a decision to scale subject marks. The Faculty Assessment Committee must be informed where results are scaled by the Academic Unit.

(50) For assessment occurring throughout the session, routine scaling can be undertaken by the Subject Coordinator, provided this is done as stated in the subject outline, as required by the Assessment and Feedback Policy.

How might marks be scaled?

(51) Scaling might involve:

  1. widening the range of marks about the mean, but not shifting the mean (used to correct for concentration in a narrow band);
  2. shifting the mean (used to adjust for an unreasonably low or high average);
  3. adjusting the shape of the distribution (for a clearly defined and valid reason, if one exists); or
  4. a combination of any of the above.

(52) The algorithm for doing this may be based on linear or non-linear transformations. Other methods, such as scaling to normality, or scaling to achieve specified percentages within bands are not recommended practice at the University of Wollongong.

(53) Unless there are clearly identified goals, the simpler and more transparent the scaling method the better. Advice on how to achieve particular scaling goals is available from the Statistical Consulting Centre.

(54) Any method of scaling of an individual assessment or a subject mark must preserve rank order within the relevant cohort. However, the scaling of an individual assessment for a sub-cohort (such as a tutorial group) may result in changes to the rank order in the larger cohort of students studying a particular subject.

Can marks be scaled up or down?

(55) It may be appropriate to scale marks either up or down, although particular caution is advised when scaling down.

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Section 8 - Other Mark Adjustment Methods

(56) There are other methods of adjusting marks which are not strictly scaling, and which also need to be approached with caution or avoided altogether.

Adjusting Marks or Weightings in Individual Cases

  1. Where a student has demonstrated uneven performance over the session (e.g. strong performance in assignments and poor performance in exams), it is not appropriate to:
    1. adjust the marks of the student; or
    2. add weight to a particular type of assessment completed by the student.

(57) If the final exam is considered to be the most significant assessment it should be awarded a greater percentage of the overall marks for the subject.

(58) Students may also be required to perform to a satisfactory standard in the final exam or in some other significant assessment (e.g. to achieve 40% in the final exam or to satisfactorily complete a laboratory component) in order to achieve a pass in a subject overall. In accordance with the Subject Delivery Policy, this requirement must be clearly communicated to students in the subject outline.

(59) The consideration of students’ composite results in academic consideration cases is covered by the Student Academic Consideration Policy. It is inappropriate to regard such circumstances as a basis for scaling, but it may be appropriate to modify the weightings for the various assessments to reflect the circumstances of the academic consideration granted to the student.

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Section 9 - Schedule 2: Faculty Assessment Committee Terms of Reference

(60) The Faculty Assessment Committee shall operate in accordance with the following minimum standards with respect to its role and operations:

Terms of Reference

(61) The Faculty Assessment Committee is a formally constituted committee of the Faculty or, in the case of a Combined Faculty Assessment Committee, of one or more Faculties, with particular responsibility for the finalisation of student results for a session(s).

(62) The Faculty Assessment Committee shall:

  1. be responsible for oversight of the finalisation of results for students enrolled in subjects offered by the Faculty for the relevant session(s).
  2. through the Chair, monitor processes and procedures of the Academic Unit Assessment Committee meetings.
  3. receive results recommended by the Head of each relevant Academic Unit for subjects studied by students enrolled in courses offered by the Faculty.
  4. determine, within approved policy and following due process, the results for subjects studied by students enrolled in courses offered by the Faculty and in so doing:
    1. may request the Head or nominee of an Academic Unit to reconsider any recommended mark;
    2. may, in the absence of the relevant Head or nominee of an Academic Unit, adjust any recommended mark; and
    3. may request the Head or nominee of an Academic Unit to provide reasons, in writing, for not submitting a mark for a particular student.
  5. review and approve, in accordance with the Coursework Rules and the Supplementary and Deferred Assessment Procedure, Academic Unit endorsements of offers of supplementary assessment.
  6. declare the subject results and submit them to Student Administration Services Division for release.
  7. submit grades of Honours and weighted average marks (WAMs) to the Student Administration Services Division.
  8. report on any matter referred to it by the Academic Senate or the Vice-Chancellor and President.


(63) The members of the Faculty Assessment Committee shall consist of:

  1. the Associate Dean Education or nominee as Chair; and
  2. the Heads, or their nominees, of all Academic Units of the Faculty offering subjects delivered during the relevant session(s).

(64) The Chair may allow additional staff with responsibility for subjects delivered during the session(s) to be in attendance at Faculty Assessment Committee meetings.

(65) A Combined Faculty Assessment Committee meeting of one or more Faculties may be held as necessary. The Chair shall be elected from the Chairs of the Faculty Assessment Committees of Faculties offering courses for which subjects are delivered during the session(s).

(66) A Collaborative Faculty Assessment Committee meeting may be held for subjects offered at offshore locations. The Associate Dean Education may nominate Co-Chairs for the meeting.

(67) Representatives of Student Administration Services Division have right of attendance at Faculty Assessment Committee meetings for administrative purposes.


(68) The quorum for a Faculty Assessment Committee meeting shall be the Chair and one Head, or their nominee, of an Academic Unit of the Faculty offering subjects delivered during the relevant session(s).

Meeting Frequency

(69) The Faculty Assessment Committee will meet as a minimum three times per year at the conclusion of Autumn, Spring and Summer sessions. Additional meetings may be scheduled as necessary.

Committee Operations

(70) The Committee will operate in accordance with the Finalisation of Student Results Policy.

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Section 10 - Definitions

Word/Term Definition
Academic Unit School, Unit, Program or Discipline
Academic Unit Assessment Committee A meeting at which the actions that are the responsibility of the Academic Unit in determining student results are undertaken.
Assessment An activity that a student is required to complete to provide a basis for an official record of achievement or certification of competence in a subject (e.g. examination, test, take-home examination, quiz, assignment, essay, laboratory report, demonstration, folio of creative work, performance, written or oral presentation, participation).
Declaration Approval by the delegated authority for the release of a grade of performance and/or mark for a subject, or a withheld result, following determination of the result by the Academic Unit and Faculty.
Deferred Assessment An assessment taken by an eligible student as a result of a Student Academic Consideration application. Deferred assessment includes in-session or end-of-session assignments and examinations and can be administered by the faculty or centrally.
Determination The process by which an Academic Unit and Faculty determine an overall grade of performance and/or mark for a subject, prior to the declaration of the result.
Faculty Assessment Committee (FAC) The Faculty Assessment Committee is as described in the Faculty Assessment Committee Terms of Reference.
Finalisation The overall process by which an approved grade of performance and/or mark for a subject is finalised, which includes the determination, declaration, release, and if applicable, variation, of the result.
Full and accurate record A record that:
  1. correctly reflects what was done, communicated or decided, and can be trusted as a true representation of the transactions or events which it documents;
  2. is authentic, for example the record can be proven to be what it claims to be, to have been created or sent by the person claimed to have created or sent it, and to have been created or sent at the time claimed;
  3. has integrity by virtue of being complete and protected against unauthorised access, alteration, deletion or loss; and
  4. is usable by virtue of being understandable, complete, retrievable and available through time.
Honours Coordinator A member of academic staff who is responsible for the operation of an Honours Degree and/or the coordination of Honours Projects.
Honours Project A component of study within the Honours Degree that involves project work and/or a piece of research and scholarship with some independence and that is discipline specific, inter-disciplinary or joint.
Honours Supervisor A member of academic staff who is appropriately qualified, has relevant expertise and appropriate experience to oversee the progress of the Honours Project.
Late declaration The declaration by the delegated authority, after the release of results, of an approved grade of performance and/or mark for a subject for which a withheld result was declared at the release of results.
Offshore location A location that is outside of Australia at which a University of Wollongong course is offered.
Provisional result A subject result that is under determination by the Academic Unit and/or Faculty.
Record Records are a part of and result from business activities and provide evidence of those activities. Any document or other source of information compiled, recorded or stored in written form or on film, or by electronic process, or in any other manner or by any other means (State Records Act 1998 (NSW). Records may include, but are not limited to, any staff member's paper based records, emails, or electronic documents stored at UOW or on UOW equipment. A record does not include personal and/or private documents that are not part of official UOW business records.
Release The publication of declared or varied subject results to students by Student Administration Services Division.
Session A period in which subjects may be offered. For the purpose of this Policy, standard sessions are defined as Autumn, Spring, Summer and Trimesters. Non-standard sessions are defined as any session other than Autumn, Spring, Summer or Trimesters.
Student A person registered with the University of Wollongong for a course or unit of study.
Student Management Package (SMP) Consists of SOLS, SMP-Central and the student administration software and web-based systems.
Subject A self-contained unit of study identified by a unique code.
Subject Coordinator An academic staff member with nominated responsibility for a subject.
Supplementary Assessment An assessment taken by an eligible student, as approved by the delegated authority, who has failed a subject and has been granted an opportunity to take an additional assessment to pass the subject in accordance with the Supplementary Assessment Procedure. Supplementary assessment includes in-session or end-of-session examinations and non-examination assessments, and may be administered by the faculty or centrally.
Variation The amendment of a declared grade of performance and/or mark for a subject, approved for the release by the delegated authority.
Weighted average mark (WAM) The average of marks gained by a candidate in a course and weighted by credit point value and by level using the designated method as specified in the Coursework Rules.
Withheld result An interim result given when a grade of performance for a subject has not been determined and declared at the release of results, as specified in the Coursework Rules.