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Section 1 - Introduction and Scope
(1) The Coursework Rules (hereafter the Rules) govern the admission, enrolment, progression through, and qualification for a coursework award offered by the University.
(2) These Rules do not apply to students enrolled in, or working towards a Higher Degree Research qualification at the University of Wollongong, except where these students are enrolled in coursework subjects. Rules for Higher Degree Research students are contained in the Higher Degree Research (HDR) Award Rules.
(3) These Rules replace the General Course Rules and the Admissions Rules.
Top of PageSection 2 - Admission
Admission Principles
(4) The University admits applicants based on merit and makes offers of a place to applicants assessed as having a reasonable prospect of succeeding in their chosen course.
(5) The University’s admission processes and admission requirements are transparent, non-discriminatory, applied fairly and consistently and are clearly communicated to prospective applicants.
(6) Course level admission requirements for international students will be equivalent to the minimum requirements for domestic students.
(7) Unless otherwise determined by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and Student Life) in exceptional circumstances, the minimum selection rank or equivalent required for admission to an undergraduate course at any teaching location in any given admission period must not be more than five (5) points below the minimum selection rank, or equivalent, as determined for the main Wollongong campus.
(8) The University may approve access and equity schemes, pathway and enabling courses for groups of students under-represented in higher education or to provide access to persons who have experienced educational or social disadvantage. Admission decisions based on equity considerations will ensure that admitted students have the opportunity to develop the academic literacy skills needed to participate in their intended study and achieve the expected learning outcomes (refer Admissions Procedures (Coursework)).
General Provisions
(9) To be eligible for admission, an applicant must satisfy:
- the minimum admission requirements for the selected course including any course pre-requisites;
- the minimum English language proficiency requirements for the selected course;
- the minimum age requirements.
(10) To be admitted to a course, an applicant must:
- lodge an application for admission by the closing date, with specified supporting documentation; and
- pay the required application fee, where relevant.
(11) Eligibility for admission does not guarantee selection into a course. Applicants meeting the requirements for admission may be denied admission based on the grounds as set out in clause 53 below.
(12) An application for admission that would result in enrolment in more than one course concurrently must be approved by the Delegated Authority.
(13) The University may limit the number of places in a course and set course quotas and sub-quotas, as approved by the Delegated Authority.
Course-level Admission Requirements
(14) The Quality Assurance Review Group (QARG) endorses and the delegated authority approves coursework admission requirements for a maximum period of five years. Course level requirements include minimum academic requirements and minimum English language requirements.
(15) Some courses may have additional admission requirements, including but not limited to Inherent Requirements, prerequisite study or assessment of suitability via portfolio or interview.
(16) Admission requirements for each course are published in Course Finder.
(17) Admission requirements for each course are reviewed at least every five years as part of the comprehensive course review cycle. Any variations to admission standards between review cycles, must be approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and Student Life) and reported annually to Academic Senate.
General Academic Requirements
Undergraduate Degrees
(18) Applicants who apply for admission to an undergraduate course will normally be required to achieve one or more of the following at the level approved for admission into the course:
- Successful completion of the NSW HSC or equivalent, and the awarding of an ATAR;
- Successful completion of sufficient Australian senior secondary studies to be eligible to receive a limited ATAR;
- Successful completion of at least 6 months full-time study (or equivalent) at a minimum Bachelor degree level;
- Successful completion of an AQF Level 4 qualification (Certificate IV) or above, from any Registered Training organisation;
- Successful completion of an overseas secondary or tertiary qualifications considered equivalent to the above Australian qualifications;
- Successful completion of a recognised enabling or pathway course (refer Admissions Procedures (Coursework));
- Successful completion of a Portfolio which has been assessed at Level 5 of the Australian Core Skills Framework;
- Successful completion of the Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT);
- Assessment via the Woolyungah Indigenous Admissions Program;
- Assessment via the University’s Early Admissions Program (refer Admissions Procedures (Coursework));
One-Year Honours Bachelor Degrees
(19) Applicants for admission to a one-year Honours Bachelor degree will have completed a related Bachelor degree, or equivalent qualification, at a standard specified for the degree to which admission is sought.
(20) Admission is based on academic merit, and endorsement from the Executive Dean or nominee, or Head of School that adequate supervision, infrastructure, and other resources and facilities are available to support candidature.
Graduate Entry or Postgraduate Coursework Degrees
(21) Applicants for admission to a graduate degree or postgraduate coursework degree will normally be required to have completed a Bachelor degree or higher level qualification, or equivalent overseas tertiary qualification.
(22) Applicants who have completed a lower level qualification and substantial relevant professional experience, or a combination of formal and informal learning including substantial relevant professional experience, as specified for the course, may be considered for admission to a postgraduate coursework degree by the Delegated Authority on a case-by-case basis.
English Language Requirement
(23) All applicants, whether domestic or international, must demonstrate that their English language ability meets the minimum requirements for admission. Further information about the minimum English language requirements for Admission, including evidence requirements, is provided in the Admissions Procedures (Coursework).
Overseas Qualifications
(24) The University has absolute discretion to determine whether a qualification submitted for admission is equivalent to that specified in the Admission requirements. Further information about determining international equivalencies is provided in the Admissions Procedures (Coursework).
Non-Award Study
(25) A person may apply to the University for permission to study one or more subjects offered by the University on a non-award basis.
(26) The Delegated Authority may, at their absolute discretion, determine an application for non-award study.
(27) For an applicant who does not satisfy the selection criteria for a course, the Delegated Authority may recommend that an applicant be admitted to study a single subject on a non-award basis.
(28) An applicant granted permission to undertaken non-award study under clause 25 or 27 (above) will be taken to be a student for the purposes of the Rules of the University.
(29) Satisfactory completion of any subject where the applicant is admitted under clause 25 or 27 may be used as a basis for determining eligibility for admission into a course, but does not guarantee admission into that course.
Cross-Institutional Study/Student Exchange
(30) A student enrolled at another tertiary institution may apply to study at UOW where there is an arrangement for recognition of study by both institutions.
(31) Students are required to submit an Application for Cross-Institutional Studies. Applicants applying for cross institutional study must meet UOW’s minimum admission requirements.
(32) The University admits international students into programs of study (for one or two sessions) that may be counted towards a degree at their home university. Student exchange programs are managed by the Office of Global Student Mobility.
Application for Admission
(33) The application procedure for admission to the University is outlined in the Admissions Procedures (Coursework).
(34) Applicants are responsible for providing accurate information to the University in support of their application.
Minimum Age Requirement
(35) Applicants under 17 years of age by the date of commencement of their course session are not normally eligible to be considered for admission to the University. In exceptional circumstances, an application for admission may be considered from an applicant under 17 years of age who can demonstrate outstanding academic ability and readiness for university education.
(36) An offer of admission can be made to underage applicants at the discretion of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and Student Life). This discretionary power is subject to the limitations outlined in clause 37 (below).
(37) International applicants on a student visa who have not reached 18 years of age by the date of commencement of their course will only be considered for admission if they will be residing in Australia with a parent, legal guardian, or relative approved by the Department of Home Affairs, while they are under 18 years of age.
(38) Applicants, whether domestic or international, who are under 14 years and 9 months at the time of application, will not be considered for admission under any circumstances.
Making offers
(39) Only officers of the University with delegated authority may make offers of admissions as specified in the Delegations of Authority Policy.
(40) All applicants will receive a formal notification of outcome, which might be:
- an unconditional offer; or
- a conditional offer; or
- a packaged offer to two or more courses of study; or
- no offer.
(41) Where the University attaches conditions to an offer of admission, the conditions will be detailed in the letter of offer. Such conditions may include, but are not limited to, providing certified documentation or other evidence of meeting admission requirements and/or meeting visa or other legal obligations.
(42) The University may make a packaged offer to an applicant, which is an offer of admission to two or more courses. Conditions attached to packaged offers are set out in the Admissions Procedures (Coursework).
(43) Where the number of applicants who meet the admission requirements exceeds the number of places available in a course, the University may rank the applicants and offer places in order of selection rank.
(44) If an applicant wishes to accept an offer of admission they will do so in accordance with the process specified in the letter of offer. Failure to do so may result in the offer of admission being withdrawn.
(45) The University reserves the right to set expiry dates on offers.
Deferment of Offer
(46) An applicant, who has received an offer of a place, may request to defer their offer for up to one (1) calendar year.
(47) Deferred entry is not available for all courses and applicants are advised to contact the Admissions Office for further information.
(48) Deferred entry is not guaranteed and is at the discretion of the Delegated Authority.
(49) The University may, at its discretion, withdraw a deferred offer if the applicant fails to enrol in the deferred course by the enrolment date or fails to comply with any requirements prescribed by the University in relation to the deferment.
(50) An applicant taking up their deferred offer will be admitted under the current set of course rules and curricula, provided that the course has not been discontinued, in which case the applicant will be offered admission to a comparable course.
Withdrawal of Offer
(51) The University may withdraw an offer of admission or refuse admission where the offer is made on the basis of incomplete, inaccurate, fraudulent or misleading information supplied by the applicant or by a certifying authority.
(52) The University reserves the right to withdraw an offer of admission made in error.
Refusal of Admission
(53) The University may refuse admission to an applicant, who otherwise meets the admission requirements for the selected course, on the following grounds:
- the applicant has previously been suspended or excluded from the University or any other tertiary institution for academic reasons, including but not limited to academic misconduct or unsatisfactory academic progress;
- the applicant has outstanding fees owing to the University;
- the applicant fails to meet the genuine temporary entrant requirements specified for international students;
- the applicant fails to meet the inherent requirements specified for their selected course;
- where evidence from the applicant’s history as determined by theDirector, Student Administration Services Division in consultation with the relevant Associate Dean, Education, makes them unsuitable to study the course for which they have applied on academic or non-academic grounds provided that the applicant is supplied with written notification of the reasons for refusal;
- the quota of places for a course or the diversity target for a course has been reached; or
- there are not appropriate and sufficient personnel, resources or number of applicants to enable the course to be offered.
Conflict of Interest
(54) University staff responsible for making admission decisions and offers of admission are to disclose any personal relationships with an applicant in accordance with the Conflict of Interest Policy.
Right of Appeal - Admissions
(55) Applicants may appeal the following decisions on the sole ground that there has been non-compliance with these Rules:
- assessment on whether an applicant satisfies the admission requirements of a course;
- withdrawal of an offer of admission pursuant to clause 51 to 52 (above); or
- refusal of admission pursuant to clause 53 (above).
(56) Further information on the lodgement of an appeal and how it will be reviewed and determined is set out in the Admissions Procedures (Coursework).
Top of PageSection 3 - Enrolment and Variations
General Enrolment Rules
(57) Students who have activated an offer will be deemed to be registered for a course, and will be required to enrol in subjects for their enrolment to be completed. Once enrolled, students will be then subject to all relevant rules, policies and other requirements.
(58) Some courses may only be available on a full-time or part-time basis, or in other modes of delivery as specified in the Course Handbook.
(59) Continuation of enrolment is contingent upon compliance with any approved conditions imposed at initial registration or thereafter.
(60) Except with approval by the delegated authority in exceptional circumstances, a student is subject to the course time limits set out in clauses 99 – 100 inclusive.
(61) During prescribed periods in each year, a student will enrol in a program in accordance with requirements of these Rules and pay any required charges.
Concurrent Enrolment
(62) Except with approval by the delegated authority, a student will not be enrolled concurrently in more than one course of study. Where a domestic fee-paying student is approved to enrol in more than one course concurrently, the student must maintain an equivalent full-time enrolment in one of the courses of study in every session in which the student is active in order to maintain eligibility for Commonwealth income support for which they are otherwise eligible.
Twinning, Joint and Dual Award Arrangements and Cross-Institutional Studies
(63) Students enrolled under a Twinning, Joint or Dual award agreement between the University of Wollongong and another institution, or in any form of cross-institutional study, must follow the rules and policies with regard to their enrolment in that subject at the University of Wollongong or the other institution of study at which they are enrolled.
International Student Enrolment Requirements
(64) International students on student visas are required to complete their course within the duration as registered for that course on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for International Students (CRICOS). The registered duration is determined on the basis of a minimum time to complete the course under a standard full-time study load.
(65) International students can only exceed this duration as a result of:
- compassionate or compelling circumstances as evidenced by the student and approved by the delegated authority; or
- participation in an approved intervention strategy as outlined in the Course Progress Policy; or
- an approved deferment, leave of absence or suspension of study.
(66) The duration of course completion for individual international students may be shortened as a result of credit transfer granted for prior study.
(67) It is the obligation of the International Student to ensure that they are enrolled in the equivalent of a full-time study load at all times, and where they become aware that they are under-enrolled, to seek academic advice.
(68) Where the University becomes aware that an International Student on a student visa has failed to enrol in a full time study load without academic approval to do so, either as a result of enrolling in fewer subjects than constitute a full time load, or as a result of withdrawing from a subject or subjects, the following will apply:
- The international student will be required to contact the Head of Students for the course-owning Faculty, and show cause as to why they have not enrolled in a full time load.
- Where the student can demonstrate the existence of appropriate reasons for their under-enrolment, the University may assist the student in processing an extension to their ECOE, and supporting applications for an extended visa.
- In the absence of a valid reason for the under-enrolment, as outlined in clause 65.a (above) the student will either:
- be required to demonstrate how they intend to undertake additional study in order to complete their course of study within the expected duration; or
- should the student not have enough time left on their student visa to undertake additional study, the student may be informed that they are unable to complete their course.
Cancellation of Enrolment
(69) A student may have their enrolment cancelled as a consequence of failing to comply with University rules.
(70) Where a student is admitted to a course of study on the basis of documentation or information that is later discovered to be incomplete, inaccurate, fraudulent or misleading, the University may cancel the student’s enrolment.
(71) Where a student fails to meet the minimum rate of progress in a course they may be suspended or excluded from the University, as specified in the Course Progress Policy.
(72) Students may be excluded from the University for either academic or non-academic misconduct as specified in the Student Conduct Rules.
(73) A student may be suspended, excluded or expelled from the University where, following a risk assessment taking into consideration the student’s history and/or other circumstances, it is determined that the student’s continued registration in the course may cause a substantial risk to the health or safety of members of the University community.
Performance in a Mandatory Placement Program Component
(74) The student may be excluded from the course if the Executive Dean of the relevant course-owning faculty student determines the student is unsuitable to commence or continue in a mandatory placement or mandatory professional experience component of a course on the basis that:
- the student fails to perform satisfactorily in a mandatory placement program or mandatory professional experience component of the course or for other specified reasons is subsequently assessed to be unlikely to perform satisfactorily in that practical placement or professional experience component and therefore has been deemed to be as unsuitable to continue in such placement program or professional experience component by the Academic Program Director;
- the student is required to complete a mandatory placement program or mandatory professional experience component of a course with an external agency, and the external agency has refused to permit that student access to their facilities for legitimate reasons; or
- for another specified reason, the student is assessed to be unlikely to perform satisfactorily in a mandatory placement program or mandatory professional experience component of a course.
(75) The Academic Program Director for the course must first give the student notice in writing setting out the proposed reasons for assessing the student as unsuitable, and must give the student ten (10) working days from receipt of such notice in which to comment in writing to the Academic Program Director on the student’s suitability to commence or continue to participate in a mandatory placement program or mandatory professional experience component of a course.
Note: The term ‘working day’ is defined above at clause 1.
(76) Where the Academic Program Director, taking account of any comment received in writing from the student, forms the view a student is unsuitable to commence or continue to participate in a mandatory placement program or mandatory professional experience component of a course for one or more of the reasons set out in clause 74 above, the Academic Program Director must refer all relevant information on the matter to the Faculty Executive Dean for a decision. The Executive Dean will consider this information and determine the matter and advise the student in writing of their decision within ten (10) working days after receiving the referral from the Academic Program Director.
(77) A student may appeal the decision of the Faculty Executive Dean using the process outlined for appeals against course exclusion in the Course Progress Policy, subject to the following variations:
- The appeal will:
- be lodged in writing with the Student Administration Services Division within 20 working days after receipt of notification of exclusion,
- state fully the reasons for the appeal, which may include:
- a statement in response to the factors that contributed to the student being assessed as unsuitable to commence or continue in a mandatory placement or mandatory professional experience component of a course; and/or
- a statement detailing how those contributing factors will be managed in the future;
- provide any relevant documentary evidence to support the appeal, which may include but not be limited to medical certificates, statutory declarations, counselling reports, references, statements by academic teaching staff, and relevant correspondence.
(78) The student will not be excluded from the course until either the timeframes outlined in the policy for lodgement of an appeal have passed and the student has failed to lodge an appeal, or the appeal is determined and the exclusion is upheld.
(79) The Coursework Exclusion Appeals Committee only shall consider and determine the appeal as follows:
- appeal denied; or
- appeal upheld with a recommendation to the Vice-Chancellor and President or the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and Student Life) to revoke the exclusion and reinstate the student’s enrolment without condition; or
- appeal upheld with a recommendation to the Vice-Chancellor and President or the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and Student Life) to revoke the exclusion and to:
- suspend the student for a specified period; or
- reinstate the student’s enrolment subject to conditions, which may include:
- undertaking a prescribed learning support program;
- seeking language and learning support;
- seeking academic advice;
- seeking faculty-based learning support;
- referral to a Student Support Advisor; and/or
- referral to another appropriate support service.
- Any excluded student retains the right to appeal externally to the NSW Ombudsman.
Period of Cancellation of Enrolment
(80) The period of suspension will comprise one or more sessions and the remainder of the session in which the suspension is applied. At the end of the period of suspension, the student may be re-enrolled in the course.
(81) The period of exclusion will comprise one or more years, and the remainder of the session in which the exclusion is applied. Students who are excluded must re-apply for admission directly to the University at the end of the exclusion period, and are required to declare this period of exclusion at the time of applying.
Course-Level Enrolment Rules
Variation of Course
(82) After consultation with an Academic Adviser, a student may apply to the delegated authority for permission to change registration from one course to another, change location (campus) or change mode of delivery within a course.
(83) The delegated authority must not grant permission to change registration from one course to another unless satisfied that the student will be able to attain the course learning outcomes for the course to which registration is changed upon completion of the course.
(84) Permission for a student to change registration is contingent upon:
- the delegated authority being satisfied that the student will be able to meet the course learning outcomes for the course to which registration is changed upon completion of the course;
- the course to which registration is changed being a course currently on offer at the time of the proposed change of registration or being a suspended or discontinued course that is the only available exit pathway for the student;
- any restriction that may be imposed on the number of students to be registered for a particular course, location or mode of delivery; and
- satisfaction of any specific admission criteria for a particular course.
(85) The delegated authority may grant a student permission to declare a major study or minor study that is not available to a student registered for the course in which the student is registered at the time permission is sought or granted provided that:
- the delegated authority is satisfied that the student will be able to meet the course learning outcomes for the course as varied; and
- the major or minor study approved for variation is not suspended or discontinued at the time permission is sought or granted.
(86) Variation of enrolment associated with change of registration is contingent upon restrictions imposed by relevant provisions of clauses 58 – 62 inclusive and clauses 112 – 120 inclusive.
(87) Upon change of registration, a student becomes subject to rules relating to the course to which registration is changed and from the year in which the change occurs.
(88) A student for an honours Bachelor degree may apply to change candidature from full-time to part time or from part time to full-time prior to the census date for the current session of enrolment.
(89) Except with approval to the contrary from the delegated authority, restrictions imposed on enrolment or registration of a student prior to, or at the time of a change of registration, will continue to apply after change of registration.
(90) Permission for a student to enrol in a subject is contingent upon restrictions imposed by relevant provisions of clauses 58 – 62 inclusive and clauses 101 – 111 inclusive and the deadlines for enrolment as specified below.
(91) Where a commencing student enrols late under clause 101, they may be required to meet with a Head of Students. Where the Head of Students determines that the student is at risk of not achieving satisfactory course progress, the student may be placed on an intervention strategy.
Leave of Absence
(92) A student enrolled in a Coursework degree:
- becomes eligible for leave of absence at the beginning of the second session of enrolment;
- may take leave of absence for up to one year provided that they provide written notification to the University before Census date of the session for which leave is sought; and
- must gain approval of the delegated authority if seeking an extension to their current leave of absence, or for a period beyond one year.
(93) Where a student submits a request for a Leave of Absence after the deadline outlined in clause 92 (above), will be subject to the deadlines contained in the withdraw from subjects clauses 112 – 120. Academic penalties may be applied, and financial penalties will apply for the subjects studied as per the UOW Fees Policy.
(94) In addition to clauses 92 – 93 leave of absence requests from international students on student visas must gain approval of the deleted authority and will only be granted leave of absence under the following specific circumstances:
- compassionate or compelling grounds as evidenced by the student and approved by the delegated authority; or
- administrative grounds for example where the University is unable to offer a pre-requisite unit; or
- where a student is participating in an approved intervention strategy.
(95) Where an international student on a student visa is granted leave of absence as specified in clause 94 (above) and this leads to an extension to the duration of the student's course of study a new Confirmation of Enrolment must be provided to reflect the extended period.
(96) Where it is deemed appropriate by the relevant delegated authority, a student may be granted a retrospective leave of absence for a session that is already complete where they are able to prove the existence of compassionate or compelling circumstances
(97) A student enrolled in an end-on honours Bachelor degree as listed in Appendix 1 may be granted leave of absence for up to one year provided:
- that the student has the written consent of his/her supervisor; and
- that written application is made to the delegated authority before the last day to enrol with academic permission of the first session for which leave is sought.
(98) Students who take leave of absence from their course for more than one year should note that the course rules and conditions under which they originally enrolled may change during their period on leave and that they may be subject to the rules and conditions as they apply at the time that they return to their course.
Time Limits for Course Completion
(99) The maximum time limit for completion of courses applies, as outlined in clause 100, except when approved by the delegated authority to the contrary in exceptional circumstances. Periods of approved leave of absence are not included as part of the total course duration for the purpose of 100. International students on student visas have specific requirements as detailed in clauses 64 – 68 inclusive.
(100) Students enrolled in Undergraduate courses and Postgraduate Coursework courses may be registered for a maximum period of three times the duration for completion of the course under a standard full time load, as outlined in the Undergraduate Student Handbook and Postgraduate Student Handbook.
Subject-Level Enrolment Rules
(101) A student must enrol in a subject through Student OnLine Services (SOLS) before:
- the end of the second week of the session for a standard session; or
- as specified in the Key dates for a non-standard session.
(102) After the dates stated in clause 101 (above) has passed, under compassionate or compelling circumstances, a student may enrol in a subject with academic approval from the delegated authority before the end of the third week of the session for a standard session or as specified in the Key dates for a non-standard session.
(103) Where a commencing student enrols late under clause 101, they may be required to meet with a Head of Students. Where the Head of Students determines that the student is at risk of not achieving satisfactory course progress, the student may be placed on an intervention strategy.
(104) Enrolment requests made after the census date for the current session of enrolment will only be approved if due to administrative error and require approval from the delegated authority in consultation with the relevant Faculty.
Cross Counting of Subjects
(105) The provisions for cross counting are that:
- Unless otherwise authorised by the relevant delegated authority, students will follow the prescribed course structure in which they are enrolled, as outlined in the Course Handbook for the year in which they commenced the course. Where a subject listed in that year’s course structure is no longer available, alternative arrangements must be discussed and approved by the delegated authority. Any variation to the prescribed course structure will only be authorised where the delegated authority is satisfied that the student will meet or has met the course learning outcomes for the course as varied.
- No more than one subject may be counted towards:
- more than one major study or specialisation; or
- more than one minor study; or
- a major study and a minor study; or
- a major, specialisation, or minor, and core degree requirements for the same course.
- Clause 105 does not apply where:
- the course rules for a course expressly restrict or allow the cross counting of subjects for any purpose as outlined in Course Handbook;
- academic approval for the cross counting of more than one subject is obtained from the delegated authority.
(106) A student may enrol in a subject provided that:
- the conditions for enrolment specified for that subject are satisfied, save that a prerequisite or co-requisite requirement may be waived by the delegated authority;
- the student is not prevented from enrolling by any restriction that may be imposed on the number of students to be enrolled in that subject;
- the subject is available in the nominated session or sessions;
- the student is not suspended, excluded or expelled from any tertiary institution;
- there has been no determination by the delegated authority that there are inappropriate and insufficient personnel and resources to enable the student to undertake the subject; and
- enrolment is not restricted to students in a specific course, location (campus) or mode of delivery. This may be waived by the delegated authority.
(107) Except with the approval by the delegated authority, a student will not be permitted to enrol in a program which exceeds more than one third above the standard full-time load for that session. This means no more than:
- 32 credit points for a standard session;
- 64 credit points for an annual load; or
- the maximum load specified by the delegated authority for all other sessions.
(108) For the purposes of clause 107 (above), where a student is enrolled in multiple overlapping sessions, the load will be distributed on a pro-rata basis.
(109) A student enrolled in a subject in contravention of the conditions for enrolment specified in the Course Handbook or subject requirements will be withdrawn from that subject unless permitted by the delegated authority to remain enrolled.
(110) A student who, in a particular year, is not permitted to enrol in a subject pursuant to these Rules may apply for permission to enrol in the subject in a subsequent year.
(111) A student who is refused continuation of registration, through suspension or exclusion may not enrol in any subject.
Withdrawal from Subjects
(112) Subject to clause 114, a student may withdraw from a subject provided such withdrawal is made no later than the deadlines for withdrawal as specified below. A student who withdraws from all subjects in a session without obtaining an approved leave of absence, as per clause 92 – 98 inclusive, may have their enrolment lapsed. Once enrolment has lapsed, the student must re-apply for admission.
(113) A student may not withdraw from a subject with or without penalty if it is a subject in respect of which they are being investigated for academic misconduct unless the investigation (and any subsequent appeal process) has been finalised and there is no finding of academic misconduct made against the student. Any purported variation to the student’s enrolment in these circumstances will be of no effect.
(114) Subject to clause 112, a student enrolled in a coursework subject may withdraw from a subject without academic penalty and without the subject appearing on the official academic transcript if they withdraw:
- before the end of the ninth week of session for subjects in a standard session; or
- before the last day to withdraw without academic penalty, as specified in the Key dates for subjects in a non-standard session.
(115) Where a student seeks to withdraw from a subject between the last date to withdraw without academic penalty as outlined in clause 114 (above) and ten working days after the declaration of the individual student’s final grade for the subject or subjects, the following rules will apply:
- An application to withdraw from a subject or subjects must be made on the appropriate form for consideration by the delegated authority;
- The student must demonstrate the existence of compassionate or compelling circumstances that impacted the student’s ability to undertake their studies for a significant proportion of the session in question;
- The student must demonstrate the existence of reasons why the student did not seek to withdraw from a subject or subjects until after their results have been declared;
- Where withdrawal is not being sought for all of the subjects in which the student was enrolled for the period in question, the student must be able to demonstrate the reasons why the circumstances did not impact on all of the subjects in which they were enrolled; and
- The delegated authority must deem that the circumstances had enough of an impact on the student’s ability to study for a significant enough period of the session in question to warrant withdrawing the student from the subject or subjects.
(116) After the deadline outlined in clause 115, a student may only be withdrawn from a subject if they fulfil the requirements of Schedule 3 Clause 5 of the Delegations of Authority Policy.
(117) If an application for withdrawal from a subject without academic penalty is approved, the student will be deemed to have withdrawn from the subject without academic penalty for the purposes of Course Progress Policy and the subject will be recorded as “Approved withdrawal” on the enrolment record and the subject will not appear on the academic transcript.
(118) If an application for withdrawal from a subject without academic penalty is not approved, the enrolment will stand and a grade will be declared for that subject. The student may appeal the grade received in accordance with the Review and Appeal of Academic Decisions Policy.
(119) Where:
- a student can demonstrate the existence of an enrolment error; or
- the delegated authority so authorises on the basis that the delegated authority determines that there are exceptional circumstances;
(120) the student or a cohort of students may be withdrawn from a subject following the release of results without application. For the purposes of the Course Progress Policy, if a student is affected by an authorisation under clause 119(b), the student’s course status will be determined based on student’s grade prior to their withdrawal without academic penalty. Following the student’s withdrawal, the subject will be recorded as either “Approved withdrawal” or “Withdrawn late with approval” on the student’s enrolment record and the subject will not appear on the student’s academic transcript.
Amendment of Academic Record
(121) There are four circumstances under which a student may apply to a delegated authority to have their Academic Record amended once results for a subject have been released, as follows:
- there has been an enrolment error (as determined under clause 123);
- a student has successfully applied under the Review and Appeal of Academic Decisions Policy to have a mark or grade altered; or
- a student has either applied for academic consideration under the Student Academic Consideration Policy;
- a student has been granted a withdrawal under clauses 112 – 120.
(122) No amendment can be made to an academic record after the student’s course has been conferred.
(123) A student may apply to have their academic record amended where the student has either:
- not attempted a subject for which they were formally enrolled as a result of an enrolment error; or
- attempted a subject for which they were not formally enrolled as a result of an enrolment error and need to be enrolled to have a grade declared.
(124) Applications under clause 123 must be made on the appropriate form, which must:
- include appropriate details to support the application; and
- be lodged on the appropriate form no later than ten days after the declaration of the individual student’s results for a subject
(125) Under the Higher Education Support Act 2003, domestic students are not eligible for Commonwealth support or assistance for subjects enrolled after the census date if the reason for late enrolment is student error. In these cases Commonwealth supported students will only be able to enrol in subjects on a full fee paying basis. For courses where there are no full fee paying places offered, students will be required to enrol on a non-award basis and pay the non-award fees upfront. Non-Commonwealth supported (full fee paying) students will be required to pay the relevant tuition fees upfront.
Conclusion of Enrolment
Conferral of Awards
(126) All awards of the University are conferred in accordance with the University’s Conferrals and Issuance Policy.
(127) A course award may be conferred upon a student who has complied with relevant parts of these Rules, is not indebted to the University, and has met the requirements for the course as specified in the Course Handbook, or as varied by the delegated authority under clause 105.a. A student enrolled in a double degree course does not meet the requirements for the course unless the requirements for both strands of the double degree course (as varied) are met.
(128) Applications to have an award conferred must be made on the appropriate form and by the due date for each session. It is the responsibility of the student to lodge an application to graduate in order to have their award formally conferred. Failure to do so will result in the student being unable to receive their official documentation or attend a graduation ceremony.
(129) In the event of the death of a student or of a student becoming permanently incapacitated and discontinuing study:
- if in either case the student has completed the requirements of either the course they are enrolled in or an award at a lower level, as specified in clause 127, the Vice-Chancellor and President may confer the award on the student; or
- if in either case the student has completed a substantial proportion of the course requirements for either the course they are enrolled in or an award at a lower level, the Vice-Chancellor and President may confer an award for either the enrolled course or for an award at a lower level, on the recommendation of the relevant Faculty Executive Dean and with an endorsement from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and Student Life).
(130) Recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor and President under clause 129 (above) would normally be made within two years of the student’s last enrolment and must be supported by relevant documentation.
General Elective Subjects and the General Elective Schedule
(131) Undergraduate subjects listed on the General Elective Schedule are open for enrolment by any undergraduate student.
(132) This is subject to the structure and requirements of the undergraduate courses. Courses may prescribe content by reference to a general schedule of elective subjects as part of course requirements.
(133) The approval process for a general schedule of elective subjects is provided for in the Course and Subject Approval Procedures (Faculty Delegated Course and Subject Amendments).
Top of PageSection 4 - Compulsory Non-Credit Modules
(134) In addition to requirements set out in the Course Rules, students must satisfy the relevant requirements listed below:
(135) Requirements for StartSmart are detailed on the ‘How uni works’ webpage and are accessible via the ‘Get Started’ module for current students .
(136) Undergraduate and Postgraduate Coursework students must complete StartSmart in their first session of study.
(137) Students who fail to complete StartSmart will have their results withheld.
(138) Requirements for CareerSmart are detailed on the ‘How uni works’ webpage and are accessible via the ‘Get Started’ module for current students.
(139) Undergraduate students must complete CareerSmart in their first session of study.
(140) Students who fail to complete CareerSmart will have their results withheld.
Consent Matters
(141) Requirements for Consent Matters are detailed on the ‘How uni works’ webpage and are accessible via the ‘Get Started’ module for current students.
(142) Undergraduate and Postgraduate Coursework students studying in Australia must complete Consent Matters in their first session of study.
(143) Students who fail to complete Consent Matter will have their results withheld.
Zero Credit Point Professional Experience Subjects
(144) In course of study where a zero credit point professional experience subject is a course requirement, students must complete the subject before their course can be conferred.
(145) Where a student remains enrolled in the subject over multiple sessions, the student’s record for the subject will have a grade of IPC recorded until the subject is completed.
Top of PageSection 5 - Assessment and Grades of Performance
Assessment Responsibilities of Students
Assessment Task requirements
(146) All students are required to complete assessment tasks in line with the requirements of the Teaching and Assessment: Assessment and Feedback Policy and the Examination Rules.
(147) Coursework and Honours students must meet any mandatory minimum attendance requirements, as set out in the relevant Subject Outline and/or Honours Guide. Failure by a student to comply with mandatory minimum attendance requirements may constitute grounds for the award of a grade of Technical Fail (TF) in that subject.
Determination, Declaration and Release of Subject Results
Determination and Declaration of Results
(148) A mark and an approved grade of performance will be determined and declared for each subject in which a student is enrolled in accordance with the Standards for the Finalisation of Student Results and the Teaching and Assessment: Assessment and Feedback Policy. The responsibilities of the Faculty Assessment Committee and the Academic Unit Assessment Committee in these processes are set out in the Standards for the Finalisation of Student Results.
Release of Results
(149) After results are declared in each subject, the results will be released by the Director, Student Administration Services Division in a form and at a time determined by the Director, Student Administration Services Division. Students access their results via their enrolment record on Student OnLine Services (SOLS) on and from the day of release of results. No information concerning results will be given by telephone.
Grades of Performance for all Subjects
(150) The approved grades of performance and associated ranges of marks for 100, 200, 300, 400, 800 and 900 level subjects are as follows:
Satisfactory completion |
High Distinction |
85% to100% |
Distinction |
75% to 84% |
Credit |
65% to 74% |
Pass |
50% to 64% |
Pass Supplementary |
50% |
Unsatisfactory completion |
Fail |
0% to 49% |
Technical Fail (see clauses 162 to 163 |
Determination of Performance as Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory
(151) For approved undergraduate and postgraduate coursework subjects, performance will be determined as:
Satisfactory Completion |
Satisfactory |
Unsatisfactory Completion |
Unsatisfactory |
(152) The delegated authority may, in exceptional circumstances as determined by the delegated authority, authorise the substitution of the grades of performance specified in clause 150 (above) with those specified in clause 151 (above), with respect to a subject, a student or cohort of students, and subject to any condition or conditions specified in the authorisation.
Graduate Medicine
(153) In addition to the determination of performance in clause 150 (above), subjects from Graduate Medicine that are completed with a high standard of performance may be awarded the grade of Excellent instead of Satisfactory.
Interim Grades
(154) Students must not have a blank declaration of results. An interim grade must be given when a grade of performance for a subject has not been declared at the release of results. Interim grades may be given as follows:
- WH (withheld):
- for investigative grounds; any formal investigation carried out by a person or committee authorised to conduct the investigation under University Rules or policy; or
- due to unavoidable delays in marking an assessment task and/or finalising a grade.
- WS (withheld supplementary): due to a supplementary assessment or supplementary examination being offered.
- WD (withheld deferred): due to a deferred assessment or deferred examination being provided in response to a successful academic consideration application.
- IPC (in progress coursework): where a subject spans session dates (for example any subject lasting two sessions or longer), or under the conditions outlined in clause 157 (below).
- ND (not declared): generated by the student system when a grade of performance or other interim grade has not been declared at the release of results.
(155) With the exception of IPC grades, where an interim grade (outlined above) is given, a grade of performance for the subject must be declared within ten weeks after the release of results date. Failure to declare an interim grade within ten weeks after the release of results will result in a mark of zero and grade of Fail, or an Unsatisfactory grade for subjects with a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading scheme, being applied. Failure to declare an IPC grade within one year of the release of results will result in a mark of zero and grade of Fail, or an Unsatisfactory grade for subjects with a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading scheme, being applied.
(156) Where a WH or ND grade is given, it is the student’s responsibility to take the appropriate action relative to the interim grade given.
(157) Where a subject does not span session dates but requires the use of the IPC grade, an IPC grade may be given under the following conditions:
- the subject is a professional placement or professional experience subject with a requirement that a minimum number of placement hours be undertaken during the session, as specified in the subject outline;
- for students who have, for whatever reason, been unable to complete all of the placement hours during the required session, the period during which a student can complete the placement exceeds the ten week period following the release of results as outlined in clause 154; and
- the use of the IPC grade for the subject due to professional placement or professional experience is approved by the delegated authority.
Declaration of Results for Multi Session Subjects
(158) Where a subject is required to be undertaken over more than one session, a grade will be declared at the end of each session prior to the final session as IPC (in progress coursework).
(159) When the subject has been completed a grade of performance, as per clauses 150 – 153 (above) inclusive, will be declared for the final session of enrolment. All previous session enrolments may be declared as CO (Complete) for the purpose of counting the total credit points for the subject.
(160) If a student is deemed to be making unsatisfactory progress during a multi session subject and is not permitted to continue their enrolment in the subject, a grade of U (Unsatisfactory) will be applied to the current session of enrolment.
(161) If a student withdraws from a multi session subject a grade of U (Unsatisfactory) may be declared if appropriate to indicate that the student has ceased the subject before completion.
Supplementary Assessment
(162) A student who is awarded a mark of 49 or less, or is awarded a grade of TF in an undergraduate or postgraduate coursework subject, may be offered a supplementary assessment in accordance with the requirements of the Supplementary Assessment Procedure.
(163) The following provisions apply to the mark and/or grade a student receives as a result of undertaking a supplementary assessment:
- where a student achieves a composite mark of 50 or more for the subject, the student will receive a mark of 50 for the subject and a grade of Pass-Supplementary (PS);
- where a student achieves a composite mark of less than 50 for the subject, the student will receive their original mark and a grade of Fail; and
- where a student gains a composite mark of 50 or more for the subject but does not meet a specified level in the supplementary assessment task required to pass the subject, the student will receive a Technical Fail and the provisions of clause 164 (below) will apply.
Failure to Attain Minimum Performance Levels
(164) Where a student gains a mark of 50 or greater and does not meet a specified level in one or more assessment tasks required to pass the subject, a Technical Fail grade will be used. Where a Technical Fail is given the following applies:
- the student has failed the subject;
- TF (Technical Fail) without a mark will be granted;
- a TF will be presented on the student’s academic transcript; and
- the allocated mark of 49 will be used as the weighted average mark calculation for subjects at all levels.
(165) Where a subject has a minimum performance level required for either the subject, and/or for specific assessment tasks or attendance that are part of the subject, this must be included in the Subject Outline with the statement that students who do not meet the minimum performance requirements as set out in the Subject Outline will be given a TF grade on their academic transcript.
Course-Level Grades of Performance
Average Marks
(166) A student’s Average Mark will be determined at a course level using the calculation as follows:
(167) where: m is the mark obtained in each attempt at each subject; c is the credit point value of the subject;
(168) A student’s Weighted Average Mark will be determined using the calculation as follows:
(169) where: m is the actual mark obtained in each attempt at each subject; c is the credit point value of the subject; l is the weight reflecting the level of the subject.
- 1 for 000 level
- 1 for 100 level
- 2 for 200 level
- 3 for 300 level
- 4 for 400 level
- 4 for Honours level
- 9 for 800 level
- 9 for 900 level
(170) Summation in the numerator and denominator includes:
- all subjects attempted while registered for the course they are completing
- credit for subjects completed at UOW (previously known as advanced standing).
(171) Subjects which are graded Satisfactory (S), Unsatisfactory (U) or Excellent (E) are not to be included in the calculations.
Eligibility for award with Distinction
(172) A student must be enrolled in one of the following courses to be considered for an award “with Distinction”:
- a pass Bachelor degree; or
- a Masters by Coursework degree.
(173) In order to achieve an award “with Distinction” students must gain an Average Mark of 75% or more as calculated using clauses 166 to 167.
(174) Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) or Doctor of Medicine (MD) who achieve a minimum of three out of the four subjects (MEDI601, MEDI602, MEDI603 and MEDI604 or MEDI991, MEDI992, MEDI993 and MEDI994) with a grade of Excellent and who have not failed any subjects during the course of their candidature, will be awarded the degree “with Distinction”.
(175) An undergraduate student, including a student enrolled in a program delivered in conjunction with an approved partner institution, must have completed at least 50% of the credit points for their degree in a University of Wollongong accredited course.
(176) A postgraduate student, including a student enrolled in a program delivered in conjunction with an approved partner institution, must have completed at least 66% of the credit points for their degree in a University of Wollongong accredited course.
(177) Students enrolled in a double degree will be assessed for eligibility for the award “with Distinction” for each degree separately.
(178) A degree containing more than 50% of credit points that are graded at the level of Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory will not be eligible for the award “with Distinction”.
(179) To be eligible for the award ‘with Distinction’, at least 50% of the credit points counted towards the award must be graded in accordance with clause 150. Where credit (specified or unspecified) is granted, but no grade is recorded against a subject for which the credit is granted, this will not be not be counted towards the calculation for an award ‘with Distinction’.
(180) Except as provided in clause 181 (below), every attempt at a subject in the course is to be included in the determination in clause 173 (above).
(181) Subjects which are graded Satisfactory (S) or Unsatisfactory (U) under clause 151 (above) are not to be included in the determination in clause 173 (above).
Honours grades
(182) The methods to be adopted for determining Honours grades are outlined in the Honours Policy.
Top of PageSection 6 - Ownership of Work and Intellectual Property
(183) The University reserves the right to retain, at its discretion, the original or one copy of any work submitted for assessment in a course, competition or a subject (other than a research subject) offered or conducted by the University.
(184) Ownership of intellectual property vested in the work will be determined in accordance with the University’s IP Intellectual Property Policy and the University’s Intellectual Property Policy.
(185) A student retains copyright over a thesis submitted for assessment in a subject or for an award, subject to the requirements prescribed in the Higher Degree Research (HDR) Award Rules.
Top of PageSection 7 - Other
General Saving Clause
(186) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein contained, Council may dispense with or suspend any requirement of, or prescription by, these Rules.
Application for Amending Rules
(187) Should an amendment be made to either or both these Rules or the attachments following these Rules, the amendment will apply from the date of implementation, but not retrospectively, to all students, unless determined otherwise by Council.
(188) Where a student has a complaint regarding a decision made under these Rules, the student may request a review in accordance with the Review and Appeal of Academic Decisions Policy.
(189) Where a student has a complaint regarding a decision under these Rules that is not covered by the Review and Appeal of Academic Decisions Policy, the student may appeal against that decision within 14 days of notification of the decision. The appeal must be in writing and provide sufficient detail to enable due consideration of the matter.
Top of PageSection 8 - Administration of Schedule of UOW Qualifications
(190) The UOW schedule of qualifications, comprising approval of new courses, course reviews and amendments to existing courses, is administered through the University’s course management activities.
(191) All UOW qualifications will comply with the Australian Qualifications Framework.
Top of PageSection 9 - Awards and Degrees of the University
(192) The Coursework Rules apply to undergraduate courses leading to the award of Diploma qualifications listed in Appendix 1 (below).
Associate Degrees
(193) The Coursework Rules apply to undergraduate courses leading to the award of Associate Degree qualifications listed in Appendix 1 (below).
Undergraduate Certificates
(194) The Coursework Rules apply to undergraduate courses leading to the award of Undergraduate Certificate, as listed in Appendix 1 (below).
Bachelor Degree
Course Requirements for a Bachelor Degree
(195) To qualify for award of a Bachelor degree (listed in Appendix 1 below), a student will:
- for a three year degree, accrue an aggregate of at least 144 credit points by the satisfactory completion of subjects prescribed for the course in the undergraduate handbook
- for a four year degree, accrue an aggregate of at least 192 credit points by the satisfactory completion of subjects prescribed for the course in the undergraduate handbook for a double degree, accrue an aggregate of at least 192 credit points by the satisfactory completion of subjects prescribed for the course in the undergraduate handbook.
Course Requirements for an Honours Bachelor Degree
(196) To qualify for award of a Bachelor degree with honours, a student who completes satisfactorily the subjects prescribed course in the undergraduate handbook at the standard of achievement prescribed for the course in the Honours Policy will receive the corresponding honours degree with the class of honours specified.
Graduate Certificate
Course Requirements for the Graduate Certificate
(197) To qualify for award of a Graduate Certificate (listed in Appendix 1 below), a student must accrue an aggregate of at least 24 credit points by the satisfactory completion of subjects prescribed for the course in the postgraduate handbook.
Graduate Diploma
Course Requirements for the Graduate Diploma
(198) To qualify for award of a Graduate Diploma (listed in Appendix 1 below) a student must accrue an aggregate of at least 48 credit points by the satisfactory completion of subjects prescribed for the course in the postgraduate handbook.
Masters by Coursework
Course Requirements for a Masters by Coursework degree
(199) To qualify for award of a Masters degree (listed in Appendix 1 below), a student must accrue the required number of credit points by satisfactory completion of subjects prescribed for the course in the postgraduate handbook.
Top of PageSection 10 - Appendix 1: Award Titles and Abbreviations
Award |
Abbreviation |
Faculty of Business and Law |
Diploma in Business Administration – Exit Degree |
DipBA |
Faculty of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities |
Diploma in Languages |
DipLang |
UOW College Australia |
Diploma of Arts |
DipA |
Diploma of Arts, Social Science and Humanities |
DipASocSciHum |
Diploma of Business |
DipBus |
Diploma of Engineering |
DipEng |
Diploma of Information Technology |
DipIT |
Diploma of Medical and Health Sciences |
DipMedHlthSci |
Diploma of Nursing (HLT54121) |
DipNurs |
Diploma of Science |
DipSc |
Diploma of Screen and Media |
DipScrMed |
Diploma of Social Science |
DipSocSci |
Associate Degrees:
Award |
Abbreviation |
Faculty of Business and Law |
Associate Degree in Business |
AssocDegBus |
Undergraduate Certificates:
Award |
Abbreviation |
UOW College Australia |
Undergraduate Certificate in Business (3149) |
UGCertBus |
Undergraduate Certificate in Engineering (3147) |
UGCertEng |
Undergraduate Certificate in Information Technology (3148) |
UGCertInfoTech |
Undergraduate Certificate in Medical and Health Sciences |
UGCertMedHlthSci |
Undergraduate Certificate in Science (3146) |
UGCertSc |
Three Year Pass Bachelor Degrees:
Degree |
Abbreviation |
Faculty of Business and Law |
Bachelor of Business (3090) |
BBus |
Bachelor of Business (3178) |
BBus |
Bachelor of Business (3179) |
BBus |
Bachelor of Business (3180) |
BBus |
Bachelor of Business (Scholar)
Suspended in 2024 |
BBus(Schol) |
Bachelor of Business Administration |
Bachelor of Commerce Global
Suspended in 2024 |
BComGlobal |
Bachelor of Economics and Finance |
BEconFin |
Bachelor of Professional Accounting |
BProfAcc |
Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences |
Bachelor of Applied Analytics Suspended in 2024 |
BAppAnalytics |
Bachelor of Business Information Systems |
BBusInfoSys |
Bachelor of Computer Science |
BCompSc |
Bachelor of Computer Science (Dean’s Scholar) |
BCompSc(Dean’sSchol) |
Bachelor of Data Science and Analytics |
BDataScAnalytics |
Bachelor of Information Technology |
Bachelor of Information Technology (Dean’s Scholar) |
BIT(Dean’sSchol) |
Bachelor of Mathematics |
BMath |
Bachelor of Mathematics Advanced |
BMathAdv |
Bachelor of Medical and Radiation Physics |
BMedRadPhys |
Bachelor of Science (757) |
BSc |
Bachelor of Technology |
BTech |
Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health |
Bachelor of Exercise Science |
BExSc |
Bachelor of Health Science (Indigenous Health)
Suspended in 2024 |
BHlthSc(IndigHlth) |
Bachelor of Marine Science
BMarSc |
Bachelor of Medical and Health Sciences |
BMedHlthSc |
Bachelor of Nursing (394) |
BNurse |
Bachelor of Nursing (Conversion) |
BNurse(Conversion) |
Bachelor of Nutrition Science |
BNutrSc |
Bachelor of Pre-Medicine, Science and Health |
BPreMedScHlth |
Bachelor of Science (742) |
BSc |
Faculty of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities |
Bachelor of Arts (702) |
BA |
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) (708) |
BA |
Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation |
BAWCiv |
Bachelor of Communication and Media |
Bachelor of Creative Arts |
Bachelor of Education Studies |
BEdSt |
Bachelor of Geography |
BGeog |
Bachelor of International Studies |
BIntSt |
Bachelor of Journalism |
BJrnl |
Bachelor of Neuroscience |
BNeurosci |
Bachelor of Performance and Theatre |
BPerf&Thea |
Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics |
Bachelor of Psychological Science |
BPsycSc |
Bachelor of Public Health Suspended in 2024 |
BPubHlth |
Bachelor of Science (1874) |
BSc |
Bachelor of Social Change and Advocacy
Suspended in 2023 |
BSocChng&Advocacy |
Bachelor of Social Science |
BSocSc |
Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology) Suspended in 2024 |
BSocSc(Psyc) |
Bachelor of Sport |
BSport |
Bachelor of Sustainable Communities Suspended in 2024 |
BSustCommunities |
Four Year Bachelor Degrees
Degree |
Abbreviation |
Faculty of Business and Law |
Bachelor of Laws (Direct Entry) (1881) |
Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health |
Bachelor of Exercise Science & Rehabilitation |
BExScRehab |
Faculty of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities |
Bachelor of Education - The Early Years |
BEdEarlyYears |
Bachelor of Health and Physical Education |
BHlthPhyEd |
Bachelor of Mathematics Education |
BMathEd |
Bachelor of Primary Education |
BPrimEd |
Bachelor of Science Education |
BScEd |
Bachelor of Social Work |
BSocWork |
Four Year Bachelor (Honours) Degrees:
Degree |
Abbreviation |
Faculty of Business and Law |
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (Direct Entry) (1883) |
LLB(Hons) |
Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (1856) |
BE(Hons) |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (1857) |
BE(Hons) |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Scholar) (1858) |
BE(Hons)(Schol) |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Scholar) (1859) |
BE(Hons)(Schol) |
Bachelor of Mathematics and Finance (Honours) |
BMathFin(Hons) |
Bachelor of Mathematics and Finance (Honours) (Dean’s Scholar) |
(Schol) |
Bachelor of Medical and Radiation Physics Advanced (Honours) |
BMedRadPhysAdv(Hons) |
Bachelor of Science Advanced (Physics) (Honours) |
BScAdv(Hons)(Phys) |
Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health |
Bachelor of Environmental Science (Honours) |
BEnvSc(Hons) |
Bachelor of Medical and Health Sciences (Honours) (Dean’s Scholar) |
BMedHlthSc(Hons) (Dean’sSchol) |
Bachelor of Medical Biotechnology (Honours) |
BMedBiotech(Hons) |
Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry (Honours) |
BMedChem(Hons) |
Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (Honours) |
BNutrDiet(Hons) |
Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (Honours) (Dean’s Scholar)Suspended in 2024 |
BNutrDiet(Hons)(Dean’sSchol) |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Dean’s Scholar) (1786) |
BSc(Hons)(Dean’sSchol) |
Faculty of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities |
Bachelor of Education – The Early Years (Honours) |
BEdEarlyYears(Hons) |
Bachelor of Health and Physical Education (Honours) |
BHlthPhyEd(Hons) |
Bachelor of Primary Education (Honours) |
BPrimEd(Hons) |
Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) |
BPsyc(Hons) |
Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) |
BSocWork(Hons) |
One Year Bachelor (Honours) Degrees:
Degree |
Abbreviation |
Faculty of Business and Law |
Bachelor of Business (Honours) |
BBus(Hons) |
Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) |
BCom(Hons) |
Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences |
Bachelor of Business Information Systems (Honours) |
BBusInfoSys(Hons) |
Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) |
BCompSc(Hons) |
Bachelor of Data Science and Analytics (Honours) |
BDataScAnalytics(Hons) |
Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) |
BIT(Hons) |
Bachelor of Mathematics (Honours) |
BMath(Hons) |
Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health |
Bachelor of Medical and Health Sciences (Honours) |
BMedHlthSc(Hons) |
Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) |
BNurse(Hons) |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (741) |
BSc(Hons) |
Faculty of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) |
BA(Hons) |
Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation (Honours) |
BAWCiv(Hons) |
Bachelor of Communication and Media (Honours) |
BCM(Hons) |
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours) |
BCA(Hons) |
Bachelor of International Studies (Honours) |
BIntSt(Hons) |
Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics (Honours) |
BPPE(Hons) |
Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours) |
BPsycSc(Hons) |
Bachelor of Public Health (Honours) |
BPubHlth(Hons) |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (1875) |
BSc(Hons) |
Bachelor of Social Science (Honours) |
BSocSc(Hons) |
Bachelor of Sustainability |
BSust |
Graduate Research School |
Bachelor of Research |
BRes |
Double Bachelor Degrees:
Degree |
Abbreviation |
Faculty of Business and Law |
Bachelor of Arts – Bachelor of Laws (1888) Bachelor of Arts – Bachelor of Laws |
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) – Bachelor of Laws (1886) |
Bachelor of Business – Bachelor of Laws |
BBus-LLB |
Bachelor of Communication and Media – Bachelor of Laws |
Bachelor of Computer Science – Bachelor of Laws |
BCompSc-LLB |
Bachelor of Economics and Finance – Bachelor of Laws |
BEcon&Fin-LLB |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – Bachelor of Laws |
BE(Hons)-LLB |
Bachelor of Information Technology – Bachelor of Laws |
Bachelor of International Studies – Bachelor of Laws |
BIntSt-LLB |
Bachelor of Journalism – Bachelor of Laws Suspended in 2024 |
BJrnl-LLB |
Bachelor of Mathematics – Bachelor of Laws |
BMath-LLB |
Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics – Bachelor of Laws |
Bachelor of Psychological Science – Bachelor of Laws |
BPsycSc-LLB |
Bachelor of Science – Bachelor of Laws |
BSc-LLB Bac |
Bachelor of Social Science – Bachelor of Laws |
BSocSc-LLB |
Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences |
Bachelor of Business Administration – Bachelor of Information Technology |
Bachelor of Computer Science – Bachelor of Science |
BCompSci-BSc |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – Bachelor of Arts |
BE(Hons)-BA |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – Bachelor of Business |
BE(Hons)-BBus |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – Bachelor of Computer Science |
BE(Hons)-BCompSc |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – Bachelor of Exercise Science |
BE(Hons)-BExSc |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – Bachelor of Mathematics |
BE(Hons)-BMath |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – Bachelor of Science (1866) Bachelor of Science – Bachelor of Arts |
BE(Hons)-BSc BSc-BA |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – Bachelor of Science (1867) Bachelor of Science – Bachelor of Arts |
BE(Hons)-BSc BSc-BA |
Bachelor of Mathematics – Bachelor of Computer Science |
BMath-BCompSci |
Bachelor of Mathematics – Bachelor of Science |
BMath-BSc |
Bachelor of Science – Bachelor of Arts |
BSc-BA |
Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health |
Bachelor of Science – Bachelor of Arts |
BSc-BA |
Bachelor of Science –Bachelor of Business |
BSc-BBus |
Faculty of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities |
Bachelor of Arts – Bachelor of Business |
BA-BBus |
Bachelor of Arts – Bachelor of Communication and Media |
Bachelor of Arts – Bachelor of International Studies |
BA-BIntSt |
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) – Bachelor of Business |
BA-BBus |
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) – Bachelor of Commerce (703_01) Suspended in 2024 |
BA-BCom |
Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation – Bachelor of Creative Arts |
Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation – Bachelor of International Studies |
Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation – Bachelor of Laws |
Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation – Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics |
Bachelor of Communication and Media – Bachelor of International Studies Studies |
BCM-BIntSt |
Bachelor of Creative Arts – Bachelor of Arts |
Bachelor of Creative Arts – Bachelor of Business |
BCA-BBus |
Bachelor of Creative Arts – Bachelor of Communication and Media |
Bachelor of Creative Arts – Bachelor of Journalism Suspended in 2024 |
BCA-BJrnl |
Bachelor of Creative Arts – Bachelor of Science |
Bachelor of International Studies – Bachelor of Business |
BIntSt-BBus |
Bachelor of Journalism – Bachelor of Arts Suspended in 2024 |
BJrnl-BA |
Bachelor of Journalism – Bachelor of Communication and Media Suspended in 2024 |
BJrnl-BCM |
Bachelor of Journalism – Bachelor of International Studies Suspended in 2024 |
BJrnl-BIntSt |
Bachelor of Journalism – Bachelor of Science Suspended in 2024 |
BJrnl-BSc |
Bachelor of Psychological Science – Bachelor of Business |
BPsycSc-BBus |
Bachelor of Psychological Science – Bachelor of Commerce
Suspended in 2024 |
BPsycSc-BCom |
Bachelor of Psychological Science – Bachelor of Neuroscience |
BPsycSc-BNeurosc |
Bachelor of Psychological Science – Bachelor of Social Science |
BPsycSc-BSocSc |
Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) –Bachelor of Business |
BPsyc(Hons)-BBus |
Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) – Bachelor of Commerce Suspended in 2024 |
BPsyc(Hons)-BCom |
Graduate Entry Bachelor Pass and Honours Degrees:
Degree |
Abbreviation |
Faculty of Business and Law |
Bachelor of Laws (Graduate Entry) (1882) |
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (Graduate Entry) (1884) |
LLB(Hons) |
Bachelor of Arts – Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (386) |
BA-LLB (Hons) |
Bachelor of Arts – Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (3160) |
BA-LLB (Hons) |
Bachelor of Business – Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (3102) |
BBus-LLB(Hons) |
Bachelor of Commerce – Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
Suspended in 2024 |
BCom-LLB (Hons) |
Bachelor of Communication and Media – Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (Graduate Entry) |
BCM-LLB (Hons) |
Bachelor of Economics and Finance – Bachelor of Laws (Honours) |
BEcon&Fin-LLB(Hons) |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – Bachelor of Laws (Honours) |
BE (Hons)-LLB(Hons) |
Bachelor of International Studies – Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (Graduate Entry) |
BIntSt-LLB (Hons) |
Bachelor of Mathematics - Bachelor of Laws (Honours) - Exit Degree |
BMath-LLB(Hons) |
Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics – Bachelor of Laws (Honours) |
BPPE-LLB(Hons) |
Bachelor of Science – Bachelor of Laws (Honours) |
BSc-LLB (Hons) |
Graduate Certificates
Degree |
Abbreviation |
Faculty of Business and Law |
Graduate Certificate in Analytics of Medical Imaging Data |
GCertAnalyticsMedIData |
Graduate Certificate in Applied Finance |
GCertAppFin |
Graduate Certificate in Business |
GCertBus |
Graduate Certificate in Business Administration |
GCertBA |
Graduate Certificate in Business Administration (Executive) |
GCertBA(Exec) |
Graduate Certificate in Business Analytics |
GCertBusAnalytics |
Graduate Certificate in Digital Marketing and Data Analytics |
GCertDigMarkDataAn |
Graduate Certificate in Fisheries Management and Development |
GCertFishMgmt&Dev |
Graduate Certificate in Forensic Accounting (Suspended in 2024) |
GCertForensicAcc |
Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management |
GCertHRM |
Graduate Certificate in Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
GCertInno&Entrep |
Graduate Certificate in Law of the Sea |
GCertLawSea |
Graduate Certificate in Maritime Studies |
GCertMaritimeSt |
Graduate Certificate in Marketing |
GCertMark |
Graduate Certificate in Professional Accounting |
GCertProfAccy |
Graduate Certificate in Project Leadership and Management |
GCertProjLead&Mgmt |
Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Supply Chain Management |
GCertSustSCM |
Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences |
Graduate Certificate in Computing |
GCertComp |
Graduate Certificate in Cyber Security |
GCertCybSec |
Graduate Certificate in Electrical Power Engineering |
GCertElecPowEng |
Graduate Certificate in Engineering |
GCertEng |
Graduate Certificate in Health Analytics |
GCertHlthAnalytics |
Graduate Certificate in Mathematical Studies – Exit Degree |
GCertMathSt |
Graduate Certificate in Principles of Data Science |
GCertPrinDataSc |
Graduate Certificate in Radiography |
GCertRadiog |
Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health |
Graduate Certificate in Dementia Care |
GCertDementiaCare |
Graduate Certificate in Exercise Rehabilitation |
GCertExRehab |
Graduate Certificate in Gerontology and Rehabilitation Studies |
GCertG&RStud |
Graduate Certificate in Indigenous Health – Exit Degree |
GCertIndHlth |
Graduate Certificate in Indigenous Trauma and Recovery Practice |
GCertIndigTrauma&RecPrac |
Graduate Certificate in Medical and Health Leadership |
GCertMedHlthLead |
Graduate Certificate in Medical Education
Suspended in 2024 |
GCertMedEd |
Graduate Certificate in Mental Health Nursing
Suspended in 2024 |
GCertMntlHlthNurse |
Graduate Certificate in Nursing |
GCertNurse |
Graduate Certificate in Nutrition |
GCertNut |
Graduate Certificate in Science Communication |
GCertScComm |
Graduate Certificate in Science and Management |
GCertSciMgnt |
Graduate Certificate in Strength and Conditioning Suspended in 2024 |
GCertStrengthCond |
Faculty of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities |
Graduate Certificate in Autism |
GCertAutism |
Graduate Certificate in Education |
GCertEd |
Graduate Certificate in International Relations
Suspended in 2024 |
GCertIntRel |
Graduate Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety |
GCertOHS |
Graduate Certificate in Occupational Hygiene |
GCertOH |
Graduate Certificate in Public Health |
GCertPubHlth |
Graduate Certificate in TESOL |
Graduate Research School |
Graduate Certificate in Biofabrication |
GCertBiofabrication |
Graduate Certificate in Health Research |
GCertHlthRes |
Graduate Certificate in Research Studies |
GCResStudies |
Graduate Diplomas
Degree |
Abbreviation |
Faculty of Business and Law |
Graduate Diploma in Business Administration |
GDipBA |
Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (Executive) |
GDipBA(Exec) |
Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences |
Graduate Diploma in Cyber Security Management and Policy
Suspended in 2024 |
GDipCybSecMgmtPol |
Graduate Diploma in Cyber Security Technology
Suspended in 2024 |
GDipCybSecTech |
Graduate Diploma in Engineering |
GDipEng |
Graduate Diploma in Mathematical Studies – Exit Degree |
GDipMathSt |
Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health |
Graduate Diploma in Mental Health Nursing
Suspended in 2024 |
GDipMntlHlthNurse |
Faculty of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities |
Graduate Diploma in Education Studies (2624) |
GdipEdSt |
Graduate Diploma in International Relations – Suspended in 2023 |
GDipIntRel |
Graduate Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety |
Graduate Diploma in Psychology – Suspended in 2023 |
GDipPsyc |
Graduate Diploma in TESOL |
Masters by Coursework Degrees
Degree |
Abbreviation |
Faculty of Business and Law |
Master of Applied Finance (424) |
MAppFin |
Master of Applied Finance (1437) |
MAppFin |
Master of Business (1529) – Suspended in 2023 |
MBus |
Master of Business (3032) |
MBus |
Master of Business Administration |
Master of Business Administration (Executive) (3154) |
Master of Business Administration Advanced |
MBAAdv |
Master of Business Analytics |
MBusAnalytics |
Master of Financial Management |
MFinMgmt |
Master of Fisheries Policy |
MFishPol |
Master of Human Resource Management |
Master of Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
MInnov&Entrep |
Master of International Business |
MIntBus |
Master of Laws |
Master of Management |
MMgmt |
Master of Maritime Policy |
MMaritimePol |
Master of Marketing |
MMark |
Master of Professional Accounting |
MProfAcc |
Master of Professional Accounting Advanced |
MProfAccAdv |
Master of Project Management |
MProjMgmt |
Master of Supply Chain Management |
Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences |
Master of Computer Science |
MCompSc Master of Computing |
Master of Computing |
MComputing |
Master of Cyber Security
Suspended in 2024 |
MCybSec |
Master of Electrical Power Engineering |
MElecPowEng |
Master of Engineering |
MEng |
Master of Engineering Management |
MEngMgmt |
Master of Engineering Science |
MEngSc |
Master of Health Informatics |
MHlthInfo |
Master of Information and Communication Technology Advanced |
Master of Information Technology |
Master of Mathematical Sciences |
MMathSci |
Master of Science (Medical Radiation Physics) |
MSc(MedRadPhys) |
Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health |
Doctor of Medicine |
MD |
Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology |
MClinExPhysi |
Master of Conservation Biology – Suspended in 2024 |
MConsBio |
Master of Earth and Environmental Sciences |
MErth&EnvSc |
Master of Global Science and Management |
MGlobalScMgmt |
Master of Indigenous Health |
MIndHlth |
Master of Medical Biotechnology |
MMedBiotech |
Master of Medical and Health Leadership |
MMedHlthLead |
Master of Medicinal Chemistry |
MMedChem |
Master of Nursing
Suspended in 2024 |
MNurse |
Master of Nursing (Mental Health)
Suspended in 2024 |
MNurse(MntlHlth) |
Master of Nursing International |
MNursInt |
Master of Nutrition and Dietetics |
MNutr&Diet |
Master of Science (1616) |
MSc |
Faculty of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities |
Master of Autism |
MAut |
Master of Education |
MEd |
Master of Education Extension |
MEdExt |
Master of International Relations (3013 & 3014)
Suspended in 2024 |
MIntRel |
Master of International Relations Extension
Suspended in 2023 |
MIntRelExt |
Master of Occupational Health and Safety |
Master of Occupational Health and Safety Extension |
MOHSExtension |
Master of Occupational Hygiene |
Master of Professional Psychology |
MProfPsyc |
Master of Psychology (Clinical) |
MPsyc(Clin) |
Master of Public Health (3199) |
Master of Public Health Extension |
Master of Social Work (Qualifying) |
MSocWork(Qual) |
Master of Teaching (Primary) |
MTeach(Prim) |
Master of Teaching (Secondary) |
MTeach(Second) |
Top of PageSection 11 - Appendix 2: Schedule of Minor Studies
UOW Minor
(201) International Studies
Faculty of Business and Law
(202) Accountancy
(203) Business Analytics
(204) Business Information Systems
(205) Business Law
(206) Economics
(207) Entrepreneurship
(208) Finance
(209) Human Resource Management
(210) International Business
(211) International Economics
(212) Legal Studies
(213) Management
(214) Marketing
(215) Marketing Communication and Advertising
(216) Public Relations
(217) Sport Marketing and Management
(218) Supply Chain Management
Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences
(219) Applied Statistics
(220) Architectural Engineering
(221) Autonomous Systems
(222) Civil Engineering
(223) Computer Engineering
(224) Computer Science
(225) Computing
(226) Data Science
(227) Electrical Engineering
(228) Electronics Engineering
(229) Energy and Climate
(230) Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship
(231) Environmental Engineering
(232) General Physics
(233) Informatics
(234) Internet of Things
(235) Materials Engineering
(236) Mathematical Sciences
(237) Mechanical Engineering
(238) Mechatronic Engineering
(239) Mining Engineering
(240) Multimedia and Signal Processing
(241) Physics
(242) Renewable Energy
(243) Sustainable Building Services
(244) Telecommunications Engineering
Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health
(245) Anatomy and Physiology
(246) Archaeology
(247) Biochemistry
(248) Biodiversity
(249) Chemistry
(250) Earth and Environmental Science
(251) Ecology
(252) Exercise Science
(253) Geology
(254) Geosciences
(255) Indigenous Health Studies
(256) Marine Biology
(257) Molecular Biology
(258) Nutrition
(259) Physical Geography
Faculty of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities
(260) Ancient History
(261) Animal Studies
(262) Art History
(263) Asia-Pacific Studies
(264) Australian Studies
(265) Chinese (Mandarin) for Character Background Students
(266) Chinese (Mandarin) for Non-Chinese Background Students
(267) Conservation Studies
(268) Creative Production
(269) Creative Writing
(270) Criminology
(271) Cultural Studies Digital and Social Media
(272) Digital and Social Media
(273) English Language and Linguistics
(274) English Literatures
(275) Environmental Crisis and Response
(276) Environmental Humanities
(277) Ethics
(278) European Studies
(279) French
(280) Future Studies
(281) Game Production
(282) Gender and Sexuality Studies
(283) Global Sustainable Development
(284) Graphic Design
(285) History
(286) Human Geography
(287) Human Services
(288) Indigenous Health
(289) Indigenous Studies
(290) International Linguistics and Literature
(291) International Relations
(292) Introduction to Public Health
(293) Italian
(294) Japanese
(295) Journalism
(296) Media Arts
(297) Media Innovation and Entrepreneurship
(298) Modern History
(299) Music
(300) Occupational Health and Safety
(301) Philosophy
(302) Philosophy of Psychology
(303) Photography
(304) Politics
(305) Psychology
(306) Science and Technology Studies
(307) Screen Media Production
(308) Sociology
(309) Spanish
(310) Spatial Methods
(311) Sustainable Communities
(312) Technical Theatre
(313) Theatre
(314) Visual Arts
(315) Visual Communication and Design
(316) Working with Indigenous Communities
Course Specific Minor Studies
(317) Where a minor study is only to be used in a particular course(s), this minor is not listed in the Schedule and will only be listed under the course requirements in the Course Handbook.
Top of PageSection 12 - Definitions
Term |
Definition |
000 level subject |
A subject at Foundation level. |
100 level subject |
An undergraduate introductory subject. |
200 level subject |
An undergraduate subject that develops knowledge, skills and/or application of knowledge or skills. |
300 level subject |
An undergraduate level subject that:
- assures learning in a three year course; or
- develops knowledge, skills and/or application of knowledge or skills in a four year course.
400 level subject |
An undergraduate subject that assures learning. |
600 level subject |
A subject at graduate entry undergraduate level. |
800 and 900 level subjects |
Subjects at postgraduate level. |
Academic Advisor |
A person approved to advise students on programs of study. |
Academic Program Director |
May also be known as Course Leader, Course Director or similar. An academic staff member who provides strategic leadership for one or more UOW coursework programs, and who takes ultimate responsibility for key areas of the course design and course performance, under the UOW Quality and Standards Framework for Learning & Teaching. Whether leadership and operational responsibilities are the sole responsibility of the Academic Program Director will depend on faculty arrangements, academic level and prior experience. |
Academic transcript |
An official record of all subjects attempted at this University and the corresponding grades, credit awarded and prizes awarded. |
Academic unit |
Faculty, School, Unit, Program or Discipline. |
Adjustment Factors |
These are additional points that may be used in combination with an applicant’s ATAR to derive a person’s course Selection Rank. Adjustments do not change applicants’ ATARs, but change their Selection Rank for a particular course or courses. Previously referred to as “bonus points”. |
Admission |
Entry to an award course or non-award study at the University. |
Admission pathway |
Any one of the options available to prospective students that will enable them to meet the admission requirements for their chosen course. |
Admission requirements |
Admission requirements (also referred to as admission standards or admission criteria) is a general term which covers the minimum age requirements, minimum English language requirements and minimum course-specific requirements that an applicant must meet for admission into a course. |
Approved or approval |
Approval by Council or under authority delegated by Council as stated in the Delegations of Authority Policy. |
Australian Qualifications Framework. |
The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) is a nationally equivalent measure of a person’s relative academic ranking within their complete age cohort in the year they graduated from senior secondary school (including those who did not complete Year 12 or completed but were not eligible for an ATAR). The ATAR is derived from the scaled scores achieved for senior secondary school subjects. The specific calculation used is different in each state and territory but the result is designed to be nationally equivalent. An unadjusted ATAR may also be referred to a “raw ATAR”. |
ATAR profile |
The ATAR profile provides a statistical overview of the applicants who were offered a place at the University in the previous year. This information is provided for each undergraduate course on Course Finder. |
Assessment |
An activity to foster learning and to help academics and students to gauge levels of achievement. It may be formative or summative, and may be graded or ungraded. |
Australian Senior Secondary Certificate of Education |
An educational qualification awarded by an Australian state education authority equivalent to the NSW HSC. |
Bridging Course |
A short intensive course designed for prospective students who need to extend their knowledge in a subject area in order to meet a prerequisite or prepare for university study. |
CareerSmart |
Compulsory non-credit point program for undergraduate students which provides students with skills and knowledge to improve their employability prospects on graduation and enhance their career development opportunities. |
Compassionate or Compelling Circumstances |
Circumstances that are beyond the student’s control and have a direct impact on the student’s course progress or wellbeing. |
Concurrent enrolment |
Enrolment in two or more courses either at the University or at the University and another tertiary institution. |
Conditional Offer |
An offer of admission which is made subject to one of more conditions being met, as specified in the letter of offer. |
Consent Matters |
An online module that covers sexual consent, communication in relationships, and bystander intervention. This module is designed to help students and staff understand what consent is and to identify situations where it cannot be freely given. |
Co-requisite subject |
A subject which must be passed previously or taken concurrently with the subject for which it is prescribed. |
Council |
The Council of the University of Wollongong. |
Course |
A program of study offered by the University leading to an AQF qualification, or a non-award course. |
Course Handbook |
Documents containing information relating to all UOW courses. |
Course quota |
Maximum number of places available within a course for commencing students. |
Course requirements |
Outcomes required before a student can be deemed to have completed a course. |
Course selection requirements |
Criteria that an eligible applicant must satisfy to be considered to be selected for admission to a course. |
Course structure |
Refers to the specific program of subjects which a student undertakes to meet the requirements of a course as specified in the Course Handbook for the year they commenced their course. |
Coursework |
A method of teaching and learning that leads to the acquisition of skills and knowledge that does not include a major research component. (Australian Qualifications Framework definition 2011) |
Coursework award course |
A course approved by Academic Senate that leads to a degree, diploma or certificate and is undertaken predominantly by coursework. While the program of study in a coursework award course may include a component of original, supervised research, other forms of instruction and learning normally will be dominant. All undergraduate award courses, graduate certificates, graduate diplomas and those master’s degrees that comprise less than two-thirds research are coursework award courses. |
Credit for Prior Learning |
Assessment of an individual’s relevant prior learning (including formal, informal and non-formal learning) to determine the credit that may be granted towards completion of a qualification. Also referred to as Advanced Standing or Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). |
Credit point |
The value attached to a subject that indicates study load. |
Credit transfer |
The process that provides students with agreed and consistent credit outcomes for components of a qualification based on identified equivalence in content and learning outcomes between matched qualifications. |
Cross-institutional study |
Study undertaken by a student formally enrolled at another tertiary institution through enrolment in a subject at the University of Wollongong. Also applies to study undertaken by a UOW student through enrolment in a subject at another tertiary institution that is recognised for credit towards a University of Wollongong degree. |
Deferred assessment |
An assessment taken by an eligible student as a result of a Student Academic Consideration application. Deferred assessment includes in-session or end-of-session examinations and can be administered by the faculty or centrally. |
Deferment |
The result of a request by an applicant who has met the conditions for entry to the University to postpone the commencement of study to a later session. |
Delegated Authority |
A person given authority to perform a function or task under the Delegations of Authority Policy. |
Domestic applicant or student |
An Australian or New Zealand citizen, Australian permanent resident, or holder of an Australian humanitarian visa. For students studying at offshore locations, a domestic student is a person who is a citizen or permanent resident of the country in which they are studying. |
Double degree |
Double degree is an approved course leading to the conferral of two degrees as separate awards upon a student who has complied with the course requirements for double degrees and the two individual course requirements inclusively. |
Early Admission |
Where an offer of enrolment is made to a recent secondary school student prior to release of ATARs or equivalent. Such offers are generally conditional on other requirements being met, such as successful completion of a Senior Secondary Certificate of Education or achievement of a specified minimum ATAR. |
Enabling or Preparation Program |
A program designed to provide students with skills needed for success in further study, to assist in the transition to tertiary education – for example study techniques or academic skills. |
English language requirements |
The minimum English language requirements for students to be admitted to a course at the University. |
Equivalent Full Time Study Load. |
Examination |
A form of assessment which a student is required to complete to measure their knowledge, skills and/or application of knowledge and skills in a subject area. An examination may be administered orally, on paper, on a computer, or in a specified location that requires the student to physically perform a set of skills. Examples of examinations include but are not limited to standard written tests, multiple-choice tests, practical examinations, laboratory tests, quizzes, reviews, on-line examinations, oral examinations and take-home examinations. For the purpose of these Rules, an examination means both a University examination and a faculty examination. For the purposes of these Rules, the definition of examination does not apply to thesis examination. |
Exclusion |
A course status where a student’s academic progress has been deemed unsatisfactory, or a determination has been made to terminate a student’s registration for a defined period, resulting in the student being required to formally re-apply for admission to the University after the defined period of exclusion. |
Expulsion |
A determination whereby a student’s registration is terminated permanently. An expelled student shall not be re-admitted except by permission of the University Council. |
Exemption |
The waiving of the requirement that a subject prescribed for a course be completed satisfactorily. |
Full-time student |
A student enrolled in at least 75% of the standard load for a session. |
Guaranteed Entry |
Where achievement of a specified ATAR or Selection Rank (as appropriate) will guarantee acceptance into a course, subject to any non-ATAR criteria being met, such as prerequisite study or English language proficiency. |
Guaranteed Offer |
Where achievement in a specified enabling course will guarantee acceptance into a UOW award course, subject to other criteria being met, such as prerequisite study or English language proficiency. |
Higher Degree Research (HDR) |
A Research Doctorate or Research Masters program, for which at least two-thirds of the student load for the program is required as research work. |
Higher education award |
An award issued by a higher education institution acknowledging completion of a course recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework and approved by the delegated authority. |
Honours |
A course of study at undergraduate level meeting the requirements of a Level 8 Australian Qualifications Framework award and involving a thesis, creative or research project leading to an Honours award. |
Host institution |
An institution which is not the student’s primary institution, but one where the student is completing studies that will contribute to a qualification awarded by the student’s primary institution. |
International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is an international standardised test of English language proficiency. It measures how well a person reads, listens, speaks and writes in English. |
Inherent Requirements |
Inherent requirements are the essential components of a subject or course that demonstrate the abilities, knowledge and skills required to achieve the core learning outcomes of the subject or course. A number of courses (e.g. Nursing) have inherent requirements relating to, for example, mobility that must be met in order for a student to be admitted to, and progress in, the course. |
In writing |
Communication via letter or email. |
International applicant or student |
A person who is not an Australian or New Zealand citizen or the holder of a permanent resident status, who is required to hold a visa to be eligible to study in Australia and is liable for international student fees. For students studying at offshore locations, an international student is a person who is not a citizen or permanent resident of the country in which they are studying. |
International Baccalaureate |
The International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma program comprising a senior secondary education curriculum and assessment framework offered by some schools as an alternative to the Australian National Curriculum and overseen by State and territory curriculum and assessment authorities. Australian tertiary admission centres convert IB scores to a notional ATAR, enabling IB students to be ranked for tertiary entrance alongside their peers. |
Intervention strategy |
A systematic plan of action, adapted to assist students deemed to be at risk of not achieving satisfactory course progress in meeting course progress requirements. |
Lapsed |
A course status where a student’s enrolment in a course has been discontinued due to the student choosing to end their enrolment and not obtaining an approved leave of absence. |
Leave of absence |
A period of approved leave from the University. |
Major |
An approved combination of subjects offered by one or more academic units which have a minimum value of one third of the total degree requirements. A major in a Bachelor Degree is at least 48 credit points offered by one or more academic units. The title of the major will appear on the testamur. |
Minor |
An approved combination of subjects which have a minimum value of 24 credit points offered by one or more academic units, of which 12 credit points should be at least 200 level or higher. A minor study may be made available to all UOW students subject to them otherwise meeting relevant course requirements, by being listed on the Schedule of Minor Studies set out in Appendix 2 of these Coursework Rules. |
Non-award study |
Study undertaken that does not lead to the award of a UOW qualification. |
Non-discriminatory |
Processes and requirements that are in accordance with all Commonwealth and NSW anti-discrimination legislation. |
The New South Wales Higher School Certificate. |
Offshore student |
A student who is enrolled in a UOW accredited course at a location outside of Australia. |
Packaged offer |
A packaged offer is an offer of two or more courses undertaken sequentially and typically contingent on successful completion of the earlier course(s) to a specified standard before undertaking a second or subsequent course. Often this will involve the offer of a place at UOW contingent on the successful completion of an English language and/or academic pathway course. |
Part-time student |
A student who is enrolled in less than 75% of the standard load for a session. |
Pathway Program |
A program designed to provide students with the foundational knowledge and skills needed for success in further study and to assist in the transition to tertiary education. |
Portfolio Admissions |
Admissions based on a collection of work that showcases a student’s readiness for university. |
Postgraduate course |
A course leading to the award of a graduate certificate, graduate diploma, master's degree or doctorate. A postgraduate award usually requires previous completion of a relevant undergraduate (bachelor's) degree or diploma. |
Pre-requisite subject |
A subject which must be completed satisfactorily before a specified other subject or subjects may be attempted. |
Program |
The combination of subjects in which a student is enrolled. |
Rules |
Unless otherwise specified, the term Rules refers to these Coursework Rules. |
Selection Rank |
The ranking that UAC and UOW use to assess admission to a course. A person’s course Selection Rank can include their ATAR, any adjustments they are eligible for, such as equity or subject adjustments, other contributions calculated on the basis of work experience or previous non-secondary study, portfolio assessments, results of the Special Tertiary Admissions Test, other supplementary tests, etc. |
Session |
A period in which subjects may be offered. Standard sessions are defined as Autumn and Spring. |
Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) |
A nationally recognised aptitude test that evaluates verbal and quantitative reasoning. Test scores are used, along with other information, to evaluate preparedness for tertiary education. UOW requires that applicants using the STAT as a basis of admission, must be 21 years of age or over. |
Standard load |
The number of credit points deemed to constitute one standard year of study, specified as 48 credit points (or pro rata as 24 Credit points per standard session). A standard load of 48 credit points is equivalent to an EFTSL of 1. |
Student |
A person enrolled to study or registered for a course. |
Study period |
Period of not more than six months within a course in which a student must be enrolled unless the student has been granted a deferral or a leave of absence. |
Subject |
A self-contained unit of study identified by a unique code. |
Supplementary assessment |
An assessment taken by an eligible student, as approved by the delegated authority, who has failed a subject and has been granted an opportunity to take an additional assessment to pass the subject in accordance with the Supplementary Assessment Procedure. Supplementary assessment includes in-session or end-of-session examinations and non-examination assessments, and may be administered by the faculty or centrally. |
Suspension |
A penalty whereby a student is prevented from enrolling for a defined period. The student may apply to be re-admitted at the conclusion of the period of suspension, |
StartSmart |
Compulsory non-credit point subject for undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students which provides foundation for independent learning. |
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is an international standardised test of English language proficiency. It measures how well a person reads, listens, speaks and writes in English. |
Twinning agreement |
A form of agreement whereby UOW and another institution jointly define a study program involving study at both institutions and/or specified credit transfer, leading to a UOW qualification. |
Universities Admissions Centre. |
UAC offer round(s) |
Refers to the series of dates on which UAC offers of higher education places are issued to applicants throughout the year. |
Undergraduate course |
A coursework award course leading to the award of an Associate Diploma, Diploma, Advanced Diploma or Bachelor degree or Bachelor (Honours) degree. |
University/UOW |
Unless otherwise specified, the University of Wollongong. Also abbreviated to UOW. |
Weighted average mark / WAM |
An average mark determined using one of the methods specified in these Rules. |
Working Day |
A working day according to the ordinary hours of business (Australian Eastern Standard Time or Australian Eastern Daylight Saving Time as appropriate) of the University of Wollongong. Any period of working days will begin at the start of ordinary hours of business on the first working day after the initiating event and will end at the close of business on the last working day in the relevant period. |