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Examination Rules

This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.

Section 1 - Purpose of Policy

(1) The purpose of these Rules is to ensure an equitable process of conducting examinations in a manner which would support the University’s commitment to Academic Integrity.

(2) These Rules outline the required conduct of students undertaking examinations at UOW, and direct staff and students to University Rules, standards, codes, policies, guidelines, procedures and other requirements which specify acceptable and unacceptable student conduct in examinations, and the management of examinations.

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Section 2 - Application and Scope

(3) These Rules apply to students of the University of Wollongong who are undertaking examinations:

  1. at an Australian campus;
  2. elsewhere, while enrolled in distance education mode; or
  3. within the virtual/online environment.

(4) These Rules apply to University examinations and faculty examinations, noting that Academic Units can vary the guidelines for conducting faculty examinations subject to the approval of the Head of Academic Unit and to communication with students in accordance with the Teaching and Assessment related policy documents.

(5) These Rules apply to students undertaking courses delivered in collaboration with a partner institution, noting the modified features as stipulated in Schedule 1.

(6) Students enrolled at UOW Dubai will be governed by the UOWD Examination Policy.

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Section 3 - Policy Principles

(7) The principles guiding these Rule are:

  1. Equity – compliance with relevant policies, guidelines and procedures ensuring universal principles are applied consistently with fairness and impartiality.
  2. Academic Integrity – involves upholding ethical standards in all aspects of academic work, including learning, teaching and research. It involves acting with the principles of honesty, fairness, trust and responsibility and requires respect for knowledge and its development. Academic integrity is foundational to the work of the whole academic community, including students, teachers, researchers, coordinators and administrators.
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Section 4 - Examination Timetables

(8) Personalised timetables for University examinations are posted on Student Online Services (SOLS). Timetables will specify the time, date, duration, campus, venue and authorised reference items for each examination that will be conducted. Students are advised to consult the timetable for each end-of-session examination period. University staff members are not permitted to provide information on examination times or venues over the telephone.

(9) Misreading or misinterpretation of the timetable will not be accepted as an excuse for failing to attend an examination. Students who fail to attend an examination because they misread the timetable or accepted incorrect information from another person are not entitled to sit the examination at another time, and are not entitled to any other concession.

(10) Where a student considers that he or she has a serious individual scheduling difficulty with the examination timetable, the student may request that alternative arrangements be made in accordance with the Examination Procedure.

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Section 5 - Entry into Examination Room

(11) Only the following people may enter or remain in an examination room during an examination:

  1. students enrolled in the subject or authorised by the Subject Coordinator;
  2. Examination Supervisor(s);
  3. members of academic staff;
  4. security officer(s) authorised by the University;
  5. administrative staff authorised by the Director, Student Administration Services Division, and
  6. Other person(s) permitted to enter by an Examination Supervisor.
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Section 6 - Identification of Students

(12) Students must produce their current UOW student identification card, UOW College identification card, Australian driver licence (digital formats will not be accepted) or passport for identification purposes for each examination upon request. Where the photo identification or signature provided is not clear, additional forms of identity verification may be requested.

(13) A student wearing clothing that obscures their face will be asked to remove that clothing for identification purposes in private and before an Examination Supervisor of the same gender if required.

(14) A student who fails to comply with a request under clause 12 and 13 may be refused admission to the examination room.

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Section 7 - Time for Entry and Departure

(15) A student should be in place in the examination room not less than ten minutes before the time specified for the commencement of the examination.

(16) To minimise disturbances for other students and to maintain the integrity of the examination, a student arriving late will only be admitted to an examination room within 30 minutes of the scheduled start of the examination. In this circumstance, no additional working time will be allowed.

(17) To minimise disturbances for other students and to maintain the integrity of the examination, no student will be permitted to leave the examination room within 30 minutes of the scheduled start of the examination, unless expressly approved by the Examination Supervisor.

(18) If a student enters the examination room on the wrong day or at the wrong time and has been provided with examination material, they will be required to remain in that venue for 30 minutes after the scheduled start of the examination.

(19) No student will be readmitted to the examination room after leaving it, unless during the full period of absence the student is supervised by a person approved by the Examination Supervisor.

(20) Students will be given a warning ten minutes before the end of the examination. To minimise disturbances for other students and to maintain the integrity of the examination, all students still in the examination room when this warning is given must remain seated until all examination answer papers have been collected and the Examination Supervisor permits students to leave.

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Section 8 - Conduct During Examinations

(21) Students sitting an examination must:

  1. refrain from any forms of academic misconduct, including any action or attempted action by a student that may result in an unfair academic advantage for the student, or an unfair academic advantage or disadvantage for other students, as defined in the Academic Integrity Policy;
  2. obey any instruction given by an examination supervisor for the proper conduct of an examination;
  3. comply with any other University of Wollongong By-law 2005 or Rule in relation to refraining from disorderly conduct; and
  4. specifically obey any instruction to temporarily remove clothing that obscures part of the body including but not limited to the face, ears and/or wrists, for the prevention or detection of academic misconduct. This may be conducted at the examination desk, or if required, in private and before an Examination Supervisor of the same gender.

(22) A student who does not comply with the requirements set out in clause 21:

  1. may be guilty of misconduct under the Student Conduct Rules or the Campus Access and Order Rules and disciplinary action may be taken in accordance with these Rules; and
  2. will normally be allowed to complete the examination but may be required to leave the examination room immediately in circumstances considered appropriate by a representative from the Student Administration Services Division.
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Section 9 - Special Conditions for Examinations

(23) UOW is committed to providing equal opportunity for students with disabilities and ongoing illnesses through an inclusive educational environment. The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005 require the University to reasonably accommodate the needs of students with a disability through adjustment of conditions whilst completing examinations and assessments. Students must register with the Accessibility and Inclusion Advisor if they require reasonable adjustments to their examination conditions.

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Section 10 - Responsibilities

(24) The University has a responsibility to ensure that these Rules are accessible to all academic staff and students.

(25) The SStudent Administration Services Division has a responsibility to ensure that these Rules and the supporting policies and guidelines are implemented and applied consistently across all University examinations.

(26) Academic Units have a responsibility to ensure that these Rules and the supporting policies and guidelines are implemented and applied consistently across all faculty examinations.

(27) Students have a responsibility to:

  1. be aware of all rules, codes, policies, guidelines and procedures relating to examinations; and
  2. conduct themselves in examinations in accordance with these Rules and the supporting policies and guidelines.
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Section 11 - Schedule 1

(28) The following modified features apply to students undertaking examinations for courses delivered in collaboration with a partner institution and staff involved in the facilitation of the examinations. Where not otherwise stipulated, these Rules apply without modification. In all instances where references are made to the Examination Procedure, the Examination Procedure for Offshore Students will apply.

Examination Timetables (Section 5)

(29) Timetables for University examinations are posted in the relevant partner institution’s student system. Timetables will specify the time, date, duration, campus, venue and authorised reference items for each examination that will be conducted. Students are advised to consult the timetable for each end-of-session examination period. University staff members are not permitted to provide information on examination times or venues over the telephone.

Identification of Students (Section 7)

(30) Students must produce their current International Identity card or partner institution student card containing their photo and signature for identification purposes for each examination upon request. Where the photo identification or signature provided is not clear, additional forms of identity verification may be requested.

Special Conditions for Examinations (Section 10)

(31) Students must register with the relevant officer at the partner institution if they require reasonable adjustments to their examination conditions.

Responsibilities (Section 11)

(32) Partner institutions have a responsibility to ensure that these Rules and the supporting policies and guidelines are implemented and applied consistently across all examinations.

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Section 12 - Definitions

(33) The following are definitions that are specific to these Rules:

Word/Term Definition
Assessment Work which a student is required to complete to provide a basis for an official record of achievement or certification of competence in a subject. This may include summative and/or formative forms of assessment. Examples of assessment include, but are not limited to examination, test, take-home examination, quiz, assignment, essay, laboratory report, thesis, demonstration, performance, tutorial presentation, class participation, practicum, clinical placement and work experience.
End-of-session examination period A period during which end-of-session examinations are held, normally conducted by the Student Administration Services Division.
Examination A form of assessment which a student is required to complete to measure their knowledge, skill and aptitude in a subject area. The examination may be administered orally, on paper, on a computer, or in a confined area that requires the student to physically perform a set of skills. Examples of examinations include but are not limited to standard written tests, multiple-choice tests, practical examinations, laboratory tests, objective structured clinical examinations (OSCE), quizzes, reviews, on-line examinations, oral examinations and take-home examinations. For the purpose of these Rules, an examination means both a University examination and a faculty examination.
Examination centre A designated collection of examination rooms where examinations for a particular campus are held.
Examination room A designated place where an examination is held.
Examination Supervisor A person authorised by the Student Administration Services Division , the central examination unit at a partner institution or the Head of the relevant academic unit to supervise an examination.
Examiner A person or persons with responsibility for the assessment of work in any subject.
Faculty examination An examination conducted by an academic unit.
Open book examination An examination in which students are permitted to bring reference materials into the examination as specified by the examiner.
Supplementary and deferred examination period A period during which supplementary examinations and deferred examinations are held, normally conducted by the Student Administration Services Division.
University examination An examination conducted by the Student Administration Services Division, or the central examination unit at a partner institution, during specified end-of-session examination periods, including supplementary and deferred examination periods.