(1) The academic governance of the faculties of the University of Wollongong shall be conducted in a manner consistent with this Policy. (2) This Policy applies to the governance of the Faculties of the University of Wollongong. (3) Faculties should ensure that membership of its committees reflects the equity, diversity and inclusion policies and principles outlined in the UOW Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and the Athena SWAN Charter. (4) The University has established Faculties in order to pursue the academic activities of the University. (5) Each Faculty of the University shall have the following senior academic and general staff positions, the holders of which shall, together with any other positions nominated by the Executive Dean, comprise the executive of the Faculty: (6) The principal officer of each Faculty shall be the Executive Dean of the Faculty. (7) The Vice-Chancellor and President may designate another member of the Faculty executive to act in the role in the absence of the Executive Dean for a designated period. (8) The Faculty executive shall meet and deliberate as the Faculty Executive Committee. (9) The Faculty Executive Committee advises the Executive Dean and, as such, is not a decision-making body. (10) The Faculty Executive Committee of the Faculty shall operate in accordance with the minimum requirements set out in Appendix A. (11) Each Faculty shall manage its academic activities through the operations of a: (12) In addition to the academic committees referred to above, each Faculty shall convene on a regular or ad hoc basis, as required by virtue of relevant University policy documents and other organisational arrangements, other Faculty committees including a: (13) Each Faculty may establish a Faculty Advisory Committee to promote the quality of academic management by the Faculty by providing external expertise and independent perspectives. (14) Where a Faculty determines to establish a Faculty Advisory Committee, it shall operate in accordance with the minimum requirements set out in Appendix F. The Vice-Chancellor and President is, by virtue of the University of Wollongong By-law 2005, an ex officio member of each committee established under this Policy and may preside at any meeting of any such committee. (15) Each Faculty shall be responsible for the executive support of each committee established under this Policy. (16) The Executive Dean is an ex officio member of each committee established under this Policy and may elect to attend, speak and vote at any meeting of any such committee. (17) Each committee established under this Policy shall operate in accordance with the requirements of its Terms of Reference and shall adopt formal processes for the following: (18) Committees are referred to the Gold Standard Committee Service for guidance in these areas. (19) Each Faculty shall have the following Faculty Student Representative positions: (20) The election of Faculty Student Representatives shall occur annually, in accordance with the common election cycle in Spring Session, and shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures set out in Appendix E of this Policy. (21) The term of office of Faculty Student Representatives shall be two (2) years, commencing from 1 January and ending on 31 December in the following year. (22) Faculties shall, both through the Faculty Student Representatives, and by other means, provide information to and consult with students enrolled in courses offered by the Faculty on academic and student experience related matters. (23) Faculties shall promote student involvement in faculty governance and shall publicise the contact details of its student faculty representatives on the faculty webpage. (24) Faculties shall also provide induction for their student representatives, setting out how representatives can contribute to faculty governance and providing clear indications about the tasks and duties student representatives are required to undertake. (25) The faculty shall seek feedback from student representatives and seek to incorporate improvements to faculty process and communications where appropriate. (26) are responsible for ensuring Faculty Executive Committees operate in a manner consistent with this Policy. (27) Associate Deans are responsible for ensuring their respective Committees operate in a manner consistent with this Policy. (28) Executive Deans and Faculty Executive Managers are responsible for ensuring that student and community engagement is carried out in accordance with this Policy. (29) Faculties are responsible for ensuring that all committees act in a manner consistent with the University Gold Standard Committee Service. (30) The Governance Unit is responsible for conducting the annual election of Faculty Student Representatives in accordance with this Policy. (31) The Faculty Executive Committee is an advisory Committee to the Executive Dean and is not a decision-making body. The Faculty Executive Committee shall operate in accordance with the following minimum standards with respect to its role and operations: (32) The Faculty Executive Committee is a formally constituted committee of the Faculty with particular responsibility for overall management of the strategic and operational affairs of the Faculty. (33) The role of the Faculty Executive Committee shall include: (34) The Faculty Executive Committee shall consist of: (35) The Committee should include representatives from more than one gender and should reflect the equity, diversity and inclusion policies and principles outlined in the UOW Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and the Athena SWAN Charter. (36) Committee members wanting to take leave of absence during their term should seek the approval of the Committee. Any short term membership replacements will be a matter for the Chair and the Committee to determine. (37) The quorum for a meeting shall be a simple majority of the total number of members of the committee. (38) The Committee will meet at least six (6) times per year. (39) The Committee may establish subcommittees in order to assist it to discharge its terms of reference. Subcommittees may be made up of members of the Committee and other persons co-opted by the Committee. (40) Members should inform the Chair if they have a conflict of interests with respect to any particular agenda items. A conflict arises when there is a divergence between the individual interests of a person and their professional obligations such that an independent observer might reasonably question whether the professional actions or decisions of that person are influenced by their own interests or are for their own benefit. (41) If a conflict is reported the Chair should determine how it is to be resolved (e.g. the member leaving the room for the item, not participating in voting for the item, taking no action on account of the minor nature of the conflict of interest). Management of conflicts of interest should be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. (42) Items of a confidential nature may arise from time to time, including: (43) In the event of the Committee considering any potential confidential item, the following arrangements apply: (44) The Faculty Education Committee is an advisory Committee to the Executive Dean and the Faculty Executive Committee and is not a decision-making body. The Faculty Education Committee shall operate in accordance with the following minimum standards with respect to its role and operations: (45) The Faculty Education Committee is a formally constituted committee of the Faculty with particular responsibility for learning and teaching matters. (46) The role of the Faculty Education Committee shall include: (47) In order to support the University's strategic objectives in learning and teaching and for the UOW student academic experience; (48) The Faculty Education Committee shall consist of: (49) The Committee should include representatives from more than one gender, and should reflect the equity, diversity and inclusion policies and principles outlined in the UOW Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and the Athena SWAN Charter. (50) Cross-faculty interests and perspectives on learning and teaching matters shall be taken into account by the Committee through cross-faculty representation on the committee or otherwise. This may include a representative from the Library and the Learning, Teaching and Curriculum team to provide advice and information share on course and subject matters. (51) Committee members wanting to take leave of absence during their term should seek the approval of the Committee. Any short term membership replacements will be a matter for the Chair and the Committee to determine. (52) The quorum for a meeting shall be a simple majority of the members of the committee. (53) The Committee will meet at least six (6) times per year. (54) The Committee may establish subcommittees in order to assist it to discharge its terms of reference. Subcommittees may be made up of members of the Committee and other persons co-opted by the Committee. (55) Members should inform the Chair if they have a conflict of interests with respect to any particular agenda items. A conflict arises when there is a divergence between the individual interests of a person and their professional obligations such that an independent observer might reasonably question whether the professional actions or decisions of that person are influenced by their own interests or are for their own benefit. (56) If a conflict is reported the Chair should determine how it is to be resolved (e.g. the member leaving the room for the item, not participating in voting for the item, taking no action on account of the minor nature of the conflict of interest). Management of conflicts of interest should be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. (57) Items of a confidential nature may arise from time to time, including: (58) In the event of the Committee considering any potential confidential item, the following arrangements apply: (59) The Faculty Research Committee is an advisory Committee to the Executive Dean and the Faculty Executive Committee and is not a decision-making body. The Faculty Research Committee shall operate in accordance with the following minimum standards with respect to its role and operations: (60) The Faculty Research Committee is a formally constituted committee of the Faculty with particular responsibility for promotion and development of research activities and research excellence within the Faculty, and for establishing and maintaining systems and processes to support research activities and research excellence within the Faculty. (61) The role of the Faculty Research Committee shall include: (62) Committee members wanting to take leave of absence during their term should seek the approval of the Committee. Any short term membership replacements will be a matter for the Chair and the Committee to determine. (63) The quorum for a meeting shall be a simple majority of the members of the Committee. (64) The Committee will meet at least 4 times per year. (65) The Committee may establish subcommittees in order to assist it to discharge its terms of reference. Subcommittees may be made up of members of the Committee and other persons co-opted by the Committee. (66) Members should inform the Chair if they have a conflict of interests with respect to any particular agenda items. A conflict arises when there is a divergence between the individual interests of a person and their professional obligations such that an independent observer might reasonably question whether the professional actions or decisions of that person are influenced by their own interests or are for their own benefit. (67) If a conflict is reported, the Chair should determine how it is to be resolved (e.g. the member leaving the room for the item, not participating in voting for the item, taking no action on account of the minor nature of the conflict of interest). Management of conflicts of interest should be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. (68) Items of a confidential nature may arise from time to time, including: (69) In the event of the Committee considering any potential confidential item, the following arrangements apply: (70) The Faculty Graduate Research Committee is an advisory Committee to the Executive Dean and the Faculty Executive Committee and is not a decision-making body. The Faculty Graduate Research Committee shall operate in accordance with the following minimum standards with respect to its role and operations: (71) The Faculty Graduate Research Committee is a formally constituted committee of the Faculty with particular responsibility to support implementation of UOW Graduate Research strategies within Faculties. (72) The role of theFaculty Graduate Research Committee shall include: (73) The Faculty Graduate Research Committee shall consist of: (74) The quorum for a meeting shall be a simple majority of the members of the Committee. (75) The Committee will meet at least 3 times per year (twice scholarship ranking). (76) The Committee may establish subcommittees in order to assist it to discharge its terms of reference. Subcommittees may be made up of members of the Committee and other persons co-opted by the Committee. (77) Members should inform the Chair if they have a conflict of interests with respect to any particular agenda items. A conflict arises when there is a divergence between the individual interests of a person and their professional obligations such that an independent observer might reasonably question whether the professional actions or decisions of that person are influenced by their own interests or are for their own benefit. (78) If a conflict is reported, the Chair should determine how it is to be resolved (e.g. the member leaving the room for the item, not participating in voting for the item, taking no action on account of the minor nature of the conflict of interest). Management of conflicts of interest should be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. (79) Items of a confidential nature may arise from time to time, including: (80) In the event of the Committee considering any potential confidential item, the following arrangements apply: (81) The Faculty Internationalisation Committee is an advisory Committee to the Executive Dean and the Faculty Executive Committee and is not a decision-making body. Faculty Internationalisation Committee shall operate in accordance with the following minimum standards with respect to its role and operations: (82) The Faculty Internationalisation Committee is a formally constituted committee of the Faculty with particular responsibility for promoting and monitoring international activities in the Faculty. (83) The role of the Faculty Internationalisation Committee shall include: (84) The Faculty Internationalisation Committee shall consist of: (85) The Committee should include representatives from more than one gender and should reflect the equity, diversity and inclusion policies and principles outlined in the UOW Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and the Athena SWAN Charter. (86) Committee members wanting to take leave of absence during their term should seek the approval of the Committee. Any short term membership replacements will be a matter for the Chair and the Committee to determine. (87) The quorum for a meeting shall be a simple majority of the members of the Committee. (88) The Committee will meet at least six (6) times per year. (89) The Committee may establish subcommittees in order to assist it to discharge its terms of reference. Subcommittees may be made up of members of the Committee and other persons co-opted by the Committee. (90) Members should inform the Chair if they have a conflict of interests with respect to any particular agenda items. A conflict arises when there is a divergence between the individual interests of a person and their professional obligations such that an independent observer might reasonably question whether the professional actions or decisions of that person are influenced by their own interests or are for their own benefit. (91) If a conflict is reported the Chair should determine how it is to be resolved (e.g. the member leaving the room for the item, not participating in voting for the item, taking no action on account of the minor nature of the conflict of interest). Management of conflicts of interest should be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. (92) Items of a confidential nature may arise from time to time, including: (93) In the event of the Committee considering any potential confidential item, the following arrangements apply: (94) The Faculty Advisory Committee, if established, shall operate in accordance with the following minimum standards with respect to its role and operations. (95) The Faculty Advisory Committeeis a formally constituted committee of the Faculty with particular responsibility for advising the Executive Dean on matters related to promoting the academic quality of the Faculty, drawing on external expertise and independent perspectives. (96) The role of the Faculty Advisory Committee shall include: (97) Membership of the Faculty Advisory Committee shall be made up of: (98) The Chair of the committee shall be a member appointed by the Committee and who is independent of the University. (99) The Committee should include representatives from more than one gender and should reflect the equity, diversity and inclusion policies and principles outlined in the UOW Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and the Athena SWAN Charter. (100) Committee members wanting to take leave of absence during their term should seek the approval of the Committee. Any short term membership replacements will be a matter for the Chair and the Committee to determine. (101) The quorum for a meeting shall be a majority of the members of the Committee. (102) The Committee will meet at least two (2) and up to four (4) times per year. (103) The Committee may establish subcommittees in order to assist it to discharge its terms of reference. Subcommittees may be made up of members of the Committee and other persons co-opted by the Committee. (104) Members should inform the Chair if they have a conflict of interests with respect to any particular agenda items. A conflict arises when there is a divergence between the individual interests of a person and their professional obligations such that an independent observer might reasonably question whether the professional actions or decisions of that person are influenced by their own interests or are for their own benefit. (105) If a conflict is reported the Chair should determine how it is to be resolved (e.g. the member leaving the room for the item, not participating in voting for the item, taking no action on account of the minor nature of the conflict of interest). Management of conflicts of interest should be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. (106) In the event of the Committee considering any potential confidential item, the following arrangements apply: (107) The Returning Officer for the election of Faculty Student Representatives shall, for each Faculty, prepare or cause to be prepared the following rolls no later than the date of on which nominations open for election for Faculty Student Representatives: (108) Undergraduate and postgraduate students who are named on the rolls of undergraduate, postgraduate and onshore international students as defined in Clause 1 of this Policy are eligible to vote in the election of Faculty Student Representatives. (109) Students may seek confirmation of a student's inclusion on a roll via request to the Governance Unit, Governance and Legal Division.. (110) Subject to Clauses 5 and 6, any student eligible to vote for a position as a Faculty student representative position is eligible to stand for election for such position. (111) Persons eligible to vote in elections for Faculty Student Representatives are not obliged to vote. (112) Elected Faculty Student Representatives are limited to serving three consecutive terms as a Faculty Student Representative in any capacity. (113) Members who have served three consecutive terms on their Faculty are not precluded from being nominated again providing that at least one term of office has passed. (114) The election of Faculty Student Representatives is to be conducted by a Returning Officer and may be conducted by means of a physical election or an electronic election. (115) The Returning Officer for election of Faculty Student Representatives is to be the Senior Manager, Governance Unit, or an alternate appointed by that Senior Manager. (116) In the performance of any of the Returning Officer's functions under this policy, the Returning Officer may be assisted by such persons as the Returning Officer appoints. (117) Subject to this policy, the election is to be conducted in such manner as the Returning Officer determines. (118) (119) In the conduct of the election, the following intervals are to be allowed: (120) The Returning Officer is to give notice of the election by: (121) The notice of election is to: (122) The Returning Officer is not to accept a nomination unless: (123) If, at the close of nominations, the number of valid nominations is equal to the number of persons to be elected, the Returning Officer is to declare the persons nominated to be elected. (124) If, at the close of nominations, the number of valid nominations is less than the number of persons to be elected, the Returning Officer is to make one further call for nominations in the manner specified in Clauses 12 and 13 and expiring seven (7) days after the date of publication. (125) If, at the close of further nominations, the number of valid nominations is less than the number of persons to be elected, the Returning Officer is to declare the persons nominated to be elected, and the resulting vacant position(s) shall be filled by the Executive Dean of the affected Faculty. (126) If, at the close of nominations, the number of valid nominations exceeds the number of persons to be elected, the Returning Officer is to send or make available by post or by other means (including electronic) a voting form to those persons entitled to vote. When sending by post, the voting form is to be sent to the address shown in respect of those persons on the appropriate roll. (127) Each voting form is to contain the names of the candidates in alphabetical order. (128) A voting form will be provided or made available to each voter upon validation of eligibility to vote by electronic means or otherwise. (129) If a voting form has been lost or destroyed, a duplicate may be issued by the Returning Officer upon receipt of a written declaration that the voting form has been lost or destroyed. (130) Each voting form sent or otherwise made available to an elector is to be accompanied by or is to provide electronic access to a notice which: (131) The voter is to mark a cross on the voting form opposite the name of each candidate for whom the voter votes, but the number of candidates for whom a vote is cast is not to exceed the number of persons to be elected. (132) At the date and time appointed for the counting of votes, the Returning Officer is to: (133) Where an election is held to elect one member, the Returning Officer is to declare as elected the candidate who receives the highest number of votes. (134) Where an election is held to elect more than one member, the Returning Officer is to declare as elected the candidates who received the highest number of votes. (135) Declaration of those elected shall take place not more than seven days after voting has concluded. (136) Where there is an equality of votes for an available position or positions, the person or persons to be elected to that or those positions will be determined by lot by the Returning Officer. (137) The Faculty Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee is an advisory Committee to the Executive Dean and the Faculty Executive Committee and is not a decision-making body. The Faculty Equity Diversity and Inclusion Committee shall operate in accordance with the following minimum standards with respect to its role and operations: (138) The Faculty Equity Diversity and Inclusion Committeeis a formally constituted committee of the Faculty, with particular responsibility for development of initiatives to improve and promote equity, diversity, and inclusion in the Faculty's research, teaching, and operational activities. (139) The role of the Faculty Equity Diversity and Inclusion Committee shall include: (140) The Faculty Equity Diversity and Inclusion Committee shall consist of: (141) The Committee should include representatives from more than one gender. (142) The Committee will strive for diversity in its membership, and will at all times consider expressions of interest from potential new members seeking to broaden the experiences and viewpoints represented on the Committee. (143) Committee members wanting to take leave of absence during their term should seek the approval of the Committee. Any short term membership replacements will be a matter for the Chair and the Committee to determine. (144) The Committee may invite non-members to attend meetings in an unofficial capacity to provide advice or input on specific EDI initiatives as needed. (145) The quorum for a meeting shall be a simple majority of the members of the Committee. (146) The Committee will meet at least six (6) times per year. (147) The Committee may establish subcommittees in order to assist it to discharge its terms of reference. Subcommittees may be made up of members of the Committee and other persons co-opted by the Committee. (148) Members should inform the chair if they have a conflict of interests with respect to any particular agenda items. A conflict arises when there is a divergence between the individual interests of a person and their professional obligations such that an independent observer might reasonably question whether the professional actions or decisions of that person are influenced by their own interests or are for their own benefit. (149) If a conflict is reported, the Chair should determine how it is to be resolved (e.g. the member leaving the room for the item, not participating in voting for the item, taking no action on account of the minor nature of the conflict of interest). Management of conflicts of interest should be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. (150) Items of a confidential nature may arise from time to time, including: (151) In the event of the Committee considering any potential confidential item, the following arrangements apply: (152) Members of the Faculty Equity Diversity and Inclusion Committee are required to:Faculty Academic Governance Policy
Section 1 - Purpose of Policy
Section 2 - Application and Scope - Exclusions or Special Conditions
Section 3 - Policy Principles
Section 4 - The Executive Committee
Section 5 - Academic Committees of the Faculty
Section 6 - Elected Faculty Student Representatives
Section 7 - Student Consultation
Section 8 - Roles and Responsibilities
Executive Deans
Section 9 - Appendix A – Faculty Executive Committee
Terms of Reference
Meeting Frequency
Committee Operations
Top of PageSection 10 - Appendix B – Faculty Education Committee
Terms of Reference
Meeting Frequency
Committee Operations
Top of PageSection 11 - Appendix C – Faculty Research Committee
Terms of Reference
Meeting Frequency
Committee Operations
Top of PageSection 12 - Appendix D – Faculty Graduate Research Committee
Terms of Reference
Meeting Frequency
Committee Operations
Top of PageSection 13 - Appendix E – Faculty Internationalisation Committee
Terms of Reference
Meeting Frequency
Committee Operations
Top of PageSection 14 - Appendix F – Faculty Advisory Committee
Terms of Reference
Meeting Frequency
Committee Operations
Top of PageSection 15 - Appendix G – Procedures for Election of Faculty Student Representatives
Eligibility to Vote and Eligibility to Stand for Election
Limitation on Term of Office
Returning Office
Timing of Elections
Notice of Election
Voting Forms
Counting of Votes
Declaration of Results
Equality of Votes
Section 16 - Appendix H: Terms of Reference – Faculty Equity Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Terms of Reference
Meeting Frequency
Committee Operations
Member Responsibilities
Top of PageSection 17 - Definitions
Definition (with examples if required)
Determined by lot
The name of each candidate who received the same number of votes is written on separate and similar slips of paper, the slips are folded so as to prevent identification and mixed and drawn at random. The candidates whose names are drawn are elected until all available positions are filled.
Education Leader
An academic staff member who is a recognised leader in the teaching and learning activities of the Faculty based on:
An ex-officio member is a member of a committee by virtue of their position.
One of the following faculties of the University of Wollongong:
International student
A person whose name appears on the Roll of undergraduate students or the Roll of postgraduate students, both kept under Part 4, Section 14 of the University of Wollongong By-Law (2005), and who is registered as an international student studying onshore, in all cases other than persons so enrolled who are members of the staff of the University.
Members of staff of the University
Includes persons employed by the University for the equivalent of at least 0.4 FTE a week:
Postgraduate student
A person whose name appears on the Roll of postgraduate students kept under Part 4 Section 14 of the University of Wollongong By-Law (2005), other than persons so enrolled who are members of the staff of the University.
Research Leader
An academic staff member who is a recognised leader in the research activities of the Faculty, based on:
List of persons eligible to nominate and vote in an election conducted in accordance with this Policy.
Three consecutive terms
Three consecutive terms of office that includes at least one whole term of office for any position for which an election is held in accordance with this policy.
Undergraduate student
A person whose name appears on the Roll of undergraduate students kept under Part 4 Section 13 of the University of Wollongong By-Law (2005), other than persons so enrolled who are members of the staff of the University.
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