(1) This Procedure stipulates the principles for establishing joint Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) courses at the University of Wollongong (the University). (2) This Procedure applies to: (3) This Procedure does not apply to the offshore campuses of the University. These campuses are governed by separate policy documents. (4) Joint PhD courses are designed to: (5) UOW may establish a Joint PhD course with another university or research institution if: (6) A joint PhD course comprises the following activities: (7) Candidates usually enrol in a Joint PhD course at the commencement of their candidature, although the agreement may permit enrolled candidates to transfer to this course later. (8) Candidates must satisfy the admission, progression, training, research integrity, submission, and examination requirements—as well as the intellectual property agreements of both UOW and the partner institution. (9) Before the course is approved at UOW, the University and partner institution must sign an agreement that stipulates: (10) Before the course can commence, the Dean of Graduate Research or authorised delegate set out in the Delegations of Authority Policy, must approve the collaborative agreement in consultation with the relevant faculties. (11) Joint PhD Agreements may constitute a Foreign Arrangement, depending on the association between the partner institution and government. Foreign Arrangements must be the subject of notifications to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, both at the negotiation stage and when finalised, in accordance with the Australia’s Foreign Relations (State and Territory Arrangements) Act 2020. Such notifications are coordinated by the Global Strategies Division. (12) For each candidate, a separate appendix to this agreement must be inserted that includes: (13) The minimum duration that candidates shall study at each institution should be one year unless the Graduate Research Committee approves otherwise. (14) Joint PhD courses most comply with all University rules, codes, policies, procedures and guidelines unless Academic Senates approves otherwise. (15) Candidates must fulfill the minimum proficiency requirements of the language of instruction at each institution. (16) International candidates do not need to secure a student visa or to comply with ESOS regulations until they arrive in Australia. (17) While candidates are completing their research and are located at the partner institution, they must also enrol in a thesis subject at UOW that permits distance learning. (18) Candidates shall incur amenities fees at UOW only during sessions in which they are located at a UOW campus. (19) When UOW is the host institution: (20) Two principal Supervisors, one from each institution, will be allocated to each candidate and be assigned equal authority. The principal Supervisors will discuss their research capabilities and limitations to clarify the research topics and skills in which they will each be responsible. This information may enable the principal Supervisors and candidates to decide which advice to adopt in response to conflicting opinions about the research project. Additional co-Supervisors from either institution may be appointed, as appropriate. (21) Even if a joint PhD course has not been established, joint supervision is still permissible. For example, if their Line Manager approves, University academics might agree to help supervise HDR candidates enrolled only at another institution, especially if: (22) Roles and responsibilities are as specified in this Procedure.Joint PhD Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Application and Scope
Section 3 - Principles
Top of PageSection 4 - Criteria for Establishment of a Joint PhD Agreement
Section 5 - Approval of Proposal and Agreement
Section 6 - Management of Joint PhD courses
Top of PageSection 7 - Supervision
Top of PageSection 8 - Roles and Responsibilities
Section 9 - Definitions
Definition (with examples if required)
Associate Dean Research – Higher Degree Research
The undertaking of a course of study.
Domestic student
An Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, or New Zealand citizen enrolled to study or registered for a course at UOW.
Equivalent Fulltime Student Load
Foreign arrangement
A foreign arrangement is a written agreement, contract, understanding or undertaking between an Australian State/Territory entity (including the University) and certain foreign entities (primarily foreign governments and agencies, including certain universities), whether or not there are any other parties to the arrangement and whether it is legally binding or not.
Graduate Research
Graduate Research School
HDR candidate
A student in the process of completing the requirements for a degree.
Joint PhD Agreement
An agreement between an Australian University (in this case UOW) and another Higher Education institution, governing a joint doctoral degree from both institutions.
Partner / Host Institution
The institution at which the candidate has secondary enrolment.
Home Institution
The institution at which the candidate has primary enrolment
Research Training Program
Student visa
A document issued by a country giving a certain individual permission to enter that country for a given period of time for the purpose of study.
Certification of an award. In the case of joint PhD agreements a student can receive a testamur from each institution relating to the joint degree program.
Tuition fee
A fee to cover the educational costs of a program.
Viva voce
An oral examination.
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