(1) The purpose of this Policy is to set out: (2) The University of Wollongong is committed to the appropriate use of Information Technology and Services in support of its teaching, research, administrative and service functions. This Policy should be read in conjunction with the IT Acceptable Use Policy which defines the acceptable behaviour expected of users and intending users of the facilities, including telephones. The University requires users to comply with its IT policies which are accessible on the University Policy Directory. (3) This policy applies to all University Telephone/Voice and Mobile Data Services, the usage of all Telephones, Mobile Devices and Mobile Data Services and their associated accounts owned by the University. (4) All Users should be aware of the Policy, their responsibilities, and legal obligations. (5) All Users are required to comply with the Policy and are bound by law to observe applicable statutory legislation. (6) A University telephone or mobile device must not be used for transmission, retransmission, or storing of any unlawful, obscene, indecent, profane, libellous, offensive, pornographic, threatening, abusive, defamatory, or otherwise objectionable information. Without limitation this includes any transmissions constituting or encouraging conduct that would constitute a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any law. (7) All users of data services must accept full responsibility for using the University telephone, mobile device in an honest, ethical, safe and legal manner and with regard to the rights and sensitivities of other people. (8) Users shall not cause, or attempt to cause, security and/or privacy breaches or disruptions to telephone communications. (9) Harassment is not permitted, whether through language, images, videos, hang-up; silence; hoax; obscene; abusive; malicious or frequency and size of telephone, text, or multimedia messaging calls. Users must not send unsolicited text messages, including "junk mail" or other advertising material. (10) Users who receive unwelcome calls must report these events, either by reporting the issue to IMTS or to the Complaints Management Centre. (11) The recording of telephone calls is only permitted where this is done in accordance with relevant legislation, i.e., State and Commonwealth privacy laws and the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment (Data Retention) Act 2015. IMTS do not provide this service but are available to give advice on recording of telephone calls. (12) The University will use royalty-free music for the University’s music on-hold. (13) University mobile devices can be used for: (14) For University staff who are frequently out of the office and have a University mobile device, it may be appropriate to forward calls from their telephone to their University mobile device. Call charges are higher and will be charged back to the account holder’s cost centre, prior approval from the relevant Senior Executive, Executive Dean or Director/Chief Officer is required. (15) All individual telephone call usage is logged, and data can be provided by IMTS on request by the user. (16) International data roaming is turned off by default, and activation of this service is completed by IMTS. The user accepts all associated costs with the activation and usage of data roaming whilst overseas. Users may contact IMTS to find out available options for telephone contact while overseas. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure appropriate international phone plans are in place for the destination being travelled to. (17) All operating system updates and applications updates on devices covered under this Policy must be applied, and a password/passcode must be used. (18) Users are required to contact IMTS if they require additional functionality (if available) for their Mobile Device account. Such requests will be subject to approval by the relevant Senior Executive, Executive Dean or Director/Chief Officer. (19) University telephones, mobile devices and data services must be connected to one of the IMTS recommended plans unless approval to use an alternative plan has been granted by the relevant Senior Executive, Executive Dean or Director/Chief Officer and approved by the Chief Information Digital Officer. (20) The University has the right to capture and inspect any telephone call or account information made on a University telephone or mobile device as per the conditions defined in the IT Acceptable Use Policy and in accordance with the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment (Data Retention) Act 2015. (21) Detailed device account information collected in the course of any investigation will not be released to persons within or outside of the University, except in response to: (22) All device account invoice information is securely retained by Information Management and Technology Services and access to account information will always be provided by persons nominated by the Chief Information Digital Officer. The University’s policy and statutory legislation relating to privacy will be upheld in all cases. IMTS will provide an itemised invoice for a University account on request of the user of that mobile device. (23) Purchase of mobile devices and SIM cards/plans must follow the Purchasing and Procurement Policy and the Acceptable Expense Guidelines. Mobile devices and SIM cards remain the property of the University. (24) All staff authorised to acquire and use a University mobile device will purchase a device of the recommended standard configuration and model unless additional options are required and have been approved by the relevant Senior Executive, Executive Dean or Director. Information for purchasing devices is available from IMTS. (25) users must take due care when using University mobile devices and take reasonable steps to ensure that no damage is caused to any supplied equipment. users must report any damage to the relevant Senior Executive, Executive Dean or Director/ Chief Officer who will determine the action to be taken. users must not use equipment if they have reason to believe it is dangerous to themselves or others. Redundant devices or peripherals should be returned to IMTS for reuse or disposal through a designated recycling scheme. (26) IMTS is responsible for the installation and management of telephone/voice services, fixed line and mobile services. (27) Faults on the University telephone/voice services are managed by Information Management and Technology Services and should be reported to IMTS for resolution. (28) IMTS is responsible for the installation and technical support of all public telephones in the University. Under no circumstances will a third party be allowed to install or relocate a public telephone on the University premises. (29) A request for the provision of internal voice/ data services for an individual must come from the relevant Supervisor and is based on login access linked to the individual’s user account. (30) Non-login extensions will be issued for functions such as faxes, modems, and where a login extension is not suitable such as in the case of meeting rooms and shared offices. Requests for a non-login voice/ data service to be granted to an individual must outline the grounds for the request and are approved by IMTS. (31) Access rights for a voice/ data service can be applied for and require approval from a relevant Senior Executive, Executive Dean or Director/Chief Officer. Access rights are provided to allow national calls including mobile phones for login and non-login phones. The access rights of a voice service are scaffolded as follows: (32) The ability to apply a call forward to an internal number is available by default. (33) Desk (fixed) Telephones are restricted from calling international destinations by default. A user can apply for approval to remove the international calling restrictions from their fixed Telephone permanently. Approval will be granted by the relevant Senior Executive, Executive Dean or Director/Chief Officer. (34) The University does not permit the use of 1900, 1930 or 1300 numbers, except where a request is made in writing and approved by the Chief Information Digital Officer. IMTS have controls in place to block access to premium services in accordance with the Privacy Policy. (35) Telephone and mobile devices and accounts are issued on the basis that a user agrees to comply with the University’s IT Acceptable Use Policy and this Policy. Violations of the conditions of use of IT Facilities and Services may result in temporary or indefinite withdrawal of access, disciplinary action under the University’s, or relevant entity’s discipline procedures, and/or reimbursement to the University. (36) Chief Information Digital Officer can approve 1300, 1900, 1930 and other information services. (37) The relevant Senior Executive, Executive Dean or Director/Chief Officer are responsible for: (38) Individual users are required to: (39) Information Management and Technology Services (IMTS) is responsible for:Telephone and Mobile Use Policy
Section 1 - Purpose of Policy
Section 2 - Application and Scope
Section 3 - Acceptable and Unacceptable Use of Telephones, Mobile Telephones and Devices
Section 4 - Use of Mobile Devices
Section 5 - Telephone and Mobile Device Accounts
Service Providers
Access to Account Usage Information
Section 6 - Mobile Devices
Care of mobile devices
Section 7 - Telephone Installation and Management
Section 8 - Internal Voice/Data Services Management
Section 9 - Administration and Implementation
Section 10 - Roles and Responsibilities
Top of PageSection 11 - Definitions
Device User
Authorised users of University owned devices and mobile data services.
Information Management and Technology Services at the University of Wollongong
IT Facilities and Services
Information Technology facilities operated by or on behalf of the University. This includes services and systems and associated computing hardware and software used for the communication, processing and storage of information.
Mobile Data Service
Any mobile data service that is provided to University staff and paid for by the University for the purposes of fulfilling individual work requirements.
Mobile Device
Any mobile device that is provided to University staff and paid for by the University for the purposes of fulfilling individual work requirements.
A fixed telephone handset or softphone, including the use of video calling capabilities
Telephone/Voice Services
Services related to the provision and support of telecommunications provided to the University via the university Telephone service and a range of carrier services.
University of Wollongong and controlled entities.
All calls, messages, data transfers, and services that are attributable to a Telephone or Mobile Device account.
The service allowing messages to be held or replayed on all services.
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