(1) The purpose of this Policy is to support the provision of a physical, social and learning environment that complements and enhances the university experience for students with a disability on the same basis as other students, in an environment free from harassment and discrimination. (2) The University of Wollongong (UOW) is committed to the promotion of and adherence to the principles of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Commonwealth) and Disability Inclusion Act 2014(NSW). This Policy is informed by the legislation and outlines the University’s obligations accordingly. (3) This Policy and the Disability Policy – Staff and the Disability Action Plan are encompassed in the UOW Disability Policy Framework. (4) This Policy outlines the rights and responsibilities of UOW students and staff in relation to: (5) This Policy applies to all enrolled and prospective UOW students in the following programs: (6) This Policy applies to UOW students who are associates of persons with a disability. (7) This Policy excludes students at UOW Dubai and offshore partner institutions that are bound by the disability legislation of the country in which they are situated. (8) Matters related to staff who are also students of UOW, and have a disability, are addressed in this Policy and the Disability Policy – Staff. (9) UOW is committed to: (10) UOW encourages students with a disability to disclose the nature and extent of their disability to the Student Accessibility and Inclusion Team. It is the responsibility of the student to register with the Student Accessibility and Inclusion Team as soon as they are aware of their disability and in a timely manner that allows UOW to best support their needs. (11) The nature of the disability must be substantiated by current, relevant and appropriate medical documentation. A student shall seek advice from the Student Accessibility and Inclusion Team to determine the documentation that is appropriate to their circumstances. (12) Information in relation to the particulars of a disability, provided by a student or an associate shall remain confidential and shall be restricted to those with a legitimate need to know in accordance with the Privacy Policy, the University Code of Conduct and other relevant privacy legislation. (13) UOW may not be able to assess and/or determine the provision of a reasonable adjustment if a student does not register with the Student Accessibility and Inclusion Team or does not seek academic consideration. (14) UOW shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that: (15) UOW may provide support services and programs intended specifically for the benefit of a student with a disability to participate in their studies and to facilitate independent learning. The Student Accessibility and Inclusion Team will coordinate these services at the University level and Student Support Advisors (SSA) will facilitate these services at the faculty level. (16) In determining whether a particular adjustment for a student with a disability is reasonable, all relevant circumstances and interests will be taken into account, including the following: (17) In assessing a particular adjustment for a student with a disability, current, relevant and appropriate medical or specialised documentation must be provided to substantiate the reasonableness of the adjustment. (18) A student with a disability may be entitled to reasonable adjustment to assessment. (19) Consultation shall occur in relation to reasonable adjustment to assessments. Consultation shall involve the student requesting reasonable adjustment, the Subject Coordinator and/or HDR supervisor. (20) Students with a disability who have not registered with the Student Accessibility and Inclusion Team may be eligible for academic consideration in an assessment task and should refer to the Student Academic Consideration Policy. (21) A student with a disability undertaking practical placement may be entitled to reasonable adjustment and should refer to the Code Of Practice - Work Integrated Learning (Professional Experience). (22) Consultation shall occur in relation to reasonable adjustment to practical placements. Consultation shall involve the student requesting reasonable adjustment and the staff member responsible for co-ordinating practical placements. (23) In some cases UOW may be limited in assessing or providing for reasonable adjustment to students who have not registered with the Student Accessibility and Inclusion Team. (24) A student who is an associate of a person with a disability may be entitled to reasonable adjustment. Alternatively, such students may be eligible for academic consideration. In this case, students should refer to the Student Academic Consideration Policy to determine whether they are eligible. (25) UOW may support a student who is an associate of a person with a disability to meet the specific needs of the student. (26) UOW is not required to provide an adjustment to the extent that it would impose unjustifiable hardship on the University or the placement provider. (27) UOW cannot compromise the academic standards of a course or program, or other requirements or components that are inherent in or essential to its nature. (28) UOW reserves the right to isolate or discriminate against a student with a disability, where it is reasonably necessary to protect the health or welfare of the student or other people. (29) The University has a responsibility to: (30) The Student Accessibility and Inclusion Team has a responsibility to: (31) Academic Staff have a responsibility to: (32) Student Support Advisors have a responsibility to: (33) The student with a disability has a responsibility to: (34) The student who is an associate of a person with a disability has a responsibility to: (35) Students who have a question or concern about a decision, act or omission that affects their academic experience should refer to the Review and Appeal of Academic Complaints Policy and Procedures for the Review of Marks or Grades and Other Academic Decisions (Coursework) or the Higher Degree Research (HDR) Student Academic Complaints Policy. (36) Students who have a complaint on the basis of disability should contact the Student Accessibility and Inclusion Team in the first instance and then the Director, Student Life. (37) Student cases or complaints of harassment or victimisation on the basis of disability should be referred to the Complaints Management Centre. (38) Students who are dissatisfied with the outcome or conduct of a complaint regarding their disability within the University may appeal to an external agency. (39) In interpreting this Policy, the terms outlined below apply.Disability Policy - Students
Section 1 - Purpose of Policy
Top of PageSection 2 - Application and Scope
Section 3 - Policy Principles
Top of PageSection 4 - Disclosure
Section 5 - Reasonable Adjustment
Determination of Reasonable Adjustment
Academic Assessment
Practical Placement
Associate of a Person with a Disability
Section 6 - Roles and Responsibilities
Top of PageSection 7 - Complaint
Section 8 - Definitions
Definition or Explanation
Academic consideration
A process intended to help minimise the impact of serious or extenuating circumstances beyond a student’s control that significantly impair a student’s ability to complete an assessment task on or by the due date as stipulated in the Subject Outline or to progress academically in a subject relevant to their course of study. Academic consideration may be granted on the basis compassionate or compelling circumstances and/or extenuating circumstances.
A measure or action (or a group of measures or actions) taken by an education provider that has the effect of assisting a student with a disability on the same basis as a student without a disability, and includes an aid, a facility, or a service that the student requires because of his or her disability.
Measure or evaluation of a student’s ability to meet the learning requirements of a course. This includes both the content and design of assessment tasks.
A UOW student who provides support to a person with a disability who may or may not be a student at UOW. An associate may include but is not limited to:
Disability, in relation to a person, includes:
And one which:
Student Access and Inclusion
The Student Accessibility and Inclusion Team provides advice, information, support and recommendations to staff and students regarding reasonable adjustments, resources and services for students with a disability.
Teaching and support staff can obtain advice and information on how various disabilities affect study, accessibility and inclusive teaching and learning strategies.
When someone is treated unfairly because they belong to a particular group of people or have a particular characteristic.
For example treating someone unfairly or differently because of their sex, pregnancy, race (including colour, ethnicity and descent), disability, sexual preference, religion, transgender, carer’s responsibilities, marital status, social origin, political belief, employee association activity, irrelevant criminal record or age.
Indirect discrimination occurs when there is a requirement or rule that is the same for everyone but in effect disadvantages people from a particular group more than people from other groups - unless the requirement is reasonable in the circumstances.
An action taken in relation to a person’s disability that is reasonably likely, in all the circumstances, to humiliate, offend, intimidate or distress the person or the associate.
Offshore partner institution
An institution with which UOW collaborates to deliver UOW courses at locations outside Australia (excluding UOW Dubai)
On the same basis
A student with a disability has opportunities and choices in courses or programs and the use of facilities and services comparable to other students without disabilities.
Practical placement
Workplace experience and other practical training requirements that compromise:
Prospective student
A person who approaches the institution about seeking admission to, or applying for enrolment in, the institution.
An adjustment is reasonable in relation to a student or an associate with a disability if it balances the interests of all parties affected.
All people employed by the University including conjoint appointments, whether on continuing, permanent, fixed term, casual or cadet or traineeship basis.
A person registered for a course at the University of Wollongong.
Support service
An action or program provided at UOW that assists a student’s ability to participate in the university environment.
Unjustifiable hardship
In determining what constitutes unjustifiable hardship, all relevant circumstances of the particular case are to be taken into account including:
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