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Examination Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Procedure supports the Assessment and Feedback Policy examination provisions by detailing the processes for central administration of final, supplementary and deferred examinations.

(2) The Procedure provides:

  1. essential information regarding exam requirements and how to respond to unforeseen events; and
  2. guidance to examiners, normally Subject Coordinators, in relation to requesting central support, submitting materials, meeting critical deadlines and post exam processes.
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Section 2 - Application and Scope

(3) This Procedure applies to students and staff of the University who are undertaking or conducting a final examination:

  1. at an Australian UOW campus; 
  2. in a virtual/remote environment; 
  3. at an UOW authorised examination centre; or
  4. at International Branch Campuses (excluding UOW Dubai) and third-party collaborative delivery partners (hereafter referred to as “Offshore Collaborative Partner”).

(4) This procedure does not apply to:

  1. staff and students at UOW Dubai or UOW College, as they have their own procedures.
  2. students enrolled at UOW Dubai should apply the UOWD Examination Procedure.
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Section 3 - Final Examination Requests

(5) To request support for final examinations examiners, will follow the steps set out below.

(6) Requests must be made via the Exams Portal and prior to the relevant session deadlines available online. Offshore Collaborative Partner should follow the exam paper submission processes outlined in their collaborative delivery agreements.

(7) Requests must specify the examination mode and exam type and the preferred exam type eg. open book, closed book, or restricted ensuring alignment with the examination mode eligibility criteria specified by UOW in the Exam Mode Eligibility Matrix. This does not apply to offshore collaborative partners.

(8) All centrally administered final examinations will include the below standard conditions. For Offshore Collaborative Partners where this is not possible, alternative measures will be implemented to maintain exam integrity:

  1. an examination environment allowing the facilitation of an examination, either online or face-to-face;
  2. reasonable technical support for students and staff for online examinations;
  3. reasonable support options for students who lack appropriate access to resources; and
  4. where an examination requires invigilation (online or face-to-face), invigilator/s who are not connected to the subject being examined.

(9) Final examinations that do not adhere to the standard conditions, modes, and scheduling practices outlined above must seek approval from the relevant Head of School and Associate Dean Education (or equivalent position at UOW Collaborative Partner Institutions) to conduct in an alternative way, eg. by a school or unit.

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Section 4 - Scheduling of Final Examinations

(10) The timing of final examinations is set out in the Assessment and Feedback Policy.

(11)  The Offshore Collaborative Partner will independently schedule final examination timetables, adhering to the principles outlined in section 4.

(12) The scheduling of final examination timetables should:

  1. give equal consideration to all academic units;
  2. schedule subjects with high student numbers early as possible in the examination period to maximise marking time; and
  3. avoid individual scheduling difficulties whenever possible.

(13) Final examinations will be scheduled according to the following standard durations and start times:

  1. a restricted standard duration of either one (1) hour, two (2) hours, or three (3) hours;
  2. a scheduled start time of 9am, 1:30pm, or 6pm.

(14) Final examinations will be scheduled in AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time)or AEDT (Australian Eastern Daylight Time). Students sitting online exams remotely must be available at the scheduled AEST/AEDT times. At Offshore Collaborative Partners, examinations will be scheduled in the local time zone of their campus.

(15) Final face-to-face examinations will be scheduled to occur at the designated examination centre for the campus where classes for that subject have been held. Exceptions require approval from the Delegated Authority.

(16) The provisions outlined in this section can only be adhered to for requests received by the communicated deadlines.

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Section 5 - Submitting and Amending Final Examination Content

(17) The following applies to examinations conducted at UOW’s Australian campuses. Offshore Collaborative Partners should follow their own processes, procedures, and deadlines, which must be clearly communicated to all staff involved in the preparation of examinations.

(18) For paper exams, examiners must submit their final examination content in PDF form via the Exams Portal by the submission deadline to allow for quality assurance and logistical activities.

(19) A schedule of submission deadlines is available via the Exams intranet site.

(20) For online final examinations, all content must be finalised by the submission deadline available on the Exams intranet site to allow for compatibility and technical quality checking.

(21) If final examination content is not submitted by the deadline there may be limited central support for the delivery of the final exam.

Paper Examinations

(22) Examination papers must be submitted via the Exams Portal by the scheduled due date and will be printed by the Exams Office. Any additional exam materials must be delivered to the Exam Office no later than the specified due date.

(23) Examination papers must include a UOW-approved coversheet with the UOW logo, exam details, version control and page numbers for Quality assurance.

(24) Faculties, academic units (and equivalent for Offshore Collaborative Partner) must have appropriate quality assurance processes to ensure examination papers are finalised and error free before submission to the exam’s office. The exams office conducts a quality assurance review of all examination papers prior to printing.

(25) Amendments to examination papers made after the submission deadline are only permitted to correct errors, address security concerns, or to ensure the fairness of the examination.

(26) For minor amendments that do not require reprinting, the examiner must notify the Exams Office via email and submit a completed amendment form at least 24 hours before the scheduled examination.

(27) For significant amendment that require reprinting the examiner must:

  1. notify the Exams Office immediately;
  2. prepare a replacement examination paper with updated version control information;
  3. submit the replacement examination paper to the Exams Office at least 48 hours before the scheduled examination; and
  4. if amendments are needed within 24 hours of the exam the examiner must immediately submit a completed amendment form via email.

(28) For amendments once an examination had commenced, examiners must provide a completed amendment form immediately via email.

(29) Completed examination materials will be returned to the Exam Office in the following manner:

  1. for exams held on the Wollongong campus, materials will be personally transported by Examination Supervisors or University security staff; or
  2. for exams held at other examination centres or at Offshore Collaborative Partner, materials will be transported by a courier company or through a secure electronic format that ensures their integrity and confidentiality.

(30) The Exams Office will notify examiners via email when their final paper examination materials are available for collection.

(31) Examiners are responsible for collecting the final paper examination material from the Exams Office. The examiner or authorised staff member collecting the material must provide valid identification by producing a one of the following (for Offshore Collaborative Partner, equivalent identification as specified by local guidelines should be used): 

  1. current UOW student identification card;
  2. UOW College identification card;
  3. Australian driver's license (digital formats are not accepted);
  4. passport; or
  5. Australian photo card (formerly 18+ card).

Online examinations

(32) Examiners using invigilation for their examination must format their final examination as a quiz activity in the University’s Learning Management System (LMS) site and adhere to other formatting guidelines provided by Learning, Teaching and Curriculum (LTC) and Information Management and Technology Services).

(33) LTC and IMTS(or the equivalent at Offshore Collaborative Partners) will undertake compatibility and technical quality checking of online examinations in advance of the examination date, and will work directly with Examiner to resolve any issues.

(34) Once the technical quality checks are completed, examiners will be notified that the exam's settings and content are finalised and should not be altered.

(35) Where an amendment to the settings or content of an online examination is required after the deadline for submission, the examiner must provide written notification of the amendment to the Exams Office no later than 24 hours prior to the scheduled examination. The Exams Office will inform all relevant stakeholders of the amendment.

(36) Once an online exam has started, amendments or alterations are not permitted. Any errors in the questions will need to be considered after the exam has concluded.

(37) In order to maintain the technical set-up of an online exam examiners must not enter the online exam once it has commenced.

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Section 6 - Publishing Timetables

(38) Personalised timetables for final examinations will be distributed to students via the Student Online Services(SOLS) as per the key dates published on the UOW web page. For Offshore Collaborative Partner, examination timetables will be distributed by the partner institution using their local systems at a time and date determined by the relevant academic unit at UOW.

(39) Information published on the SOLS examination timetable will specify for each examination the time, date, duration, campus location, venue and permitted and authorised reference materials permitted in a restricted exam.

(40) Students are advised to consult the timetable for each final examination period and notify the Exams Office of any requests for alternative arrangements as outlined in Section 8 as soon as possible and within five working days of the examination timetable being released. The University may not be able to provide alternative arrangements where it receives requests after the five working day period.

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Section 7 - Student Access Plans

(41) The Student Accessibility and Inclusion Team(SAIT) will provide the Exams Office with a list of students with approved access plans which impact their final examinations by the deadline as specified by the Exams Office. Offshore Collaborative Partner will use local procedures to identify registered Access Plan students.

(42) The Exams Office will implement feasible standard reasonable adjustments such as:

  1. an alternative start time (within the final examination period);
  2. additional time to complete the exam;
  3. alternative food and drink items during the exam; and/or
  4. specific equipment and tools in addition to usual permitted materials (e.g., a stress ball or heat pack).

(43) Other types of non-standard reasonable adjustments with potentially significant resource impacts will be assessed for feasibility in consultation with impacted stakeholders and may include:

  1. alternative exam formats or modes; or
  2. in-person invigilation on campus or for online exams; or
  3. alternative locations; and/or
  4. individual or small group supervision.

(44) In accordance with the Teaching and Assessment:Assessment and Feedback Policy, where it is not feasible to implement the recommended reasonable adjustment, Student Accessibility and Inclusion Team will liaise with the relevant Subject Coordinator to identify an alternate adjustment that meets the subject requirements. For Offshore Collaborative Partners, local procedures will address cases where recommended adjustments are not feasible.

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Section 8 - Individual Scheduling Issues


(45) The Exams Office will arrange an alternative examination time during the final examination period for individual students who have clashes in the form of:

  1. two exams scheduled at the same time; or
  2. two examinations overlapping due to extra time provisions.

Overloaded Timetables

(46) Students may request an alternative examination during the final exam period on the grounds of an overloaded timetable where they have:

  1. more than two examinations scheduled within a 24-hour period; or
  2. more than three examinations scheduled within a 48-hour period.

(47) Students may also request an alternative location for an examination on the grounds of an overloaded timetable where they have if they have in-person examinations scheduled at different locations on the same day, requiring more than half an hour to commute between locations.

(48) Where a student’s request for an alternative arrangement is approved, the Exams Office will arrange an alternative examination time during the final examination period and notify the student via SOLS or the local systems platform at Offshore Collaborative Partner.

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Section 9 - Additional Support for Students

(49) Students may request support if they have resourcing difficulties that prevent them from undertaking an examination, such as:

  1. lack of a suitable remote environment or reliable internet access, but can bring their own device to campus;
  2. lack of a reliable device or a device with a webcam or microphone for the online exam;
  3. having an online and in-person exam on the same day without sufficient travel time; and/or
  4. inability to access the online invigilation tool due to technological issues;

(50) Students must lodge a request for support via the dedicated request form immediately after the resourcing difficulty becomes apparent and no later than the specified support request date.

(51) Requests for additional support will consider feasibility, taking into consideration available resources and any potential impacts to the academic integrity of the exam.

(52) The Exams Office will notify the student of the outcome of their request for additional support via SOLS or the local systems platform at Offshore Collaborative Partners.

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Section 10 - Distance and Flexible Examinations

(53) Students studying in distance or flexible mode, who have an in-person examination, and reside within a reasonable traveling distance of a designated UOW examination centre, must travel to that examination centre for their exam.

(54) Students residing beyond a reasonable traveling distance from the UOW examination centre must make their own arrangements for an alternative Examination Supervisor.

(55) The Examination Supervisor must be a current member of one of the following professions and provide evidence such as original letterhead, business card, badge number, or ID number to the Exams Office:

  1. Approved staff member at a higher education institution (preferred)
  2. Minister of religion or other religious leader
  3. Police officer
  4. School teacher
  5. Justice of the Peace
  6. Certified practicing accountant, chartered accountant, or chartered engineer
  7. Solicitor
  8. Librarian
  9. Doctor
  10. for Offshore Collaborative Partners, other approved Examination Supervisors.

(56) In addition to the above, the Examination Supervisor must also meet all the following criteria:

  1. not be a relative, friend, or friend of the student’s family; 
  2. have no vested interest in the student’s studies; 
  3. be able to speak, read, and write in English to ensure effective communication and understanding of exam procedures; 
  4. keep examination materials locked in a secure location before the exam; and
  5. agree not to divulge the contents of the examination paper to anyone.

(57) Students with alternative supervision must take their exam on the same date and time as the published schedule for the majority cohort. 

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Section 11 - Permitted and Prohibited Materials in Examinations

(58) Final examination instructions communicated to students in advance will clearly specify;

  1. the exam type (eg. Open book, Closed book, Restricted; and
  2. the authorised materials that are permitted.

(59) Table 1 outlines materials allowed in all examinations.

(60) Table 2 outlines materials authorised in ‘restricted’ examinations.

(61) Materials prohibited in all examinations are outlined in clause 69.

(62) Any materials brought into an exam that are not listed as permitted in the timetable, specified in Table 1, or allowed as part of a student's approved access plan, will be considered unauthorised materials and will be handled according to Section 16 of this procedure.

(63) Where an examiner permits or requires the use of specific materials in an examination, they must:

  1. include details of the approved materials in the final exam submission request to the Exams Office; 
  2. ensure that students are advised in advance of which materials are permitted; and
  3. include a statement approving their use on the cover page of the examination paper for paper exams or in the exam instructions on Moodle for online exams.

(64) For in-person examinations:

  1. Students will be required to leave prohibited and unauthorised materials outside the examination room.
  2. The University does not guarantee the safe keeping of students’ personal items during in-person examinations.
  3. An announcement about prohibited materials will be made at the beginning of each in-person examination, and students may surrender these items without penalty prior to the commencement of the exam.
  4. For online examinations students must not have prohibited materials within their examination workspace.

Permitted Materials Allowed in all Examinations

Table 1: Permitted materials allowed in any examination setting. 

In-person exams
Online exams
Student identification card or other forms of identification as specified in section12 of this procedure.
Student identification card or other forms of identification as specified in this Procedure.
Pens, pencils, erasers, rulers, and other drawing instruments.
Pens, pencils, erasers, rulers, and other drawing instruments.
Personal items
Purses, wallets, keys, and glasses cases contained in a clear zip-lock bag no larger than A4 size, stored under the desk.
None within reach.
Bags, purses, wallets, keys, and watches (including smart watches and fitness trackers, which must be removed and placed out of reach, with alarms and alerts switched off).
Electronic devices
Small electronic devices and accessories such as mobile phones, smart watches, and fitness trackers must be removed and have all alarms and alerts switched off, and contained in a clear zip-lock bag no larger than A4 size placed under the desk.
Small electronic devices and accessories such as mobile phones, smart watches, and fitness trackers must be removed and placed out of reach with alarms and alerts switched off; unless required as per the exam instructions to take a photo of examination content to upload into Moodle. In these cases the device can only be used for this purpose and must be out of reach with alarms and alerts switched off at all other times.
Food and drink
Water in a clear plastic bottle with a lid and with the label removed. Lollies/sweets, without a wrapper, stored in a clear zip-lock bag.
Water in a clear plastic bottle with a lid and with the label removed. Lollies/sweets, without a wrapper, stored in a clear zip-lock bag.
Head coverings
Hats and other head coverings, following an inspection conducted in accordance with section 12 of this procedure.
Hats and other head coverings, following an inspection conducted in accordance with section 12 of this procedure.
Ear plugs
Not permitted.
Permitted in an online examination if shown to the camera.

Materials Authorised in Restricted Examinations

(65)  The table below lists materials that are authorised only in ‘restricted’ exams and must be listed on the student’s timetable.

(66) For on-campus paper exams, Examination Supervisors will check authorised materials during the examination to ensure compliance.

(67) For online invigilated exams, students should hold the authorised material up to the camera at the commencement of the examination.

Table 2: Authorised materials in ‘restricted’ examinations

UOW Approved Calculators
Submitted as an authorised material by the Subject Coordinator to the Exams Office.
Speciļ¬ed as an authorised material in the examination timetable
Meets specifications outlined in this Procedure.
Blank paper
Submitted as an authorised material by the Subject Coordinator to the Exams Oļ¬NLGce.
Speciļ¬ed as an authorised material in the examination timetable. Tissues or other non-standard paper items are not permitted.
Written material
Submitted as an authorised material by the Subject Coordinator to the Exams Office.
Speciļ¬ed as an authorised material in the examination timetable.
Generative artificial intelligence technology
Submitted as an authorised material by the Subject Coordinator to the Exams Office.
Speciļ¬ed as an authorised material in the examination timetable.
Search Engines (eg. Google)
Submitted as an authorised material by the Subject Coordinator to the Exams Oļ¬NLGce.
Speciļ¬ed as an authorised material in the examination timetable.
Any food or drink other than water and lollies/sweets as specified, including chocolate, fruit, and nuts
Only permitted if specified as part of a student’s approved access plan.
Additional Monitors and Devices: Dual or extended screens, additional electronic devices.
Only permitted if specified as part of a student’s approved access plan.
Headsets, headphones, earbuds, or ear pods
Only permitted if specified as part of a student’s approved access plan.

Prohibited Materials in all Examinations

(68) The following materials are strictly prohibited in all examination settings:

  1. digital IDs;
  2. opaque pencil cases, calculator cases, and covers;
  3. bags such as carry bags, backpacks, shoulder bags, and briefcases;
  4. large electronic devices such as laptops and electronic devices, except for a student’s computer being used to undertake an online exam;
  5. Online translation and dictionary tools (e.g., Google Translate) in online exams; and
  6. virtual machines.

Calculators in Examinations

(69) Calculators can only be used in an examination if:

  1. A UOW approved calculator is listed as an authorised material in the examination instructions as per the SOLS examination timetable.
  2. The calculator model is included in the approved list of calculator models.
  3. The calculator clearly displays a UOW (tamper-proof) approved calculator sticker.

(70) Students must remove the case or cover from their calculator before entering an exam venue. Calculator covers are not permitted in an examination room.

(71) For online invigilated exams, students should hold the calculator up to the camera at the commencement of the examination and ensure the UOW (tamper-proof) approved calculator sticker is clearly visible.

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Section 12 - Student Identification for Examinations

(72) Students sitting an in-person or online invigilated/supervised final examination will be required to verify their identity by producing a one of the following(for Offshore Collaborative Partners, equivalent identification as specified by local guidelines):

  1. current UOW student identification card;
  2. UOW College identification card;
  3. Australian driver's license (digital formats are not accepted);
  4. passport; or
  5. Australian photo card (formerly 18+ card).

(73) If the photo identification or signature provided is not clear, additional forms of identification may be requested.

(74) A student who fails to comply with a request for identification as outlined in this procedure may be refused admission to an examination, deemed not to have completed an examination, and/or be investigated for misconduct.

In-person examinations

(75) Students are required to always have their ID visible during in-person exams.

(76) Student wearing clothing that obscures their face will be asked to remove that clothing for identification purposes. If requested by the student, this will occur in private and before an Examination Supervisor of the same gender.

Online examinations

(77) Students sitting an invigilated exam will be required to show their ID at the beginning of the exam so it can be captured by their device’s camera.

(78) Following the conclusion of the exam, Exams Office staff will review the footage to ensure the student ID matches the individual undertaking the exam.

(79) If any IDs are unclear or not visible, Exams Office staff will contact the student to attempt to resolve and confirm their identity as soon as possible following the examination.

(80) If any IDs are deemed to not match the individual undertaking the examination, the student will be deemed not to have completed an examination and be investigated for misconduct.

(81) Students sitting an invigilated examination may request that their identification verification check instead be conducted online by an invigilator of the same gender. The Exams Office will ensure this request is met.

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Section 13 - Commencing and Leaving Examinations

(82) In accordance with the Student Academic Consideration Policy, where a student has commenced an exam and had to leave before completion due to illness, they must inform the examiner immediately and may apply for academic consideration. Students cannot apply for academic consideration for an exam or assessment task after completing and submitting that exam or assessment task.

(83)  For in-person exams:

  1. students should arrive to the examination room at least ten minutes before the start time.
  2. late arrivals are admitted within 30 minutes of the start time without additional working time.
  3. students who arrive later than 30 minutes after the start time of their exam will not be permitted to enter, and should refer to the eligibility criteria in the Student Academic Consideration Policy.
  4. no student may leave within 30 minutes of the start unless approved by the Examination Supervisor, including students who have attended the wrong exam or location.
  5. re-admittance after leaving is only allowed if the student was approved to leave by an Examination Supervisor and supervised during the absence.
  6. a warning will be given ten minutes before the end of an examination. From this point all students must remain seated until all examination papers are collected, and the Supervisor permits departure.

(84) For online exams:

  1. Students should be logged in, set up at their workstation, and ready to commence at least ten minutes before the exam start time.
  2. Students experiencing technical issues that prevent or delay them from commencing their exam should follow instructions outlined in this Procedure.
  3. Students who are late to their exam, for reasons other than technical issues beyond their control, can commence the exam within 30 minutes of the start time. However, no additional working time will be granted.
  4. Students who are later than 30 minutes to their exam will be advised to abandon their exam attempt and should refer to the eligibility criteria in the Student Academic Consideration Policy.
  5. For students who need additional time or an alternative start times in accordance with section 7, user overrides will be set up in the LMS system in a manner that protects the privacy of students by taking all reasonable steps to ensure that identifying information is not publicly visible.

(85) Where a student requires a toilet break:

  1. For in-person exams they should raise their hand and wait for an Examination Supervisor to approve them to leave and accompany them outside the examination room.
  2. For online exams they should record a statement via the webcam before leaving and return as soon as possible. Multiple or extended breaks may trigger an investigation.
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Section 14 - Individual Technical Issues in Online Examinations

(86)  If a student is unable to access their exam or encounters technical difficulties at any point during the examination, they should immediately contact the Exams Support channel for assistance.

(87) If the delay is due to a power or internet failure at the student’s location, they should attempt to rectify the issue and contact the exams support channel. If the student requires extra time due to the power or internet failure they should contact the Exams Support channel for assistance.

(88) The Exams Office will monitor and document delays for students affected by technical issues, whether these occur at the start or during the examination.

(89) If a delay is less than 30 minutes, the start and finish times of the examination will be adjusted to make up the missed time for the student. Provision for extra working time will be determined by the Exams Office.

(90) If a delay of more than 30 minutes occurs at any point during the examination, the student should abandon their examination attempt and submit a request for Academic Consideration.

(91) Students should take detailed notes and, if possible, screenshots or photos of any evidence regarding any technical issues and submit them to the Exams Office using the Remote Issues Form following the examination. Remote Issue Forms will be forwarded to examiners following the examination.

(92) In exceptional circumstances, if a student’s delay exceeds 30 minutes due to technical issues beyond their control, the Exams Office may offer additional time.

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Section 15 - Interruptions to Final Examinations 

(93) Unplanned or unexpected interruptions to examinations are classified as:

  1. a short interruption which impacts, or is reasonably expected to impact, an exam for 30 minutes or less;
  2. a long interruption which impacts, or is reasonably expected to impact, an exam for longer than 30 minutes.

(94) For in-person examinations, interruptions may occur if there is a threat to life or safety or if the conditions in the examination environment are significantly affected.

(95) For online examinations, interruptions may occur in an event of platform, hardware, or software failure.

Short-term interruptions

(96) For short-term interruptions to in-person examinations:

  1. students will be advised by the Examination Supervisor to stop writing and remain seated while the issue is resolved;
  2. any provision for extra working time will be decided by the Exams Office.

(97) For short-term interruptions to online examinations:

  1. the Exams Office will monitor and document the interruptions and inform examiners;
  2. affected students will be contacted with information about the interruption and expected resolution timeframe;
  3. if the disruption is resolved within 30 minutes, students should continue the examination once resolved;
  4. any provision for extra working time will be determined by the Exams Office and will be reflected in the students moodle exam.

Termination of Examinations

(98) Examinations will be formally terminated where a disruption lasts, or is reasonably expected to last, more than 30 minutes.

(99) For in-person examinations, where there is a threat to physical safety and security in an in-person examination:

  1. students and Examination Supervisors will evacuate the examination room;
  2. students must leave examination papers and answer booklets on their desks and take only personal belongings;
  3. security staff, the Police, or the Fire Brigade will check the examination room;
  4. Examination Supervisors will collect examination materials once it is safe to re-enter the room;
  5. the examination will be formally terminated.

(100) The Exams Office will notify all relevant Heads of Academic Units in writing when an examination has been terminated.

(101) Where examination is terminated due to an interruption, students will be assessed based on the incomplete examination where possible.

(102) Where it is not possible to assess students based on the incomplete examination, Heads of Academic Units may decide that:

  1. students will sit another examination, following a discussion of feasibility of rescheduling with the Exams Office; or
  2. students will complete an alternative assessment task instead of, or in addition to, being assessed on the incomplete examination.

(103) In accordance with this Procedure, Heads of Academic Units must notify students of the final assessment arrangements in writing within five working days after the examination.

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Section 16 - Conduct in Examinations

(104) Students must comply with the Student Conduct Rules, Academic Integrity Policy and Campus Access and Order Rules (or equivalent rules applicable at an Offshore Collaborative Delivery Partner campus). Failure to comply may result in an investigation and disciplinary action as outlined in the relevant University rules, policies and procedures. 

(105) Actions that may indicate misconduct in a final examination include, but are not limited to,:

  1. failure to obey instructions from Examination Supervisors for the proper conduct of the examination and comply with University of Wollongong By-law 2005 or other rules regarding disorderly conduct;
  2. failure to obey instructions to temporarily remove clothing that obscures parts of the body, such as the face, ears, and wrists, for academic misconduct prevention or detection. This may occur at the examination desk or, if needed, in private with a same-gender Supervisor;
  3. talking out loud or with others, or generally behaving in a way which is disruptive to other students taking the exam;
  4. Using unauthorized items or materials, or accessing unauthorized browser tabs, websites, or applications;
  5. tampering with permitted items or materials;
  6. taking photographs, screenshots, capturing, recording, storing, sharing, or printing exam content;
  7. leaving the room or webcam view without permission from an Examination Supervisor, except for approved toilet breaks as outlined in section 13 of this procedure;
  8. having someone else in the webcam view for an online exam;
  9. copying, either in-person or online including copy-pasting; answers must be original, including when referencing; and
  10. failing to ensure that their face remains visible in the webcam view for the entire duration of an online invigilated exam.

(106)  In an online exam, if a student inadvertently takes an unauthorised action as outlined above, they should immediately record a statement via the webcam explaining the circumstances so this can be considered by University invigilators reviewing the footage following the exam.

(107) University invigilators will review any unauthorised actions, considering the student's behaviour and circumstances to determine if misconduct has occurred in accordance with Section 17.

(108) Generally, students suspected of misconduct will complete the examination but may be asked to leave an in-person immediately if deemed appropriate by the Exams Office.

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Section 17 - Alleged Academic Misconduct in Final Examinations

(109) The process outlined below sets out the academic misconduct procedure for final examinations in line with the Academic Misconduct (Coursework) Procedure.

(110) Any breach of this procedure may constitute alleged academic misconduct even if it does not result in an advantage for the student; for example, having study notes during an examination, even if not used, may still be considered academic misconduct.

(111) For in-person examinations:

  1. Any material or item on or under a student’s desk, chair, or person will be deemed in their possession.
  2. If an Examination Supervisor suspects a breach, they will immediately approach the student, collect any unauthorized items or evidence, and submit a written report to a representative from the Exams Office as soon as possible.
  3. Students may report suspected academic misconduct by another student to the Examination Supervisor. The Supervisor will assess the evidence and, if sufficient, the allegation will be investigated by a representative from the Exams Office.
  4. Students will be allowed to complete the examination but may be asked to leave immediately if their actions cause or are likely to cause a disturbance.

(112) For online examinations:

  1. any material or item within a student’s workspace, including under their desk or chair, or within the workspace but outside the view of the camera, will be deemed in their possession;
  2. invigilated examinations will be monitored using an online learning integrity browser tool that records student activity;
  3. authorised invigilators will review these recordings post-examination to ensure compliance with the Academic Integrity Policy and this Procedure;
  4. students can report suspected misconduct during or after an online exam in accordance with the Academic Integrity Policy and the Academic Misconduct (Coursework) Procedures.

(113) Reports of academic misconduct for final exams will initially be investigated by a representative from Exams Office in accordance with the Academic Misconduct (Coursework) Procedures.

  1. the principles of procedural fairness will be followed, ensuring the student is presented with all evidence and given an opportunity to discuss the allegations with an unbiased staff member that has no prior involvement or conflict of interest relating to the subject;
  2. the representative from the exams office will seek the student's response to the allegation immediately or as soon as possible after the examination and will document the discussion;
  3. the representative from the exams office will inform the Subject Coordinator of the incident and gather any additional context they may provide.

Referral to the Academic Integrity Officer

(114) Within five working days of the incident, the representative from the Exams Office will refer the case to the Academic Integrity Officer, including; 

  1. a detailed explanation of the allegation;
  2. a summary of key evidence supporting the allegation;
  3. a summary of the discussion with the student;
  4. a summary of any discussion with the Subject Coordinator, if applicable; and
  5. supporting materials.
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Section 18 - Management of Privacy and Data Security

(115) Examination reports and recordings are accessible only to authorised representatives and University staff involved in misconduct investigations, adhering to strict privacy protocols.

(116) The Exams Office will ensure staff are aware of the restricted use of exam data, prohibiting unauthorised viewing, downloading, or sharing of examination reports and recordings.

(117) Data will not be shared with external parties without student consent, unless legally required.

(118) Data will only be shared with authorised representatives for investigating academic misconduct, in accordance with the Data Governance Procedure.

(119) For detailed guidelines on data management and privacy, refer to the University’s Records Management Policy, Privacy Policy and Academic Misconduct (Coursework) Procedure.

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Section 19 - Roles and Responsibilities

(120) The Exams Office is responsible for scheduling and coordinating final examinations including but not limited to:

  1. creating and issuing timetables for final examinations;
  2. arranging printing and distribution of examination papers;
  3. arranging examination rooms in collaboration with the Facilities Management Division (FMD) and Information Management and Technology Services (IMTS) for the appropriate set up for in-person exams;
  4. arranging the supervision for examinations and overseeing conduct in examination rooms;
  5. providing relevant online resources for examiners including information on Moodle and Proctorio settings;
  6. implementing access plan arrangements where feasible, and liaising with SAIT on arrangements which are not feasible;
  7. coordinating the provision of technical support for staff and students;
  8. monitoring and recording details of technical support incidents;
  9. ensuring that appropriate privacy controls are in place and that details of those privacy controls are available to staff and students before the examination period;
  10. ensuring that all requests for support (scheduling, resourcing, invigilation) received from students within the stipulated time frames are considered;
  11. referring alleged academic misconduct to the relevant Academic Integrity Officer within five working days, including a detailed explanation of the allegation, key evidence, summaries of discussions with the student and Subject Coordinator(if applicable), and supporting materials;
  12. arranging for training and due diligence orientation of in-person and online invigilators where required;
  13. removing recordings that are no longer required and securely storing all records required to be kept in accordance with UOW’s recordkeeping obligations; and
  14. notifying examiners as soon as possible when completed examination materials are ready for collection from the Examinations Office.

(121) Learning, Teaching and Curriculum (LTC) is responsible for:

  1. assessing examinations to determine appropriate delivery mode;
  2. facilitating quality assurance checks of online examination settings before each examination;
  3. providing pedagogical support resources for examiners requiring online examinations; and
  4. contributing to the Exams Support Channel during examinations to trouble shoot technical issues for staff and/or students.

(122) Information Management and Technology Services (IMTS) is responsible for:

  1. ensuring that University systems and platforms have been tested for performance and that no outage or maintenance windows are planned during examination periods;
  2. facilitating quality assurance checks of online examination settings before each examination
  3. providing technical support resources for examiners requiring online examinations; and
  4. contributing to the Exams Support Channel during examinations to trouble shoot technical issues for staff and/or students.

(123) Heads of Academic Units are responsible for:

  1. certifying examination papers by ensuring examination content complies with UOW policies and procedures; and
  2. determining the outcome of alternative arrangements, if any, for students who have been impacted by an examination that has been terminated.

(124) Examiners are responsible for:

  1. ensuring appropriate delegated approval for the selected examination mode;
  2. adhering to the submission deadlines as specified on the Exams intranet site for;
    1. submitting a request to the Exams Office and providing details of the examination requirements and authorised materials via the Exams Portal;
    2. submitting examination content to the Exams Portal; and
    3. setting up their examination activity (if applicable) in the subject Moodle site to the required specifications.
  3. arranging the printing, security and delivery of examination papers if not received by the Exams Office by the submission deadline;
  4. reviewing provided resources for online examinations and ensuring their examination settings comply with any stated requirements;
  5. ensuring that they, or their nominee with delegated authority:
    1. can be contacted by telephone for the duration of the examination;
    2. have access to a current version of the examination paper for the duration of the examination;
    3. can answer any reasonable questions about the content of the examination paper; and
    4. collect completed examination materials from the Exams Office.
  6. complying with all directions regarding privacy obligations and appropriate use of student information by not accessing recordings or irregularity reports for online invigilated examinations.

(125) Students are responsible for:

  1. ensuring that they are familiar with and comply with all Rules, standards, codes, policies, guidelines and procedures relating to examinations;
  2. ensuring that they are available during the scheduled examination periods where an examination is an assessment requirement for any subject in which they are enrolled;
  3. informing themselves of the examination timetable, misreading or misinterpretation of the timetable will not be accepted as an excuse for failing to attend an examination;
  4. ensuring that clashes in their examination timetable are identified and to advise the Exams Office of serious individual difficulties (scheduling, resourcing or invigilation) arising from the examination timetable by the scheduled date;
  5. testing their technology by completing a practice test well in advance of any online examination being invigilated by Proctorio to allow ample time to make alternative arrangements if needed;
  6. ensuring that they have access to an appropriate environment with conditions suitable for the examination;
  7. ensuring that they have a current and active UOW student user account, to ensure they can authenticate into University systems if required;
  8. ensuring that they have a current photograph recorded in University student systems before the examination period;
  9. ensuring that any personal devices can access a reliable source of power and internet throughout the examination;
  10. preparing their examination environment so that they can start the examination at the scheduled time;
  11. making preparations to minimise the need to leave the view of the webcam during an online invigilated examination;
  12. producing valid photographic identification in an examination as required, and if not using a UOW student identification card, ensure that personal identifying details are covered;
  13. monitoring available working time of the examination including all submission and uploading activities;
  14. advising the Exams Office of any technical issues or other interruptions encountered during the examination within 24 hours of the examination;
  15. ensuring that prohibited or unauthorised materials are not available or accessed during an examination;
  16. ensuring that their actions in an online invigilated examination do not distract or disadvantage other students during an examination; and
  17. complying with any instruction given by an examination invigilator or representative of the Exams Office for the proper conduct of an examination.

(126) Administrative staff at partner institutions have a responsibility to:

  1. establish appropriate procedures approved by the relevant academic unit at UOW and SASD in accordance with this Procedure;
  2. arrange the printing and distribution of examination papers;
  3. arrange the supervision for examinations and oversee conduct in the examination rooms;
  4. report alleged breaches of the teaching and assessment Policy to relevant Academic Integrity Officers; and
  5. return examination material to academic units.
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Section 20 - Definitions

Exam Mode Matrix
The guideline which are used to determine the exam mode eligibility for a subject.
Exam type
The type of examination open book, closed book, restricted material
Open book exam
An examination that permits all reference materials
Restricted exam
An examination that permits specified reference materials listed in the examination instructions.
Closed book exam
An examination that does not permit any reference materials
Final Examination
An examination administered by either the Exams Office in the Student and Administration Services Division (SASD) or the central examination unit at a partner institution, conducted during final examination periods, as well as during supplementary and deferred examination periods
Exam Mode
The type of examination being delivered- Online, online Proctorio, Paper exam or school exam.
Exams Office The central office responsible for administering examinations at UOW or UOW Collaborative Delivery Partner Institutions.
Exams Portal
An online tool for collection of examination requests and publication of examination timetables.
A person or persons with responsibility for the assessment of work in any subject.
Exam Support channel
A support channel for staļ¬€ and students available during end of session examination periods. Support is provided by a combination of staļ¬€ from SASD, Information Management and Technology Services (IMTS) and Learning, Teaching and Curriculum (LTC). The channel includes a phone contact, live chat and online form.
Live (in person) invigilation
Examination invigilation conducted live or in real time remotely while students are participating in the examination on the Zoom platform or other similar cloud-based videoconferencing platform.
Online Invigilation
Invigilation of an online examination conducted either via Proctorio invigilation or live invigilation.
Online examination
An examination conducted online such as within UOW’s Learning Management System (LMS), Moodle.
Quiz activity
The examination activity set up in the Moodle subject site.
User overrides
A Moodle setting to facilitate one or more students to start the examination at a diļ¬€erent date or time, and/or to set a diļ¬€erent examination duration for one or more students with approved arrangements to manage exceptional circumstances.
Short Interruption
A short interruption refers to an unplanned or unexpected disruption during examinations that impacts, or is reasonably expected to impact, the exam for 30 minutes or less.
Long interruption
A long interruption refers to an unplanned or unexpected disruption during examinations that impacts, or is reasonably expected to impact, the exam for longer than 30 minutes.
A clash refers to unavoidable scheduling conflicts during final examination periods, such as simultaneous exams or overlapping due to extended time provisions.
Overloaded timetable
An overloaded timetable occurs when a student is scheduled for multiple examinations within a condensed timeframe, typically defined as having more than two exams within a 24-hour period or more than three exams within a 48-hour period. This may necessitate requesting alternative examination arrangements to manage academic and logistical challenges effectively.
Delegated Authority
A person given authority to perform a function or task under the Delegations of Authority Policy.