(1) The purpose of this Policy is to provide transparency for University of Wollongong (UOW) students in the application and administration of tuition fees and charges, including refunds. (2) This Policy applies to all UOW students, unless otherwise stated. (3) This Policy excludes the following charges: (4) Where a student is indebted to the University due to non-payment of fees and charges outlined in Clause 2, Clause 20 Penalties for Non-Payment applies. (5) This Policy contains three parts to ensure compliance with differing legislation and processes regarding fees for Domestic and International students: (6) Students should seek clarification on any aspects of this Policy they are uncertain of, prior to accepting an offer of admission. If students have any questions regarding this Policy or are unable to understand this Policy, contact the Student Service team at Student Central. (7) Up-to-date tuition fees and other charges are available to current students outlined on the University's Fees & Assistance webpage or online via the Student Online Services System (SOLS). It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that they are aware of the University's information regarding tuition fees and charges as published. (8) Where a student remains enrolled in subject(s) after Census Date, they are required to pay for the subject(s). (9) Any payments received by UOW towards a student fee account will be applied first to the oldest outstanding fee debt by due date or oldest outstanding charge by due date. (10) In addition to tuition fees, other fees and charges may be associated with your study at UOW. The schedule of Administrative fees are outlined on the University's Fees & Assistance webpage. (11) All students are generally required to pay the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF). The schedule for the Student Amenities fees is outlined on the University's Fees & Assistance webpage. Some subjects/courses are also exempt from the SSAF; further details are outlined on the University's Student Amenities Fee schedule. (12) Only eligible Domestic students may access a SA-HELP Loan to defer all or part of their SSAF. Details on eligibility requirements are available on the Department of Education Study Assist website and/or the University's Fees & Assistance website. International students are not eligible for a SA-Help Loan. (13) Payment arrangements for SSAF must be finalised by the payment due date. Non-payment of the SSAF will result in a restricted enrolment. Eligible Domestic Students choosing to defer SSAF to an SA-HELP Loan must complete a Request for SA-HELP form through SOLS and provide their valid Tax File Number (TFN) and permission for the University to use the TFN by the payment due date. (14) Students who are required to pay SSAF and remain enrolled in a subject(s) after Census Date of the Study Period will be financially liable for SSAF for that Study Period. (15) There is no capacity under the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (HESA (Cth)) for a provider to refund the SSAF or to remit an SA-HELP debt incurred by a student after the census date for a study period. (16) International and Domestic Full Fee Paying Students who may be experiencing financial difficulties paying all or part of their tuition fees by the Census Date may be eligible to access a Tuition Fee Instalment Plan. Information on eligibility for an Instalment Plan is outlined on the University's Fees & Assistance webpage. (17) Commonwealth Supported Students are not eligible for a Tuition Fee Instalment Plan and must pay any tuition fees upfront and in full by the due date or apply for a HELP Loan, provided they meet the eligibility criteria. Details on eligibility for a HELP Loan are outlined on the University's Fees & Assistance webpage and/or the Department of Education Study Assist website. (18) The Tuition Fee Instalment Plan applies to tuition fees only and incurs a non-refundable administration fee even if the student no longer requires an instalment plan and/or pays all of their tuition fees before census date. (19) Students requesting an instalment plan contract must apply via SOLS – Student Forms and if approved are bound by the Terms and Conditions of the instalment plan contract. (20) Failure to meet the Terms and Conditions of the instalment plan will result in either a late payment fee and/or cancellation of enrolment as outlined in Clause 20 Penalties for Non-Payment. (21) Where a student has an overdue debt with UOW, or has failed to pay part or all of their tuition fees by the due date, the University may apply a range of penalties, including: (22) Students who have their enrolment cancelled due to non-payment of tuition fees will be charged a non-refundable reinstatement fee to reactivate their enrolment. The reinstatement fee will only be refunded if it is determined an administrative error was made by a UOW Officer as outlined in Clause 64 - Cancellation of Enrolment. (23) Tuition fees for Domestic students are governed by the HESA (Cth). (24) Students admitted to a program of study leading to an award of the University may be admitted to a Commonwealth Supported Place. This means fees are partially subsidised by the Australian Government. Students are also required to contribute to the cost of their education in the form of a Student Contribution. (25) Eligibility for Commonwealth Support and the availability of Commonwealth Supported Places in a course of study with UOW is determined by HESA (Cth). (26) Students approved a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) will be notified directly from the University or from the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC). When students enrol in their course of study they will be required to complete an electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form (eCAF) during the enrolment process. (27) Under HESA (Cth), students are not eligible for Commonwealth Supported places and/or any HELP assistance if a student: (28) UOW sets tuition fees for Commonwealth Supported Students in accordance with the Australian Government's published Student Contribution Bands rates. Student Contribution Bands are reviewed annually by the DET and are subject to change. Band rates are outlined on the University's Fees & Assistance webpage and/or on the Study Assist website. (29) The amount that a Commonwealth Supported Student is required to pay as their Student Contribution for each Study Period is determined by the student's subject enrolment, not course enrolment at Census Date. (30) Students who transfer from one course to another, including change in mode of delivery and campus/study location, may lose their Commonwealth Supported Place and/or their tuition fees may alter. (31) Students may choose not to be Commonwealth supported in their unit/s of study. A student who chooses not to be Commonwealth Supported must provide confirmation of this preference, by way of written notification, to the Student Administration Services Division on or before the Census Date. Where a student elects not to be considered a Commonwealth Supported Student, they will be considered a Full Fee Paying Student. (32) Students who are admitted to a program of study leading to an award of the University may be admitted on a domestic full fee paying basis under the following conditions: (33) The tuition fees are charged per credit point according to the approved tuition fees for the student's program of study, and the student's enrolment in the study period at census date. (34) Tuition fees are reviewed annually and are subject to increase. For commencing students their first study period tuition fee rate will be dependent on the approved tuition fees at the time their valid offer letter was issued. (35) Changes to tuition fees may occur through: (36) Failure to pay tuition fees in full by the census date will result in both a late payment fee being charged and cancellation of enrolment as outlined in Clause 20 Penalties for Non-Payment. (37) All students who are Australian Citizens, Permanent Humanitarian Visa Holders, New Zealand Citizens or Permanent Residents are allocated a place under the Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP). Students will be exempt from paying tuition fees for the duration of their degree provided their enrolment is within time limits for course completion. (38) Domestic Higher Degree Research (HDR) students who exceed their course time limits will be liable to pay tuition fees. Tuition fees are applicable to Doctoral students with EFTSL greater than 4 years and Masters by Research students with an EFTSL greater than 2 years. Tuition Fee rates for Overtime Domestic HDR students are available on the University's Graduate Research School website. (39) Domestic HDR students are reminded each session to check their enrolment status regarding their time limits for course completion. If students have exceeded their time limits they may apply for a Domestic Postgraduate Tuition Award (DPTA) if they believe they meet the ‘Special Circumstances’ criteria as outlined Section 11. (40) A Domestic HDR student may be approved for a DPTA subject to meeting the criteria for Special Circumstances as outlined in Section 11 if there were circumstances identified early on in the student's research progress that may have impacted on course completion times. (41) For a DPTA to be approved, students must meet the criteria for Special Circumstances as outlined in Section 11 and must be endorsed by the Faculty and approved by the delegated authority. (42) If tuition fees are charged, students may be eligible for the Australian Government's FEE-HELP Loan Scheme to assist with paying their tuition fees. Students eligible for the FEE-HELP Loan Scheme must complete an electronic request for a HELP Loan via SOLS by Census Date. Further information on eligibility for Fee-Help is available on the University's Fees & Assistance website and/or the Study Assist website. (43) Students not eligible for a FEE-HELP Loan must pay their tuition fees in full by Census Date except where a student has been granted a Tuition Fee Instalment Plan. (44) Higher Degree Research students are required to pay the Student Services and Amenities fee (SSAF). Domestic students may be eligible for a SA Help Loan to help pay the costs of the fee. Further information on SSAF and eligibility is outlined on the University's Fees & Assistance website. (45) A late payment fee will be charged and/or cancellation of enrolment will occur where tuition fees are not paid by Census Date as outlined in Clause 20 Penalties for Non-Payment. (46) A Domestic Student may be admitted to study subjects on a Non-Award basis in accordance with the conditions outlined in HESA (Cth) legislation. (47) Rates for Non-Award tuition fees are published on the University's Fees & Assistance - Non-Award Study page. (48) Tuition fees for Non-Award enrolments are charged on a per Credit Point basis, according to the student's enrolment in the study period as at Census Date and are payable by Census Date. Non-Award students are required to pay the Student Services and Amenities fee (SSAF). Further information on SSAF are outlined on the University's Fees & Assistance website. (49) A Late Payment fee will be charged and cancellation of enrolment will occur where tuition fees are not paid in full by Census Date as outlined in Clause 20 Penalties for Non-Payment. (50) Payment arrangements must be finalised by the Census Date of each Study Period in which the student is enrolled. (51) In accordance with HESA (Cth), Domestic Students may be eligible to apply for a HELP Loan to defer all or part of their tuition fees. Payment options must be finalised by the Study Period, Census Date. Further information is outlined on the University's Sessions and Key Dates webpage. (52) The University has the right to defer tuition fees to a HELP Loan post Census Date if a Domestic student has provided a valid and verified Tax File Number (TFN) and permission for the University to use the TFN. (53) Where tuition fees are not deferred to a HELP Loan they must be paid upfront to UOW by Census Date, except in circumstances where eligible students have been approved a Tuition Fee Instalment Plan. (54) Details of approved payment options for upfront payments to the University are available on the University's Student Payment Options webpage with details on Tuition Fee Instalment Plans also outlined on the University's Fees & Assistance webpage. (55) A Commonwealth Assistance Notice (CAN) is a statement of enrolment and a record of a student's use of Commonwealth Assistance for a study period. (56) Commonwealth assisted students are able to review their accumulated debt for tuition fees each session of study; their Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) and/or any other incurred debt, such as OS Help if applicable on their Commonwealth Assistance Notice (CAN) statement via SOLS. (57) UOW will make available the CAN to Commonwealth Supported Students no later than 28 calendar dates after the relevant Study Period, census date. (58) Full-Fee paying students who are eligible to access a FEE-Help loan can also review their accumulated debt for each session of studies via their CAN. (59) Students have 14 calendar days from the date of issue of the CAN, to advise the University if they believe that there is an error in their CAN. UOW will amend the CAN if investigations confirm that it is inaccurate. (60) A Commonwealth Supported student will have their enrolment cancelled if they: (61) A Commonwealth Supported student whose enrolment is cancelled will be removed from their unit/s of study. The student can elect to be enrolled as a Non-Award student and pay tuition fees upfront to the University. or wait until the next study period session, to re-apply for admission to the University via UOW Future Students. (62) A Domestic Full Fee Paying student's enrolment will be cancelled if: (63) Full Fee paying students whose enrolment is cancelled in their course of study, will be removed from their unit/s of study and will have 10 working days to have their enrolment reinstated as outlined below in Clause 63. (64) A Full Fee Paying student, whose enrolment is cancelled in accordance with Clause 61, may only be reinstated back into a Full-Fee Paying place once all upfront tuition fees have been paid in full including any associated reinstatement and late payment charges as outlined in Clause 20 Penalties for Non-Payment. (65) Students who fail to have their enrolment reinstated within the 10 working days specified in Clause 62 will not be permitted to reinstate into the course of study from which they were cancelled. Students who fail to be reinstated will also be required to reapply for admission to their course of study in the next available session by contacting UOW Future Students. (66) Reinstatement charges are non-refundable and can only be refunded if it is determined that an administrative error was made by a UOW Officer, as outlined in Clause 21 - Penalties for Non-Payment. (67) Where a student withdraws from an enrolled subject prior to Census Date, they will not incur a charge or HELP Debt for the subject. Subject withdrawal must be officially recorded with UOW via SOLS. Students are eligible for a refund of any Unallocated Credit in this instance and in accordance with the process outlined in Section 13 – Forfeiture of Fees & Charges. (68) Under HESA (Cth), UOW must contact students regarding credit held in a student account and not allocated to subject(s). Students can elect to have the credit refunded, or have it remain in their account for future subject(s) enrolment. Where UOW is not able to refund the credit to the student and the student makes no contact with UOW, the credit is forfeited as outlined in Section 13 – Forfeiture of Fees & Charges. (69) Students are not entitled to apply for a refund of tuition fees if they have successfully completed their subject(s). A fail grade, may be considered as an incidence where the student has not successfully completed the requirements of the subject(s). Students with a fail grade will only be eligible to receive a refund if they meet the Special Circumstances criteria, outlined in Section 11 – Special Circumstances. (70) Where a student remains enrolled in subject(s) after Census Date, and does not successfully complete the subject(s), UOW may refund any upfront tuition fees paid to the University or remove any HECS-Help or FEE-Help debt incurred for subject(s) if; (71) Refund applications will be assessed, on receipt of a completed application, by the relevant delegated authority, in accordance with UOW's Delegations of Authority Policy. (72) A Completed Application must include: (73) The Student Administration Services Division will advise students, in writing, of the refund outcome within 28 calendar days from when the completed refund application is received by the University. (74) Approved refunds will be processed and issued to the student in alignment with the original payment method engaged by the student. This may be as an upfront payment to the University and/or remission of a HELP Loan debt incurred. (75) If the student is not satisfied with the decision, they may appeal the decision within 28 calendar days from the date of the notice of the decision. The relevant delegated authority; as outlined in the University's Delegations of Authority Policy will consider appeals. (76) For an appeal to be considered, a student must: (77) The Student Administration Services Division will advise students of the outcome of a refund appeal within 28 calendar days from the date the complete appeal application in accordance with Clause 75 is received by the University. (78) Under HESA (Cth) students have the right to apply to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) within 28 calendar days for a review of the appeal decision made by UOW. Information about a review of appeal by the AAT is provided within the decision advice sent by the University to the student. (79) The appeal review process under HESA (Cth) and outlined in Clause 77 does not apply to full-fee paying students who paid their fees upfront to the University and did not request FEE-Help assistance. In these cases HESA (Cth) states that, the student cannot request a review or refer the matter to the AAT. The student has a right to raise a complaint with the NSW Ombudsman regarding the outcome of an appeal as set out in the decision advice sent to the student. (80) Tuition fees for International students are governed by the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 under the Education Services to Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000. (81) Tuition fees are charged per Credit Point according to the approved tuition fees for the program of study and the student's enrolment in the Study Period as at Census Date. (82) A commencing student's first Study Period tuition fee rate will be dependent on the approved tuition fees at the time their Valid Offer Letter was issued. (83) Tuition fees are reviewed annually and are subject to increases during a student's Period of Study. The University may publish fee increases in all or any of the Course Finder (Study at UOW) pages on the University's website and/or via the student's Fee Statement in SOLS. (84) Changes to tuition fees may also occur as a result of: (85) International students commencing a new course of study must pay a Tuition Fee Deposit before enrolling in a new course. The amount payable for the Tuition Fee Deposit is outlined on the students’ Valid Offer Letter. (86) Where an International student has been approved to receive an International Postgraduate Tuition Award (IPTA), UOW will sponsor these students for the period covered by the Award. An approved IPTA does not cover the payment of the Student Services Amenities Fee (SSAF), students are responsible for this payment. (87) An International Student may be admitted to study subjects on a Non-Award basis in accordance with the conditions of their visa. (88) Rates for International Non-Award tuition fees are based on the credit point value of the subject(s). The credit point value of the subject(s) can vary depending on which Faculty the subject(s) belong to. (89) International students approved for Non-Award enrolment will be required to pay any associated tuition fees upfront to the University before official enrolment in subject(s) as confirmed by the University. (90) A late payment fee will be charged and/or cancellation of enrolment will occur if tuition fees are not paid in full by Census Date as outlined in Clause 20 Penalties for Non-Payment. (91) Tuition fees must be paid in full to UOW by the Census Date except where a student has been approved for a Tuition Fee Instalment Plan as outlined in Clauses 15 to 19. (92) Approved payment options are outlined on the University's Student Payment Options webpage. (93) An International Student will have their enrolment cancelled if they fail to make the required tuition fee payment by the Census Date for that Study Period. (94) International students who have had their enrolment cancelled due to non-payment of tuition fees will not be entitled to a refund of any portion of tuition fees paid, unless Special Circumstances exist as outlined in Section 11. (95) Students who have had their enrolment cancelled will be removed from all currently enrolled subjects in all active sessions and will have 20 working days to have their enrolment reinstated. (96) Students will be reinstated if they pay all outstanding tuition fees as well as any associated late payment and reinstatement charges. (97) Reinstatement charges will only be refunded if it is determined that an administrative error was made by a UOW Officer, as outlined in Clause 20 Penalties for Non-Payment. (98) Students who fail to have their enrolment reinstated within the timeframe specified in Clause 94 will not be permitted to be reinstated into the course of study from which they were cancelled. These students will have the change in their enrolment status reported to the Department of Home Affairs (DHA), pursuant to UOW's legislative compliance obligations. (99) Under special circumstances only, an International Student may apply for a fee refund by submitting an online application form, available on the University's Fees & Assistance website, which must include: (100) Completed refund applications will be assessed by the relevant delegated authority in accordance with the UOW Delegations of Authority Policy. (101) Students will be advised in writing of the refund outcome, by the Student Administration Services Division within 28 calendar days from the date the completed refund application is received by the University. (102) If the student is not satisfied with the decision, they may appeal the refund decision within 28 calendar days from the day the student first received notice of the decision. Appeals will be considered by the relevant delegated authority, in accordance with the Delegations of Authority Policy. (103) For an appeal to be considered, a student must: (104) The Student Administration Services Division will advise the student of the outcome of the refund appeal, in writing, within 28 calendar days of the date of receipt of the complete appeal application. (105) Students have the right to raise a complaint with the NSW Ombudsman regarding the outcome of an appeal. Information about this is provided within the decision advice sent by the University to the student. (106) For approved refunds, the University will process a refund to the original payment source made by the student in accordance with Australian Banking laws. Students must provide the original bank account details from which the payment was made. If the payment was made through Flywire it is returned to Flywire. In these cases the student must negotiate a refund with Flywire directly. (107) Refunds of U.S. student loan payment funds will be processed in accordance with the U.S. Department of Education Program Regulations, as agreed to by the student and UOW. These regulations are outlined in Appendix 1 of this Policy. (108) Where a student has unallocated credit in their account for which they are eligible for a refund, it will be dealt with in accordance with Section 13 - Forfeiture of Fees and Charges. (109) Where a student has accepted an offer to study at UOW and request to leave UOW, they must apply for a Release or Course Withdrawal by completing the online Leaving UOW form available on the University's Student Compliance website. (110) Any refund application submitted during the process above will not be assessed unless the student's Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) has been cancelled for any of the following reasons: (111) Students will receive a full refund of their Tuition Fee Deposit (less any applicable deductions for administration charges specified below) if: (112) Any credit, which is part of the Tuition Fee deposit, is non-refundable and will be held in the student's tuition fee account for future use towards tuition fees and charges in accordance with Section 13. This includes any credit, which is made available due to changes in enrolment, including but not limited to an approved Reduced Study Load and Credit for Prior Learning. Students who leave UOW and have credit remaining in their fee account, which is part of the Tuition Fee deposit, will have any subsequent refund applications assessed in accordance with Clauses 111 – 118. (113) Any subsequent refund applications submitted by the student in Section 13 points a, b. (i, ii, iii) above will be assessed in accordance with the UOW Fees Policy (Clauses 111 to 118). (114) Where a student makes a refund application before the commencement date of their first Study Period, as per their Valid Offer Letter, they will be entitled to a refund of their Tuition Fee Deposit, being the Tuition Fee Deposit minus a $1000 administration charge. This includes students who fail to enrol in any subjects. (115) Where a student makes a refund application after the commencement date, but before the Census Date of their first Study Period, as per their Valid Offer Letter, they will receive a refund of their Tuition Fee Deposit less $5000, an amount retained by the University. This also includes students who fail to enrol in any subjects. (116) A student that withdraws and/or submits a refund application after the Census Date of their first Study Period, as per their Valid Offer Letter, is not entitled to a refund of any part of their Tuition Fee Deposit. In these cases, the Tuition Fee Deposit will be held as non-refundable credit in their student account for the period specified in section 14, after which it will be retained by the University. (117) Where a student has deferred an offer of study after the course commencement date, UOW reserves the right to assess any subsequent refund applications on the basis of the timing of the acceptance of any deferred UOW Valid Offer Letters, the timing of the refund applications, relevant course commencement dates and Census Dates. (118) Where a student remains enrolled in subject(s) after the Census Date and does not successfully complete the subject(s), UOW may remove the financial liability for relevant subject(s) if; (119) For students who are granted approved removal of a financial liability as outlined in Clause 117 above, any credit which is part of their original Tuition Fee Deposit remains non-refundable as per Clause 111. (120) For tuition fee payments made in addition to the Tuition Fee Deposit amount, students are entitled to a refund of any credit not allocated to subjects after Census Date. (121) For students enrolled in Non-Award subjects, a full refund of any credit not allocated to subjects and/or charges after Census Date will be granted (excludes students enrolled in the Study Abroad Program). (122) Where a student remains enrolled in subject(s) after the Census Date, and/or does not successfully complete subject(s), UOW may remove the financial liability and refund the subsequent credit if; (123) A Sponsored Student must be supported by a Financial Guarantee, which is issued by their sponsor. The Financial Guarantee must state the period of cover of the sponsorship for the individual student as well as the tuition fees and charges for which the Sponsor will take responsibility. (124) It is the responsibility of Sponsored Students to ensure their Financial Guarantee or UOW Award such as an International Postgraduate Tuition Award (IPTA) is current by the relevant Study Period, Census Date. Students who fail to provide a Financial Guarantee will not be considered a Sponsored Student for that Study Period and are personally liable for their fees. (125) It is the responsibility of the Sponsored Student to seek approval from their Sponsor, with the exception of those students in receipt of an Australia Award, prior to changes to their pattern of study or degree program. Any course variations to enrolment or periods of study for a Sponsored Student will require a new Financial Guarantee. (126) Students in receipt of an Australia Award are required to contact UOW's Australia Awards Scholarship and Sponsorship Officer with any changes to pattern of study or changes to degree program in the first instance. The Scholarship and Sponsorship Officer will seek approval and adjust fees accordingly. Tuition fees are charged in accordance with the relevant tuition fee schedules for Domestic and International Students. (127) UOW will invoice Sponsors directly for Sponsored Student fees and charges which must be paid by the agreed due dates in accordance with formal sponsorship agreements. (128) All tuition fees must be paid by the due date of the invoice for each session of study. Failure by the sponsor to make payment by the required date may result in a student's results and official documents being withheld, late fees being applied and cancellation of enrolment as per Clause 20 Penalties for Non-Payment. (129) Any outstanding tuition fees and charges will result in penalties being applied to a sponsored student's enrolment as outlined in Clause 20 – Penalties for Non-Payment. (130) Refund eligibility for Sponsored Students is the same as for non-Sponsored students, and is outlined in Section 5 (for Domestic Students) and Section 7 (for International Students). (131) Where a Sponsored Student is determined to be eligible for a refund, any payments made by the sponsor towards the subject will be held in credit in the student's account for future study, or refunded directly to the Sponsor at their request. (132) If a student is granted a visa other than a student visa, or a student ceases to be an International Student by reason of a change of visa status, UOW will either: (133) Inbound Study Abroad Program students, are charged tuition fee rates outlined on the University's Office of Student Mobility Costs and Financial Aid webpage. (134) Tuition amounts, study deposit and due dates are outlined on the student's Valid Offer Letter. (135) Refund eligibility for Study Abroad students is the same as for other International Students as outlined in Section 7 Refunds for International Students. (136) Where a student has withdrawn, and is liable for fees and charges in line with Section 7, UOW reserves the right to invoice agents and study abroad partners for the relevant liability amount. (137) Inbound Student Exchange students do not pay tuition fees, however, may be liable for other fees including the Student Services and Amenities Fees (SSAF) and Overseas Students Health Cover (OSHC); these will be indicated on the student's Valid Offer Letter. (138) Domestic students approved to undertake a semester exchange program with an International Exchange Partner are charged 24 Credit Points per session worth of tuition fees for their enrolled course of study at UOW. These tuition fees are charged and payable to UOW in line with their normal conditions outlined in Section 6 Fees for Domestic Students. (139) Students participating in other non-exchange programs through the Office of Global Student Mobility will be liable for any tuition fees to the overseas program as outlined by their overseas host university or the relevant UOW subject fees, if directly enrolled in a UOW subject, for the purpose of overseas study. (140) Students studying at an overseas institution are bound by its policies, rules and regulations and are liable for any additional costs incurred during their stay. UOW reserves the right to apply penalties as outlined in Clause 18, where a student has an outstanding debt with an International Exchange Partner of UOW. (141) Students participating in an approved outbound International Exchange Program are not liable for the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) during the semester that they are overseas and enrolled at UOW for the International Exchange Program (142) Visiting Research Program Students. Approved Visiting Research Students are charged tuition fees as outlined on the schedule published on the University's OGSM - Costs and Financial Aid webpage unless the supervising faculty has approved an International Postgraduate Tuition Award (IPTA). (143) The dates of a student's program are outlined in their application and Valid Offer Letter and a student may be liable for all fees if the dates are adjusted after commencement. (144) Students who withdraw from their program after four calendar weeks of commencement are not entitled to a refund of any fees paid, unless they are able to demonstrate with independent supporting documentation that Special Circumstances have occurred as outlined in Section 11. (145) For the purpose of this Policy and in accordance with HESA (Cth), the University defines special circumstances as compassionate or compelling circumstances, as outlined in the University's Compassionate or Compelling Circumstances Guidelines. (146) For students seeking a refund of fees based on the existence of Compassionate or Compelling Circumstances as outlined in theCompassionate or Compelling Circumstances Guidelines the University must be satisfied that the circumstances that apply to the student: (147) Special circumstances do not include, for example: (148) The University's requirements in relation to supporting evidence and documentation relating to the existence of compassionate or compelling circumstances as outlined in Section 11 above are set out in the Compassionate or Compelling Circumstances Guidelines. (149) The submission of fraudulent documentation is regarded as serious misconduct and will be managed in accordance with the Student Conduct Rules and its associated procedures. The matter may also be referred to the State or Federal Police, Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) and/or the Department of Home Affairs (DHA). (150) Students shall have any Unallocated Credit held in their account for 36 months from the Course Commencement date as stated on their Valid Offer Letter, or from when they were last enrolled, whichever date is the later (“Holding Period”). (151) Any unallocated credit held in a student's account that forms all or part of the Tuition Fee Deposit is non-refundable except in the circumstances and to the extent specified at Clauses 108 – 118 of this Policy. (152) The University will attempt to contact the student regarding any Unallocated Credit held in the student's account during the Holding Period and the student can elect to have the credit allocated to future subject(s) enrolments or, except in relation to Unallocated Credit which is Tuition Fee Deposit, refunded back to the student. The University will redirect the funds accordingly, upon receiving the appropriate instructions from the student provided the student has notified its intention to the University prior to the end of the Holding Period. (153) If no instructions have been received from the student by the end of the Holding Period, any Unallocated Credit remaining in a student's account will be deemed to have been abandoned by the student and the student expressly waives any rights to the Unallocated Credit which will be retained by the University as the new legal and beneficial owner of those funds. (154) This Policy and the right to make complaints and seek appeals of decisions and actions under various processes do not affect the rights of the student to take action under the Australian Consumer Law if the Australian Consumer Law applies. (155) The University is committed to maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of student information. All staff have a general duty of confidentiality under the University Code of Conduct – Staff and are obliged to handle all personal information in accordance with the University's Privacy Policy and relevant legislation. (156) Records relating to fees applications will be retained and disposed of in accordance with the State Records Act 1998 (NSW) No. 17, relevant General Authorities issued by the NSW State Archives and Records Authority and the UOW Records Management Policy. (157) It is the responsibility of the Student Administration Services Division to administer student fees, including ensuring that remissions/refunds are assessed according to this Policy. (158) It is the responsibility of the student to: (159) This sets out the University's process for the Return of Title IV Funds when a US Financial Aid student withdraws from the University. (160) For the purpose of Return of Title IV Funds for student receiving US Financial Aid, a student will be considered to be withdrawn from a course where the student: (161) If a student never commences attendance, the student is not an eligible student for Title IV funds and all the aid will be cancelled and the total amount will be returned to the US Department of Education. (162) If a student withdraws from their program, both the student and the University will be required to repay a portion of the US Financial Aid. (163) The amount to be repaid is calculated pro rata based on the date the student notified the University of their withdrawal, was withdrawn from study, or otherwise became ineligible for US Financial Aid. (164) The amount of aid earned in any loan payment period (or period of enrolment) will be determined by the percentage of attendance by the student. (165) The University will calculate the amount to be returned to the United States Government using the Return to Title IV worksheet developed by the United States Department of Education. (166) The liability for tuition fees and refunds is determined by the University's Fees Policy, and independent of the regulations covering the Return of Title IV funds. (167) If the University is required to repay money on behalf of a student, the student will be required to repay this money to the University. (168) The direct loan funds will be returned in the following order: (169) For the purposes of the Return to Title IV funds calculations, a leave of absence from a program will be treated as a withdrawal although the student's official UOW enrolment status will remain as a leave of absence. (170) Where a student requests a leave of absence (as per Clause 164 above), the date of withdrawal will be the date on which the student's application for leave is approved and recorded on their enrolment record. (171) If a student is undertaking study in trimesters or non-standard sessions throughout the year, the Return of Title IV funds will be assessed on a case by case basis. Withdrawal dates and liability to repay funds will be determined by the student's enrolment and/or potential return to study dates. The University will calculate this date using the Return of Title IV form. (172) Students intending to withdraw from their degree must discuss their decision with the University's Financial Aid Administrator (FAA) to understand the University's obligations in regards to their loan funds, UOW's Fees Policy and the implications for their student visa. (173) If a student proceeds with their withdrawal, the date the student formally amends their enrolment, will be the withdrawal date for the purpose of calculating the return of loans funds to the United States Government. (174) Where a student does not notify the University of their withdrawal, the University will determine the withdrawal date to calculate the return of loan funds. (175) The University will make this decision no later than 30 days after the end of the payment period in which the student withdrew, or the date the University became aware that the student has ceased attending the University, whichever is earlier. (176) If notice is not provided because of circumstances beyond the student's control, the withdrawal date will be the date on which that circumstance occurred. The student will be required to provide documentation supporting the existence of circumstances beyond their control. (177) In circumstances where a reason for and date of withdrawal cannot be determined, the withdrawal date will be the midpoint of the payment period. (178) When a student fails to earn a passing grade in any subject, the University must determine whether those grades were through non-attendance. (179) If a student who began attendance and has not officially withdrawn fails to earn a passing grade in at least one subject offered over an entire period, the University will assume for Title IV purposes, that the student has unofficially withdrawn. (180) If a student has failed all their subjects but attended all subjects, then the University's Course Progress Policy must be followed. (181) The University is required to return the amount of Title IV funds which it is responsible for as soon as possible, but no later than 45 days after the University has determined that a student has withdrawn. (182) Any unearned Title IV funds that the student is required to return must be returned or repaid in accordance with the terms of the loan. (183) A student who has not received all the aid funds they earned may receive a post-withdrawal disbursement of the remaining earned funds. (184) The University will notify the student and or any parent borrower of eligibility for a post-withdrawal disbursement. (185) The University will offer the student the post-withdrawal disbursements within 30 days of the date of determination and request confirmation that the post-withdrawal disbursement is accepted. (186) A student will have to send a response within 14 days and the University will not disburse a post-withdrawal disbursement and notify the student in writing if no response is received from the student. (187) A student entitled to receive such a post-withdrawal disbursement may decline it.Fees Policy
Section 1 - Purpose of Policy
Section 2 - Application and Scope - Exclusions or Special Conditions
Section 3 - General Conditions (All Students)
Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF)
Tuition Fee Instalment Plans
Penalties for Non-Payment
Section 4 - Fees for Domestic Students
Tuition Fees for Commonwealth Supported Students
Tuition Fees for Full Fee Paying Students
Tuition Fees for Domestic Higher Degree Research Students
Tuition Fees for Non-Award Subjects
Payment Options
Commonwealth Assistance Notice (CAN)
Cancellation of Enrolment
Section 5 - Refunds and Remission of HELP Debt for Domestic Students
Section 6 - Fees for International Students
International Postgraduate Tuition Award
Tuition Fees for Non-Award Subjects
Payment Options
Cancellation of Enrolment
Section 7 - Refunds for International Students
Refunds of Tuition Fees
Refunds of Tuition Fee Deposit Payment
Section 8 - Other International Refunds
Top of Page
Section 9 - Sponsored Students
Top of PageSection 10 - Fees for Exchange and Study Abroad Students
Inbound Study Abroad Program students
Outbound Exchange/Study Abroad Students
Section 11 - Special Circumstances
Top of PageSection 12 - Supporting Documentation
Section 13 - Forfeiture of Fees & Charges
Section 14 - Disclaimers
Section 15 - Privacy and Confidentiality
Section 16 - Roles and Responsibilities
Top of PageSection 17 - Appendix 1 – Return of Title IV Funds for Students Receiving US Financial Aid
Definition of Withdrawal
Repayment and Calculations
Determining the Date of Withdrawal
Official Notification Provided
Official Notification not Provided
No Passing Grades
Timeframe for Returning Title IV Funds
Post-withdrawal Disbursements
Section 18 - Definitions
Definition (with examples if required)
Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT)
The Administrative Appeal Tribunal (AAT) conducts independent merit reviews of administrative decisions made under Commonwealth laws.
Amendment to Academic Record
Under certain circumstances, a student may be approved to amend their Academic Record by adding a subject(s) after the last date in which to add subject(s) with Academic approval.
Australia Awards
Awards administered by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trading (DFAT). The award provides opportunities for students from developing countries to undertake full-time study at an Australian tertiary education provider.
Census Date
The Census date is the official deadline to finalise enrolment and fees for a Study Period.
Commonwealth Assistance Notice (CAN)
A statement of information outlining a student's enrolment, HELP debt incurred and/or the Student Contribution amounts a student has paid.
Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP)
A place in a course of study for which the tuition fees are subsidised by the Australian Government, so that students only pay Student Contribution amounts for their units of study.
Commonwealth Supported Student (CSS)
An eligible Domestic Student whose tuition fees in a course of study are subsidised by the Australian government.
Commonwealth Legislation (Cth)
Commonwealth legislation is law enacted by the Parliament of Australia such as the Higher Education Support Act 2003.
Completed Refund Application
An online refund application received by UOW, signed by the student and accompanied by all necessary supporting documentation to assess the application.
The act of officially granting a course.
Credit Point
The value attached to a subject that indicates Study Load.
The result of a request by an applicant that has met the conditions for entry in a course of study to postpone the commencement of study to a later session.
Delegated Authority
A person given authority to perform a function or task under the Delegations of Authority Policy.
Department of Education
The Australian Government Department of Education is responsible for national policies and programs that help Australians access quality education.
Department of Home Affairs (DHA)
The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) is the Australian Government Interior Ministry with responsibilities for national security, law enforcement, emergency management, border control, immigration, refugees, citizenship and multicultural affairs.
Domestic Student
A student who is an Australian Citizen; an Australian Permanent resident visa holder including the holder of a Permanent Humanitarian visa; or a New Zealand Citizen enrolled to study or registered for a course at UOW.
Domestic Postgraduate Tuition Award (DPTA)
Domestic Postgraduate Tuition Award (DPTA) – A UOW funded scholarship that pays tuition fees for Domestic students undertaking a Higher Degree Research Course and who have exceeded the time limit for course completion due to Special Circumstances.
Electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form (eCAF)
A form that must be completed by eligible Commonwealth Supported students wishing to access a HELP Loan for the payment of their tuition fees and SSAF.
Equivalent Full-Time Study Load (EFTSL)
A measure used to determine a student's study load for example, at UOW One (1) EFTSL is 48 credit points, which is equal to 8 subjects for an academic year (each subject = 6 credit points)
A Decision whereby a student's registration is terminated for a defined period. The student must apply directly to Uow for re-admission at the conclusion of the period of exclusion should re-admission be sought.
Financial Guarantee
An official declaration from a student's sponsor, on official letterhead, stating that a student is sponsored for study at the University of Wollongong. The financial guarantee letter will include student details, program being sponsored for and details of sponsorship.
Full Fee Paying Student
A Domestic or International student studying in a non-Commonwealth Supported Place.
Full Time Study Load
Domestic Students must be enrolled in at least 75% of the standard load for a session for example, 18 credit points out of 24 credit points for a study session. International students must be enrolled in at least 24 credit points per study session and 18 credit points per trimester.
Flywire is a secure international payment gateway.
Higher Degree Research (HDR) Student
A Higher Degree Research Student is a student studying a Master of Research, Master of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy, Professional Doctorates, Doctoral Degrees by Published Works and Higher Doctoral Degrees.
Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) Loans
The Australian Government provides financial assistance to students through the Higher Education Loan program (HELP) which removes upfront cost barriers to tertiary education by providing income contingent loans. Loans available are HECS Help, FEE-Help, SA-Help and OS-Help loans.
Higher Education Support Act 2003 (HESA)
The Higher Education Support Act 2003 (HESA) is the main piece of Commonwealth legislation governing Higher Education in Australia.
Independent Commission Against Crime (ICAC)
The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) protects the public interest, prevents breaches of public trust and guides the conduct of NSW Public Officials.
The automatic adjustment of a student's HELP debt arising from a HELP Loan to a cost-of-living index, so that the balance is adjusted in accordance with the rate of inflation.
International Exchange Partner
An international institution that has an agreement with UOW to send or receive students on Study Abroad programs.
International Student
A student who is a Temporary Student Visa holder. This includes but is not limited to students on Temporary Residence Visas, Bridging Visas and Student Visas.
International Postgraduate Tuition Award (IPTA)
International Postgraduate Tuition Award (IPTA) - A UOW funded scholarship that pays tuition fees for International students undertaking a Higher Degree Research course.
NSW Ombudsman
An independent and impartial watchdog to watch over most public sector and private sector agencies and ensure that agencies fulfil their functions properly.
A course or unit of study that is not recognised under the Australian Quality Framework (AQF) but approved by the delegated authority as a non-award course or subject offered at the University of Wollongong.
Reasonable Attempt
For the purposes of a release, a student who is deemed to have genuinely attempted to pass a course of study, which may include a minimum attendance of 80% of the course and/or verification from the education provider that the student genuinely attempted to pass a course of study.
Reinstatement Fee
A non-refundable fee charged to a student to reinstate their enrolment in subject(s) following cancellation of enrolment.
An early discharge for an International student, enabling them to return home or to enrol with another education provider. A release needs to be formally requested and can only be granted under limited circumstances as outlined under Standard 7 of the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018.
A process of removing a student's incurred HELP Loan debt under Special Circumstances from the Australian Government.
Research Training Program (RTP)
The Research Training Program (RTP) provides a flexible funding arrangement to support the training of Domestic students undertaking a Higher Degree Research degree. Students awarded an RTP place are not required to pay tuition fees for their research degree.
Restricted Enrolment
Where a student is indebted to the University, they will be unable to access official UOW credentials and/or documentation including receiving final subject results.
A loan scheme that assists Domestic students to pay all or part of their Student Services and Amenities fee. To be eligible the student must be an Australian Citizen or hold a Permanent Humanitarian Visa; including a New Zealand Special Category Visa holder who meets long-term residency requirements.
Study Period
A period of not more than six months within a course in which a student is enrolled unless the student has been granted a deferral or a leave of absence.
A third party who pays the fees and charges on behalf of a student and has a formal sponsorship agreement or arrangement with the University. In some cases, this can be UOW itself.
Sponsored Student
A student for whom tuition fees and charges are paid by a Sponsor, or a student with an approved Australia Awards scholarship.
Student Contribution
The amount of tuition fees a Commonwealth Supported Student is required to pay to UOW.
Student Contribution Bands
The Government groups different areas of study into ‘Bands’ depending on the study area of the unit i.e. Law (Band 3), Engineering (Band 2) or Education (Band 1). The amounts of student contribution will depend on the band enrolled and is usually the maximum allowed by the Government for that band.
Student Online Services (SOLS)
The official enrolment system of the University of Wollongong. A web-based system enables a student to self-manage their enrolment. The system also allows the student to update their personal details, manage fees, complete various forms such as Instalment Plan request, check assignments, results and receive important messages from the University.
Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF)
The Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) was introduced by the Australian Government to allow Universities to charge a fee for Student Services and Amenities of a non-academic nature. The charge is based on the maximum rate set by the Australian Government for each academic year and is based on a student's enrolment i.e. mode, campus and study load within a calendar year.
A self-contained unit of study identified by a unique code.
Tax File Number (TFN)
A Tax File Number (TFN) is a personal reference number issued by the Australian Taxation Office and allows eligible Domestic Students studying at UOW to defer their tuition fees to a HELP Loan.
Tuition Fee Deposit
Portion of tuition fees, as outlined in a Valid Offer Letter, paid by an International Student after accepting their offer and paid prior to enrolment.
Tuition Fee Instalment Plan
A flexible payment plan for tuition fees only and for major sessions such as Autumn and Spring Trimesters. Eligible students who are having difficulty paying tuition fees to the University may apply for an Instalment plan. .
Unallocated Credit
Positive balance in a student fee account with UOW.
Universities Admissions Centre (UAC)
The Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) processes applications for admission to most Undergraduate courses at participating institutions (mainly located in NSW and the ACT).
UOW or University
University of Wollongong (UOW)
US Financial aid
US Department of Education federal student loans under the William D. Ford Direct Loan Program.
Valid Offer Letter
The most-current letter of offer of admission into a place in a subject or course of study at UOW, signed or otherwise accepted by a student.
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