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Course and Subject Approval Procedures - Amendments to Existing Courses

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Section 1 - Associate Dean EducationAssociate Dean EducationQuality Assurance Review GroupIntroduction/Background

(1) Pursuant to the Course Policy, the Course Policy Framework sets out the overall framework for managing course-related matters at UOW, to ensure all courses are amended, offered and reviewed in line with the principles of quality, viability and strategic alignment.

(2) These Procedures, in conjunction with the Course and Subject Approval Procedures - New Offerings and Discontinuations, support the University’s approach to course and subject approvals under the UOW Course Policy Framework.

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Section 2 - Scope/Purpose

(3) These Procedures apply to all proposals relating to Amendments to Existing Courses, as defined in section 3.

(4) These Procedures are provided to assist staff to:

  1. develop proposals for Amendments to Existing Courses;
  2. consult stakeholders, obtain and consider feedback; and
  3. obtain approvals for Amendments to Existing Courses.

(5) All award courses offered by UOW Dubai (UOWD), and in respect of which a UOW testamur may be issued, must be considered and approved in accordance with the Course Policy and related procedures.

(6) All courses approved by the University and delivered by UOW College must be considered and approved in accordance with the Course Policy and related procedures.

(7) With respect to award courses within scope of these Procedures and approved for delivery at UOWD and other offshore delivery locations, approved customisation and contextualisation of courses and subjects is permitted, consistent with the Principles of Equivalence outlined in the Course Design Procedures.

(8) Amendments to Existing Courses may occur in isolation, or in conjunction with a New Offering and Discontinuation proposal.

(9) These Procedures do not apply to the proposals relating to non-award courses and subjects. All Amendments to existing non-award courses are approved by the Head of Academic Unit. These proposals should be submitted to Academic Quality and Standards Division (AQS) for central record keeping and will be subject to quality assessment by AQS and noted at Quality Assurance Review Group.

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Section 3 - Proposal Types

(10) An Amendment to Existing Course can be a proposal for amendment to course, specialisation, major study, minor study and/or subject.

(11) An Amendment at course level comprises one or more of the following:

  1. amendment to Admission Rules, Entry Requirements and Pathways;
  2. deletion of an Existing Delivery Location(s) (Course, Specialisation, Major Study, or Minor Study);
  3. addition of a New Session(s);
  4. amendment to Intake Session(s);
  5. amendment to Course Delivery Method(s) (other than a proposal for a new UOW Online delivery for an existing course, which is a New Offering);
  6. amendment to Honours Grade Method for an existing Honours course;
  7. amendment to CRICOS Registration for a course due to changes in onshore international student enrolment (including registration, amendments and withdrawal);
  8. amendment to Course Learning Outcomes;
  9. amendment to Curriculum Mapping (Course, Specialisation, or Major Study);
  10. amendment to Structure (Course, Specialisation, Major Study, or Minor Study);
  11. addition of an Existing Specialisation, Major Study, or Minor Study to an Existing Course;
  12. amendment to Course Requirements (e.g. Performance Requirements);
  13. creation of a New Minor Study;
  14. discontinuation of a Minor Study; and/or
  15. suspension (Course, Specialisation, Major Study, or Minor Study).

(12) A proposal for a new UOW Online delivery for an existing course is a New Offering proposal, as defined in the Course and Subject Approval Procedures - New Offerings and Discontinuations. A new UOW Online delivery for an existing course proposal requires the endorsement of Course Portfolio Development Group, Quality Assurance Review Group and final approval of Academic Senate.

(13) An amendment at subject level comprises one or more of the following:

  1. new Subject; or
  2. deletion of Subject;
  3. amendment to Existing Subject, comprising:
    1. amendment to Subject Name;
    2. amendment to Delivery Location;
    3. amendment to Delivery Session;
    4. amendment to Pre-Requisites and/or Co-Requisites;
    5. amendment to Restrictions and/or Exclusions;
    6. amendment to Subject Equivalents;
    7. amendment to Subject Learning Outcomes; and/or
    8. amendment to Subject Content or Assessment.

(14) A subject may be approved as a pre-requisite subject or a co-requisite subject provided the Delegated Authority is satisfied there is academic justification for requiring students enrolling in the subject for which the pre-requisite or co-requisite is prescribed to undertake the pre-requisite or co-requisite.

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Section 4 - Managing the Impact of Amendment Proposals

(15) A Suspension of a Course, Specialisation, Major Study or Minor Study is to be for a period of one calendar year only. It is the responsibility of the relevant course owning faculty to approve any further one year course suspensions.

(16) Proposals for amendments that impact cognate or nested courses may be submitted as a single proposal. (e.g.: Pass Bachelor, Dean’s Scholar, and Double Degrees, Graduate Diploma and Masters). It is the faculty’s responsibility to provide accurate information and distinguish course specific changes.

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Section 5 - Developing Amendment Proposals

(17) The faculty is responsible for developing the proposal for an Amendment, pursuant to the Course Policy, Course Design Procedures, and the requisite Course Approval Form.

(18) The faculty is responsible for undertaking appropriate consultation with other faculties, academic and support units, and to manage any identified impacts arising from the proposal.

(19) All proposals for amendments shall be submitted in full by way of the approved Course Approval Forms and supporting documentation and follow the approval stages as set out in this Procedure.

(20) Where applicable, UOW must include consultation with UOWD and other relevant offshore locations when developing amendment proposals.

(21) If the amendment proposal affects offshore delivery locations, and the timeline for offshore implementation differs from onshore implementation, the faculty must develop and communicate an implementation plan and timeline for each affected offshore location.

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Section 6 - Approval Stages for Faculties

(22) In order to ensure the quality, viability and strategic alignment of UOW’s academic offering, a proposal will be reviewed and approved through the following stages, depicted in Figure 1 below.

(23) Depending on the faculty governance structure, there may be additional groups or sub-committee(s) that are required to endorse the proposal before the Faculty Education Committee.

(24) At the faculty endorsement Stage, the faculty must have addressed any outstanding issues raised by stakeholders, to the satisfaction of the Faculty Education Committee.

Figure 1 –Approval Stages for Faculties for Amendments to Existing Courses

faculty Development Stage
Subject Coordinator, Academic Program Director, Discipline Leader (if applicable) as appropriate.
Head of School
Faculty Endorsement Stage
A Sub-Committee or Working Group of the Faculty Education Committee (if required).
Faculty Education Committee
Faculty Approval Stage
Associate Dean, Education or Executive Dean
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Section 7 - Approval Stages for UOW Dubai

(25) UOWD has the status of a faculty for the purposes of these Procedures.

(26) UOWD will work in partnership with the relevant faculty in Wollongong, and in consultation with the Transnational Education Unit in developing any proposals for Amendments to Existing Courses offered at UOWD.

(27) If UOWD is developing proposals, UOWD is responsible for undertaking appropriate consultation with other faculties, academic and support units, and to manage any identified impacts arising from the proposal.

(28) UOWD is responsible for developing the proposal, pursuant to the Course Policy, Course Design Procedures, and the requisite Course Approval Forms.

(29) Where possible and applicable, UOW Faculties will include UOWD changes in the proposal for Amendments. If UOW is developing proposals and including UOWD, then it is the UOW faculty’s responsibility for undertaking appropriate consultation with UOWD and to manage any identified impacts arising from the proposal.

(30) UOWD does not require UOW faculty approval for an Amendment to Existing Subject for subjects offered at UOWD, comprising of the following:

  1. Amendment to Delivery Session;
  2. Amendment to Restrictions and/or Exclusions.

(31) UOW Dubai should highlight any customisation and contextualisation of courses and subjects in an Amendment proposal and seek approval from the UOW faculty, consistent with the Principles of Equivalence outlined in the Course Design Procedures.

(32) UOWD is responsible for forwarding the proposal to the relevant UOW faculty for assessment.

(33) At the faculty endorsement stage, the faculty is to have addressed any outstanding issues raised by stakeholders, to the satisfaction of the Faculty Education Committee.

(34) In order to ensure the quality, viability and strategic alignment of UOW and UOWD’s academic offering, a proposal will be reviewed and approved through the following stages, depicted in Figure 2 below.

Figure 2 –Approval Stages for UOW Dubai for Amendments to Existing Courses

UOW Dubai Development Stage
Subject Coordinator, Academic Program Director, Discipline Leader (if applicable) as appropriate.
UOW Faculty Endorsement Stage
A Sub-Committee or Working Group of the Faculty Education Committee (if required).
Faculty Education Committee


UOW Faculty Approval Stage
Associate Dean, Education   or Executive Dean
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Section 8 - Key Dates

(36) The Course Management Team in AQS is responsible for producing an annual calendar to assist Faculties with planning course approval activities in line with the various student recruitment, marketing and student systems deadlines throughout the year. Course related activities must be conducted having regard to these dates so as to optimise marketing and post-approval implementation activities.

(37) The activities and deadlines included in this calendar include:

  1. Production of domestic and international marketing material;
  2. UAC Guide production deadlines;
  3. Government reporting requirements;
  4. Course Handbook production timeline;
  5. Course and Subject Database rollover deadlines; and
  6. On-campus recruitment activity timetables.
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Section 9 - Consultation

(38) The faculty should consult with members of the University community who may be affected by the Amendment proposal.

(39) Evidence of the consultation process, as well as the incorporation of any feedback or otherwise, should be included with the proposal documentation.

(40) The faculty should initiate consultative processes as early as possible to allow sufficient time for the identification and resolution of issues arising from the proposal.

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Section 10 - Implementation Activities

(41) The faculty is responsible for coordinating and overseeing the implementation of Amendments to Existing Courses.

Record Keeping

(42) The faculty will maintain a repository of all approved Amendments to Existing Courses.

Course Database

(43) For Amendments which impact upon the Course Database, the faculty will contact the Course Management Team within AQS to action the Amendment upon approval. These Amendments include:

  1. Deletion of an Existing Delivery Location (Course, Specialisation, Major Study, or Minor Study);
  2. Amendment to Course Delivery Method(s);
  3. Discontinuation of a Minor Study;
  4. Suspension (Course, Specialisation, Major Study, or Minor Study);
  5. Addition of an Existing Specialisation, Major Study, or Minor Study to an Existing Course;
  6. Creation of a New Minor Study; and
  7. Discontinuation of a Minor Study.

Subject Database

(44) The Subject Database is maintained at the faculty level.

(45) Any amendments to the Subject Database arising from Amendments to Existing Courses must be recorded on the Subject Database by an authorised faculty staff member before the Subject Database is closed for further updates.

CRICOS and Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 Compliance

(46) The Academic Quality and Standards Division maintains UOW courses on CRICOS.

(47) The faculty must contact the Course Management Team, Academic Quality and Standards Division for any Amendment proposal which impacts upon CRICOS or UOW’s obligations under the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000.

(48) Marketing activities and promotional materials for courses that are to be offered to international students studying onshore on a student visa cannot commence until the course has been registered on CRICOS.

Marketing Activities and Promotional Materials

(49) Marketing activities and promotional materials for courses that are to be offered to international students studying onshore on a student visa cannot commence until the course has been registered on CRICOS.

Course Finder

(50) The Student Administration Services Division (SASD) manages the Course Finder.

(51) The process for updating the information reflected on the Course Finder is not scoped by these Procedures.

Online Applications / Offer Letters

(52) SASD is responsible for setting up the online applications, intake sessions and issuing offers to students. So when a course, major or specialisation is proposed for suspension, faculties must contact SASD to make arrangements to manage the applications and offers.

(53) The Admissions Officer(s) within SASD maintain the eCOEs.

(54) When a course is approved for suspension, SASD is responsible for providing alternate offers to students seeking to commence in the year of suspension, or cancelling offers when there is no suitable course of study available to students.

(55) Subjects may still continue to be offered for suspended courses in which case students may be able to complete the course.

Course Handbook

(56) The Course Management Team is responsible for the overall production of Course Handbook pages.

(57) The faculty is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the information displayed on the Course Handbook pages for their faculty’s courses.

(58) The faculty will update impacted Course Handbook pages as required, following approval of the Amendment proposal.

(59) Where an Amendment proposal requires an amendment to a Course Handbook page owned by another faculty, the approving faculty will notify the impacted faculty outlining the amendment required to be actioned upon approval.

(60) Each faculty makes amendments to the Course Handbook page in accordance with the approved structure and content of the course, and which is reviewed and approved for publication by AQS.


(61) For Amendments which impact upon Admissions, the faculty should contact the Admissions Team, within the Admissions, Fees and Scholarships Unit to action the Amendment upon approval. These Amendments being:

  1. Deletion of an Existing Delivery Location (Course, Specialisation, Major Study, or Minor Study);
  2. Amendment to Intake Session;
  3. Amendment to Admission Rules;
  4. Amendment to CRICOS Registration;
  5. Suspension (Course, Major Study or Specialisation).

Session Management

(62) Sessions are managed by the Student Administration Team in SASD.

(63) For Amendments which impact upon sessions, the faculty will contact the Student Administration Team, within SASD, to action the Amendment upon approval. These Amendments are:

  1. Deletion of an Existing Delivery Location (Course, Specialisation, Major Study, or Minor Study).
  2. Amendment to Intake Session.

Fee Information

(64) Fee information and administration is maintained by Management Accounting and Systems Manager within the Financial Services Division, and the Managers, Assistant Managers, and Admissions Officers within SASD.

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Section 11 - Roles and Responsibilities

(65) Faculty staff are responsible for the following:

  1. The timely and effective development and approval of Amendment proposals;
  2. Consultation with stakeholders and resolving identified issues;
  3. Overseeing and coordinating implementation activities; and
  4. Maintaining a repository of approved Amendment proposals.

(66) Pursuant to the Faculty Academic Governance Policy, the Faculty Education Committee is responsible for considering and endorsing Amendments to Existing Courses. The Faculty Education Committee is an advisory body and not a decision-making body.

(67) Pursuant to the Delegations of Authority Policy, the Faculty Executive Deans and Associate Dean, Education have the delegated authority to approve Amendments to Existing Courses.

(68) The Course Management Team is responsible for the following:

  1. Facilitating and administering the Course Approval Process;
  2. Reviewing the Amendment proposals approved by the Faculties;
  3. Implementing approved Amendment proposals, as set out in Section 8 of these Procedures;
  4. Publishing the annual Course Approval Calendar.
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Section 12 - Definitions

(69) The key terms used in this Procedure are defined in the Course Policy.