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Course and Subject Approval Procedures - New Offerings and Discontinuations

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Section 1 - Introduction/Background

(1) Pursuant to the Course Policy, the Course Policy Framework sets out the overall framework for managing course-related matters at UOW, to ensure all courses are developed, offered and reviewed.

(2) This Procedure, in conjunction with the Course and Subject Approval Procedures (Faculty Delegated Course and Subject Amendments), outline the University’s approach to course and subject development and approval under the UOW Course Policy Framework.

(3) The University’s Course and Subject Management Online course management system (COSMOS), is used to manage the data and processes for the creation, amendment and discontinuation of courses, majors, specialisations, minors and subjects.

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Section 2 - Scope/Purpose

(4) This Procedure applies to all proposals relating to new offerings and discontinuations, as defined in section 7, including coursework and higher degree research courses.

(5) This Procedure is provided to assist staff to:

  1. develop course concepts and business cases (where necessary) and proposals for new offerings and discontinuations;
  2. consult stakeholders, obtain and consider feedback; and
  3. understand and implement the process to determine proposals for new offerings and discontinuations.

(6) All award courses approved by the University and offered by UOW Dubai (UOWD) must be considered and approved in accordance with the Course Policy and related Procedures.

(7) All award courses approved by the University and delivered by UOW College Australia on behalf of the University must be developed and approved in accordance with the Course Policy and related Procedures.

(8) New offerings delivered as a Joint or Dual Award course must be approved in accordance with this Procedure along with any relevant additional approval requirements set out in the Joint and Dual Awards Policy.

(9) With respect to award courses within scope of this Procedure and approved for delivery at UOWD and other offshore delivery locations, approved customisation and contextualisation of courses and subjects is permitted, consistent with the Principles of Equivalence outlined in the Course Design Procedures.

(10) A proposal for a new offering or discontinuation may be developed and submitted either separately from or in conjunction with proposals for the creation of minor study and/or subject or the amendment of a major study, minor study or subject.

(11) Faculty governance structures may establish additional processes for the endorsement of course proposals. These additional governance activities are not within the scope of this Procedure.

(12) Where internal governance processes are identified at UOWC or UOWD, these processes are noted for the purposes of sequencing and describing the approval processes affected, but are not regulated by this Procedure.

(13) Where a member of the Senior Executive is the proposer of a course concept for a new offering or a discontinuation, they must recuse themselves from the final determination of the course proposal for that course and another member of the Senior Executive will determine their matter.

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Section 3 - Proposal Types

(14) A proposal can be for a:

  1. new offering, being a:
    1. new course;
    2. new major;
    3. new specialisation;
    4. new delivery location (including delivery via UOW Online and UOW Online Wollongong) for a course, major or specialisation; or
    5. new collaborative delivery arrangement, being a new collaborative UOW Award, Joint or Dual Award.
  2. discontinuation, being a discontinuation of a:
    1. course;
    2. major; 
    3. specialisation; or
    4. delivery location.

(15) Due to reporting, conferral and systems requirements, the following types of amendment to an existing course require the University to issue a new course or major or specialisation code. As such, they must be processed through the creation of a new course, major or specialisation in COSMOS. The proposal must follow the relevant course approval stages for a new offering proposal, as set out in this Procedure:

  1. amendment to course, major or specialisation name;
  2. amendment to course duration in part-time or full-time years impacting equivalent full-time study load (EFTSL);
  3. amendment to total credit points;
  4. amendment to the Australian Qualifications Framework Qualification Level; and/or
  5. amendment to the Australian Qualifications Framework Qualification Type.
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Section 4 - Authority to Submit a Proposal for a new offering

(16) Prior to creation of a proposal for a new offering, the proposer must:

  1. submit a course concept and an outline of a business case in the required form and in the case of a faculty, with the approval of the Executive Dean, to the Future Education Division;
  2. where the course concept and business case outline is endorsed by the Future Education Division for further investigation, submit a full business case in the required form and in the case of a faculty, with the approval of the Executive Dean, to the Future Education Division;
  3. work with Future Education to jointly investigate and assess the viability of the new offering based on the course concept and the business case; and
  4. where the proposer of a new offering is not the proposed course owning faculty, consult with and work with the course owning faculty through the Associate Dean Education to investigate and assess the viability of the proposal; and
  5. obtain approval, conditional or unconditional, on advice from the Course Portfolio Development Group (CPDG), to proceed to submission of a proposal for the new offering from:
    1. the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic and Student Life) (DVCA);
    2. the relevant Executive Dean; and
    3. if the proposal was submitted by or on behalf of a Senior Executive, from that Senior Executive.
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Section 5 - Authority to Submit a Proposal for a discontinuation

(17) Prior to creation of a proposal for a discontinuation, the proposer must:

  1. submit a business case in the required form and in the case of a faculty, with the approval of the Executive Dean, to the Future Education Division;
  2. work with the Future Education Division to jointly investigate and assess the viability of the discontinuation based on the course concept and the business case;
  3. where the proposer of a discontinuation is not the proposed course owning faculty, consult with and work with the course owning faculty through the Associate Dean, Education to investigate and assess the viability of the proposal; and
  4. obtain approval, conditional or unconditional, from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic and Student Life) (DVCA) and the relevant Executive Dean, on advice from the Course Portfolio Development Group (CPDG), to proceed to submission of a proposal for the discontinuation.
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Section 6 - Exemption of Authorisation Requirement for Submission of a Proposal

(18) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic and Student Life) (DVCA) may exempt the requirement for approval to proceed to a proposal on viability grounds if the DVCA is satisfied that:

  1. the course proposal is not one that requires consideration of viability issues; or
  2. a satisfactory alternative process to assess the viability of the course proposal has been undertaken.

(19) If the course proposal is not from the course owning faculty, the DVCA may only exempt the requirement for approval to proceed with the support of the course owning faculty through the relevant Executive Dean.

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Section 7 - Course Approval Stages for Award Courses, Majors and Specialisations

(20) A proposal for a new offering or a discontinuation will (where approval is required under clause 16(d) or clause 17(d), once approved) be developed using the relevant course approval templates and process within COSMOS and submitted for endorsement and approval through the following stages, depicted in Figure 1 below:

Figure 1 – Course Approval Stages for Award Courses

Viability Stage
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic and Student Life) (DVCA) and Executive Dean
Authority to Proceed (if required)
Development Stage
Faculty Education Committee / FEC Course and Subject Approval Subcommittee
Faculty Executive Dean or Associate Dean, Education
Establishment of External Course Assessment Committee (ECAC) (if required).
Variation of Membership Approved or ECAC Requirement Waived by DVCA.
Quality Assurance Stage
ECAC (full report if required)
Quality Assurance Review Group (QARG)
Final Approval Stage
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic and Student Life) (DVCA) or Academic Senate

Faculty Development Stage

(21) The Faculty is responsible for developing the proposal for a new offering or discontinuation, pursuant to the Course Policy, the Course Design Procedures and the requisite COSMOS template and workflow, together with required supporting documentation and, where the proposer is not the Faculty, in conjunction with the proposer.

(22) The Faculty is responsible for undertaking appropriate consultation with other faculties, academic and support units, and to manage any identified impacts arising from the proposal.

(23) The proposal requires endorsement from the Faculty Education Committee or the FEC Course and Subject Approval Subcommittee, and the Executive Dean or Associate Dean, Education for the Faculty.

Quality Assurance Stage

(24) The Quality Assurance Review Group (QARG) will review and determine whether to endorse each proposal for a new offering or discontinuation taking account of any ECAC report (where required), in accordance with its terms of reference. QARG may endorse a proposal unconditionally or subject to conditions.

(25) The Quality Assurance Review Group will consult with the course owning faculty through the relevant Associate Dean, Education if it has any major concerns about the proposal before its determination and any conditions are forwarded to the relevant delegated authority.

(26) The Quality Assurance Review Group may in exceptional circumstances at the request of the Faculty, through the Associate Dean, Education, or of its own initiative, direct the proposal to be forwarded to Academic Senate for final approval.

(27) The information required for QARG assessment is set out in the COSMOS workflow and proposal template.

(28) At this stage, if the new offering or discontinuation involves separate course instances for onshore and/or offshore delivery locations, each separate course instance must be subject of a separate COSMOS proposal.

(29) If the new offering or discontinuation involves separate instances for offshore delivery locations and the timeline for offshore implementation differs from onshore implementation, the Faculty must provide an implementation plan and timeline for each affected offshore location.

(30) The Quality Assurance Review Group is responsible for conducting a review of the proposal, having regard to:

  1. Consultation – special attention is paid to stakeholder consultation to ensure that all consultation has been undertaken and issues raised have been responded to adequately.
  2. Compliance – the proposal should not raise any concerns with regard to Government legislation (Higher Education Support Act 2003, Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000, Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021, Australian Qualifications Framework) and UOW policy with regard to course structure.
  3. Curriculum design – the proposal must be consistent with curriculum design principles as set out in the Course Design Procedures.
  4. Required course-related information is provided in COSMOS and is accurate, including all supporting documentation.
  5. The outcomes and recommendations of the ECAC as set out in the ECAC Report (if required).
  6. Any changes to the proposal against the approved course concept and business case.

Final Approval Stage

(31) Depending on the nature of the proposal, the following processes are in place for final approval of proposals for new offerings and discontinuations:

  1. The Academic Senate is the delegated authority to make a determination on each new offering where the proposal is referred to it for final approval by the Quality Assurance Review Group (QARG), or the where proposal is for a new course in a discipline area in respect of which there is no existing coursework offering at a course, major or specialisation level, in accordance with its terms of reference.
  2. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic and Student Life) is the delegated authority to make a determination on each other proposal for a new offering or discontinuation.

(32) At this stage, the Faculty is to have addressed any outstanding conditions imposed by QARG, to the satisfaction of the relevant delegated authority.

(33) Approval of a proposal may be unconditional or conditional. Where approval is conditional, the responsible Faculty will take steps to meet that or those conditions within the timeframes specified (or where there are none, as soon as practicable).

(34) Failure to meet condition(s) placed on an approval may result in the relevant delegated authority:

  1. varying the condition(s) of approval or;
  2. determining to suspend the relevant course or instance pending compliance with the condition(s); or
  3. waiving compliance with the condition(s).
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Section 8 - Approval Stages for UOW College Australia Courses Approved by UOW

(35) A proposal for a new offering or discontinuation of a UOWC Australia course approved by UOW will be developed using the relevant COSMOS template and workflow along with supporting documentation and submitted for endorsement and approval through the following stages, depicted in Figure 2 below:

Figure 2 – Course Approval Stages for UOWC Australia Courses

UOW College Australia Stage
College Education Committee (not in scope of this Procedure)
UOWC Academic Board (not in scope of this Procedure)
General Manager, UOW College (not in scope of this Procedure)
Faculty Education Committee / FEC Course and Subject Approval Subcommittee (if the course is to be offered, or was offered, in conjunction with a specific UOW Faculty).
Preliminary Stage
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic and Student Life) (DVCA)
Authority to Proceed (if required)
Development Stage
Establishment of ECAC (if required)
Variation of Membership Approved or ECAC Requirement Waived by DVCA.
ECAC (full report if required)
Quality Assurance Review Group (QARG) Stage
Final Approval Stage
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic and Student Life) (DVCA) or Academic Senate

UOW College Australia Stage (Not in Scope of this Procedure)

(36) UOW College Australia is responsible for developing proposals for new offering or discontinuations, pursuant to the Course Policy the Course Design Procedures.

(37) UOW College Australia is responsible for undertaking appropriate consultation internally and with UOW faculties, academic and support units, and to manage any identified impacts arising from the proposal.

(38) The proposal requires endorsement from the College Education Committee, UOW College Australia Academic Board and the General Manager, UOW College Australia.

UOW Preliminary Approval Stage

(39) UOW College Australia is responsible for developing a course concept (for new offerings) and (in all cases) a business case, for a new offering or discontinuation, pursuant to the Course Policy and the Course Design Procedures. The course concept and business case must be endorsed by the relevant UOW Faculty Education Committee or the FEC Course and Subject Approval Subcommittee if it is to be offered by or in conjunction with that Faculty.

(40) The course concept and business case for a new offering or a discontinuation by UOW College Australia will be considered on viability grounds and approved as provided in clause 16(d) or clause 17(d) (unless this requirement is waived).

(41) At this stage, UOW College Australia may proceed with a formal course proposal using the requisite course approval workflow and template in COSMOS, together with required supporting documentation, for endorsement and approval through Quality Assurance Review Group (QARG) and the relevant delegated authority.

(42) UOW College Australia is responsible for undertaking as appropriate any further required consultation with UOW faculties, academic and support units, and to manage any identified impacts arising from the proposal.

(43) The Quality Assurance Review Group will review and determine whether to endorse each proposal for a new offering or discontinuation in respect of a UOW College Australia course taking account of any ECAC report, in accordance with its terms of reference. QARG may endorse a proposal unconditionally or subject to conditions.

(44) The Quality Assurance Review Group may in exceptional circumstances at the request of UOW College Australia, through the General Manager, or of its own initiative, direct the proposal to be forwarded to Academic Senate for final approval.

(45) The Quality Assurance Review Group will consult with UOWC if it has any major concerns about the proposal before its determination and any conditions are forwarded to the relevant delegated authority.

(46) The Quality Assurance Review Group will have particular regard to:

  1. Consultation – special attention is paid to stakeholder consultation to ensure that all consultation has been undertaken and issues raised have been responded to adequately.
  2. Compliance – the proposal should not raise any concerns with regard to Government legislation (Higher Education Support Act 2003, Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000, Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021,and UOW policy with regard to course structure.
  3. Curriculum design – the proposal must be consistent with curriculum design principles as set out in the Course Design Procedures.
  4. Required course-related information is provided in COSMOS and accurate, including all supporting documentation.
  5. The outcomes and recommendations of the ECAC as set out in the ECAC Report (if required).
  6. Any changes to the proposal against the approved course concept and business case (if required).

Final Approval Stage

(47) The relevant delegated authority will make a determination on each UOW College Australia new offering or discontinuation proposal.

(48) At this stage, UOW College Australia is to have addressed any outstanding conditions imposed by the Quality Assurance Review Group (QARG), to the satisfaction of QARG.

(49) Approval of a proposal may be unconditional or conditional. Where approval is conditional, UOW College Australia will take steps to meet that or those conditions within the timeframes specified (or where there are none, as soon as practicable).

(50) Failure to meet condition(s) placed on an approval may result in the relevant delegated authority:

  1. varying the condition(s) of approval or;
  2. determining to suspend the relevant course or instance pending compliance with the condition(s); or
  3. waiving compliance with the condition(s).
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Section 9 - Approval Stages for UOW Dubai Proposals

(51) A proposal for a new offering or discontinuation of a UOWD course will be developed using the relevant COSMOS template and workflow along with supporting documentation and submitted for endorsement and approval through the following stages, depicted in Figure 3 below:

Figure 3 – Course Approval Stages for UOW Courses Offered by UOW Dubai

UOW Dubai Stage (Not in Scope)
Executive Approval
Faculty Dean
Faculty Education Committee 
Faculty Executive Dean or Associate Dean, Education
Preliminary Stage
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic and Student Life) (DVCA) and Executive Dean
Authority to Proceed (if required)
Development Stage
Faculty Education Committee / FEC Course and Subject Approval Subcommittee
Faculty Executive Dean or Associate Dean, Education
Approval Stage (Not in Scope)
UOWD Academic Board (not in scope of this Procedure)
Commission for Academic Accreditation Stage: Concurrent Stage
Quality Assurance Review Group (QARG) Stage: Concurrent Stage
Final Approval Stage
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic and Student Life) (DVCA) or Academic Senate
UOWD Ltd Board (not in scope)

UOW Dubai Stage (Not in Scope of this Procedure)

(52) UOWD has the status of a faculty for the purposes of this Procedure.

(53) UOWD will work in partnership with the relevant University Faculty, and in consultation with the Transnational Education Unit in developing any proposals for new offerings and discontinuations for UOW courses offered at UOWD.

(54) UOWD is responsible for developing a course concept and business case for a new offering or discontinuation, pursuant to the Course Policy and the Course Design Procedures, together with required supporting documentation.

(55) The development, consultation and approval process in Dubai in compliance with any accreditation and approval requirements of the Commission for Academic Accreditation in the United Arab Emirates for and new offerings and discontinuations is undertaken prior to and in conjunction with the commencement of the UOW Course Approval Process.

UOW Preliminary Approval Stage

(56) UOWD is responsible for developing a course concept and business case for a new offering or a discontinuation, which will be considered on viability grounds and approved under clause 16(d) or 17(d) (unless this requirement is waived).

(57) At this stage, UOWD may proceed with a formal course proposal using the requisite course approval workflow and template in COSMOS, together with required supporting documentation, for endorsement and approval through the Quality Assurance Review Group (QARG) and the relevant delegated authority.

(58) The UOW Faculty is responsible for undertaking appropriate consultation with other faculties, academic and support units, and to manage any identified impacts arising from the proposal.

(59) The proposal requires endorsement from the UOW Faculty Education Committee / FEC Course and Subject Approval Subcommittee and the UOW Associate Dean, Education.

(60) The UOW Faculty is responsible for forwarding the proposal to QARG for assessment.

Quality Assurance Stage: Concurrent Stage

(61) The Quality Assurance Stage is a concurrent stage, completed alongside the Commission for Academic Accreditation Stage to minimise the timeframe for securing course approval.

(62) The Quality Assurance Review Group will review and determine whether to endorse each proposal for a new offering or discontinuation in respect of a UOWD course in accordance with its terms of reference. QARG may endorse a proposal unconditionally or subject to conditions.

(63) The Quality Assurance Review Group may in exceptional circumstances at the request of UOWD or the course owning the Faculty, through the Associate Dean, Education, or of its own initiative, direct the proposal to be forwarded to Academic Senate for final approval.

(64) The Quality Assurance Review Group will consult with the course owning faculty through the relevant Associate Dean Education and with UOWD if it has any major concerns about the proposal before its determination and any conditions are forwarded to the relevant delegated authority.

(65) The Quality Assurance Review Group will have particular regard to:

  1. Consultation – special attention is paid to stakeholder consultation to ensure that all consultation has been undertaken and issues raised have been responded to adequately.
  2. Compliance – the proposal should not raise any concerns with regard to Government legislation (Higher Education Support Act 2003, Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021, Australian Qualifications Framework) and UOW policy with regard to course structure.
  3. Accreditation – the proposal should provide confirmation of the accreditation status with the Commission for Academic Accreditation and the Knowledge and Human Development Authority for Dubai and outline any amendments made to the proposal as a result of the external accreditation process.
  4. Curriculum design – the proposal must be consistent with curriculum design principles as set out in the Course Design Procedures.
  5. Required course-related information is provided in COSMOS and accurate, including all supporting documentation.
  6. Any changes to the proposal against the approved course concept and business case (if required).

Commission for Academic Accreditation Stage: Concurrent Stage

(66) The Commission for Academic Accreditation Stage is a concurrent stage, completed alongside the Quality Assurance Stage to minimise the timeframe for securing course approval.

(67) At this stage, a proposed new offering is submitted to the Commission for Academic Accreditation (and if required, the Knowledge and Human Development Authority for Dubai) by UOW Dubai.

(68) UOWD is responsible for communicating approval to the Faculty, the Future Education Division and the Academic Quality and Standards Division and any recommendations made by the Commission for Academic Accreditation and the Knowledge and Human Development Authority for Dubai.

Final Approval Stage

(69) The relevant delegated authority will make a determination on each UOWD new offering or discontinuation proposal.

(70) At this stage, UOWD is to have addressed any outstanding issues raised by Quality Assurance Review Group (QARG), to the satisfaction of QARG.

(71) Approval of a proposal may be unconditional or conditional. Where approval is conditional, UOWD will take steps to meet that or those conditions within the timeframes specified (or where there are none, as soon as practicable).

(72) Failure to meet condition(s) placed on an approval may result in the relevant delegated authority:

  1. varying the condition(s) of approval; or
  2. determining to suspend the relevant course or instance pending compliance with the condition(s); or
  3. waiving compliance with the condition(s).

(73) On behalf of UOWD, the UOWD Ltd Board is the final approval authority for course approvals. This process is not within scope of this Procedure.

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Section 10 - Fast-Track Proposal Process

(74) The fast-track approval process is for use on a proposal for new offerings where there is an approved course concept and business case, unless that requirement has been waived. This process may be used to fast track the entire course approval or any incomplete steps required towards final determination of a course proposal. 

(75) Any faculty seeking to utilise the fast-track approval process must submit the full proposal for the new offering to the Academic Quality and Standards Division, along with:

  1. supporting reasons to use the Fast-Track Approval Process having regard to the circumstances set out in clause 77 of these Procedures;
  2. a full course proposal and an External Course Assessment Committee (ECAC) report (unless this requirement has been waived); and
  3. evidence the design, delivery and assessment of the proposal has undergone academic scrutiny by staff other than those directly involved in its design and delivery.

(76) The Academic Quality and Standards Division will seek approval of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic and Student Life) (DVCA) to use the Fast-Track Approval Process via memorandum.

(77) The Fast-Track Approval Process may be used where the DVCA is satisfied that one or more of the following circumstances set out in claus77(a) and either 77(b) or 77(c):

  1. There is a demonstrated benefit to the University in fast-tracking the proposal without compromising:
    1. the quality of the Course, Major or Specialisation; or
    2. the reputation of the University; and
  2. The proposal relates to:
    1. a customised course required for a specific client within a short time-frame; or
    2. a full-fee paying course where it can be demonstrated that the Faculty has to move quickly to:
      1. take advantage of an opening in the market; or
      2. maintain a place in the market; or,
  3. The proposal relates to a course in respect of which there are other circumstances that warrant action related to maintaining or enhancing the University’s competitive position.

(78) Upon obtaining approval to use the Fast-Track Approval Process for the new offering proposal, the Academic Quality and Standards Division will forward the proposal documentation to the Vice-Chancellor and President for determination.

(79) Approval of a proposal may be unconditional or conditional. Where approval is conditional, the responsible proposing entity will take steps to meet that or those conditions within the timeframes specified (or where there are none, as soon as practicable).

(80) Failure to meet condition(s) placed on an approval within the timeframes specified or otherwise as soon as practicable may result in the Vice-Chancellor and President:

  1. varying the condition(s) of approval or;
  2. determining to suspend the relevant course or instance pending compliance with the conditions(s); or
  3. waiving compliance with the condition(s).

(81) Where the approval is conditional upon completion of an ECAC report, the Faculty will complete an ECAC as required as a condition of approval and submit it to the Academic Quality and Standards Division.

(82) If the proposal is approved by the Vice-Chancellor and President, the Academic Quality and Standards Division will notify the Faculty to implement the proposal.

(83) All Fast-Tracked Proposals will be forwarded to the the Quality Assurance Review Group and the Academic Senate for noting by the Academic Quality and Standards Division.

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Section 11 - External Review of Proposals for new offerings

(84) An External Course Assessment Committee (ECAC) is required to be conducted for each proposal for a new offering involving a new course or a new major or specialisation, other than for UOWD courses (in respect of which the Commission for Academic Accreditation meets the requirements for external course appraisal), unless this requirement is waived by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic and Student Life) (DVCA).

(85) The primary purpose of an ECAC is to ensure that course design and development incorporates external reference points in respect of the academic quality of the new offering and the extent to which the proposed new offering meets the needs of future graduates and employers.

(86) The membership of an ECAC shall comprise, at minimum:

  1. the Associate Dean, Education of the proposing Faculty;
  2. a senior teaching academic (Level D or above) from another Faculty (cross-Faculty representative);
  3. at least one (1) Student Representative;
  4. a Learning, Teaching and Curriculum Representative;
  5. at least two (2) External Representatives;
  6. the Associate Dean International or nominee (if the new offering is to be delivered offshore); and
  7. the Associate Dean Research or nominee (if the new offering is a higher degree research course).

(87) The Learning, Teaching and Curriculum representative shall have regard to issues of curriculum design and quality, including the extent to which the course proposal meets existing strategic educational priorities of the University.

(88) The two (2) External Representatives must be:

  1. prominent persons held in high esteem in their field of relevant academic, professional or industry expertise; or
  2. have requisite levels of experience in government or industry relevant to the course proposal and to the needs of future graduates and employers; and
  3. external to the University.

(89) The Faculty may nominate additional ECAC members at their discretion.

(90) The Terms of Reference for an ECAC shall include, at minimum to:

  1. assess the quality of the new offering;
  2. assess the new offering against the needs of graduates and employers; and
  3. provide an ECAC Report that includes any recommendations for improvement or further action.

(91) Faculties may include additional ECAC terms of reference at their discretion.

(92) The Faculty must seek approval of the DVCA for any terms of reference or membership that do not meet the minimum requirements set out in this Procedure.

(93) The ECAC Report will be prepared by the Faculty and submitted to the Academic Quality and Standards Division for inclusion with the new offering proposal documentation as considered by Quality Assurance Review Group (QARG).

(94) At minimum, the ECAC Report must include the following:

  1. record of attendance;
  2. detailed consideration of the Terms of Reference;
  3. recommendations; and
  4. Faculty response to the recommendations.

(95) A Faculty may apply to the DVCA via the Academic Quality and Standards Division to waive the requirement to hold an ECAC, and the DVCA may waive the requirement for an ECAC, where:

  1. the proposed offering is subject to a formal external accreditation process that substantially addresses the minimum terms of reference set out in the ECAC Terms of Reference and Membership Form;
  2. the proposed offering is a nested qualification within an existing course, where all or most of the subjects are existing subjects and there is an identified demand for such an exit point;
  3. the proposed offering is being established to consolidate two or more existing courses that are proposed to be discontinued, and where, all or most of the subjects are the same; the course structure is substantially the same; and the course is directed at substantially the same cohort of potential students as the existing course(s);
  4. the proposed offering is being established to introduce an existing course, major or specialisation under a new name, and where all or most of the subjects are the same; the structure is substantially the same; and is directed at substantially the same cohort of potential students;
  5. the proposed offering is being established as a result of separating one or more distinct discipline areas from an existing course, and where the discipline area is the same, all or most of the subjects are existing; the course structure is substantially the same; and the course is directed at substantially the same cohort of potential students as the existing course;
  6. the proposed offering is an extended version of an existing course within the same discipline area, with additional academic requirements or volume of learning, and where, all or most of the subjects are existing; the course structure is substantially the same; and the course is directed at substantially the same cohort of potential students as the existing course; or
  7. the proposed offering has already been or will be subject of a review (including of the matters detailed at clause 90 by:
    1. an external advisory body such as a Faculty, school, discipline or course advisory board or similar; or
    2. a properly constituted Course Review Panel under the Course Monitoring and Review Procedures; and
    3. that review is documented consistent with clause 94 and has been or is provided to the Quality Assurance Review Group (QARG) with the course proposal.
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Section 12 - Consultation

(96) The entity responsible for a proposed new offering or discontinuation is responsible for consulting with members of the University community who may be affected by each proposal for a new offering.

(97) Evidence of the consultation process, as well as the incorporation of any feedback or otherwise, should be included within COSMOS.

(98) The Faculty should engage in the consultation process in the Faculty Stage of proposal development in order to allow sufficient time for the identification and resolution of issues arising from the proposal.

(99) A proposal that contains insufficient evidence of consultation with members of the University community may be refused endorsement or approval.

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Section 13 - Implementation Activities

Record Keeping

(100) The Future Education Division will maintain a central repository of all approved Award and Non-Award Courses.

Course Database

(101) Following endorsement of a new offering or discontinuation by a Faculty Education Committee and the Future Education Division will amend the Course Database accordingly.

(102) Following approval of a new offering or discontinuation by the relevant delegated authority, the Future Education Division will finalise amendments to the Course Database.

CRICOS and Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 Compliance

(103) The Academic Quality and Standards Division maintains UOW courses on CRICOS.

(104) New offerings comprising new courses that are to be offered to international students will be registered on CRICOS following approval of the course concept and business case and subject to the course owning faculty providing all required information via COSMOS. The application to the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) is lodged by the Academic Quality and Standards Division.

(105) Courses that are to be offered in the new delivery locations for international students will be registered on CRICOS following approval of the course concept and business case. The application to the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) is lodged by the Academic Quality and Standards Division.

(106) Discontinuations of courses that are offered to international students will be withdrawn from CRICOS following approval of the business case. The application to the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) is lodged by the Academic Quality and Standards Division.

(107) For new offerings involving joint delivery with a third party (including joint and dual award courses where the third party is a Australian Higher Education Provider), a third party application must be submitted to the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) if the course is to be registered on CRICOS. This will be lodged following the approval of the course concept and business case. All third party applications are subject to a fee, which must be met by the proposer.

(108) In the event the requirement for approval of a course concept and/or business case is waived, any action dependent on that approval may proceed on the basis of the waiver of that requirement.

Marketing Activities and Promotional Materials

(109) Approved marketing activities and promotional materials can proceed for new offerings following approval of the course concept and business case, or on the basis of the waiver of that requirement.

(110) All marketing activities and promotional materials for new offerings which precede final approval must contain appropriate disclaimers regarding the approval process being undertaken.

(111) Marketing activities and promotional materials for courses that are to be offered to international students studying onshore on a student visa cannot commence until the course has been registered on CRICOS.

Course Finder

(112) The Student Operations Unit in the Student Administration Services Division manages the Course Finder.

Online Applications / Offer Letters

(113) Student Administration Services Division may set up online applications, intake sessions and may start issuing offers to students for a new offering upon approval, and the course being made active in the Course Database and in COSMOS.

(114) The Admissions Officer(s) within Student Administration Services Division maintain the eCOEs.

(115) When a course is approved for discontinuation, Student Administration Services Division is responsible for providing alternative offers to students seeking to commence in the year of discontinuation, or cancelling offers when there is no suitable course of study available to students.


(116) The handbook is produced by the COSMOS system and reflects data maintained in that system.

(117) Following approval of a new offering, a handbook page will become available on publication of the Handbook for the year in which the proposal is effective.

(118) Following approval of a discontinuation, a Handbook page will be unpublished from the year in which the proposal is effective.

(119) The Faculty is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the information displayed on the Course Handbook pages for their Faculty’s courses, majors or specialisations.

Offshore Course Delivery

(120) If the proposal involves new offshore delivery locations, and the timeline for offshore implementation differs from onshore implementation, the Faculty should maintain in COSMOS:

  1. the different structures for the offerings onshore and offshore;
  2. instance level variations to subject data including assessments and subject learning outcomes (where applicable); and
  3. a communication and implementation plan for affected offshore locations.
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Section 14 - Roles and Responsibilities

(121) The Future Education Division is responsible for facilitating and coordinating the course approval process as set out in this procedure.

(122) The Future Education Division will facilitate access to the COSMOS system for users to support decision making under this procedure.

(123) The Course Portfolio Development Group is responsible for:

    1. supporting the development of course concepts and business cases for New Offerings and Discontinuations;
    2. assessing the viability of course concepts and business cases for New Offerings and Discontinuations that meet the requirements of this procedure; and
    3. providing recommendations as provided under this procedure on whether course concepts and business cases should proceed to become full course proposals.

(124) Faculty and Future Education Division staff are jointly responsible for carrying out timely and effective development of New Offering and Discontinuation proposals, consulting with stakeholders, ensuring that all identified issues are satisfactorily resolved prior to final approval, and coordinating post-approval activities required for implementation.

(125) The Faculty Education Committee / FEC Course and Subject Approval Subcommittee, and Faculty Associate Dean Education or Faculty Executive Dean are responsible for reviewing and endorsing proposals for New Offerings and Discontinuations that meet the requirements of this procedure.

(126) The Quality Assurance Review Group is responsible for endorsing proposals for New Offerings and Discontinuations that meet the requirements of this procedure.

(127) The Academic Quality and Standards Division is responsible for supporting QARG consideration of course proposals and final approval of course proposals through the DVCE or Academic Senate.

(128) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic and Student Life) is responsible for approving all proposals delegated to that officeholder for determination.

(129) The Academic Senate is responsible for approving proposals delegated to it for determination.

(130) Learning, Teaching and Curriculum is responsible for strategic curriculum development, and ensuring that UOW strategic educational priorities as set out in the Course Design Procedures and in the relevant UOW educational strategies are embedded within proposals for New Offerings.

(131) The Future Education Division is responsible for communicating the outcomes of New Offerings and Discontinuation proposals following the approval of those proposals.

(132) The Future Education Division and the Academic Quality and Standards Division are jointly responsible for reporting annually to the University Education Committee and the Academic Senate on course approval activities in the previous year.

(133) The Future Education Division is responsible for supporting proposers in the investigation and assessment of course concepts and business cases presented for consideration by CPDG.

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Section 15 - Definitions

(134) The key terms used in this Procedure are defined in the Course Policy.

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Section 16 - Appendix 1: New Offerings and Discontinuations Proccess Map

(135) Course Design New Offerings and Discontinuations Process Map