(1) These Procedures apply to all award courses approved by the University of Wollongong under its self-accrediting authority as a higher education provider. (2) These Procedures do not apply to: (3) These Procedures govern the systematic monitoring and review of courses, ensuring a continuous cycle of evaluation and improvement. This involves, among other things, evaluation and reflection by academic staff on course design and, approaches to teaching and assessment quality to evaluate the impact on student learning. (4) The monitoring and review process is a fundamental element of maintaining academic quality and standards. (5) These Procedures are aligned to and support the implementation of: (6) The course monitoring and review process is designed to: (7) UOWCA course reviews for courses accredited by UOW are to be conducted based on approved UOWCA Curriculum Review Guidelines that conform to the requirements of the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 in their application to all Australian Qualifications Framework awards. (8) Changes to the UOWCA Curriculum Review Guidelines will be made in consultation with the Academic Quality and Standards Division (AQS) and be approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic and Student Life) (DVCA). (9) UOWCA will report to UOW via the University Education Committee (UEC) on their approved schedule including progress against the schedule and any changes to the schedule. This schedule should provide for the review of each UOW accredited UOWCA course every five years. (10) UOW may suspend the UOW accreditation of a UOWCA course, and therefore suspend the course, where any course has not undergone a comprehensive review for seven years. (11) UOWCA will submit to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic and Student Life) (DVCA) via the Academic Quality and Standards Division (AQS) a completed Course Review Report and recommend one of the following outcomes in relation to the continuation or otherwise of the course(s) under review, this allows students to continue to enroll in the course, while UOWCA develops the replacement offering and arranges the discontinuation of the existing course(s): (12) Approval to progress to a course discontinuation, consisting of: (13) The DVCA will respond to the report by: (14) A comprehensive course review must be conducted at least once every five years in accordance with the Course Review Schedule (outlined in Section 4) and the stages outlined in Section 5 of these Procedures. (15) A comprehensive course review may be initiated prior to a scheduled review in accordance with clause 33. (16) AQS will report annually on implementation and monitoring activities under these Procedures to the University Education Committee (UEC)and Academic Senate. (17) In accordance with the provisions in the Teaching and Assessment:Code of Practice – Teaching, the Academic Program Director is responsible for providing strategic leadership for one or more UOW coursework programs, in collaboration with the teaching team. In terms of ongoing course monitoring, this responsibility requires: (18) Performance data and other relevant information to be considered includes: (19) AQS will present key reflections and actions identified by the Academic Program Directors to an annual Faculty meeting in accordance with the processes outlined in the Procedure for Interim Monitoring of Courses and Comparative Student Outcomes. (20) In accordance with the status of the University as a self-accrediting higher education provider, and consistent with the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021, each UOW course is deemed to be approved by the University so that it may be offered for a specified period as provided in the Course Review Schedule. (21) The Course Review Schedule is developed by the Academic Quality and Standards Division (AQS) in consultation with Associate Deans and approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic and Student Life) (DVCA). (22) The Course Review Schedule, as far as practicable and where relevant, will align with the schedule for external accreditation. (23) Related courses, majors and specialisations may be grouped together in clusters and each cluster is then scheduled for review. Reference to a course review will be taken to refer to all courses under review in a single cluster. (24) Related courses include: (25) A review will be scheduled for a calendar year and it is expected to be submitted by the second Friday in December of that year. A review that is expected to take longer than 12 months to complete should commence the year prior to when the course is scheduled to be reviewed. (26) AQS maintains the Course Review Schedule for each Faculty. (27) Any Faculty seeking to make changes to the schedule will submit a request to AQS. The request should clearly identify the proposed changes to the schedule, along with a rationale for the amendment. (28) AQS will seek approval from the DVCA to make changes to the schedule provided that doing so does not contravene the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021, which mandates seven yearly comprehensive reviews. (29) If a course review is not completed within the period specified in the Course Review Schedule, the Delegated Authority may grant an interim re-approval for one year, subject to clause 29 and clause 32. (30) If a course review is not complete within the one year interim re-approval period, the Delegated Authority may grant an additional interim re-approval for another one year, subject to clause 29. (31) Granting of an interim re-approval will result in the course(s) being immediately suspended from the end of the seven year period to prevent enrolments beyond the period permitted. (32) A comprehensive course review may be initiated prior to a scheduled review by the DVCA, Executive Dean and/or Associate Dean, Education in consultation with AQS in response to issues identified through course monitoring and review such as: (33) Where a course review is initiated in advance of the next scheduled course review, this should be reflected in the course review schedule and approved by the DVCA. (34) Where significant issues with the performance of a course are identified, the Faculty may also decide to suspend or discontinue a course. This decision should be implemented through the course and subject management processes. (35) The Terms of Reference and Course Review Panel Membership will be determined in accordance with Appendix 1 – Section 7. (36) The Associate Dean, Education (ADE) and Director, Academic Quality and Standards will jointly approve the Terms of Reference and Course Review Panel Membership. (37) Where the ADE and Director, Academic Quality and Standards cannot agree on the scope of Terms of Reference and Course Review Panel Membership the points of contention will be escalated to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic and Student Life) (DVCA) for a final determination. (38) Academic Quality and Standards Division (AQS) and the Faculty will jointly establish the Faculty Course Review Panel to oversee the course review in line with the agreed Course Review Panel Membership. (39) The Chair of the Faculty Course Review Panel will be drawn from among the group members and will be appointed by the Associate Dean, Education. (40) AQS is responsible for providing executive support to the Committee and will maintain appropriate governance records in respect of its deliberations. (41) Where the course(s) being reviewed are delivered collaboratively, a Collaborative Delivery Working Group must also be convened. (42) The Collaborative Delivery Working Group must meet at least twice: (43) Membership of the Collaborative Delivery Working Group is specified in Appendix 1 – Section 7. (44) AQS or the Faculty may opt to establish additional working group(s) or review team(s) to support the Course Review Panel. (45) The Course Review Panel will evaluate the course against the agreed Terms of Reference. (46) The Course Review Panel may consider any relevant data available. A list of available data is provide in Appendix 4 – Section 10. (47) The Course Review Panel will review the subject offering in the course (core, capstones and available electives). A list of matters for consideration are provided in Appendix 3 – Section 9. (48) The Faculty, supported by AQS, will actively seek input and consult as widely as it considers necessary. Consultation is of particular value for obtaining more qualitative information about the course that cannot be obtained from other data sources. A variety of consultation methods and tools may be employed as appropriate, including surveys/questionnaires, focus groups, forums and/or interviews. (49) Specifically, feedback should be sought from: (50) Feedback gathered and outcomes from consultation should be made available to the panel for consideration during their deliberations. (51) If, at any stage during the course review process, the course is assessed as being unviable, the Faculty may terminate the review of the course and instead submit a discontinuation of the course. (52) Minutes of Course Review Panel Meetings are to be written by the Academic Quality and Standards Division (AQS). (53) AQS is required to attach the data gathered to the Course Review Minutes and capture in the minutes how these sources have been considered during the course review. (54) Where an external accreditation process is relied upon as part of the review, the accreditation report submitted, and any response to this from the accreditation body, should be provided. (55) The minutes should include: (56) An action plan for implementation of the recommendations should be appended to the Minutes. (57) The Course Review Panel will review the minutes and any supporting evidence and, if necessary, make changes, and approve the documentation for submission to the Faculty Education Committee (FEC). (58) The FEC approval will clearly articulate which of the following outcomes is being sought in relation to the continuation or otherwise of the course(s) under review: (59) Where the FEC proposes changes to the recommendations, the Course Review Panel will be advised of the changes and be able to provide feedback. (60) Once endorsed by the FEC, a copy of the minutes, including recommendations, and the implementation plan will be forwarded to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic and Student Life) (DVCA). (61) The DVCA will assess the Faculty Course Review and may seek advice prior to responding. (62) The DVCA will respond to the review by: (63) The Associate Dean, Education of the Faculty, supported by AQS, will respond to any referral by the DVCA by addressing the matters raised and submitting a memorandum with the response, at which point the DVCA will respond as provided in clause 63. (64) On finalisation of a course review, the approved recommendations of the review will be implemented as follows: (65) Faculties do not have to wait until the review is approved to commence implementing amendments to courses or subjects. It may be appropriate for the Faculty to commence course and/or subject approval processes as soon as an issue is identified, if a clear solution is available. (66) AQS will update the Course Review Schedule once the course review has been finalised, by recording the outcome of the course review on the Course Review Schedule. (67) On re-approval of a course, AQS will advise the Faculty of the next scheduled review date for the course. (68) The Faculty will implement recommendations and report to their FEC and AQS at least twice per year on progress. (69) Should the Faculty’s intention to progress a course redevelopment or discontinuation change, they will be required to submit a memorandum to AQS outlining the rationale for the change in approach. (70) AQS will submit the request to the DVCA for consideration. (71) The DVCA may approve an extension to re-approval, however, the extension must not extend beyond the five year period that could have been requested when the original course review was submitted. (72) Faculty staff named in these Procedures are responsible for contributing to the timely and effective review of courses in accordance with the Course Review Schedule and these Procedures. (73) Academic Quality and Standards Division (AQS) is responsible for: (74) Learning, Teaching and Curriculum is responsible for: (75) The University Education Committee (UEC) and Academic Senate are responsible for: (76) Process Map – Comprehensive Course Review Stages (77) When conducting a course review the faculty may consider the following points in relation to the subject offering: (78) Data sources that can be utilised during the annual course monitoring or comprehensive course review include: (79) The key terms used in this Procedure are defined in the Course Policy.Course Monitoring and Review Procedures
Section 1 - Introduction and Scope
Top of PageSection 2 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 3 - Course Monitoring and Review Framework
Course Monitoring and Review Principles
UOW College Australia (UOWCA) Course Reviews
Comprehensive Course Review
Annual Course Monitoring Cycle
Section 4 - Course Review Schedule
Overdue Reviews
Unscheduled Course Reviews
Section 5 - Comprehensive Course Review Stages
Stage 1 – Determining the Terms of Reference and Course Review Panel Membership
Stage 2 – Conducting the Review
Stage 3 - Documenting the Review and Recommendations
Stage 4 – Assessment and Approval
Stage 5 – Monitoring and Reporting of Action Items
Section 6 - Roles and Responsibilities
Top of PageSection 7 - Appendix 1 – Term of Reference and Membership
Core Members:
Additional Members:
Membership of the Collaborative Delivery Working Group:
Terms of Reference
The Course Review Panel will:
Evaluation Criteria
Top of Page
Section 8 - Appendix 2 – Process Map – Comprehensive Course Review Stages
Section 9 - Appendix 3 – Subject Evaluation Criteria
Top of PageSection 10 - Appendix 4 – Data Sources
Top of PageSection 11 - Definitions
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Evaluation Criteria
Basis for Inclusion of Evaluation Criteria
Core Criteria
Impact of recently implemented changes to the courses under review.
Course design and content, including:
Admission criteria, including pathways and credit.
Teaching / supervision quality
Learning and academic support, including:
Emerging developments and future risks to course quality, including:
Take-up of strategic UOW learning and teaching initiatives.
Additional Criteria
Outcomes of previous reviews.
Student performance, including analyses of:
Consideration to be given to identified student subgroups, which may be under-represented or disadvantaged.
– Inadequate evidence of interim monitoring of student performance (e.g. yearly reflections);
– Serious unresolved issues in student performance;
– Additional unresolved concerns based on available data.
Student/graduate satisfaction and feedback.
Required if one or more of the following risk factors were identified:
Outcomes of benchmarking and external referencing, including assessment methods and grading of students’ achievement of learning outcomes for selected units of study within courses of study.
– External peer review of assessment incomplete: must include review of assessment design and marking of assessment sample within core subject (ideally capstone subject) in the course(s) under review.
Any particular issues or risks to course quality related to collaborative delivery