(1) These Procedures support the implementation of the Credit for Prior Learning Policy. They apply to all coursework programs and all campuses, except UOW Dubai. (2) UOW will maintain a central website which contains up-to-date information on credit and the application process. Students (including prospective students) enquiring about or applying for credit will be referred to this website. (3) Applicants will be advised that credit transferred into a UOW course does not carry a grade or mark, and consequently an award “with distinction” cannot be made where more than 50% (or 66% for postgraduate coursework) of the course is made up of prior credit from a non-UOW accredited course. This should be made clear to students as they may, as a result, choose not to transfer credit into a program (refer Coursework Rules, section 6). (4) International applicants should be advised that the granting of Credit for Prior Learning may lead to a shortening of the course duration and potentially have implications for their visa. If credit is approved after a visa has been granted, the University is required to inform the Department of Home Affairs of any changes to the course duration under the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018. (5) Applications for credit should be made either: (6) Prospective students should be encouraged to apply for credit for prior learning as early as possible before the commencement of study to ensure that the most appropriate course of study is undertaken. (7) An application for credit should be lodged before the start of session, but no later than the census date for each session (normally the fourth week of session). (8) There is no charge for credit assessment for a current student or an individual who has been made an offer to study at UOW. (9) Applications for credit for formal learning, where there are current precedents, will normally be assessed within 10 working days. A longer period may be required where full assessment is required, particularly at peak admission and enrolment times. (10) Applications for credit for non-formal and informal learning will normally be assessed within 20 working days. A longer period may be required at peak admission and enrolment times. (11) Except where credit transfer is covered by a formal agreement, all applications for credit must be accompanied by full documentation as follows: (12) Assessment of credit is an academic responsibility. Standard assessments based on established precedents may be delegated in writing to admissions staff. Student Administration Services Division will maintain a record of all such delegations and a credit precedents register. (13) All new assessments will be referred to the relevant Head of Students (or relevant delegated authority in accordance with the UOW Delegations of Authority Policy) who may seek advice from the Academic Program Director, Discipline Leader or specific academic who is teaching in this area for preliminary assessment and who will advise whether the student could be potentially academically disadvantaged or otherwise disadvantaged in their proposed course of study by an award of credit. (14) Assessment of credit must ensure that evidence provided is valid, authentic, current and sufficient (refer to the Guide to Assessment of Prior Learning). (15) Assessment of incomplete studies involves an evaluation of the authorised record of results for the units undertaken (via a transcript, an academic record or other term including statement of attainment) to confirm that the person has satisfied the requirements of the unit/s of competency or accredited short course specified in the statement and a judgement made on of the demonstration of learning outcomes (subject or course) relevant to their Award. (16) Assessment of credit based on informal or non-formal learning will normally be undertaken by the relevant Subject Coordinator following the assessment of an Evidence Portfolio (refer to the Guide to Assessment of Prior Learning) and additional assessment or interview if required. The Subject Coordinator will make a recommendation to the Head of Students or relevant delegated authority. (17) Applications will be approved by the Head of Students or relevant delegated authority in accordance with the UOW Delegations of Authority Policy. (18) The Head of Students (or delegated authority) approves the credit to be granted in response to applications for credit from students enrolled in the School or Faculty for which he/she is responsible. Where the application relates to credit for a subject coordinated by another School or Faculty, the approving officer will seek the advice of the approving officer of the relevant School or Faculty. (19) Where an application for assessment for credit for prior learning based on prior complete or incomplete formal study is approved, this becomes a credit precedent which is applied to subsequent credit applications. (20) The Fees and Scholarships team within Student Administration Services Division assesses credit applications covered by a formal agreement or where there are clear precedents (subject to written delegated authority from the relevant faculty). (21) Student Services is responsible for the administration of articulation arrangements and providing information to potential credit applicants about approved articulation agreements and credit precedents. (22) Applicants will be advised of the outcome of credit decisions in writing, including any reasons for not giving credit. For unsuccessful applications the decision rationale should make reference to the relevant assessment criteria as outlined within the Guide to Assessment of Prior Learning (Schedule 1). (23) Applicants may be notified of the credit available to them in the offer letter or by a separate notification. (24) Where an applicant has been granted provisional credit, the offer letter will state clearly that the credit is provisional upon the applicant providing additional documentation or meeting other requirements as stipulated by the University. (25) Student Administration Services Division will: (26) When the granting of Credit for Prior Learning leads to a shortening of an International Student’s course duration, Student Services will ensure the change in course duration is reported via the Provider Registration and International Student Management System (PRISMS) in accordance with the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000. (27) Credit arrangements for each course will be reviewed as part of the course review cycle. (28) In order to ensure the integrity of credit decisions, the subsequent academic performance of student cohorts receiving credit will be monitored. (29) Data on student performance by credit pathway, policy exceptions and appeals will be reported annually to the Faculty Education Committee. (30) The University’s assessment of prior learning is based on an evaluation of the evidence presented, using the following criteria: (31) Credit for prior formal learning is assessed by determining the extent to which the applicant’s prior studies are equivalent to the content and learning outcomes of one or more subjects in the award program. The educational judgement concerning equivalence is based on the discipline context, content, standards and assessment in the program or course the applicant has undertaken. (32) Factors to be taken into consideration as related to assurance of learning principles: (33) For formal learning, the provision of credit is based on the precedents of established subject equivalence, with no attempt being made to assess the learning of the student who is applying for credit. The formal assessment of the student, already conducted, is accepted as proof. (34) In addition to the assessment criteria listed in (1) and (2) above, assessment of overseas qualifications should take into consideration: (35) An assessment of informal and non-formal learning is often referred to as the recognition of prior learning (RPL). RPL is a process which matches the things a person has learnt against the learning outcomes of a course or subject. The educational judgement concerning equivalence is based on the extent to which the applicant can demonstrate they have achieved the required learning outcomes. Examples: (36) It is important to stress that credit is not given for experience. Experience is only valuable, in this context, as a source of learning. It is what has been learned that is important not what the individual has actually done. For the same reason, the length of professional experience should not determine the amount of RPL credit awarded. (37) The RPL process consists of the following stages: (38) In applying for RPL, students must lodge the following with the Student Administration Services Division: (39) The evidence portfolio includes all the information that an applicant presents to the University for assessment. This may include: (40) In the case of non-formal learning: (41) Documents provided as evidence must be original or certified. (42) Portfolio preparation is an educational experience requiring the applicant to reflect and relate past learning experiences to present educational goals. It tests powers of self-evaluation and the ability to present evidence in a clear, concise manner. (43) In addition to the portfolio, the applicant may be required to participate in an interview or undertake some form of assessment to demonstrate they have achieved the required learning outcomes. (44) RPL assessment should be undertaken by academic staff with expertise in the subject area, as well as knowledge of and expertise in RPL assessment. (45) RPL assessment needs to ensure that the learning outcomes of the subject/course are adequately demonstrated and are at the AQF level required for the relevant qualification. (46) The RPL Assessor will interpret the evidence presented and make a judgment as to whether the learning objectives have been met. The assessment will normally involve an interview with the applicant and may be supplemented by other forms of evidence such as an oral presentation, practical demonstration, examination or challenge test. When the assessment indicates substantial but incomplete mastery, it is acceptable for the assessor to set additional make up work and further assessment in order to fully satisfy requirements. (47) Note that a graded mark is not awarded for RPL credit because of the lack of comparability with other enrolled students of that assessment. (48) The RPL Assessor makes a recommendation to the Head of Students (or relevant delegated authority as per the UOW Delegations of Authority Policy) who has final approval of exemption by RPL. If the RPL claim is rejected the applicant will be notified of the outcome in writing and provided with a rationale for why their application was not approved in accordance with the Assessment of Informal and Non-Formal Learning RPL Procedures outlined above and will be advised to enrol in and complete those subject(s) for which RPL was requested. The results of RPL assessments are to be recorded by each Faculty.Credit for Prior Learning Procedures
Section 1 - Introduction
Section 2 - Communication to Students
Section 3 - Application Process
Section 4 - Timelines
Section 5 - Documentation
Top of PageSection 6 - Assessment Process
Section 7 - Approval Process
Section 8 - Credit Precedents
Section 9 - Notification Process
Section 10 - Record Keeping and Reporting
Section 11 - Review
Assessment Criteria
Assessment of Formal Learning
Assessment of Overseas Qualifications
Assessment of Informal and Non-Formal Learning (RPL)
RPL Process
The Evidence Portfolio
RPL Assessment
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