(1) These Procedures have been developed to assist in providing information and guidance for registering, withdrawing or making amendments to courses and other UOW provider level information on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS). (2) The CRICOS Register exists as part of the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000. This Legislation, and the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (the National Code), operate to establish and maintain high standards in the provision of information and educational services to overseas students. (3) A critical element of the legislation and the is to ensure that prospective international students and enrolled international students have accurate and timely information about courses of study. CRICOS is a central part of ensuring this objective is achieved. (4) For international students studying on a student visa to undertake a course of study at UOW onshore, the course and its delivery location(s) must be listed on CRICOS. (5) If the course (or its delivery location) intended to be available for international students onshore is not already listed on CRICOS, UOW must apply to the registering authority to add the new course or new location onto before the course can be actively marketed to students and before international students can be offered places or enrolled in the course. (6) Once the course is listed on CRICOS, it will be given its own unique code that must be prominently displayed on the course information and that must be used to admit overseas students to UOW at each location where the course is registered. (7) It is vital the information on is current. Any decision to add a course to those available for onshore overseas students, or to add a course delivery location for a course already registered on must be communicated to the as soon as possible. (8) The purposes of these Procedures are: (9) These Procedures operate in conjunction with the ESOS Compliance Policy. More detailed operational information is set out in the Provider Portal Management Procedures (AQS Local Area Protocol). (10) These Procedures apply to UOW qualifications (AQF award and non-award courses) that are accredited by the University and delivered to overseas students studying at the University on a student visa. (11) The provisions in these Procedures relating to compliance requirements apply to the information that must be accurately recorded and reproduced in the production, issue and marketing of course information to overseas students. (12) These Procedures operate in conjunction with the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Framework. (13) A course can only be offered to international students studying onshore on a student visa when the course details are registered and displayed on CRICOS. Registrations can be made for either a proposed new course or an existing course. (14) For existing courses offered by the University, the relevant Faculty must first approve the course for delivery to international students, pursuant to the Course and Subject Approval Procedures (Faculty Delegated Course and Subject Amendments) , especially noting that: (15) For a new course to be offered by the University, the Faculty in collaboration with the Future Education Division (Future Ed) must first complete the relevant sections in the template, pursuant to the Course and Subject Approval Procedures – New Offerings and Discontinuations, especially noting that: (16) The Responsible Officer will assess the request and ensure that all required details are available in and that the appropriate internal approvals are granted, pursuant to the Course and Subject Approval Procedures – New Offerings and Discontinuations or the Course and Subject Approval Procedures (Faculty Delegated Course and Subject Amendments). (17) The Responsible Officer will also assess the course for compliance with the legislation and the National Code. Pursuant to the ESOS Act, international students studying onshore on a student visa must: (18) The Responsible Officer will indicate whether the course does or does not meet the University’s compliance obligations, and communicate the outcome to the Faculty. (19) If the Responsible Officer is satisfied that the course meets the University’s compliance obligations, the Responsible Officer will lodge an application to via the Provider Portal. If there are any updates to course information impacting on compliance after the code is assigned, the Faculty and/or Future Ed will work with the Responsible Officer to confirm compliance prior to the commencement of the first session of delivery of the course. (20) Future Ed is responsible for including the relevant course information required to complete an application in the request and updating where there is an appropriate field. This information includes: (21) The requesting Faculty is responsible for the fees associated with the new code request. The Responsible Officer within will upon submission of the application organise for the initial payment of the invoice and will then organise to be reimbursed from the relevant Faculty’s account. (22) An application to Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) usually takes around 5-7 business days to be processed from the day payment of the registration fees has been received by TEQSA. The Responsible Officer will be notified via email of the outcome. (23) In the event of a successful registration, the email correspondence will include a unique CRICOS code for the course. The Responsible Officer must notify the Faculty and Future Ed of the outcome. Future Ed is responsible for ensuring the code is added to the course information in COSMOS and other relevant systems. (24) Upon successful registration of the course on CRICOS, the Faculty may now publish marketing collateral for international students. All marketing collateral must contain the unique code for the course. (25) Upon successful registration of the course on CRICOS, the University may now issue offer letters to international students. (26) When information in relation to a registered course changes an “Other changes” application must be submitted via the Provider Portal to update the Register. These types of changes include: (27) When appropriate the relevant Faculty is required to complete a proposal to amend the course, obtain approval from the delegated authority pursuant to the Course and Subject Approval Procedures – Amendments to Existing Courses, and request the change to be made by AQS. (28) The Responsible Officer in AQS will submit the “Other changes” application via the Provider Portal supported by evidence of approval by the delegated authority and any other relevant evidence. (29) An application to TEQSA usually takes around 5-7 business days to be processed. The Responsible Officer will be notified via email of the outcome. (30) In the event of a successful registration, the Responsible Officer will notify the faculty and Future Ed about the change. (31) Future Ed is responsible for updating course information displayed on COSMOS. (32) In accordance with Standard 11 of the the National Code, providers are required to apply for approval from for the addition of any onshore delivery locations to the registration. This includes relocation of an existing location or establishing a new location. Changes to an existing UOW delivery locations already included in UOW’s provider registration is an exception to this. (33) When intending to deliver registered courses at a new delivery location or when relocating an existing delivery location, an “Intention to relocate or add new delivery site” application must be submitted via the Provider Portal. (34) The Responsible Officer must provide evidence to support the application demonstrating that the arrangements for the new location include adequate and appropriate space, staff and resources for students. The evidence must include: (35) If relocating students from an existing UOW delivery location a copy of draft correspondence to advise students about the relocation must be provided to demonstrate compliance with obligations under 46D of the ESOS Act. (36) To further support the application the additional evidence may be required, including: (37) The application must be submitted via the Provider Portal supported by evidence as outlined by these Procedures as soon as practicable and at least 30 days prior to the intended commencement date for delivery at the new location. (38) Note there is a substantial fee associated with the application and will not commence assessing the application until payment of the application fee has been paid. (39) The Responsible Officer will be notified via email of the outcome. In the event of a successful registration, the Responsible Officer must notify the relevant stakeholders. (40) The University is required to set and abide by a location specific and overall student capacity limit at UOW delivery locations for international students studying on a student visa. Exceeding a location specific and/or overall capacity limit will result in an immediate freeze on the capacity to issue CoEs. (41) If the University needs to change the student capacity limit, an application to “Change Student Capacity on CRICOS” must be submitted via the Provider Portal. (42) The Responsible Officer must provide evidence to support the application demonstrating that the intended change to student capacity for the relevant UOW delivery location will provide students with adequate and appropriate space, staff and resources for students. The evidence required are as advised under clause 34 of these Procedures. (43) The Responsible Officer in will submit the application via the Provider Portal supported by evidence as required. Note there are no fees associated with submitting the “Change to student capacity on CRICOS” application. (44) The application must be submitted as soon as practicable and at least 30 days prior to the intended commencement date for delivery at the new capacity level at relevant UOW delivery locations. Due to the consequences of exceeding a capacity limit (noted above) there is a process to monitor capacity limits annually (as specified in Section 7 in these Procedures). The Responsible Officer may be required to support the application with further evidence or will otherwise be notified via email of the outcome. (45) In the event of a successful registration, the Responsible Officer must notify the relevant stakeholders. (46) The University can only offer CoEs to international students if the relevant campus location is within the capacity limit. For the purpose of managing the student capacity limits at UOW delivery locations the Responsible Officer will generate the “Export for Course Locations” through and share this export as an annual capacity update to the Student and Student Administration Services Division (SASD), the and for their feedback, including expectations for student enrolments for the following year. (47) This process will be undertaken in Quarter 4 of each year. (48) Based on the feedback received, the Responsible Officer must determine whether an adjustment to student capacity limits is required at any of the UOW delivery locations and/or overall. This assessment includes whether there are appropriate arrangements for the expected student capacity as specified in Clause 34 of these Procedures. (49) CRICOS displays fee information for each registered course of study. This information is required to be updated on an annual basis following the UOW fee-setting process to ensure that accurate and current fee information is available to prospective students. (50) The Annual Fee Update can only be completed following confirmation from that the fee-setting process for the upcoming calendar year has been completed. This is usually around November each year. (51) The Responsible Officer must seek confirmation from the Senior Manager, Admissions, Fees and Scholarships, and request the ‘extract from the Course Fee Maintenance function’ (hereafter Course Fee Maintenance Extract). The Course Fee Maintenance Extract contains the necessary data to complete the Annual Fee Update. (52) The Responsible Officer must ensure the Course Fee Maintenance Extract includes: (53) Fees for any course delivered by contract (e.g. the Master of Education Studies (and nested qualifications) are not included in the Course Fee Maintenance Extract. Therefore, the Responsible Officer must seek the updated fees information from the relevant School Manager or other officer responsible at a Faculty level or School level for managing the relevant contract. (54) On obtaining all relevant data, including data from internal sources, the Responsible Officer will undertake data manipulation in order to establish, verify and upload the Annual Fee Update. (55) In addition to the bulk removal of courses from CRICOS, the Responsible Officer may process an application for the withdrawal of an individual course from as needed. These circumstances may include where: (56) The relevant Faculty is required to complete a proposal to either amend or discontinue the course, obtain approval from the delegated authority pursuant to the Course and Subject Approval Procedures – Amendments to Existing Courses or Course and Subject Approval Procedures - New Offerings and Discontinuations, and request the change to be made by AQS. (57) The Responsible Officer may lodge an application to to withdraw a course, once satisfied that the number of studying CoEs and saved, pending, approved or visa granted CoEs has reached zero. The Responsible Officer must include evidence of approval by the delegated authority and any other relevant evidence to support the application. (58) An application to TEQSA usually takes around 5-7 business days to be processed and there is no fees associated with the application. The Responsible Officer will be notified via email of the outcome. (59) The information required for the Annual Withdrawal of courses no longer offered to international students is provided to ensure that UOW entries are up to date. This process can be completed in unison with the Annual Fees Update. (60) Courses can only be withdrawn from once the course has no recorded studying CoEs, no saved, pending, approved or visa granted CoEs and no international students on approved leave of absence. Information on course CoEs is maintained in PRISMS, and is reflected in the Course and CoE Numbers Export. (61) This can be done on a course-by-course basis as specified in section 3 in these Procedures, however as discontinued courses are taught-out, there is often a significant time delay between a course being discontinued, and all students completing the program. As a result, it is more time-effective to undertake an annual bulk withdrawal of all discontinued courses once the remaining students have completed. (62) The Responsible Officer may lodge an application to to withdraw multiple courses, once satisfied that the University has discontinued the course, and the number of studying CoEs and saved, pending, approved or visa granted CoEs has reached zero. The Responsible Officer must include evidence of approval by the delegated authority and any other relevant evidence to support the application. (63) An application to usually takes around 5-7 business days to be processed. The Responsible Officer will be notified via email of the outcome. (64) According to Standard 11 of the National Code, TEQSA must be advised of all providers to be involved in providing a registered course, the role played by each provider in the delivery of the course, and the single provider recommended to be registered for the course. (65) To register a new third-party arrangement for an existing course, the Faculty must inform AQS and Future Ed with details of the new Collaborative Delivery Arrangement, typically as part of the process of establishing a new course or a new delivery location. (66) The decision to establish a new Collaborative Delivery Arrangement must be endorsed by the delegated authority at the Faculty level, and endorsed by CPDG, as per the usual course approval process for a new offering proposal. (67) The Responsible Officer will lodge an ‘Arrangements with another provider (third-party partnership)’ application to TEQSA via the Provider Portal alongside the application. (68) Approval of amendments to a registered third-party arrangement, including the rescission of a third-party arrangement, resides at the Faculty level, pursuant to the Course and Subject Approval Procedures – Amendments to Existing Courses. (69) The Faculty is required to complete a proposal to amend the course, obtain approval from the delegated authority, and request the change be made by the Responsible Officer. (70) The Responsible Officer will lodge an “Other changes” application via the Provider Portal as advised under Section 4 of this Procedure. (71) The following staff roles and responsibilities operate under these Procedures: (72) Other definitions as set out in the and the Course and Subject Approval Procedures (Faculty Delegated Course and Subject Amendments) and Course and Subject Approval Procedures – New Offerings and Discontinuations.CRICOS Registration and Amendments Procedures
Section 1 - Introduction / Background
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Registering a New Course or Existing Course onto CRICOS
Section 4 - Registrering Other Changes on CRICOS
Section 5 - Registering a New UOW Delivery Location on CRICOS
Appropriate Space
Appropriate Staff
Appropriate Student Resources
Section 6 - Change Student Capacity on CRICOS
Section 7 - Annual Student Capacity Update
Section 8 - Annual Fee Update
Section 9 - Withdrawing a Single Course from CRICOS
Section 10 - Annual Withdrawal
Section 11 - Maintaining Third-Party Arrangements
New Third Party Arrangement (New UOW Collaborative Delivery)
Amend/Rescind Existing Third-Party Arrangement
Section 12 - Roles and Responsibilities
Top of Page
Section 13 - Definitions
International student/Overseas student
A student who is not an Australian or New Zealand citizen or the holder of a permanent resident status, and is required to hold a visa to study in Australia and is liable for international student fees.
Provider Registration and International Students Management System; the Australian Government database that provides Australian education providers with Confirmation of Enrolment facilities required for compliance with the legislation.
The Provider Portal
TEQSA’s online portal that allows higher education providers to submit applications and respond to information requests online.
The Responsible Officer
Officer within AQS responsible for the maintenance of CRICOS.
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Role and Responsibility
Responsible Officer
Responsible for oversight and coordination of compliance and requirements within course management function.
Responsible for monitoring UOW’s compliance and managing requirements.
Responsible for preparing and lodging all applications under the legislation to TEQSA.
Coordinates the annual fees update to PRISMS.Director, Academic Quality and Standards
On behalf of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Strategy and Assurance), responsible for the overall compliance of the provider with requirements.
Manage the audit program to support compliance with relevant standards as detailed in these procedures.Faculty Teaching and Learning Staff (Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning Professional Staff)
Future EdPrepare and submit course proposals with information related to courses or to course changes that are relevant to the University’s ESOS obligations.
Refrain from marketing and promotion of courses until registration is achieved.
Ensure all marketing and promotional material includes the relevant code.
Ensure all course information is accurate and up to date.
Outreach and Future Students Division
Student Administration Services Division
UOW Global Enterprises
Future Ed
Refrain from marketing and promotion of courses until registration is achieved.
Ensure all marketing and promotional material includes the relevant code.
Ensure all course information is accurate and up to date including annual fees information.
Responsible for any fees associated with registration requests.
Confirmation of Enrolment; the document providing evidence of a student’s enrolment with the University; it contains information about the University, the course and duration of study the student is enrolled in, and is required before international students can be issued a student visa.