(1) This Procedure provides a process for allowing some students who have failed a subject, but who were close to passing, with an opportunity to undertake additional assessment to pass the subject. (2) This Procedure does not apply where an application for Academic Consideration has been made. Refer to the Coursework Rules, the Student Academic Consideration Policy and the Finalisation of Student Results Policy for provisions relating to Academic Consideration and deferred examinations. (3) The use of supplementary assessments is intended to: (4) This Procedure applies to all undergraduate and postgraduate coursework subjects offered by the University of Wollongong. (5) Subjects, such as professional experience subjects, which have been deemed as unsuitable for supplementary assessment by the Head of Academic Unit are exempt from this Procedure. (6) In accordance with the Coursework Rules, if a student who is awarded a mark of 49 or less, or is awarded a grade of TF (Technical Fail) in an undergraduate or a postgraduate coursework subject, they may be offered a supplementary assessment with the following provisions: (7) In determining whether to make an offer of a supplementary assessment, the following factors will be taken into consideration: (8) Where the Faculty Assessment Committee determines not to offer a supplementary assessment to a student who receives a mark of 48 to 49 the reasons for this decision must be recorded in the Faculty Assessment Committee minutes to provide appropriate justification to the student upon request. (9) Students must be advised in the Subject Outline when the use of supplementary assessments has been deemed unsuitable for the subject in accordance with clause 5. (10) At Release of Results, SOLS Mail will be used to notify students, who are to be offered a supplementary assessment, of that offer. (11) Where the supplementary assessment is by a centrally administered examination, during the supplementary and deferred examination period, the student’s attendance at the scheduled examination is considered to be an acceptance of the supplementary assessment offer. (12) Students may provisionally enrol in a subject, if they are undertaking a supplementary assessment in a pre-requisite or co-requisite subject. If, following the supplementary assessment, the student receives a Fail or Technical Fail grade in the requisite subject, the student will be withdrawn from the next subject prior to the census date unless they obtain academic approval to waive the requisite. (13) Where a student is to be offered a supplementary assessment the original grade will be replaced in SMP by the grade WS (Withheld Supplementary). (14) Where a student is to be offered a supplementary assessment, in the form of a supplementary examination administered by the Student Administration Services Division, the Faculty must notify the Student Administration Services Division. (15) As per the Coursework Rules a student who achieves a subject mark of 48 - 49 and is not offered a supplementary assessment, or who does not attend an offered supplementary assessment, will receive their original mark and grade. (16) A student who meets the minimum performance requirement for a supplementary assessment, in line with the assessment criteria or minimum mark for the task, will receive for the subject a mark of 50 and a grade of PS (Pass - Supplementary). It is not possible for a student to receive a mark greater than 50 for the subject where a supplementary assessment has been undertaken. (17) A student who does not meet the minimum performance requirement for the supplementary assessment to pass the subject will receive their original mark and grade, including where the original grade was TF (Technical Fail). It is not possible for the student to be given a composite mark higher than their original composite mark if they do not meet the minimum performance requirement in the supplementary assessment. (18) The Student Administration Services Division will administer supplementary examinations during the supplementary and deferred examination period, as advised by the faculty. (19) Where possible, the Faculty will administer supplementary examinations before or during the supplementary and deferred examination period. (20) Where possible, the Faculty will administer supplementary assessments, which are not supplementary examinations, before or during the supplementary and deferred examination period. (21) The Subject Coordinator or nominee will mark supplementary assessments and determine results in accordance with the timeframes stipulated in the Standards for the Finalisation of Student Results and the Teaching and Assessment: Assessment and Feedback Policy. (22) To facilitate student progression it is recommended that supplementary assessments results be declared within a shorter timeframe to support students in managing any consequent enrolment requirements prior to the census date. (23) In the event that a student is offered a supplementary assessment, the particulars of the supplementary assessment will be determined by the Subject Coordinator, with the agreement of the Head of Academic Unit, based on the assessment task and related learning outcomes identified by the Academic Unit and/or Faculty Assessment Committee. (24) A student may be offered a supplementary assessment task that is in a different format to a task for which they failed to meet the minimum performance requirement e.g. a student who failed to achieve the minimum standard for an essay assessment task may be offered a supplementary examination as long as the learning outcomes are consistent. (25) The supplementary assessment will replace in whole an identified piece of assessment (either the final examination or a previous assessment task), as determined by the Subject Coordinator. It must also be appropriate in terms of content and demonstrate that the student has met the learning outcomes of the subject. (26) Supplementary assessments will be subject to the same quality assurance and approval processes as other forms of assessment, as set out in the Examination Rules and the Teaching and Assessment: Assessment and Feedback Policy. (27) A student who has a question or concern about a decision, act or omission of a member of UOW staff or committee that affects their academic experience should follow the steps set out in the Review and Appeal of Academic Decisions Policy. (28) The Faculty is responsible for: (29) The Faculty Assessment Committee is responsible for: (30) The Academic Unit Assessment Committee is responsible for: (31) The Subject Coordinator is responsible for: (32) The Student Administration Services Division is responsible for: (33) Students are responsible for:Supplementary Assessment Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Principles
Top of PageSection 3 - Application and Scope
Section 4 - Eligibility for a Supplementary Assessment
Section 5 - Administrative Arrangements for Supplementary Assessments
Section 6 - Supplementary Assessment Marks and Grades
Section 7 - Timing of Supplementary Assessments and Examinations
Section 8 - Form of Supplementary Assessment
Section 9 - Appeals
Section 10 - Roles and Responsibilities
Top of PageSection 11 - Definitions
Definition (with examples if required)
Work that a student is required to complete to provide a basis for an official record of achievement or certification of competence in a subject. This may include summative and/or formative forms of assessment. Examples of assessments include, but are not limited to: examination, test, take-home examination, quiz, assignment, essay, laboratory report, thesis, demonstration, performance, tutorial presentation, class participation, practicum, clinical placement, and work experience
Deferred assessment/deferred examination
An assessment taken by eligible students as a result of a Student Academic Consideration application, as approved by the relevant Subject Coordinator. Deferred assessment includes in-session or end-of-session examinations and can be administered by the faculty or centrally
A form of assessment which a student is required to complete to measure their knowledge, skill and aptitude in a subject area. The examination may be administered orally, on paper, on a computer, or in a confined area that requires the student to physically perform a set of skills. Examples of examinations include but are not limited to standard written tests, multiple-choice tests, practical examinations, laboratory tests, quizzes, reviews, on-line examinations, oral examinations and take-home examinations. For the purpose of these definitions an examination means both a University examination and a faculty examination.
Supplementary assessment
An assessment taken by an eligible student, as approved by the delegated authority, who has failed a subject and has been granted an opportunity to take an additional assessment to pass the subject in accordance with the Supplementary Assessment Procedure. Supplementary assessment includes in-session or end-of-session examinations and non-examination assessments, and may be administered by the faculty or centrally.
Supplementary and Deferred Examination Period
A period during which supplementary examinations and deferred examinations are held, normally conducted by the Student Services Division.
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