(1) This Procedure sets out the process for allowing eligible students who have either failed a subject, or been approved for a deferred assessment, an opportunity to undertake additional assessment to demonstrate achievement of learning outcomes. (2) This Procedure supports and should be read in conjunction with the Supplementary Assessment provisions in the Assessment and Feedback Policy and the Finalisation of Student Results Policy. (3) Information on eligibility for deferred assessment, and requests for further consideration, are detailed in the Student Academic Consideration Policy. (4) The use of deferred assessment is intended to provide fairness of opportunity to students in their capacity to demonstrate their true level of competence in an assessment or achievement of learning outcomes. (5) The use of supplementary assessments is intended to: (6) Students cannot ask for or apply for a supplementary assessment, rather they must wait to see if they are offered a supplementary assessment by the faculty. (7) Students will be clearly informed of the conditions of their supplementary assessment offer (that is, which type of supplementary assessment they are being offered (refer Table 1 below). (8) This Procedure applies to all undergraduate and postgraduate coursework subjects, regardless of delivery location. (9) Subjects deemed as unsuitable for supplementary assessment, such as professional experience subjects, Graduate Medicine subjects, or where accreditation requirements restrict the use of supplementary assessments, may with the approval of the Head of Academic Unit, be exempt from this Procedure. (10) Eligibility for supplementary assessment is detailed in the Assessment and Feedback Policy. (11) At Release of Results, the students grade will be recorded as Withheld Supplementary (WS) in the Student Management Package SMP. (12) Students approved to undertake a supplementary end-of-session exam will be advised of the details at least three working days prior to the commencement of the supplementary exam period. (13) The Student Administration Services Division (SASD) will administer supplementary examinations during the supplementary and deferred examination period, where subject examinations were administered by SASD in the main session. Refer to the Examination Procedure for information on the process. (14) Where possible, Faculty administered supplementary examinations and supplementary assessments will be held before or during the supplementary and deferred examination period. (15) In accordance with the Assessment and Feedback Policy, where a student successfully meets the requirements for the supplementary task, their grade will receive a subject composite mark capped at 50 and a grade of PS (Pass - Supplementary). It is not possible for a student to receive a mark greater than 50 for the subject where a supplementary assessment has been undertaken. (16) Where the basis of the supplementary assessment is due to a student not achieving a passing composite mark and the student has not failed any hurdle task, the supplementary assessment task replaces, in whole, an identified piece of assessment. The mark awarded for the new task may: (17) Where the basis for the supplementary assessment is due to a student failing a hurdle task, the grade awarded (18) Where the basis for the supplementary assessment is due to a student not achieving a passing composite mark (19) To aid clarity, Table 1 below sets out the relationship between the basis for granting a supplementary assessment (20) The marking of additional assessments and releasing the results to students must be done in accordance with the timeframes specified in the Assessment and Feedback Policy. (21) Following the marking of the student’s supplementary assessment, the Subject Coordinator will submit a Change of Grade Request to the Student Administration Services Division to declare the grade to be awarded. (22) To facilitate student progression, it is recommended that supplementary assessments results be declared within a shorter timeframe to support students in managing any consequent enrolment requirements prior to the census date. (23) A deferred assessment or deferred examination may be offered to students who apply for academic consideration before, or on the assessment/s due date and meet the eligibility requirements outlined in the Student Academic Consideration Policy. (24) Students intending to graduate should be aware that an approved deferred end-of-session exam will impact their eligibility to graduate in that session, as results may not be released in time for graduation cut-off dates. (25) At Release of Results, the students grade will be recorded as Withheld Deferred (WD) in SMP. (26) Students approved to undertake a deferred end-of-session exam will be advised of the details at least three working days prior to the commencement of the supplementary and deferred exam period. (27) A deferred end-of-session exam may be taken during the supplementary and deferred exam period as outlined in the UOW Key Dates. SASD will administer deferred end of session examinations where the subject examinations where administered by SASD in the main session. Refer to the Examination Procedure for information on the process. (28) Where possible, Faculty administered supplementary examinations and supplementary assessments will be held before or during the supplementary and deferred examination period. (29) Students approved to undertake a deferred assessment will receive the full marks earnt for that assessment task. (30) An examination or final alternative assessment may be deferred no more than once after the original scheduled examination. If the student provides evidence of continuing exceptional circumstances, the Subject Coordinator, after consultation with the student, may recommend to the Head of School or equivalent that: (31) Students and staff should refer to the Student Academic Consideration Policy where requests for further consideration are sought. (32) Following the marking of the student’s deferred assessment, the Subject Coordinator will submit a Change of Grade Request to SStudent Administration Services Division to declare the grade to be awarded. (33) The Subject Coordinator, will determine the particulars of a supplementary or deferred assessment task or exam with the agreement of the Head of Academic Unit, based on the assessment task and related learning outcomes identified by the Academic Unit and/or Faculty Assessment Committee. (34) A student may be offered a supplementary or deferred assessment task or exam that is in a different format to the original task, provided the learning outcomes being assessed remain consistent. (35) Supplementary Assessments may take the form of: (36) The Subject Coordinator may, at their discretion, require the student to complete the original task or a suitable alternative if the integrity of the original task could be compromised. (37) Supplementary Assessment tasks should be designed to ensure that any subject learning outcomes not yet assured are tested. (38) Any minimum performance requirements for the supplementary task need to be clearly articulated to the student. (39) A supplementary or deferred exam will have the same weight as the original exam in determining the final grade in the subject and will assess the same learning outcomes with the same level of challenge. (40) The marking criteria for supplementary and deferred exams must ensure equivalence between marks awarded for alternative assessment tasks and those for the prescribed assessment tasks. (41) All supplementary and deferred assessments will be subject to the same quality assurance and approval processes as other forms of assessment, as set out in the Assessment and Feedback Policy. (42) At release of results: (43) Students may provisionally enrol in a subject, if they are undertaking a supplementary assessment in a pre- requisite or co-requisite subject. If, following the supplementary assessment, the student receives a Fail or Technical Fail grade in the requisite subject, the student will be withdrawn from the next subject prior to the census date unless they obtain academic approval to waive the requisite. (44) A student who has a question or concern about a decision, act or omission of a member of UOW staff or committee that affects their academic experience should follow the steps set out in the Review and Appeal of Academic Decisions Policy. (45) The roles and responsibilities for declaring grades are set out in the Finalisation of Student Results Policy.Supplementary and Deferred Assessment Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Principles
Section 3 - Application and Scope
Section 4 - Supplementary Assessment
Timing of Supplementary Assessments
Supplementary Assessment Marks and Grades
for the subject will be based solely on the outcome of the supplementary assessment. The maximum mark is
capped at 50PS.
AND failing a hurdle task, the student must obtain sufficient marks in the supplementary assessment to satisfy both the composite pass mark and hurdle threshold. The maximum mark is capped at 50PS.
and the form the supplementary assessment takes, and the relationship between the supplementary assessment
outcome and the final grade awarded.
Original Mark
Supplementary Assessment
Supplementary Outcome
Subject Grade
Pass (≥50)
Replaces hurdle
Fail (<50)
Replaces hurdle
assessmentPass, but mark too low to
achieve a composite mark of
50% or aboveF
Pass mark sufficient to achieve
a composite mark of 50% or more50PS
Fail (<50)
Replaces non-hurdle
assessment taskPass (mark entered against
specific assessment task)50PS
Fail (<50)
Is a new task to assess
specific learning outcomesPass
Section 5 - Deferred Assessment
Timing of Deferred Assessment
Deferred Assessment Marks and Grades
Section 6 - Forms of Supplementary and Deferred Assessment
Section 7 - Administrative Arrangements
Section 8 - Appeals
Section 9 - Roles and Responsibilities
Section 10 - Definitions
Definition (with examples if required)
Deferred assessment
An assessment taken by eligible students as a result of a Student Academic Consideration application. Deferred assessment includes in-session or end-of-session examinations and can be administered by the faculty or centrally.
A form of assessment which a student is required to complete to measure their knowledge, skill and aptitude in a subject area. The examination may be administered orally, on paper, on a computer, or in a confined area that requires the student to physically perform a set of skills. Examples of examinations include but are not limited to standard written tests, multiple-choice tests, practical examinations, laboratory tests, quizzes, reviews, on-line examinations, oral examinations and take-home examinations. For the purpose of these definitions an examination means both a University examination and a faculty examination.
Hurdle Task
An assessment task that requires a minimum level of performance as a mandatory requirement in order to pass a subject.
Supplementary assessment
An assessment taken by an eligible student, as approved by the delegated authority, who has failed a subject and has been granted an opportunity to take an additional assessment to pass the subject in accordance with the Supplementary and Deferred Assessment Procedure. Supplementary assessment includes in-session or end-of-session examinations and non-examination assessments, and may be administered by the faculty or centrally.
Supplementary and Deferred Examination Period
A period during which supplementary examinations and deferred examinations are held, normally conducted by the Student Administration Services Division.
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An activity to foster learning and to help academics and students to gauge levels of achievement.
It may be formative or summative and may be graded or ungraded.