(1) These Procedures should be read in conjunction with the Complaints Management Policy. (2) Refer to the Complaints Management Policy for scope and application of these Procedures. (3) Grievances can vary in the level of seriousness from less serious to serious, including unlawful behaviour. These Procedures provide practical guidance for investigating, referral and where feasible resolution of grievances under the Complaints Management Policy. (4) It is generally presumed that the investigation of a grievance will lead to some outcome. Once a grievance is established it is not generally acceptable for the outcome to be “do nothing”. (5) Refer to section 2 of the Complaints Management Policy for all definitions relating to grievance investigation. (6) The method of investigation can vary according to the circumstances of the specific grievance. For less serious matters between a student and staff member or affiliate or two staff members or affiliates, investigation strategies might include an informal, verbal investigation by meeting both parties, and documenting only the outcome. (7) The following steps provide a basic outline of the steps to follow to investigate and where feasible resolve a grievance: (8) Where a resolution cannot be agreed, alternate strategies will be discussed in order to bring closure to the matter. These may be accessed by contacting the Complaints Management Centre. (9) Refer to Section 5 of the Complaints Management Policy before commencing the investigation of a serious grievance or unlawful behaviour. You may need to refer the matter to the relevant specialist unit. (10) In addition to the basic steps outlined in clause 4.2, investigators will need to: (11) Record and document all matters relating to the grievance. A complaint should not be dismissed solely on the grounds that no one else saw or heard the subject of the grievance. (12) The investigator will provide a detailed report to the Senior Executive or Vice-Chancellor and President setting out evidence, facts and mitigating circumstances. (13) The Senior Executive or Vice-Chancellor and President will make a decision as to the appropriate course of action. (14) The complainant and respondent will be advised of the course of action. (15) The investigator shall commence the investigation within ten working days of the complainant requesting an investigation. (16) At the outset, the investigator should determine likely timeframes with both the complainant and respondent, and should advise both parties if any variation is necessary during the course of investigating the grievance. (17) As a general rule, grievances should be handled and resolved as quickly as possible. It would normally be realistic to resolve a grievance within eight weeks. Grievances of greater complexity or requiring a more formal approach will take longer. (18) Once the investigation has been conducted, appropriate resolutions to the grievance should be considered. (19) Wherever possible, a resolution should allow work or study to continue productively and harmoniously, and enable essential relationships to be restored, preserved, and enhanced. Appropriate outcomes should be discussed with the parties in the course of an investigation. (20) If any allegations have been made and are substantiated, appropriate outcomes might include: (21) If the allegations are not substantiated, appropriate outcomes might include: (22) If the allegations cannot be proved or disproved, appropriate outcomes might include: (23) During the investigation, if systemic issues are identified which involve UOW policies, requirements or practices, the grievance outcomes can include recommendations to address those issues. These recommendations should be submitted to the appropriate unit for consideration. (24) Depending on the formality of the investigation, recommendations for appropriate outcomes should be set out in a report, and/or summarised in writing for both parties. (25) If the grievance remains unresolved, in certain circumstances and depending on the nature of the grievance, the matter may be taken to an external agency. (such the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board, Australian Human Rights Commission or the NSW Ombudsman.Procedure for Investigating Grievances
Section 1 - Introduction / Background
Section 2 - Scope / Purpose
Section 3 - Definitions
Section 4 - Investigating a Less Serious Grievance
Section 5 - Investigating a Serious Grievance, Including Unlawful Behaviour
Section 6 - Appropriate Timeframe for an Investigation
Section 7 - Managing Grievance Outcomes
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