Policy at UOW
The purpose of the UOW policy framework is to promote consistent decision making, ensure compliance with legal and legislative requirements and to support continuous quality assurance and improvement.
There are a number of legislative instruments specific to the operation of the University, under which its governance framework is established.
University of Wollongong Act 1989 (NSW)
The University of Wollongong Act (1989) establishes the University of Wollongong and provides for its governance.
University of Wollongong By-law 2005
The University of Wollongong By-law (2005) provides for detailed requirements in relation to certain matters contained in the UOW Act, eg elections
More information on the University’s legislation can be found on the Governance website.
For guidance on developing, reviewing or amending policy documents staff should refer to the:
- Delegations of Authority Policy
- Policy Management Policy
- Policy Management Procedures
- Local Protocol Management Procedures
UOW Policy Framework Hierarchy
- Legislation (including the UOW Act and By-Law) Legislation sets out the obligations or threshold standards that the University is expected to meet when performing its functions.
- The UOW Act establishes UOW and sets out its governance structure.
- The UOW By-Law provides detailed requirements in relation to matters set out in the Act.
- UOW Rules are an authoritative, prescribed direction that set out the key principles for decision making and conduct at UOW.
- Codes and policies Support the University’s rules and provide a statement that outlines non-discretionary governing principles and intentions to regulate University practice.
- Procedures provide instruction that direct the reader to carry out specified actions. Procedures that support policy, provide mandated directions.
- Guidelines provide guidance on how to implement UOW policy documents or apply processes effectively. Decision makers should have regard to guidelines in making decisions on matters to which a guideline relates.
- Local Protocols are operational-level procedures or practices that apply within a particular academic Unit or division. Local Protocols are subordinate to and must be consistent with all official policy documents. Local protocols are enforceable to the extent of the specific directions which they provide; and to the scope of the division/work unit/areas which they apply.
An Academic Policy is a university-wide instrument governing teaching, learning, research or internationalisation. It must comply with all relevant legislation and rules and will be approved by appropriate delegated authority, as outlines in the Policy Management Policy.
An Operational Policy is a university-wide instrument governing administrative or operational functions of the University. It must comply with all relevant legislation and rules and will be approved by appropriate delegated authority, as outlines in the Policy Management Policy.
UOW policy documents are managed by a “Policy Custodian”; the officer that has overarching responsibly for the policy and for ensuring it is implemented correctly and reviewed regularly.
Stages of Policy Review and Development
- Needs Analysis – Approval to Proceed
- Research
- Drafting
- Consultation
- Approval
- Implementation and Communication
- Maintenance and Review
New Policy
A new policy should be developed when a requirement for standardising practice in a particular area, not covered by an existing policy, arises. In the case where a new policy, code, standard or rule is needed, a New Policy Proposal Form should be completed. The intention of the form is to provide structure to the process of scoping a new policy and to assist in the formulation of a policy development plan.
Types of Amendment
Administrative amendment
An administrative amendment to a policy is a change that is superficial or administrative in nature. Administrative amendments may reflect editorial changes, or updates to external references, names, or titles.
Minor amendment
A minor amendment is a change to a current policy that is of an insubstantial nature, not affecting the meaning or intent of the policy. Minor amendments may reflect changes to responsibilities or operational aspects of a process.
Major amendment
A major amendment is a change to a current policy that is likely to impact upon the intent of the policy and/or on other related policies, stakeholders, aligned procedures, systems, UOW rules or codes of practice or conduct.
Amendments to the Delegations of Authority Policy
Amendments to the Delegations of Authority Policy must be submitted on the Delegations Change Request Form to Institutional Policy.
- New Policy Document Proposal Form
- New Policy Document Template
- Bulletin Board Posting Checklist
- Policy Approval Submission Checklist
- Implementation and Communication Plan
- Consultation Log
- Local Protocol Template *Local Protocols are internal, locally approved documents and are not published on the University Policy Directory
Contact the Governance and Policy Team