Status and Details
This page contains information about the status, approval and implementation of this document, contact details for the relevant Unit Head and document author and, on the right, a brief summary of changes between this and the previous version.
Business Continuity Management and Resilience Policy
Status | Current |
Effective Date | 13th December 2023 |
Review Date | 13th October 2028 |
Approval Authority | University Council |
Approval Date | 13th December 2023 |
Expiry Date | Not Applicable |
Responsible Officer | Robert Oldfield
Chief Risk and Assurance Officer |
Responsible Executive | Stephen Phillips
Vice-President Operations |
Enquiries Contact | Risk and Assurance Division |
Summary of Changes from Previous Version
This is the first document to be published in the University's new Policy Library. It is basically equivalent to the document that was approved and effect at the time the migration occurred, except for the numbering system and references, which have been updated to align with the new formatting and current requirements.
Version Control and Change History
Date Effective - Approved By - Amendment
1 - 1 December 2004 - Vice-Principal (Administration) - UOW Internal Audit Manager - First Version
2 - 27 April 2006 - UOW Internal Audit Manager - Update distribution list
3 - 14 July 2009 - Administrative Committee - Major Revision of Policy
4 - 16 January 2012 - Vice-Principal (Administration) - Updated to reflect divisional name change from Buildings and Grounds to Facilities Management Division.
5 - 24 May 2012 - Vice-Principal (Administration) - Updated to reflect the transfer of BCMS responsibilities from UOWIA to Finance and the document registration sequence
6 - 20 September 2012 - DVP – Finance & IT for VP(A) - Triennial Scheduled Review and name change from OHS to WHS
7 - 11 September 2013 - Chief Administrative Officer - Updated to reflect title change from VPA to CAO
8 - 9 February 2016 - Vice-Chancellor - Triennial Scheduled Review – minor updating and alignment to UOW Risk Management Policy and Guidelines
9 - 23 March 2017 - Vice-Chancellor - Reviewed to reflect the agreed changes to the BCM Framework
10 - 11 June 2021 - University Council - Renaming of the Policy to Business Continuity Management and Resilience Policy;
-Identification of BCM as a component of the University’s Risk Management Framework;
-Updates to the Definitions so they align with those in AS ISO 22301:2017 Societal Security – Business Continuity Management Systems – Requirements;
-Expansion of the Principles to reflect current practice;
-Clear identification of the BCM relationships and removal of the previously used flowchart as this is perceived to be more applicable to the Guidelines;
-Provision of clear roles and responsibilities applicable to the current University Operating environment; and
-Identification of IAT and/or CMT delegations of authority where there is insufficient time to obtain normal approvals due to the urgency or risks arising from the impact of the disruptive event as approved by Council at the February 2021 meeting.
11 – 13 October 2023 Updated list of supporting documents to reflect all relevant policies and plans;
Updated relevant legislation;
Updates to the Definitions so they align with changes to the Crisis Management Escalation Process;
Updated Policy hierarchy and included Appendix of all Specialist Recovery and Incident Management Plans;
Updates to the names of groups and committees to reflect current practice e.g., IAT change to CIMT; and,
Updates to roles and responsibilities to reflect the new roles of Incident Management Coordinator and Chief of Staff and changes to the responsibilities of the CIMT and CMT.
Updates to position titles and divisions to reflect recent organisational changes.